East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 02, 1903, Image 6

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J Pay as J
1 Much I
B for an inferior beer ?
H Schlitz beer coin twice B
what common beer coiti JH
in the brewing. Onc-hilf
pari for the product; the
other half for its purity. Hi
One-half is spent in
cleanliness, in filtering even
the air that touches it, in
mwM filtering the beer, in iter
mWM ilizing every bottle. And Wm
mwM it pays the cost of aging
the beer for months before
mwM we deliver it. jH
If you ask for Schlitz Wmfi
UM you get purity and age,
Uf you pay no more than WK
H beer costs without them. WM
Aiifrrthe WM
H BrexiTj Bsttlinz WM
Phone 51 Main, H
H Kopittke WM
WM 507 Main St., Pendleton BE
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
We Don't Keep Everything
But we do keep a good big
stock of nice dry Flooring.
Celling, Rustic and Finish,
In all grades. Also all kinds
of Dimension Lumber, In
eluding Lath and Shingles,
Pur 3tgeK of Doors, Win-
' dowt, Moulding. Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxes is complete, and any
one In need of Lumbtr will
not be wrong In placing
their order with the : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. W. & C. R. Depot
Carryalls for picnic parties. Good
teunis with competent drivers for
commercial men. Speedy horses and
kandsome rigs for evening and Sun
day drives. Gentle horses for family
use. Stock boarded at reasonable
rates. Best of care given to transient
stock. Opposite Hotel Pendleton
Tfcone Main 1C1.
Made of felt, thor
oughly saturated with
PbcB compound. Not
impaired by varying
temperatures. Does
not evaporate, crack,
expand or contract.
A low priced reefing that can
not be equaled. s4 kr booi.ti-
The Paraffinc Paint Co.
5 San FrandKo, S4lil,
Portland, lot Anjlu
ana ucnvtr, LO.'o.Mdo.
T. C. TAYLOR, Agent
People Must Retain the Remainder
of the Idle Land or It Will Go Into
the Hands of Speculators Home,
steaders Should Get the Benefit of
Land Yet Vacant.
Among the very bit: things in Cali
fornia Is the greatest irrigated farm
in the world It consists of 40O.un
or the best In California wntch lanes
its rise in the righest peaks of the
Sierra Nevada. Without the nee of
this stream the estate would be a
desert With It. the property is con
verted into a paradise.
The land Is fertile almost beyond
belief, for it is a delta which the
stream hns bwo building for ages
Here are wonderful fields of alfala
yi- iding flvf or six crops ever)' sea
son and furnishing rich pasturage
!"-3ldi Here are vineyards bearing
'Ik famous raisins and wine grapes
ii' "in- San Joaquin valley.
ar' or hards laden each
Anrt horo I
year with I
usUuus peaches, nectarines, and
I run- - and other orchards of al
monds aid walnuts Oranges are
nnr p-odured in commercial quantl
. - iu' art- fount! in the dooryards
w, b tin other rlrh offerings of the
semi-tropical climate It Is literally
a lam! flowing with milk and honey."
mu tins greatest irrigated farm in
le world is now a private eBtate? I
.i onl a tew years ago every
. c o: ttiis opulent soil, together
v-i l.
the pr-'.ious stream which
It belonged to the people of
Vni'ed States. The soil, the
v.ater the mountains, the forests ami ,
- melting snows whirh lie In their '
we all of these formed a part ,
heriiagt of your children and
acres, nearly all of which Is under
actual cultivation. ; These burning questions can l
. . ...... .vnd8it no lonsrer. When congress I
flowing tnrougn tne neart o: mis t " aln thev must be answer
vas property is a splendid river-one BfaJ" a V While we arc taU
mme ' the Walla Walla Union. Although u-
Carved Out of the Public Domain. ! is able to put up the bonds he r
Now. then, did all this land and , uiained in Jail yesterday. The war-
'.i r pass into private ownership? rant for his arrest was sworn out yes-
The thing was done by means of the terday by his wife.
