r--r-nt nncnnM urnucetilV BPPTEMBER 2. 1903 DAILY EAST OREGOMftlN, rLmJUCn ' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, ' : 4. .;-..!..'. -i---S---!--!-"-i---!-' t Mothin Better., In Men's shoes than t ROCK OAK SOLE J a pair t COUNCIL iEETIi - THE REGULAR MONTHLY BILLS WERE ALLOWED. Hose Company No. 4 Wants More Hose Fire Chief Wltliee Will Be Delegate to Olympla Two Miles of Sewer Has QCen Laid and All the Piping Has Arrived, . .. . . ,1... .... 1,t.. I lllg at tilt' 110101 I'UIHIIUIUII, usi umi just came above lier piaie, nun the little laily had travcieci an nm P.imona. Cal.. to Portland from there Is going to spouane, where her mother Is residing. 1 Edna has been living with rein- O. R fives In the California city for some ( time, having boon loft there by her mntlmr wlm Is .1 widow, until .iat lady could go to Spokane, where she Ng)t 0pcratoP alld Ticket Agent II RIFLED THE TILL a N. TICKET OFFICE WAS ROBBED. had friends, and arrange for a homo for herself and child. After some months the time came when Mrs. Krauts', was able to have her girl come to her, and she sent to her tho money for the trip. The aunt In California bougnt 1110 Both Absent at the Time Nothing Ml3slng Except the Cash in the Till Only One Clue, and That Is Very Slight. In The Laundry Simply washing clothes with ordl. Last night was hill night at the j Ucl.et mill putting a tag on the little luuiiuu imuuuuk, mm umi hub uii that forced the city fathers together Box Calf Vfci, Valour, Cor dovan and Calf. All the new shapes Dindingcr, Wil son & Company ' Phone, Main i iSi GOOD SHOES CHEAP. RAMBOUILLET RAMS. Cunningham Has Sold Forty Head to The Dalles. Charles Cunningham has sold to John Oglesby, of The Dalles, 10 head of his famous Kaniboulllot rams from his Pilot Hock farm. The rams are all of them younc. and brought Slii a head. Mr. Cunningham has made month several sales this season and is well pleased with the success ho has had wjth his blooded sheep so far. The sheepmen of the country nro fast coming to tho vlow that tho high er the grade tho better tho success, and thoy are looking to the best place thoy can find where thoy will be able to got stock that they will be stiro Is good. It will not bo long until the mongrel bred sheep will bo a thing of the past and all of the ranges of Umatilla county will be covered with high-grade stock. In meeting, for most of them wanted to go to the show, and most of them did go, for they finished the business in short order. Tho only business of Importance that was on the program was tho al lowance of the monthly bills, as follows: Fobert Forster, $354.91); J. II. Means, street commissioner, S218.S5; A. J. llean, $22.70; M. 13. Keos, $7.92; L. 0. Frazler, $11.25; Turner Trans fer Company, $3; Light & Power Company, $297; E. K. and C. J I!a ker, $1; W. II. Wlthee, $2; John 1). Drown, S2; James Thompson, $2; Geary Kimbrell, $12.50; Pendleton Tribune, $35; Carl. Churchill, $C; E. .1. Murphy, $2: Water Company. $50; V. S. Wells, $C0O; Crane & Co., $10. S0; Hobach Urothers, $3. The council allowed tho fire chief, W. It. Wlthee, $50 for tho expenses of a trip to Olympla as a delegate to tho Northwest Association of Fire Chiefs, which will meet In that city in the near future, and tho chief was given permission to go as a delegate from this city and represent me Pen dleton fire department. Tho report of O. N. Miller, the city engineer who has charge of tho sew er construction work, was received. The work ot construction for the last lias cost $S.4U.07. which Last evening the olllce of the O. It. N. ticket ofllco was broken Into girl which told her destination ami tllc, tl. ri)UCU or sin.so. L 1 name, placed the little passenger In orry t1G nKht operator, had charge the care of tho conductor nad start- of tlc oIlln, nt tne tmei nmi mvlng cd her on tho long Journey. After ccas0I1 to conmiunlcato with tho changes In San Francisco, Edna .... nf .. RWitchlnir denartmont. 