East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 02, 1903, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight ami Thursday, fair
NO. US.'M.
u 16.
eveningedition I"1 'fo x
be delivered at your roiMonce J MS V j ffifRS!!W,," &
are ol bunlncM by carrier at T 3WJ C-jgCCSSSaiJ j8B
J5c A WEEK. yBatjaaamHaaca
3d Disease Which Ap-
to Be a Combination
topical Disorders,
of the Symptoms of Bu-
Plague, Yellow and Spotted
feut Is More Fatal It Re-
fthe Most Extraordinary
ctlon and Temperature.
rk, Sept. 2. Menaced by a
hlch baffled the best skill
and. the health department
f Cuba have appealeu to
rltles of Columbia Unlver-
Jcfferson Modlcnl College,
lphla. for aid In dotcrniin-
attiro of the affliction.
est eminent pathologists
rlologlsts of thoso instltu-
worklng, says tno World,
tlon with the medical nuth-
- the Marine Hospital anil
1th department of the
lEHiatcs government in an CP
ermine the nature of the
11 details of the lnvesti
use In many of its syinp-
mibles bubonic plague, hut
, bo more swift in its pro-
more deadly In its effect.
ipeared some months ago
atod town of Dalquri, prov'
ntlago. Men employed in
lues in that locality were
The disease did not yield
nt and the mortality was
n in yellow lever or any
militants became panic-
d an American steel com
largo Interests there, iuok
ttcr. References to the
and Philadelphia experts
n of the disease furnisu
Cuban physicians shows
tsonts the worst symptoms
lever, black fever and spot-
The patient Is usually
hours after first complain'
s, and turns a bright vol-
e death that the diseaso
most horrible phaso. The
so rushes to 100, a heart
." is deemed almost impos-
ysicimiH of experience.
Ion counts CS. These or-
Tbnnccs, together with
pMtvrc of 107 and 108, do not
t ueatn, nut tno High fe
ed soon burns out life.
so always attacks nor-
iianai lover.
1,000 for Capture of Three
Chicago Men.
3opt. 2. With the Incon.
lOO roward and urged on
Police O'Neill, who has
DnnI charge- of the case.
icr of the police depart-
lie alert to capture threo
omitted the double mur-
Irns of tho Chicago City
npany early yosterday
Ihen escaped with about
liavo reason to believe
s. slayers aro the same men
iho night of August 1, shot
u. uagross while on liis
120 North Avenue. These
shot Adolph Johnson, a
I , Lagross place, and he
is wound next day.
Per Car From Utah to
Missouri River,
Sent 2. The TrnnK.
nleht Bureau Is In nosalnn
ing othor business, a rate
was rauuo i rum utaii
noints to Omaha nml
of $7 por standard car
co woman Leaves the
by the Gas Route.
Cisco, Sent. 2. Ada Me
lded with gas this morn-
Dspondency. Doth gas
Illy on, and tno koyholo
kl stuffed with cotton,
vas found dressed In Jior
wedding gnrmonts and pictures of
her three daughters and her mother
placed alongside. She was a divorc
er woman,
Quotations Furnlehed by Coe Commis
sion Company B, E. Kennedy, Lo
cal Manager.
Chicago, Sept. 2. The weekly
cro;i bulletin shows that warmth is
still badly needed In the corn bolt,
and Is a thrilling reminder that tho
crop situation is still to he a great
factor In .the corn market this fall.
Favorable reports corno from
southern portions' of tho corn belt,
but If the continued cold simp holds
back the crop In the North, a great
shortasro will result,
England Is reported to be 13,00(1,000
bushels short and Liverpool wheat
advanced today 1 ponce.
H'hoat Opening. Close.
Sept 80'. 81
Dec 82 82
Dec CPi 51
May 51 fl Tk
Minneapolis, Sept. 2.
Vheat Opening. Close.
Sept 82: 85
Doc 82 83
Cnicago Wheat.
Chicago, Sept. 2. Wheat opened
82 Vi; closed 83.
Unusual Uos and Downs Recorded in
Wall Street.