i- oaterous land laws of the United It is alleged Withers was drunk
States. It is strange that these laws
v re ever placed uuon the statute
i ooks stranger yet that thus far i
."rey defy all efforts to effect their re-
real. No one ever dared to go before
ongress and respectfully request the .
passage of a bill entitled, "An act to
, enable rich men and corporations to
acquire lordly estates from the public
domain." Of course, no one would
think of proceeding in precisely that
What is actually done Is to ask con-
Economy Brand
Evaporated Cream
A delxaey temptine to the most fastidious palate. Gives coffee
that nsn taste that is seldom obtained by using ordinary cream and
which is sought and rebshed by all ceffee drinkers. It is also unsur
passed for all cooking purposes and as an Infant Feed. We produce
ninety per cent of al. Evaporated Cream used in the whole world and
guarantee eve' car Am Evaporated Cream beannr eur can !,,!
repreduoed herewith, can be
sf "u '" appcuzing.
orands and vcu will see
mc iuy ianei oeiore you ouy
Highland, Illinois.
F !' Cloptor. s A Neberr
1 Yinint-r & sor Mis Shut...
Tents h Ka.-t Oreconian Pm r
" .J I,r fMM fias all the good
til: marline "M lt "as
thareduptr,or,1o7herIInaDK;srnV,me 0" ,hnt " hS 10
?4i Mam
press tr assist them In making
"homes for the homeless and in furn
ishing land to (he landless." And the
method proposed is the notorious des
ert land law This was a fraud and
a humbug from Its inception. It is
n sort of anaesthetic administered to
the people to put them to sleep while
some millions of acres are painlessly
amputated from the public domain.
The great issue of the hour Is this
Shall we have on the remainder o;
the public domain the land monopo
list or the multitude of small propri
etor? Shall we have the two lam;
lies or the 10.000? Shall we give the I
pnblU domain away, or shall we put
it Into the hands of those who clam
it as a birthright of those who win
build tholr homes upon it and use r
irn. niirii i the lnntiR are be'r.i. a I
sorbed by those who know the:r va'uc '
only too "well and who propose tn s . ,
thorn at enormous profits to tnc re a
homomnkors. or to hold them as gr
private estates.
In his last message the prrsldcn' I
urges the repeal of the desert lan
law, of the commutation clause o; th ,
homestead law, and of the timber nn
stone act. But this great nieastKt o
reform did not even get out of t
committee room of the houst of rc . re-
sontatives. And it will never pass cx
cept at the behest of an impe -lous
and irresistible public opinion, t-vcy
patriotic American should lend u.s
voice and influence to the making o
such a public opinion before centre
meets atrain.
Old Resident of Walla Walla Accused
of Terrorizing His Wife.
Because he chased his wife ou' o
the house late Saturday r.kl - a
it 1c rillm-eri tried to kill tier Wl.h a
bi5; butcher "knife. A. J. Withers at
old resident of College I'ia e. va
yesterday placed under $l.w" bunu-
Icon tht nanne fnr Rlv mnnflis
when the affair happened Saturday
night and in his rage, it is
charged. '
would have committed murder naa
not neighbors, attracted by Mrs
Withers screams came to her rescue
Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures
chronic Blood Poisoning and all Scrof
ulus affections. At all times a match
less system tonic and purifier. Money
31 tonic and purifier. .Money i
if vou are dissatisfied Flf-
nd'Sl.00. F. W. Schmidt & i
ty cents and
Co., druggists,
Cream of Society
depended on as the purest, rieh-
compare it with the ether
that it is superior to alL See
W McComas, Rlgby-C. ve Mfg
. iimium iimian Agency, u&
1 I." uh,.t..M rr.1 . . r. .
features of other tm
a ,abulat" '8 a part of
' hulld tholr homes upon It and use r
.. !,., ...... r tholr nhllflrnn? I
l) The Smoke of the lr $m
i remo I
Covers the Country
ICremo Cigar has spread from M
man to man; from town to town; ftfzjf) w
from state to M
mSA' The Larest seinns I 1
JSMMVP Brand of Cigars if 1
mm jtakldk in the World. mm
mm y" The Band Is the Smoker's Protection. H !
MmmmmmmmmmZZmM- I
What Trib Has Done for Others It
Will Do for You.