1 cached Portland, where she was (,ft ,(lc omcc ful. a n,mlt0 nnd when tauen In chnrge by he matron or mo 10 rotllrncj the till hnd been opened Hoys' and airs- Aid Society until her nm, tho moll0. taken, train was ready to stnrt. Tho girl I( I W(Jf( t10 ticket agent, had was put in the care of Conductor Co- ,10PM j,-, tno n(Ilco ,,n tho ovonlug man. who watched over hor on the ni)r.ng on i,s monthly report, but trip up tho river nnd took her to the ,m(1 sfcm,cil out j,lst ns tho other hotel when tho train reacaed this m;ui iet am, ln tho .,uscm.0 f both city. After having breakfaRt, tho 0. icm tlR1 (lceil wn8 ,,onc kindly conductor put his charge 01 An ,ron shof )I!lci;ot Was used to the Spokane train, and sent her on Bn cntraco nlo tho till, but it Is to tne nioiuer. wno is immune .- mU i.nmvn i,mv the m0 ,;nt into the I olllce. for the door had been closed 1 when the man left. The till was, I bioken in the efforts of tho men to 1 get nt tho contents. T110 cabinet 1 holding tho tickets was also broken Into, but none of tho tickets wore of No. 5 this morning, containing two rnmnnnlos of tho Notional Ounrd from linker City nnd La Granuu, on their way to Oearhnrt Park to nttond tho niiuunl encampment which will be held nt Hint plnco this year. Tho boys In tholr kbnkl unliorms, made a pleasing sight as they swarmed over the platform, and reminded 0110 t of the stirring times not long ngo, when tho trains woro nil crowded ' with boys of tho state, not bound on a pleasure trip, but to n far country ,mry ,, nIla Wntur may make them in defense of tho Hag of tholr conn- . . , ... not ,estroy th tr Roy Alexander was one of the I.u ! seen microbes of illsenso which got Oiando company and will go with Into clothes unknown nmi unseen to them to the encampment. s. The use of Lifebuoy Soap will . .TZ Z j not only thoroughly cloaiiBo clothes, A M. Snyder Returned. . ... ., ' A. it.' Snyder, of the Spokesman, hut also tree them from tho seeds of Hoviow, is homo ngaln from a couple , Infection. Lifebuoy purifies, illsin- or three weeks spent In Walla Walla tPC.B perfectly while It cleanses. It at the head of tho Union. He will . iorfection now tako 1111 his old work as tho man- ' 1 nger or the Hlun Moiintnln service of the Review. FOIt HALK BY Hlanch Iiolnnd, of San Francisco, was fatally stabbed Tuesday by Matthew J. Thumns, a fresco paint er, because she failed to return his nffectlons. OWL TEA HOUSE DONT KOKOHT hAnuit I),vY arrival In that city. WANTS A DIVORCE. Plaintiff Also Asks Care and Custo dy of The Children. draco Hudspeth, through her nttor taken. The work was quickly done, and ney. Will M. Peterson; lias filed in there are no clues that wlh definitely the office of the county clerk an ae-1 point the blame In any one direc tion for divorce against her husband, tion. In the till there was a $5 gold Hobert Hudspeth. piece nnd a $5 bill, and shortly after The plaintiff alleges In her com-; tno robbery took place and before it plaint that she and the defendant ; was known on the outside, 11 man woro married at Athena, November came Into the St. George restaurant 1C. 1S90. and that over since that and asked for a $10 gold piece in ex abuse on the part of tho defendant. ' change for a bill and some gold. The a good and dutiful wife. There mo j money was given him and he left tho three children the fruit of tho union place' but whether or 1101 tho men .Mabel, aged 12. I.ophey. aged 10, in the restaurant know him is not at and drover, aged 9. the latter being this time known. Other than that in tho custody of tho defendant. faint clue the police have notnlng on Cruel and Inhuman treatment is which to work. The inside of the the plea of the plaintiff, who alleges till was found back of the round- i amount was ordered to he paid. The engineer reported tuat there h been about two miles of the sower laid up to thlb time, and that all or the nine for Hih wnrl: bnil rnnin nmi was ready for use as fast as the work n co,irso of varied and unnatural house by one of the workmen this could bo done Hose company Bie GUT PRICES WE ARE STILL SLASHING PRICES In all departments of our big store As heretofore, you will find our prices much less on reliable niorehnndlse than elsewhere. Our largely increas ed sales over former seasons satisfies lib the people are Icnrnlng this fact. We shall continue In do nil we can to merit the good will nnd patronugc of the nian customers we now hnve and hope also l add many new ones. Any goods bought ni our store "not satis lifiory." returned in good condition, the mom will Ik promptly returned ui all times No. 4 asked the abuse