New York, Sept. 2. The stock
market opened apparently a little
more animated and with prices
slightly reactionary, hut a large part
of the last was lost. There was some
loss In amalgamated copper, which
reached . Steel Is fir maud advanc
ed U per cent. Pacific mall lost 1
per cent.
Urged as a Pretext That He Had a Telegram From the Presi
ident Making an Audience With Him.
Was Taken in Custody and Examination Discloses That There Is No
Question About His Being Demented Indications That He Had
Haunted the Premises Prior to the Arrest Is a Truck Driver by Occupation.
Scandal at the Bottom of the Alleged
Murder of Bowers by His Wife
Cowers Said to Have a Record on
the Side In Oregon.
San Francisco, Sept 2. A detec
tive has boon to Petalunin on a new
flow In the llowers poisoning case.
It has been learned that William
Walsh, a saloon-keeper there, told
Bowers of Usury's intimacy with bis
wife, and that Hovers met and heat
Leary for tho same.
I.eary still denies any knowledge of
the poisoning of Dowers. The polico
believe Walsh will be nblo to settle
that point. Attorney Thomas Baugun
arrived this morning from Portland
to assist in the defense of Mrs. Bow
ers. Ho was sent by Mrs, Bynrs,
Mrs. liowors' motbor.
From Portland Point of View.
Portland, Sept. 2. Tho family of
Mrs. .Martha Bowers, who Is under
arrest in San Frunclsco charged with
poisoning her husband, Is firm In the
belief that sho is not guilty of the
crlmo with which she is charged, and
Is ready to do everything possible
to aid her In tho unfortunate affair.
Mrs. Bowers telegraphed to her rela
tives here ior assistance, and Sunday
an attorney was sent to look after
tbo case and report to thoso hero.
One of tho sisters, Mrs. Hoot, says
that Mr. Bowers was not an ideal
husband by any means, but was the
sonrco of considerable trouble for
his wife. She says he usod to run
a saloon In Oregon City, and his rep
utation as a family man was none
too good. Ho once ran away with
tho hired girl, she says, hut his wife
captured him and forced him to re
turn homo. She does not know a
great deal about the domestic affairs
of her sister after sho married Bow
ers, as Mrs. Bowers never made a
practlco of complaining of her
Oyster Bay, Sept. 2. A man sup
posed to bo demented, niado an at
tempt last night to reacli President
Roosevelt. He was arrested by the
secret service men guarding tho
president. On bis person was found
a 34-callbre revolver. It is believed
he Intended to assassinate the presi
dent. Demented, But Meant Business.
Oyster Bay, Sept. 2. The man's
name Is Frank Welnbrenner. who
lives at Oyosset, on Long Island, a
small place seven miles 'ion' thj
president's summer home.
The secret service man who is de
tailed to guard the front of the house
was standing In the roadway about
10 last night, when an unknown man
drove up In a carriage. He was nold
up a hundred left from the house
and announced that he had an en
gagement with the president. He
gave his name and said the president
telegraphed lor him. The guard ex
amined his list and found no such
name and ordered Welnbrenner to
drive on. The latter objected, but
loft after being threatened with ar
rest. Ho returned half an bour laier
and insisted upon seeing the presi
dent. He was again refused, and de
parted apparently chagrined. An
hour later be put hi appearance
agnln, mid this time the guard, as a
matter of precaution, placed him un
der arrest.
Armed With Revolver.
He was immediately searched and
a revolver with every chamber load
ed was found. A later search of the
grounds was made ami footprints
found in the rear of the house. A
heavy guard was placed about tho
house and Welnhrenner wus taken to
Oyster Bay and incarcerated.
He was questioned this morning,
and from his manner It Is plain be
Is demented. He will probably be
I thoroughly examined later in the
I day.
i A Truck Driver.
I Welnbrenner Is 28 years old, an in
, dustrlous man, nnd n truck driver by
i occupation. The secret servlco men
I have no doubt but that ho intended
to kill the president should he be
aide to roach him.
Examined in Police Court,
j Welnbrenner, when arraigned in
' polico court this morning, showed
! plainly he Is erratic. Ho insisted be
had claled at Sagamore Hill by re
I quest of the president.
