East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 02, 1903, Image 5

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    j.-Vi rm
August Bargain Days
Shirt Waists, Wrappers, Skirts
Hosier and 1000 other things
Bargains Everywhere
Dont mi s it
Corner Main and Alta
OSty Srevsiies
stL Sharp for paper hanging,
frtsih fruit dally at Martin's.
Frch ranch eggs at Kemler's.
For the host bread, got Ilohrman s.
Fresh tlsh. game and poultry. Cas
tlP'b. Kefngorated meats. Schwartz &
Clrmillch Co.
Now books arriving daily at Fra
iler h hook store.
Wanted- Machinist and mouldor at
Hlgby-Clovo Foundry.
Hocelved dully, frnsh tamales,
crabs and crawllsh at Gratz's.
Now four-in-hands, midgets and as
cot ties at The Peoples Warehouse.
Don t let cigars get the host of you
- get tho best of cigars. Hanlon's.
All kinds of Imported and domestic
lunches and clam chowdor at Gratz's.
Wc have fruit Jars nnd fruit jar
extra' rubbers, covers, etc. It. Hohr
man Arc you going camping? U C Ha-del'.-,
camp stoolh, folding tables and
camp supplies.
I got the price right before I list
property That is why I sell so mucn
of It, I have some bargain a In both
city and country property that can
not he equaled. E. T. Wade & Son.
Pendleton peoplo uro loyal to Pen
dleton's business enterprises. That
Is the reason tho Iloss Ico 4i Cold
Storago Company have had to put on
two wagons nnd then can scarcely
bundle the trade Give us your or-,
dors and wo will tnko care of It If'
wo havo to put on four times two
wagons 'Phono Mnln 1881.
The Uriglit New Ideas
of the day.
Latest Cieatiors of the
Jewelers Art.
You can always depend
on what you get at our
never inisrepres-
KextduurtoK Alexander
Fresh fruits at Kemlor's.
Host shoe work at Teutsch's.
See Sharp's artistic wall paper.
Smokers' supplies at Noumau's.
If you want a cab, call up Main
Get your clothes cleaned at Jocr
gor's. For Kent A piano. Apply at this
Ituy a fountain pen this week at half
price at Frazier's.
First-class waitress wanted at
Hotel Pendleton.
Dolls, dolls, dolls. Keep the little
people iiappy. Nolf's.
Try tho Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candles and fruits.
For prompt service, call up the Mc
Kay Cab Co., 'phono Main 1C1.
.Ml Preferida, the best cigar made,
it Itees' cigar store. Court street.
Get your ascot at The Peoples
Warehouse, new ones just received.
Goods that are right at prices that
ire right at Itader's furnlturo store.
See Charles Lane about your paint
tug and paper hanging; 807 Vincent
Wanted Rooms for light house
keeping, Address "Baxter," care this
Have your buggies painted by
Wilson & Carmine. 'Phone Illack
At and below cost all summer, mil
linery, especially patterns. Mrs.
For Kent Two small houses, three
blocks east of Main street. Apply
ut E. O. office.
Two pianos, slightly used. Great
bargains. Come quick. Inland Em
pire Piano House, near bridge.
Estimates given on house painting.
Work strictly flrst-claas. Wilson &
Carmine, next door to Neagle llros.
Estimates given on short notice on
I painting and paper hanging. Charles
i.ane, tno pioneer painter, 807 Vin
cent street.
Good meat in summer must be
taken care of. That's the kind you
set at Houser's, Alta street, opposite
savings Bank.
Mr. Silas II. Soule, tho expert plana
tuner from Soule Bros., of Portland,
will bo In Pendleton tills week. Leave
orders at Tallman & Co.'s drug storo.
Pure crystal Ice don't cost any
more man interior ice. and is so
much cleaner and moro healthful,
Phono Mnln 1881
The H. S. & M. clothing for this
fall has arrived, Did you over wear
a Hart, Schneffer & Marx suit? If
not, did you ever examine or try one
on? The Peoples Warehouse would
he more than pleased to have you
come In nnd seo them.
L. M. Gard, of Pilot Rock, Is In tho
city today.
Lee Hale, of Hcppnor, Is In the city
tor a short business visit.
H. L. Sheets, of Hood River, is In
tho city on a short business trip
George Soraors, of Weston, was in
tho city for a short time yesterday.
F. C. Flowers, of Condon, is trans
acting business in tho city for a few
T. H. Follett, of Tekoa, was in tho
city yesterday for a short time on
Mrs. M. E. Bemmer and son, of La
Grande, nro the guests of the Golden
Hulo for a short time.
Mrs. C. Stanton and daughter. Miss
C. Stanton, of Helix, arc In tho city
for a short visit with friends.
Martin Compton has been confined
to his room for sovoral days as the
result of an attack of malaria.
