DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1903. X if t rr SKIN AND BLOOD PURIFICATION Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Resolvent Cleanse the Skin, Scalp and Biood Of Torturing, Disfiguring Hu mours with Loss of Hair WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS Thousands of the world's best peo ple have found Instant relief and speedy enre by the use of Cuticura lie solvent, Ointment and Soap In the most torturing and disfiguring of Itching, burning and scaly humours, eczemas, rashes, itchlngs and Inflammations. Thousands of tired, fretted moth ers, of ekln-tortnrcd and disfigured babies, of all ages and conditions, have certified to almost miraculous cures by the Cuticura remedies when the best medical skill had failed to re lieve, much less cure. Cuticura Treatment Is local and con stitutional complete and perfect, pure, sweet and wholesome. Bathe the affected surfaces with Cuticura Soap and hot water to cleanse the shin of crusts and scales and soften the thick ened cuticle, dry-without hard rubbing, and apply Cuticura Ointment freely to alky Itching, Irritation and Inflamma tion, and soothe and heal, and lastly take Cuticura Kesolvcut to cool and cleanse the blood, and put every func tion In a state of healthy activity. More great cures of simple, scrofu Iobs and hereditary humours are dally made by Cuticura remedies than by all other blood and skin remedies com bined, asingle set being often ufllclent to cure the most distressing cases when all else fails. Soil tirmjScat th wcrid. CutJenr RncfaU S. ftn term of C&oceUtc lulrd FUU. tx per Tul ef tf). (itmfit. S-, o.p. IV. DffctitXi-e4c3.SrCbi.nrr. M.t Piri. i Kb ! 1ft I u : Ltoa. YS CM Art. potter Pthj .l t sn 1 Trtv. Ht;. fer-SilaudDloal Purtleifaaa." Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. We Don't Keep Everything But we do keep a good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustle and Finish, in all grades. Also all kinds of Dimension Lumber, In cluding Lath and Shingles. Our stock of Oeors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes Is complete, and any one In need of Lumbtr v ill not be wrong In placing their order with the : : Cray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W; & C. R. Depot COMMERCIAL STABLES . M. FROOME, PROPRIETOR. orryalls for picnic parties. Good eMfl with competent drivers for raimercial men. Speedy horses and baaisome rigs for ovening and Sun day drives. Gentle horses for family nee. Stock boarded at reasonable rates, uest of care given to transient ex. upposite Hotel Tkone Main 161, Pendleton, i -VtALTMOBD iever corrodej. never weiu nor epan ; in fact never givej an trouble of any kind and it uied for ill cliuei of work. A very luperior covering for birru, fetorie depotj, canneries, tanneries, sheds and mining property. UU hi Waklci, t The Paraffine Paint Co. San Frsndico, Seattle, Portland, Los Anttles and Denvtr, Colorado. T. C. TAYLO .;, Age I M HUE IS ILL NOTED ORGANIZER OF THE LABORING MEN- I Born In Poverty and With a Education, He Became a Labor Leader and Was Once Scant G'eat In Par liament Organized ent Labor Party. the Ind-pend London, Sept. 4. News 01 the sir. ous Illness of Kolr Hardlo will bt re ceived with Interest in organic -c la bor circles In America, for, b the reason of his several visits tn i United States, his nam eis almos' n familiar In that country as on this side of the water. For severa: wih-Us he has lain at his London lodgli'i: too 111 to be romovod to his honu i Scotland. His death, which 1 a ed may be Imminent, undone ' v would leave n gap In the rar. .