East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 03, 1903, Image 5

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Mercerized Waistings and
F!eece-Back Fancies : : :
Arc the popular cotton fabrics for Fall.
Our line of Foreign and Domestic Novelties
is complete in every detail, and comprises
the latest designs in white, black, cream and
figured fancies Prices from
J2c to $t
Per Yard.
Would bo glad to show you our new Fall Goods
Comer Main and Alta
SSity Brcvitses
Set' Sharp for paper hanging.
Fresh fnilt dally at Martlu's.
Krr di ranch eggs at Kenilcr's.
Kor thi' host hroail, not Hohrman's.
Krosh llHh. game and poultry. Cas
tle's. Refrigerated meats. Schwartz &
Orcttllch Co.
New booUs arriving ilally at Fra
Elor's hook store.
Wanted Machinist mill moiildor at
Uh,y Clove Foundry.
Received dally. freHli taniales,
crabs- and crawfish at Oratz's.
Now four-in-hands, mldgots and ub
cot tlos at Thn Peoples Warohousu.
Don't lot cigars got tho best of you
get the beat or cigars. Uanlon's.
Ml Kinds of Imported and domestic
lunciie. and clam chowdor at Gratz's.
Wo have fruit jars and fruit jar
extras rubbers, covers, etc. It. Rohr
man rc you going camping? U C Ra
ior camp Htools. folding tables and
camp ..upplias.
1 p-t tho price right before I list
property Tbut Is why I sell so lnucii
of It I have some bargnius In both
city uml country property that can
not he equaled. 13. T. Wado & Son.
I'l'iulleton people nro loyal to Pen
dleton's business enterprises. That
is tho reason the Hoss Ice & Cold
Storage Company havo had to put on
vo wagons and then can scarcely
Handle the trade. Oivo us your or
dtu'B and we will taUo care of it if
wo havo to put on four times two
wagons 'Phono Main 1SS1.
m wmn I f mmmam 1
l lie Uright Nt-w Ideas
of the da .
Latest Creations of the
Jewelers Art.
You can always depend
on what you get at our
We never misrepresent
Nextiloor to K Alexander
Fresh fruits at Kemlcr's.
See Sharp's artistic wall paper.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's
If vou want u cab, call up Main
Got your clothes cleaned at Joer
gor's. For Rent A piano. Apply at this
Call up 'Phono Main 1S81 when you
want pure Ice.
Buy u fountain pen UiIh week at half
iirlco at Frazler's.
First-class waitress wanted at
Hotel Pendleton.
Flags, Hags, llaga, fie a dozen up.
For Labor Day. Nolf's.
Tr the Palm, 221 Court street,
.'or nuts, candies and fruits.
For prompt service, call up the Mc
Kay Cab Co., 'phone Mnin lfil.
Ml Prelerida,. the best cigar made,
u Reos' cigar store, Court street.
Get your ascot at The Peoples
Warehouse, new ones just received.
Goods that are right at prices that
ire right at Itader's furnUuro store.
Wanted Rooms for light house
keeping. Addioss "Raster," care this
Iluve your buggies painted by
Wilson & Carmine. 'Phono lilack
At and below cost nil summer, mil
linery, especially patterns. Mrs.
For Rent Two small houses, three
blocks east of Main street. Apply
at 13. O. office.
Spinners wanted; steady work. Ap
ply Oregon City Woolen Mills, Ore
gon City, Oregon.
Two pianos, slightly used. Great
bargains. Come quick. Inland Em
pire Piano House, near bridge.
Estimates given on house painting.
Work strictly (lrst-class. Wllsoii &
Carnilno, next door to Neaglo Bros.
Estimates given on short notice ou
painting and paper hanging. Charles
Lane, the pioneer painter, 807 Vin
cent street.
Good moat In suiumor must be
taken care of. That's the kind you
set at Houser's, Alta street, opposite
Savings Bank,
Mr. Silas H. Soule, the export plan') ,
tuner from Soulo Bros., of Portland,
will bo in Pendleton this week. I,cnvo j
orders at Tallmnn & Co.'s drug store.
Puro crystal ico don't cost any
moro than inferior Ice, nnd is so
much cleaner and more hoalthful.
Phone Mnln 1881.
Tho ladles of the Christian church
will serve a chicken dinner and sup
por at tho church on Labor Day.
Price, 25 cents. Ico cioam and cake,
10 cents.