I Asko dhow and when he called
there, be replied, "The president
talks, and I bear him. Hp's in bis
house and I am In mine; but 1 can
j always hear him. lie talked about
1 his daughter Alice. I wanted to mnr
' ry her. I've seen her a number of
1 times. She came to my house In an
j automobile about a month ago, ac
I coinpanU'd by her brother."
I As lie was plainly demented, tho
court tut short the examination and
remanded him back to his coll. Ho
will be examined as to his sanity
this afternoon and will likely be
committed to some Institution.
Always Been Flighty.
One of his brothers was in the
court room this morning, and stated
l that while he had always been more
; or less flighty, none of the family
, susplcloned that he was insane.
Welnbrenner is short and stockily
liuilt. with a dark complexion and a
! German. He has a throe days'
I growth of beard upon his cheeks and
I a closely-cropped mustache.
! Ho kept bis hands folded across
his vest and eyes upon tho ground
while he answered tbe questions
, fired at him In a low monotone. As!
ed If be had any statement to make
I alter the examination, be replied no.
Entire Absence of Wind Off the Jer
sey Coast.
Highlands, Sept, 2. Sailors on Re
liance and Shamrock arose this morn
ing with hoiies that tho final race of
the series might bo sailed, but not n
breath of air was stirring, nnd a
heavy fog hung over the course. The
boats wont to tho starting point at
the customary hour, despite tho un
favorable conditions. At 10, there
still being no wind, the commltto de
cided to postpone tho Btnrt.
Trying to Make Even.
London, Sept. 2. Sir Upton has
raised tho price of Jams a penny n
Jar. Customers say this is dono to
pay the expenses of tho challenger.
Officially Called Off.
Highlands, Sept. 2. The yachts
after tho required four hours' wait,
found the starting point with no sign
of wind from any direction. The re
gatta committee notified tho skip
pers of Iiellanco and Shamrock the
race for today Is declared off.
Deputy Sheriff Plays Havoc With
Baldwins. N, Y.. Sept, 2. One
burglar was killed and another
wounded nnd a third captured by a
deputy sheriff, who discovered them
attempting to enter a tenement early
today. The men aro Italians whoso
names aro unknown.
Mrs. A. D. Smith leaves this oven
lug for Dayton.
Mlko Flynn and Wllllnm Black, of
I.ehmun Springs, nre In tho city for
a short visit. .Mr. Black is tno gro
cer at tho springs.
Mrs. A. Gustafson has returned
from a visit to La Grande and Union.
Cecil Wado has returned from n
visit with friends In Washington
Wants Him to Use His Influ
ence to Keep Other Nations
From Interfering.
Adopt a Platform and Denounce New
Libel Law.
Harrlshurg, Pa., Sept. 2. Tho dem
ocratic stato convontlon met at noon.
An auditor, stato treasurer and two
Judges of the superior court are to
ho nominated. Tho platform deals
with stato questions. Tho libel law
Is donouncod.
Heavy Property Loss, While Firemen
Narrowly Escape.
Cincinnati. Sont. 2,Flro this
morning gutted the building occupied
by the Schoolkopf, Hartford & Hannn
Chemical Company. Sevornl adjoin
ing firms also suffered losses. A
numbor of flromon narrowly oscaped
death by falling walls. The property
loss Is $125,000.
Captain Perkins Orders Relief Sent In
to Party.
Tocoma, Sept. 2. Captain Perkins,
commanding the post at Fort Kgbert,
on tho Yukon, has wired for authority
to send a relief expedition to 200 im
poverished miners who sturted In Ju
ly on a KHI-mlle trip through u true,
less wilderness lit the Copper River
valley to Tanann river. Some of thu
miners were lescued at tbe point of
starvation by explorers In tho employ
of tho Rothschilds, bunkers. These
stated that others wore still further
on and In the Mime stale as mem-helves.