- c British trades unionists win- ' i would be ilinu-tik to fili. hov-pv'"-much public opinion may ho a- ia ance regarding the man hlms-l For years Mr. Hard! has u t a conspicuous place in tht pub! His followers speak of hin. greatest labor lender Eniriav produced. Those whose doctrit" - it" not coincide with his term i..n: u mere empty fraud, a blatl.": -:..t pure and simple. It is ovk'u-nt thai , one who draws forth such e r. ni--i of praise and vituperation must of ! necessity lie possessed of qualities j out or the ordinary. I Hardie is now uearing his fiftieth I year and has been identified with In i bor unions and socialistic propaganda i ever since he wag able to think far i hiniselt. ami he began to mink when I he was- a mere lad. " Born In a little ' v.llage in the mining region of Ayr . shire, he got a very scant education. ' and then had to go to work. Like his father and moat of his relatives he has been at work as a driver at the surface dumps of the coal mines. When he got older he went to work underground. He ear'y became im bued with the idea that the laborer was getting anything but justice. From the teachings ot his fellow -la-' borerF he became Interested in the i theory of socialism and began an est ' tensive course of reading. He had a ' natural faeilitv In speech a "gift o. nah" his onemles rail it and before he was 21 was one of the best nublic 1 sneakers in the reeion where he lived, Before" he was 25 years of age his sent in 20 subscriptions or more. Also , leadership in several strlKes had there were a number of cnsn prize? made his name well known in nil the on "tt "Bargain Day border mining regions and from there ! This advertisement was printed in , spread throughout the English labor-1 the country edition of The Dailv , ! ing world. But Hardie was not satis-' Journal not oftenor than twice a , fled with merely speaking of socialism week, twice in the weekly and twice 1 ' and talking of the things that might 1 n the semi-weekly. In all it appeared , ; be accomplished for and by the labor-. about a donen tinius. i Mhg classes. Legislation was the on-. Thv readerg of The Journal saw it ly means of bringing about the desir-1 and toU thelr (riemls. .lueir frionds ed reforms, and to legislation and Its , ln lurn ,oltl thelr riends and the , j attendant, practical politics, Mr. Har-, news wen, abroad, that the most thor-' die turned his attention. After study. ousniy up.to-date newspaper in Ore ! '"B the situation he organized the was offering subscriptions at a j Independent Labor party. The inde- j absurdly low. The people Jumi-1 , pendent labor party grew slowly in a, the offer Knowing that never ' I power until in 1S92 it was able to 1 asmm would tno. have sucn a caance elect Hardie to the house of commons ,lie. ouened their pocketbooks and , With their leader in the commons forthwith silver and gold and paper ' the members of the party hoped to Lean , pour ln on The Journal , nui-urr iiiut-ii. ukuui lauur (juitiua also were hopeful, and politicians , . Hardie's next move. I The first surprise came the day he ! took his seat. It is an unwritten law ! of the house of commons that each member shall wear a black frock coat and a silk hat. Mr. Hardie did not feel bound In any way by this rule and when hp annearerl he had on a coster's cap. and a greasy sack 1 ln thal display that attracted thous coat To say that he created a son-' anilB to the show window on Wash sation is to put it mildly. The old , ington and Fourth struets were money members were shocked at what seem-' orders and checks from every city, ed to them a sacrilegious trampling I ,owu and hamlet In Oregon, from upon tradition. But Mr. Hardie'6 fol-1 lowers were pleased Immensely i " . A Serious Mistake. ! E. C. DeWltt & Co. is the name of the firm who make the genuine Witch , Hazel Salve. DeWltt's Is the Wltcu I Hazel Salve, that heals without leav- ing a scar, it is a serious mistake toi usf- any other DeWltt's Witch Ha- if-: Salve cures blind, bleeding, itcn- In? and protruding plies, bums, I ruiscs. eczema and all skin diseases to t.y Taiiman & Co. -BARGAIN DAY" A SUCCESS. . Oregon Dally Journal Meets With ! Phenomenal Patronage. Heal money possesses certain at tractive nual.ties wherever n may be seen. There was plenty of it In Woodard. Clarke & Co.'s wlnrinv inst Sa'urday the returns from the Jour- Itt i",.ofter soM "0?oy.! " , , ,,i i.l . .""""-v omers to tne rrlgatlon stb. says the Salem and bills, with a bucketful of silver Journal. i,?nmS.B,,d,Brethrow.n,nforl Araons 100 otters received this for all nf fn re Y" "J00 morning was one from Governor He- ior an or it m the snac ous shower f tho f it. .u wlndow. so hundreds of the monov ! i. .1.