East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 01, 1903, Image 8

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Comfortable i
is a Messing to woman kind f j
and FITTING comfortab'e f J
shoes to the ladies feet is t :
making our store more popu-
lar ever day with all who
want good shoes.
When buying shoes, don't
call lor a certain s;zt, lu
take a seat and ask to be
Panning Out Better Than
Is Expected to Yield $50,000 This;
Year Company Employs Forty j
Men W. F. Matlock Will Return J
About September 15. I
150 ynrds. with 250 feet of hose I
here Is cnouch money left in tne
treasury after the other expenses of
he day have beeu paid, there will also
hp n wet test bv the two teams.
1 The personnel or the team of the
i dorks and painters Is as follows:
Joe Nolf. captain and manager; Dean
So naum, Robert uronin, i.ee
linker Charles Bruebaker. Elmer Tur-
I ner. Joo Murphy. It. Brown, Ed Smith
Ever and -,i tii, o.ntf nm! W Hnllev
For Scrubbing
Mrs. Wesley Matlock has received
i ...... i. .. i i . .. .i . i ... i.
IVitCI IIU1U llt'l MM9U41MU. IIU IS I I 1
Alaska, in which he savs that !i will I i"u"""c'" ".'
La Grande People Interested in Grow
ing Beets in Franklin County.
M. L. Causey one of the most
estate dealers and
Will Protest Before the County Board
That the Assessment of the Com
pany Is Too High In This County
Ahio S. Watt Is With the Com
pany Yet as an Adviser.
Ahio S Watt and J. W. Morrow,
the retired and the Incoming tax com
missioners of the O. R. X., are in
1 have been tisinR Lifebuoy
U home b the 10th of October It i 'apitallsts of La Grande, and the man ; tne city iooiin? after the tax assess
oe nome oj me juin oi ucioner. ii .. .11aj,i ln im-min.- nnrt ..sstnh. . " .i.. -In i ...
iLtJnf'!? J"f ' J? luMni ,h7bt ' Vapory at that
;;J,,,i .',h,, hv,n , ,, " :,l'lice. after several years of patient
they are -.lie to work :t. n-.' i. , i
and promoting a factory twice as
Dmdmger, Wil-
son & Company f
'Phone, Mmn j iSi
The name of the mine that Sir. Mat
lock and his partners are Interested in
is the Casson Creek mine, and It has
proven to be better than was at first
expected. The first year that the mine
was worked it netted to the owners
S30.IMMI. and this year It Is expected
that the net yield of the mine will be
at least JS0.O0O.
T' The Dally Clean-Up.
j Two clean-ups a day are made at
tne mine, and at each one from 5S00
to S9hi in dust and nusgets are taken
T ' out. But the mine has to pay a lot
I I ( I- '
j of money to make It profitable, for
t inp expenses are very neavy. There
are two shifts of men work at the
' 1 mine one in the day time and the
EDITOR TO SPEAK. at ner during: the night. In each shift
mere are l'" men, and each man is
paid at the rate of S3 a day.
Durlnc the last month the rains
have beeu heavy and it has been a
! hard fight to keep the water out of
the workings. For a lone time the
, men bad to work In water to their
waists and when it Is taken Into
z t , . . ... i 1 who i u-1 niiwii mm cut- nnici jh ill
ial organ of the Salvation Amy. will . mos, ,f no, nult. , cold th. hard.
arr.ve tomorrow to spend three days ships of the life will be appreciated,
with the members of the armv here. I Now- however. Mr. Matlock has things j
so arranged that they have not been .
large as the La Grande plant.
Mr. Causey has succeeded in Inter
esting Senator Ankeny and other
Washington capitalists in inis ven
ture, besides bringing to his aid some
of the leaaing stockholders In the La
Grande concern.
moots on the rallrond property of the
company in this county. In the esti
mation of the company they have
beeu assessed too high, anu they will
submit a etition to the board of
equalization this afternoon, asking
for a decrease In their property val
uation. In the petition win be given
the reasons upon which the compa
ny will base Its claims for a less j
amount of tax. and the commissioners i
will represent the case before the '
A large beet acreage has already . . . th servl,.t
of the office and his successor has
Plaintiff and Defendant Have
Married Twenty-one Years.