on the part of the defendant morning. ami aai:s tno court tor a divorce dls- council for 5flo 'teot of hose and the I folvinK the bonds of matrimony now Will Visit at Wilbur. Mrs. M. J. Holman and .Mrs. Smith, ot Adams, loft this morning for Wil bur, whore thoy will visit with their father, IJ. J. amble, of that city, Mrs. Holman Is tho mother of Mrs. D. J. McFaul, of this city, and Is long past the meridian of life, and Airs. Smith was a girl with her at tho time In tho past. Thoy are now going to visit with their father, who Is one of tho oldest men In the county, and per haps In tho state. While In this city tho ladles were tho guests of Dr. and Mrs. McFaul. Of 1,200 locomotives In use in Jap an, 500 are American mado, ( Toilet Daintiness Who Is It that does not an- ircclato a sweet, delicate odor. T especially of the dainty, last- ius mum wu navo tno largest lino of Imported and domestic T perfumes In Eastern Oregon. Z A few of our leading Imported odors are: m zurea, ua Tretle, reau cr tspagne, Violette de Parme, Indian Hay. And many more of tho samo quality In b-ilk as well as in fancy packages, manor was reierred to tno lire com mittee, and tile lire chief, witli power to act. Policeman Tumor asked for a va cation and the petition was granted, and lie was allowed a month off with out pay, A communication waB read 11 0111 I. L. Ilerry. one of tho Quaker doc tors, now at Baker City. In relation to the license that the cliy asks 01' them for the privilege ot showing In this city. The doctor Is willing to pay $10 a day and pay a month in advance for the good of the people, but he thlnsk that tho ordinance is excessive In Its demands, and reluses to pay what the city asks. Ho says that bo will "work the city" anyway, but would lie to do It, wituout too much cutting of the profits of tho fleecing No action was taken in re gard to the letter. The council adjourned after listen ing to the reading of the letter from the Haker City man. in existence, and awarding to tho care and custody of the plaintiff the minor children, the Issue of the marriage. TO GEARHART PARK. rrngirarrnr:iirsTHVt;ry Truly YourGiCUlgonezzasKS ST. JOE STORE Two Companies of the National I SI Guard Accompanied by a Pendle ton Doy. Two cars were attached to the end SICK HEAOAC'E Engineers Refuse to Take Risk. Yesterday afternoon Engineers Oli ver. Diefson and .lett, or the O. 11. & N.. were discharged at La (jrando because thev refused to en out when called, on engine 3(10, one of tho , Indigestion Dyspepsia, Constipation, freight compounds, for the reason Bllliousness, Heartburn or Nausea that they considered the boiler un-1 "n be quickly cured It you will only safe. Since the explosion of the ' take Hostetter's Stomach Hitters nt boiler at Weatherby, last Friday, tho "'e first symptom. There can bo no men have been more or less nervous, disappointment, beeauso It contains mid fear that the accident will be re- 'lly thoso Ingredients ns will peati'il on some of the engines which strengthen tho stomach and euro have been leaking badly. Engineers 'heso ailments. Wo urge you to try Allen nnd Nick Illover wero also I the next timo your stomach gets called for the samo engine, but were ' ut of order. Tho genuine must unable to go on account of sickness, j have our Private Stamp on neck of Prepare to Celebrate POLICE COURT. and Three Drunk and Disorderlies One Dispenser of Whiskey. T. Davis, a transient, was also up before the city court for tho crime or being drunk, and was fined $5; but as lie had not the money he will he the guest of the city for threo days. Wild Hill, an Indian, found some firewater some place In the city, and took too much of It, and as a result loft $5 in the core of the city Judge, which amount he has not as yet been mound to claim. J. It. Franklin, an old offendur, was caught passing whiskey into tho city Jail, and was given 15 days in which to discover the error of his ways. Greatorex-North. On Tuesday evening, September 1, at S o'clock, in the parlors of :he Hotel Eastern. .Mr. llurton It Xorh and .Miss Inelln M dentonix wer united In the holy bonds of matri mony. Row K. II. Jones officiating. Tho bride and groom 1110 both resi dents of Milton, and expect to make their future homo there. The wed ding was very quiet and