- . . , iiiiii-i iiuii cnccHS nnii in h nnA. i " iiaiigings at the rear of the nf .window says the Oregon Dallv .w. ? nai -- - i , Al: fh.it mnna,. . ... i money renresented lust The ?ouareTh8l,MblC,2,,tl0r lV A" t"o express the earnest wish it laTnncnun?,6 ff Ho.w?w- the work boforH The prom neu daily. MmiirMkir ,, "i seml-weeklv and u-Mttir I .i. than fl.fMirt " Nil nAVBnann, 1 i I . --"fm 111 wiohun nug ever ! done anything like It before. No I 7b Day I I one To Morrow I The Largest Selling Brand of Cigars in the World. JH jj3Hi THE BAND IS THE SMOKER'S PROTCCTIOft I newspapi'i in the Northwest has evei had sut-li a day s- receipts. It was all the result of a month's advertising in The Journal. Everybody hag heard of bargain days at department stores, but who ever heard of a bargain day In news papers? The Journal thought of it and with The Journal to get a lues Is to put it into execution. p,,, ..1(1 U 'A IJUtr ttUICUIEVJUCill Wll? 1 inserter! in The .Tnnrnnl nnnimniinff 1 Il AS r , .. I that August 2S. "Bargain Day." Tne Journal would reduce its subscription ' prices to $2.of for the daily paper tor oin' year. ,0 cents for the sem weekly -and 5n cents for the weekly. f. n.lHri.in Ttw. T .......... I 1 it. iiniih Hill. 1 IH' UU111 11111 UUCICII prizes for the largest list of sub-; scrlbers sent In. These prizes amount i altosether to 'hKi and will be distrib-' .....j .. . , . . i . "e taouifliefl. Kookf and articles for ...n.rl. tfenn. CO .. 2 " personal use. I" were given away to everybody who To give an idea of the rate at which , subscriptions were coming In The i ,ui.auv u. "ii"a " l.ne. big I ,,J",U? ?r, umrk C- "f! r"elI,,s for the ?ln?le ua- August 28, the announced bargain day. And that display of the returns from the Journal's "Bargain Day" of-1 fer was a revelation to those who saw It. near' every bank in the state and representing every class of people that reads newspapers and knows a ' R0O(1 newspaper wh;n it sees on-;. ' 7 Thl result of The Journal'.': "Bar-' Pain Da'" Is testimonial of g-od 1 wU trom the neopU of th : Oregon ! i country to The Journal as a ne-spa. w ana an aaver.nmq mijdmin. as "Bargain Day" was c.xclusivelv nd yertlhed In The Journal, with the ex-' T option that The Journal's gem ous , contemporaries made riequent men I Hon of the novel idea, fir which The ! Journal is deeply ibligate:. WANT GOOD IRRIGATIONISTS. Utah People Warmly Urge Governor Chamberlain to Attend Convention. Governor Chamberlain is receiving urgent invitations to attend the Na tional Irrigation Congress at Ogden, Utah, and he is asked to address the ingress on some subject of interest nlir i ' o .w , . i, , 41.1- uuih was receiveii irom me otncr , tha ,h " "t: " ' rQ ! mc i-imiiiimu ui me executive committee, and still another from the mm - n - n.i l "1U governors visit when ' r" &,hs wure lnere. Lard is mat fat. th most economical ani- It WHY CROPS FAILED. Franklin County People Seeded in Careless Manner. "The great majority of the farmers of Franklin county sowed acres, not wheat, this season, and this in a 1 1 measure accounts tor tne poor y ieiu , ! In that county," says the Walla Waua 1 TT..I.... So Albert F. Chittenden, Whitman ! '03, accounts for the fact that the eld of wheat In FranK..n , , comity was eight Instead of 15 bush ' els per acre this year. Jlr. Clntten- uen and his brother have several sec- j tions of land 12 miles this side of , ...,, . i ...... . . ixaiiiuiur, nmLU itivj uciicir lu uv as fftioil nB fhp lnml nf Etirekn r "Whenever farmers cultivate the.r i i i. uA..i i. u in i.,. inmi ii niiuuiu iiT-. lur l u ij niu uv correspondingly large." continued , 1 .Mr. Chittenden. "On breaking and ...K., !,..! .,.1.1. .1. scratched over it Is preposterous to 13 lb C&tui Is Not Most iieople have an idea that rheumatism is contracted hito a coM, that the damp, chilly air penetrates the muscles and joints and causes th" te Mc achrs and pains, or that it is something like a skin disease to !r 'ubbecl awa with '. u ment or drawn out with plasters; but Rhuem.uism originates it: the blood an 1 1 caused by Urea, or Uric Acid, an irritating, corroding poison that set'.Ks in n.u cles, joints and nerves, proilucing inflammation and soreness and the sharp, cut- nv. pains peculiar to this distressing disease. Exposure to bad weather or sudden Bowllnir Green, Ky chilling of the body will hasten an at- ,-bouf ,a aR 1 T' ttekd bv a-.