Bellingham Will Be Built Through to
Whatcom. Wash., Sept. 2. Super
intendent Donovan, of the Bellingham
i Bay & British Columbia railway, to
i day confirmed tbo discovery of tho
pass through tho Cascade mountains
1 of a lower elevation than nt present
being used by the transcontinental
railroad. Donovan said bis road would
I be built through to Spokane, but de
tiled that It had been acquired by the
i Union Pacific, though that road will
reach the Sound over It. Other roads,
ho declared, will have the same prlvl
' lege.
A meeting was held at tho Com
mercial Association parlors lust eve
ning for tbe purpose of considering
tho proposition of E. J. Arnold, to
hold a five-day carnival lu this city,
during the first days of October,
Mr. Arnold explained tho details of
tbo proposition which be had to of
fer, and laid tho matter before tho
business men present at the meeting.
His plan was to ask the city to fur
nish a hand for the afternoon and
ovonlug, for tho five days, two pi
anos, attend to tho bill posting, news
paper advertising, furnish electric
lighting and a large stage, 20x24 feet,
and free use of whatever street room
was necessary for the shows to be
brought hero by Mr. Arnold,
In return for the outlay, the city
was to attend to collecting all gate
receipts, and tako 15 per cent of tbo
totul proceeds from the nine or ton
attractions lu the carnival bill,
Mr. Arnold has nlno first-class at
tractions, which he would bring heie,
nnd would select tho vacant lot nnd
stroet between tho O. H, & N. freight
dopot and Shields' Park, as a loca
tion for his touts,
At tbo suggestion of R. Alexander,
It wus proposed that tho city raise u
bonus for Mr, Arnold, and he assume
all responsibility, furnish his own
band, pianos, electric light, stages,
and do the advertising, as he was fa
miliar with the details and wus more
highly qualified to prepare for tho
carnival than the city.
The matter was deferred until
this afternoon, nnd at tno tlmo or go
ing to press a meeting is being held
at which time both propositions will
be considered and some conclusion
Mr, Arnold proposes to bring to
the city nothing but clean, moral
features, whleh would not be objec
tlonablo to any one, and In addition
to tho regular shows. It Is the inten
tion to arrange a horso parade, an
agricultural exhibit, and other side
features will bo Interesting and in
structive. Among the attractions carried by
the Arnold company aro electric
shows, the Luretta Twins, Negro
Plantation, balloon ascensions, Jap
anese Jugglers, glass blowers, Scot
tish theater, sea serpent and an ani
mal show consisting of nlno wagons.
Tho prices of admission will range
from 10 to 25 tents.
company's New I aciics may nc
in a Sympathetic Strike ot All xnt
Unions in the City Being Declared
A Serious Situation.
Seattle, Sept. 2, For tho purposo
of preventing a tie-up In case the
strikers aro obdurate the street car
company baa effected tho organlza
tlon of a separate union of dlsgrunll
cil members of the old union. It will
ho Incorporated under tho stato
No union In the city will recognl.o
It, and a general meeting of nil the
unions will be held tonight to decide
whether n general strike will bo call
ed as a result of this move on the
pi rt of tho company.
Boycott Declared,
Seattle, Sept. 2, The Building
Trades Council has boycottiJ freight
handled by nun-unionist teamsters.
Tho big transfer compuii'es, lenders
of tho light against recognition pf tbo
union, offer stock to tho old team
setrs to get soino back. There aro
250 non-union and 850 union team
sters out.
Murder and SuicIcK
Now York, Sept. 2. Henry ICdbon,
nged 39. shot and killed Mrs. Fnnnlo
Piillen, aged 33, then killed himself
today. Mrs. Pollen vn:, visiting iho
Kdson homo at tho time. Cause of
tho crlmo unknown.
Matter of the Division of District 27,
Southwest of the City.
Tho county court met this morning
for tho regulnr monthly term, nnd ho
gan tho work by taking up tho con-
slderntion of tho routine bills that
have accumulated during the month.
This afternoon tho matter of tho
division of school district No. 27. sit
uated about five miles southwest of
town, on Birch creek, wus taken up.
ino case was tried onco in the coun
ty court, and tho court granted tho
prayer for division, but tho mutter
was appealed to tho circuit court by
K. F. Strnughn, ono of tho residents
of tho district, and tho circuit court
oversod the decision of tho county
court and ordered that tbo case bo
tried again.