Informal, mere being present only a few rela tives and friends of tho contracting parties. The wedding party will re main at tho Hotol Eastern until to morrow, when they will return to .Milton. bottle. HOSTETTER'S STONACH BITTERS September 7 Dress tip, some, and got a snit, hat, overcoat, sW, undenvuar and all the reseat THE BEST FOR THE BOWELS big ronton STORE POMONA TO SPOKANE, TALLMAN & CO, Lenclhif,' Druggists M-W"H"MM. ! "I'll 'N' Very Little Girl Makes a Long Jour ney Alone. This morning, when Conductor E. . H. Coinan came in with tho morning train trom Portland, ho had with h in and under his care u little passenger, perhaps the youngest that has mado the trip for some time nlono. Edna J-rnntz was the namo of tho little girl and sho was so small that when alio sat at tho breakfast table this mom NOT GOOD, NOT HERE They Lead the Procession The popularity ot Swift's products among all classes Is very largely duo to tho absolutely clean and hygienic coidltions un der which each carcass Is dressed, and tho moat and tho food pro ducts prepared and Inspected. This is particularly true ot S v ft's Premium Hnm and Bacon. Fiom the sleek, corn-fed hogs In tho ISHm" 80 .ecte!' ,,ams !,ml bacml la t'10 smokehouse.; m S "n ll.0XPrt Inspection by the U. S. government, and, lastly W wra,P'?1 in Parchment paper, each stop the evolu Z tiZ ifg" ttvMK 1,ro,ll,cts 19 a r Thresh in the Nez Perce, W. W. Olllette, of this city, will move his threshing outfit to the Noz Perce country this evening, over the W. & C. It. During the season .Mr. (iillcttc has been hnsv In Milu t.ni-r !nr ).. ....int.... I ...... .i... i vest here Is over ho will take advan tage of the lateness of tho season In the othor section and will go there for the rest of tho harvest. Hesldes tho machine, tho crew necessary to run It will go at the samo time. It you linri-n't a mrnlnr, healthy moremrnt of the howvu uvvrv Uny, luu'u III or will lc. Ktep youi tut!aocii, mlbn well, fcurci-.ln tho itiapeor ylo 1 rnrrhTilaurilll pol-.n,i itMiiriroiie. Tl.o Flnooth I .-loir auj 3v" CANDY CATHARTIC Wt-tra r"s jtt r. K T -, f EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Pleasant, 1'alnlaHe l'olent Tuato "ioyl. InOooi NtTr SicLtti, Wu.iUen r Url, lt,u, and 60 centi wr ox Wilt-! for treo oatiiiilc. ami IiooUlet oc jojIUi, AU'Jtcia 133 mmx nhxriiv innritv, miiico.r v& toiu. KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN Will Visit at Spokane. John Kelly, of tho O. It, & N ac companied hv his slxtr.r Ml Kelly, of .Minneapolis, left this morn-1 luff for Spokane, whero they will be the guests of relatives and Menus J for a short time. After .Mr. Kelly nns J visited during his vacation timo In J tho Washington city, ho will return hero to his position on the road, ami his sister will return to her home in tho East. 3- - I New Store and J NOT GOOD, NOT HERE At Shields' Park, In splto of a strong counter attrac tion Inst night, tho mirk had Mm usual largo attendance. a omeil v wool; Is being greatly enjoyed by tho patrons of this popular resort. Tho members this week ni 'O milisnnllv good and tho special features ar ranged for Thursday night, as nma. tour night, should not bo forgotten. I . Reservation Lots Sold. N Howland has sold to tho Pen dleton Savings Dank for $1,700 lots f". and 7 hi block 5, In tho reserva tion addition to Pendleton, tho snmo 1 elng subject to a mortnairn nf tonn blven n lavor of Thomas Mllurkoy, 1 of Ibis city. New Goods Wo carry a completo lino ot men's up-to-date furnishing goods, Fop Instnnco, Cooper's all wool underwear, silver col ars, 2 for 25c, nnd neckties, the finest you over saw, from 25c to $1 each, Suits, overcoats, trousers, fancy vests, mado to order, and wo guaranteo a noi-fent ot Como and soo us. You will find X us at un Main street, near St. (3eorgo Hotol. SULLIVAN BOND Union Store Shields' Park A HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE SHOW Provides an evening of rare enjoyment Good, clean, wholesome fun. Not a dull minute. MAIN STREET Near O. R. & N. Depot Admission, 20c Children, 10c i A-J Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once Delay will lead to serious breaks. iMrst-clnss work guaranteed by BECK, the Reliable Pfomber. Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel J9k