-uto tt- rpi, i, ' f. .i S j i rheumatism in my BhouldcrB, nrmi and tack ot Rheumatism ntter the blood and lets bolow the knee. J couid ! ruise my system are in the right condition for it "rru to comb my hair. 2 jctoin prescribed to develop, but have nothing to do with 'e "nih,f wlt2r'lt,(:,vi , V . t. ingmeanyreilot. IaawS S h.ad-eiliaed the real true causes of Rheumatism, and decided to try it. Immodiat-ly Iconi which are internal and not external. menced lt. use 1 Jolt be:ter. and reranrfcod LinimcnU, plasters and rubbine tomotherthatIwaacladIhadatla.ittound will snrnxIniM iwrlimn Inflow .rZr ome relief I continued itn use and am -111 sometimes reduco the infUmma- entirely woll. I will aiwnra tool Ueoply Hon and swelling and ease the pain for intr.tteri In the success oi S. a. B. since a time, but fail to relieve permanently u did mp 80 mueh good, because they do not reach the seat of 3,1 lath St- Ba. ALICE UORTOi; the trouble S S. S. cures Rheumatism because it attacks it in the blood, nhd as a blood purifier and an invigorating, pleasant tonic. Book on Rheumatism will be mailed free. TW" SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA. - H Tc Cat that Ate (Is Satisfied) 1 jjopwragga I lffllGPOwi; t gg A ONE POUND 25 CENTS With Coupon. --.. Have Yoor Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once Delay will lead to serious breaks. First-class work guaranteed by BECK, the Reliable Plumber. Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel to receive an nlmndar.' liar- vest " As to the pursistent rt-port 01 dis satisfaction among the farmers of Franklin county because of the short crop, .Mr. Chittenden said the effect of falluro was felt keenly by the ' farmers who came to the new conn- j try recently with barely sufficient means to make their way with tavor-' able conditions. These, he tbougnt, 1 would in some cases leave the coun-; try If they could sell out. I Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures chronic Blood Poisoning and all Serot inus affections. At all times a match less system tonic and purifier. Money refunded If you are dissatisfied. Flf- li' cents and $1.00 f!n rlrllrrfrlRtR F. W. Schm'dt & - ;, . Arc you going camping'' L' C Ra er . camp stools folding tabl"P and amp supplies a SKin sease. expect Di iuc unc aciu poison is m-uirauzeu. uie sluggisn cir culation stimulated and quickened, and soon the svs tem is purified and cleansed, the aching muscles am joints are relieved of all irritating matter and a last-tig cure of this ino pa.nf .1 u.:ear- eflected S. S. w ft. li.irmlc VRirffiKI TtMAr- ,t.,fi.,n11..l '''- . .f. . . the Canary t 4 i ilutsheis "Not In It" with the housewife who Um - - - CRESCENT Baking Powder T Heasonable In Cost Whrdewitne and Bweet A great Leavener t i Waltham Watchc t carried all oWr Ike ortd. They art the best and best knvssn Watches. Mechanical pre cision, perfect material and careful finish are the features that have made . W a I t h a m Watches the bestin the world. GLENN WINSLOW Jeweler-Optician 15 Ma r- St LET US FILL FOR LUMBER V, - Lai. suj'p.v c v Luiulir.t; Man ria, c' '.(-.criptiOns arni you money DOORS WINDOWS h u i 1dm r paper i.n cement, brick and sc Wood gutters (or iiarn and dwellings a sp- r:alt Oregon Lumber Yart Alta St., Opp. Court, House What Do You Eat? Tell us what vet ta ait we will tell t t. wl a you are. V holesoine. paiamt i appetizing, lug grji t groceries is what u will find in our stort at pr.ces that you will fin! hard to heat ICE 1 Wc keep nothing but natural ice. frozen Irom clear mountain water It farther and lasts longer artificial ice. All we ask unprejudiced trial of onr pun 4 pure, x goes 1 than is au hv Why not order a case of tli celebrated Schlitz, A. D. C. or Gambrinus for your Sunday dinner? 'Phone your order to Mutt 51 HENRY K0P1TTKE 1It h QOEES' HOTEL. Cl(n comfortable rooms from a'i (.cms up. NYwljr furnlcihefl throughout. Queen Chop llouif Id conneitd.n. Meals lit H tours. Only white help em ployed. Give us a trial. . Dally East Oregonlan by carrlf. only 15 cents a week. 1 K-(yJ 'c? ) fg I HAWLEY Bios. '.sat. ., "" u iha