Tho II. S. & M. clothing for this
fall has arrived. Did you ovor wear
a Hart. Schnoffor & Marx suit? If
not, did you over examine or try ono
on? Tho Peoples Warehouse would
bo moro than pleased to havo you
como in and see them.
Mrs. G. W. Phelps, of Heppnor, is
in tho city tue guest of friends.
Mrs. J. W. Arrasmlth, of voifax, Is
tho guest of Pendleton friends.
Colonel E. D. Boyd, who is still In
Portland, Is improving in health.
Mrs. W. S. Honing, of Athena, was
tho guest of Pendleton friends today.
Mrs. II. C. Minnls and family arc
visiting for a few weeks in Butte,
Mrs. M. Kalmback, of La Grande,
was tho guest of friends In the city
Miss Nettie Howe, of Pilot Rock,
is visiting friends for a fow days in
the city.
E. J. Arnold, of the Arnold Carni
val Shows, left for Portland this
Mrs. M. 1). Matzlcr. of Hoppncr,
was the guest of friends In tho city
Mrs. E. Walters, of La Grande, is
In the city the guest of ber mother,
Mrs. S. Kolb.
Mrs. M. E. Bennor, of La Grande,
is in tho city the guest of frlonds
for a fow days.
Mrs. M. McDowell, ot Spokane, is
iho guest of Mrs. S. Kolb. or this city
for a fow days.
Mrs. S. Kolb loft this morning ior
Portland, wheie she will be tne guest
of frlonds for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Shurti, of Arl
ington, are in the city for n short
time, the guests of lrlends.
Mrs. C. E. Simonds nnd daughter.
Miss Florence Simonds, of Ililgard.
are the guests of friends in the city.
W. II. Roach returned yosterday
morning from Lehman Springs,
where he has been for the past 10
days for his vacation.
W. A. Dyal, now of Spokane, but a
former Pondletonian, came down
from La Grande this morning and
will visit ills friends in tho city for a
short time.
W. W. Hodge, who has been in tho
moulding room at tho Rlgby-Clove
foundry for Eome time, will lcavo the
city this evening for San Francisco,
wbcro ho will make his future homo.
Dr. Harry Modernach has arrived
in tho city from Portland and will
visit his parents here until Sunday,
when he will leave tor Chicago to fur
ther pursue his studies in the field
of medicine.
Editor Pacific Advocate Will Prc-:.t.li
Tomorrow Night.
Rev, W. H. Vaughn, editor of the
San Francisco Pacific Advocate, will
bo in the city tomorrow and will
preach in the M. E. Church, South,
Friday evening at 8 o'clock.'
Rev. Vaughn is a speaker of na
tional renown, and all who fall to
hear him will miss a rare treat.
Everybody Is cordially invited to
come out and hear him. Passing
through the city ou business, Rev.
Vaughn Iihh kindly consented to give
us ills service ono night. We bo
i.poak ior him a latgo auJieiice
Where Is J. A, Mosher?
The city recorder, Thomas FItz
Gornld has received a letter from P.
West, of Sumas, Wash., asking as to
the whereabouts of J. A. .Mosher. The
man wanted is reputed to havo been
bossing a crew on tho railroad in tho
vicinity of this city about a year ago,
and was the section boss at tho town
of Sumas lor a time. Any Informa
tion that would lead to the location
o!' tho man will be thankful! receiv
ed by Mr. Webt.
New Shipment of Turkey
and Ostrich Dusters
to inch Turkey, ioo feathers special 35c. 14 inch Tur
key, 100 feathers speciil 50c. 12 inch carriage duster 120 tail
feathers, special 75c. 8 inch parlor duster (Ostrich,) special
$1.25. Sisil duster for removing dirt from furniture special 50c.
Our Ice Cream will please you. If you ever had any
better ours wont cost you a cent. We will kt you he the judge.
in nleps tVnin Main St ! )(. toward tho Court llouto
A Little Early Riser.
It. 11. Conuery. who Is traveling for
other people's Health, being the
Western representative of E. C. Do
Witt Co.. manufacturers of De
Witt's Little Early Risers and Kodol.
was In the city yesterday and replen
ished the stock of the local dealers,
and arranged for promoting publicity
of the standard lemedles his "ompany
Water Commission Me"ts.
The water commission met In ihe
ofllco of the superintendent of tho
water company yesterday afternoon,
and transacted the usual routiuo bus
iness of tho month. The bills of the
month weie audited and allowed.
Messrs. Ciopton, Cohen, J. T. Brown
and William Jones wore present.
Bowman Building Begun.