It Is claimed by the petitioners that
the district is too largo for tho con
venient placing of tho school houses,
and that some of the people of the
district are so far from tho school
houses that tholr children are unablu
to attend tho sessions of the school
lu tho winter tlmo, when tho roads
aro had and during the rainy season.
Tho caso is being argued this ufter-
noon bororo tho county court.
Forty-three babies wero entered In
the labor carnival baby show at
Spokane, last Saturday.
Fear That Constantinople Will Be
Burned and Report That Adrian
ople Is In Flames Latter City Cut
Off From Every Direction Except
Toward the Bosphorus.
Sofia, Sept. 2. Fears of a general
uprising are growing. The revolu
tionists are gaining In strength daily.
The sultan Is showing extraordinary
vncillntion. No decisive work on u
comprehensive plan Is being done.
As u lesult, the Insurgents In ilonas
tlr anil Adrlnnoplo have no trouble
In escaping from the Turkish troops.
The guneral fooling or optimism on
the part of the sultnn and his advis
ers Is of the gieatosl help to thu
Hands Off, Please.
Constantinople. Sept. 2. Tho mil
tan hiiB sent an nutogiapli letter to
Kaiser William dealing with the Bal
kan situation. He looks to tho em
peror to use his Influence with the
powers to pursue a policy of hands
off In dealing with the Macedonian
situation, leaving Turkey In put down
tbo uprising. lie promises that, ovory
respect shall bo paid to the Intenmts
of the various tuitions.
Fear at Constantinople,
Constantinople, Sopt. 2. Insnrgr
out bands under Jenkolf have appear
ed on the railway soulb of Adrlnn
oplo. Tho object Is lo destroy tho
bridge over .Mnrltzn nnd Ardii rivers,
thus cutting off the line of communi
cation from Adrinnople lo tho south,
A light Is Imminent. Refugees are ar
riving hero In largo numbers.
Uxtraordlnary precautions aro be
ing exercised bore to prevent Incen
diary attempts. The authorities feur
the revolutionists will start llres mm
cause panics.
Adrlanople Burning,
Belgrade, Sept 2. Unconfirmed re
port has reached hero thai Adrlati.
ople Is In Haines. Telephone and tel
egraphic communication are cut nil
from Adrlanoplo In ovory direction
for ii long distance, and all that thoro
Is any certainty of Is that war Is
rampant throughout that district.
Fraud on a Big Scale in Andalusia,
Madrid, Sept. 2. Investigation Is
being mndo Into the methods of taxa
tion in vogue In Andalusia. If has
revealed the fact that a conspiracy
existed whereby tho government Is
ulieudy defrauded of n limit 3(1,000,000
pesetas ($7,000,000). Several bish
ops are involved,
Frank Coykendall, O. R. & N. Con
ductor, Visits Scenes of His Child
hood. Frank Coykendall, extra passenger
condurtor on tho O, It. & N. between
this place and Huntington, bus Just
returned from a visit lo his birth
place and old homo in l.npland, 100
mllow north of St. Petersburg, Russia.
Mr. Coykendall Is tho youngest of
19 children, and Is tho only one of
the family, so far, escaping to Amer
ica, ills brothers are engaged in
milking cheese from reindeer milk.
In Northern I.nplunil. and Jt h bard
for I hem to understand bow ouo of
their people can be so highly olo
vuted In tho world us to he eouduclor
on a passenger train running at a
high rato of speed, when his only
means of travel, up to Iho ago of 20,
wus mi fool or behind n team of
Perry Houser"s Shoo Leased.
Perrv TfoiiKPr tins leased tbo ra
tal! department of Ills butcher busi
ness in this city, to August Avo, an
experienced hutchor of Wallu Walla.
Mr. Houser will continue to handle
tho wholesale department, und will
furnish Mr. Avo tho meat used in the
olinn 'Phn Inrm ii flu lpflfim is In
definite ami Mr. Avo will probably
locate permanently in the city.