"Big Lew' Foster i owner of mail'
raee tKimt-s anu known a:l ove- t11E
Paeitir Coast writes on July ie ign;
and verifies the first letter on Febru
ary si'H3. Read them:
"I was a slave to whiskey and cig
arettes for 11 years I commenced in
June taking 'Trib.' When I com
menced I weighed 276 pounds anu
"'". mi. mu uaa uie-
our,d me f "O"1 habits. Signed.
,. t "L- F- FOSTER."
I-ehmary 2. 1903. Mr. Foster writes
was almost helpless. 'Trib' has sure-
again. Here it is. This is only one
j of the many letters we have volun-
tarily sent to us: t
'Please find draft for $150. Send
' me one dozen treatments of Trib." I
j took 'Trib' myself last June and never
felt bettor in my life than I do now.
i I have gone down in weight to 195
pounds, and nover think of using
i cither liquor or tobacco any more. I
I know of 25 cures. You can get refer
i uncos from most of them If you care
! to write. I enclose names, "sincere-
, Jy yours.
Price per treatment
sale by all druggists.
$12.50. For '
The partnership heretofore exist
ng between John W. Crow and Claud
U Crow in the farming and stock
huslnes- has been dissolved by mu
tual consent of the uartnors: John i
W Crow assumes the payment of !,
debts owing to the partnership, and 1 1
will collect all debts owing to it. T
Ulgust 2Gth. 1303. 1
Farms for Sale. i
We now have listed for sale tome!
oi tne best wheat farms and stock
ranches in the couuty. The stock
i ranches can be sold either with or
without the stock. All the places are
. well improved and well supplied with
! water Also some very desirable city
, property, including new modern real
j dence on north side of river. Call
and get prices
Summer Carnival, Walla Walla, Aug-j
ust 31 to September 5, 1903.
For the above occasion the O. R J
& N Company makes a rate of tl SO 1
for the round trip, tickets on sale-1 1
September 2d and -1th. Final limit t
September 6th. 1S03. For further
pnritf ulars call on or addro p u
agent O. R. & N. Co ! J
Moki Tea positively cures Sick
Heada-he indigestion and Constipa
t.on a delightful herb drink. Re
raoves all eruptions of the skin, pro-
i during a perfect complexion or money
refunded 25c and 50c. Write to us
: for frpe sample. W. H. Hooker & Co..
uuuuiu. 4 i t-. w. Schmidt &
Bueklen's Arniea Salve.
Has a world-wide fame for marvel
uua . ure ii surpasses any other
lunun. ointment or balm for
cute, rorns burns, boils, sores fel
ons. ulrers. tetter, salt rheum fever
fnfrr,'!.,';hajpeil.hand8' kln eruptions:
nu Ule for P"8' Cur Guaranteed.
Onl 2 cents at TaJIman & Co s
druggists. '
You arc Taking no
Water See.
It is manufactured and sold by tut? Kofs In iv ( old
Storage Company. No olhar distilled water ire
in the city. Be 'sure you call up Phone Man. IhM
when you want
Visitors Always Welcome at the Plant
Ross Ice
& Gold Storage
Storage Phone Ma n :si
j i W . J. CLARKE & Co 211 Court Street I
A A A A A A ick1rirkirkirkirrti,iir lHrjt
JEJ-ATERITE Is Mineral Rubber.
twdP It "wSf VC mi'-f Rea9,onabIC, tn Sold on merit Guaras-
WK.U. ll Villi nay tO ask for nrlrnonnrf lnfnpnlftti.
Chances When You Use
In Ofiirc Phone Main jH
r- J
The Best
Oil Cooking Stove
Ever Made
Is the automatic blue flume ell
cooker. It Is a boon to the liouw-keer-er
in hot weather, and will
boll, bake or roast like a charm
I burns only a gallon of oil In
three days and Is the safetrt
simplest, cleanest and most eco
nomical stove ever made
Prices Reduced to Close Out J
luiwiumii ,iij
Sj want pure Ice. vu
Wcreester Building.
Call on 'Phone Main isri -k.