Antone A. Rnbral, through E. T
Wade & Son's agency, has bought for
$300 lots 11 and 12 of block 0, In
Colo's addition.
J. C. Lonergnn, tho stock buyer,
left yesterday for Alba, whcTo lie
n.'.s a band of cattle that he wi'l In
sicct with a view uf bujins.
Miss Fay Bartholomew, of Ilepp
ner. who lias been tho fittest of .ludgo
and Mrs. W. R, Ellis for some time.
left this morning for her home.
Professor and Mrs. i:. R. Conklin
and family have returned from inelr
ranch in the mountains, where they
have- been spending the summer.
Dr. McNabb. the veterinary Bur
geon, left this morning for Eastland,
where he was called to attend a horse
belonging to W. H. . Blakley. of that
Mr. ami Airs. R. L. Oliver left this
morning ror Spokane, where they will
attend the Columbia Conference ot
the Methodist church, now In session
at that city.
J. F. Nowiin, the county stiperin
tendent, has returned from a visit in
the mountains near Lehman Springs,
where he lias been lor tho last week
limiting and fishing.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horn and fam
Ily have returned troni their sum
mer outing on Meadow Crook, where
they have been camped for tho last
two months.
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. L. Wakefield, the
former proprietors of what Is now the
Therkelsen Piano House, are In the
city with their family and will be
the guests of friends here for a
MIm Blanche Bailey, ono of the ac
comodating young ladles of tho cen
tral telephone office, will leave in tho
morning for Spokane, where she will
bo tho guest of relatives and friends
for somo time.
.1. W. Morrow and A. S. Watt, of
tho O. R. & N., left tills morning for
Portland, after having been liefore
the county board of equalization yes
terday in behalf of a reduction In tho
assessment of the company in this
All poisons Indebted to II. M.
Sloan, pleaso call and settle theli'
accounts. Blacksmith shop corner
Cottonwood and East Alta.
New Shipment of Turkey
and Ostrich Dusters
io inch Turkey, i oo feathers special 35c. 14 inch Tur
Key, 100 feathers special 50c. 12 inch carriage duster 120 tail
feathers, special 75c, 8 inch parlor duster (Ostrich, ) special
fi.25. Sisil duster for removing dirt from furniture special 50c.
Our Ice Cream will please you. If you ever had anv
better ours wont cost you a cent. Wo will let you be the judge.
(in Ntiiw IV0111 Main 8U-ot toward the Court I Ioiikk
Champion Quoit Pitcher.
Mr. and Mrs. Temple returned last
evening from a month's visit at Leu
man Springs. Mr. Temple has en
tirely recovered from the threatened
attack of typhoid fover, which took
him to the springs, and Is wearing
the belt of tho champion horse-shoe
pitcher of tho camp. The holt is a
work of art, and the proud owner
claims to havo been offered $75 for
tho trophy; but so proud is lie of the
honor that he refuses the offer and
still wears tho belt.
Not withstanding the fact that manufacturers want more
for all linen and cotton goods, we shall offer while our
present stock lasts, our complete line of HOUSE FURNISH
INGS at the same low prices that have always prevailed
in this department.
Table Linens
Bleached, Unbleached and Colored,
00 inches wide, wortli 35 c, our prlco 23c
01 inches wide, our price
04 Inches wide, worth 00e, our prico 45c
05 Inches wide, worth SOc our price 05c
94 size, worth $1.23. our prlco, dozen ....$1.00
size, all linen, worm $2.75, our price,
dozen $2.25
Turkish To wife
Bleached and Unbleached.
1216c kind, our prico 10c
15c kind, our prlco 12c
Extra large, worth 18c, our price 15c
Extra large, worth 25c, our prlco 20c
Hath towels, worth 30c, our prico 25c
Bath towels, worth -15c, our price 35c
Fluek Towel
lSe kind, our prlco
25c kind, our price
:!0e kind, our price
38c kind, our price
, .25c
, .30c
Toweling 03' the Yard
5c kind, our price 4c
10c kind, our price 8 1-3c
12!c and 15e kind, our prico ...12J-.C and 10c
25c and ISc kind, our prlco 20c and 15c
Bed Spreads
With or without fringe 90c to $3.00 each
2 yards wldo. worth 22c, our price 20c
2Vj ynrds wldo, worth 20c, our prlco .. . .23c
,216 yards wldo, worth 30c, our prlco 26c
Pillow Cases
15x30 Inches, worth 15c, our prlco 12' 2c
42.3G Inches, worth 12c, our prlco ... 10c
Headv Made Sheets
2 14x2 16 yards, worth 70c, our prlco .. . .55c
2',(..2'S yards, worth SOc, our prlco .... 65c
31 us! ins
I.onsdalo Muslin worth 10c, our price . 7c
30-Inch good bleached Muslin 5c
Plain and Fancy Stripes,
32 Inches wldo, worth 12 ',60, our prlco 10c
32 Inches wldo, worth 18c, our prlco.. . 15c
Curtain Swiss and Screen
30 inches wldo 10c and 17c kind, our
prlco 8 1-3c and 5c
:ifi Inches wldo 33 l-3c nnd 20c kind,
our prlco 25c and 15c
Lace Curtains
A new stock of Ecru and White, In now and
dainty patterns. A few one and two
pair lots, at
It Pays to T?ade at
Otttfittef s iot Women and Men.