Tho workmen havo stalled the
louudatiou work on the Purl Bowman
building and as mioii us thai has
beon finished tho brick work will
commence and the structure hurried
through to completion.
Real Estate Transfers.
Rlhorn & Swaggart havo sold to
Miss Ida Boyd, lot 9 in block 105,
reservation addition, for Tom Keller,
Consideration $1,000 and also lot 10
In block 273, to J. M. Swaggart. for
The Merchants' Cafe.
Keeps constantly on hand Import
ed lieberwui'Bt, Frankfurters, Hum
burg eels, crawfish, crabs, oysters,
all kinds or cheese. Hot merchants'
lunch dally from 11:30 u. 111. to 2 p. m.
It Pays to Ttade at
Great attention Irs been paid towards securing
the goods for our fall trade and you can come to oir store
with absolute RELIANCE that the gooch offered for your
inspection arc the newest and m st modern to he hand.
ses$ Goods
Xibelines In Stripes, Checks, Plaids and
plain colors.
Etamines Voiles, London Twine, Shark
Skin, and niimcatis other fabrics for
the Fashionable Fall Dresser.
Entirely new ideas 111 Props, Spangles,
Clutiy Laces, unusually popular for
their hands-nine eiletts
Alercerized Fail Waistings
Every Novelty in colored an 1 black
Effects to bo lound on our counters.
Ladies Kid Gloves
Latest shades in colors and sues. Fall
Introductory Price (JS J-
26 in. Pareyon Frame, Gloria or Victoria
covering, Peail, Oxyduod Silver or
Gold Handles, Fall Introductory price
1 MO
Outfitters for Women and Men.
Salem, Ore., September 14 to 20. 1903.
For the above occasion, the O. R. &
N. makes a rate of $11 .:tf for tho
round trip. Dates of sale, September
11th. 14th and 17th. Unlit tickets
sold, September 11th to expire Sep
tember Kith. Those sold September
11th to expire September 1'Jth, and
those sold September 17th to expire
September 22d. 1903. For further
particulars, call on or artdiess F F
Wumsley. agent O. R. & N. Co.
s -hhi aiAi " r r "& r t-' sr
111 1 h i 1 11 11 1 1
?:j Big Shipment of Dolls
I Now on Sale
Tents camp stoves, camp stools.
-c at Rader's Furniture store.
What Kind of
Feet Have You
If they ah' narrow or low
Instep or high Instep or wide
and short, tlat and broad, or If
you have corns or bunions or
ingrowing toe nails, or toe In
or 100 out why to be properly
shod you mubt certainly con
sult tlir doctor of shoos In the
shoo parlor of the Hoston Store.
Here will bo told to you all
tho truths about good shoos,
How to buy the easy fooling,
good wearing, fine appearing,
and purse opening shoos. Re
member that our shoes save In
stocking wear.
When we tell you we have
the largest stock of shoos to
sell men and women at i.G0 to
$3.50. wo nro stating a fact easy
to prove. That's why It pays to
Inspect our shoe department
when In need of shoes for any
of the family
Kid nny
nil stylos
of Doll
was our
Lino ho
' lunty Dishes, Vnscs, etc., .1 llcciu-
llliil I ino io Select from
il(.j, first I
jt cra.e :g
1 m Howl and Pitcher al
1: quality that wiM not
S $1 1!)
Full Line of School Hooks and
it School Supplies I
Bear tills In mind when you j
nerd poultry and stock supplies 1
and ask for tho International !
Poultry and Stock Food. Use
Kow Kurt' for your cow trou- J
C. F. Golesworthy j
127-129 Kast Alia St. .
Agent for Lee's Lice Killer
We Can Mend It
Wo have purchased tho Wlthoo
lllcyclo ami Repair Shop ami
nro prepared to make ijulek ro.
pairs and giiarautco our work.
Wo repair blcycloB, sewing ma.
chlnus and othor light machin
ery, do brazing and other re
pairing. We aro agents for
three makes of wheels that
have mot tho test ami proved
tlmlr worth. They are
It you nro going to buy it
wheel, como around uml look
at our whcols before you pur
ehuso your wheel.
Gordnn & Edmisten
Rigby-Clove Mfg.!
Manufacturers of the
Kigby-Qovc Combined
Repairs for all kinds of
Faini Machinery
Foundry Work a Speoialty
Cash paid for old castings
Babbit Metal, best in the world, in
byre. Price, $1 per bar, at the East
Rest shoe work at Teutsch's.
wivyviiiuii w i i v