Divorce Granted,
Tills morning, in tho circuit court.
Judge W. H. Ellis granted a decree
of default In the case of Florence
Allowny vs. Josso Alloway. This Is
a divorce case In which the plaintiff
accuses the defendant of cruel and
Inhuman treatment. In tho trial of
the enso tho defendant failed to ap
pear, hence the decree.
Salem, Ore., September 14 to 20. 1903.
For tlie above occasion, tho O. It. &
N. makes a rate of $11.35 for tho
round trip. Dates ot sale, Septombor
11th, 14th and 17th. Limit tickets
sold, September 11th to expire Sep
tember 10th. Thosu sold Soptcmber
llth to expire September 19th, and
those sold September 17th to expire
September 22d, 1003. For rurther
particulars, call on or address F. F.
Wam&ley, agent O, It. & N. Co.
Tents, camp stoves, camp stools,
etc . at Kador's Furniture btoro.
- 1 mm iiiiii
Represents Willamette.
J. O. VanWIukle. of Salem, is In
tho city In tho Interest of Willamette
University, particularly of tho de
partments of medicine and music.
Mr. VanWIukle will be in the city
for a couple of days before going on
Into the Interior, where ho has work
to do before leturnlug to his school
work In the winter session of the college
Returned to Nebraska.
The father of Isnac Joy, the black
smith who has been visiting with his
sou In this city for tho past lo
mouths, will leave this evening for
his homo In Elwood, Nob. If It Is
possible for Mr, Joy to dlspo'u of his
interests in that place lie wiil rutin 11
to this city to make it his homo.
Casteel's Body to Yaqulna,
The body of William Custeel, the
O. It. & N, bridge foreman who was
killed by falling from a tvo:tlo at
Iiltie mountain, yesterday evening
v :li bo shipped to Yanilna tonight,
where his mother and two brothers
The Merchants' Cafe,
Keeps constantly on hand liupoit
ed Ilebcrwurst, Fraukfortors, Ham
burg eels, crawfish, crabs, oysters,
all kinds of cheese. Hot merchants'
lunch dally from 11:30 a. m. to 2 p, m.
What Kind of
Feet Have You
If they are narrow or low
Instep, or high Instep or wide
ami short, lint and broad, or If
you have corns or bunions or
Ingrowing toe nulls, or toe In
or toe out, why lo be properly
shod yon must certainly con
sult tho doctor of shoes In the
shoe parlor of the Huston Store
Here will be told to you all
tho truths about good shoes.
How to buy the easy feeling,
good wearing, fine appearing,
and purso opening shoes, Re
member that our shoes save In
slocking wear,
When wo tell you wo have
the lurgest stock of shoes to
sell men nnd women at J.50 lo
$3.50, wo nro slating a fact easy
to prove. That's why It pays to
Inspect our shoo department
when In need of shoes for any
of tho family.
Big Shipment of Dolls
Now on Sale
Kid body
all styles
of Dolls
was our
Line so
I uncy Dishes, Vases, etc., u Ite.iu
lifiil Lino lo Select From
Howl and l'itclier alike, first
uality that will not craze
$1 11)
Full Lino of School Books and
School Supplies
1 1 ITH '
Dear this In mind when you
need poultry and slock supplies
and ask for tho International
Poultry and Stock Food. U;e
Kow Kure for your cow trou
bios. C. F. Golesworthy
127.129 East Alta St.
Agent tor Lee's Lice Killer
We have purchased tho Withoe
Illcyclo and Itopalr Shop nnd
tiro prepared to mako n,ulck re
pairs nud guarantee our work.
Wo repair bicycles, sewing ma.
chines and other light machin
ery, do brazing and other re
pairing. Wo nro agents for
three makes of wheels that
havo met the tost mid provort
their worth. They are
It you nro going to buy a
wheel, come around nud look
at our wheels before you pur
chaso your wheel.
Gordau & Edmisten
Rigby-Clove Mfgj
Manufacturers of the
Eigby-CIoyc Combined
Repairs for ail kinds of
Farm Machinery
Foundry Work a Spooialty
Cas'i paid for old castings
Pendleton, - Oregon
-"- ---(Si
Babbit Metal, best in the world, In
bur. Price, $1 per bar, at the Eatt
Oreflonlan Office.