Through his attorney, J. T. Hln
kle. Benjamin F. Case, of Weston, has
filed a suit for divorce from his wife,
Nancy M. Case. The parties of the ,
suit live at Weston and have been i
mnrrloil slnro rWnlipr 12 1SS2. '
win i.. ., tn m 1 have been tisinR Lifebuoy Soap
Thara nrn oftroti nnllliron In IMP mm. i
lly. ranging in ace from 21 to S years for several years as a ceneral house
of age. j hold soap, and find It far superior o
The plaintiff alleges cruel and In-' aIy j have ever used. Mrs. L. Ban
human treatment as the cause for j 3pc Secoml st jcrsey cu N
the action, and claims that his wife. "
has humiliated him and has refused : J-
to live with him longer. He asks for1
an absolute divorce and the care and ! A fo.wv gnaran.ee OI purity gMS
custody of William T., Martha I.. --M-ma
and Walter B Case, children of
the parties.
To Wrestle In Walla Walla.
F. S. Lewis and Chris Person have
arranged a wrestling match to take
place In Walla Walla. Thursday eve
ning, September 3. This is the re
turn match which Person promises
to give Lewis, after defeating him In
this city last Friday night
I with each cako of Lifebuoy Soap.
Look for It on the carton. A purer
and better soap than Lifebuoy can
not be made,
Major John Milsaps, of the Salvation
Army, Will Lecture at the Barracks .
Tomorrow Night
wajor jonn .Miisaps for 12 years
located In San Francisco as Pacific .
Coast editor of the War Cry. the offic-
Tomorrow evening Major Milsaps
ami the farmers will raise enough
beets the coming season to supply
this gigantic factory, which will have
a capacity of about S5.000 during the
season s run of 40 days.
The soil near Prosser is even more
highly adapted to beet growing than
that of Grand Ronde valley, as it is
warm and sandy and there is an
abundance of water to supply the
The La Grande sugar factory has
been the source of more prosperity
in Grand Ronde valley than any other
industry ever established there. It
has brought Into the country a good
thrifty, experienced class of people,
who are highly improving their homes
and who grow and market all the
produce that it is possible to bring
from the soil. The same condition j
may reasonably be expected to pre- J
vail in the Prosser district. !
wil deliver his nouular lecture' "With ! bthered by the water for some time
the Great American Forces in the , Mr Matlock is getting to be quite )
Philippines." at the barracks, on West 1 8 cooh- Besides the 55 a day the own-1
Webb street, to which everyone is , erg of the property board the miners, i
cordially Invited The major spent 1 aad 1,01 long ago the cook for the New Program Is Well Received by a
hn I ... . 1 Til . . I . , ' lmn .' 1 To.l .... U I - .. .. . 1 . . 9 '
".tr .uiuiuihii iu me rilllippines. in uu lire aio uuu uut Larn Andien- last Minht
thp trpiii-lios n-lth ,h Arao,io.. c- for another fniinlrv lpuvln- th. am ! i-arge Auoien-e Last Nignt.
dlers relieving the distress and suf- cookle. Mr. Matlock thought he
fering of the wounded, and Ib highly could do the work until he could cet
qualified to speak upon the subjecL . a man to fill the place, so he rolled up
No admission will be charged to the i hls sleeves and waded in. He did the
lecture cookinc all right, and the men seem-
' ed to like the grub, though whether
Horses for Canada. ', they appeared to for the reason that
W. S. Currie. of Medicine Hat Can-. il was the uoss wno cooked It. has
ada, arrived over from Wallowa ' Pot been Iearnei- The morning that
county on last evening's Elgin train th? letter home was written. Mr. Mat-
with 11 carloads of fine big horses I Iork was setting breakfast and writ
whlch be is shipping to Cannda. Mr. I niS at the same tlme- He started the
taken charge, but the company has
continued the salary of the eluer o;
ficlal. and he will he with the new
man ln the capacity of an adviser
until the first of. the year. This is
done in view of the many little mat
ters of detail that arise In the office
and in the settlement of which the
experience and long service of Mr.
Watt are valuable.
At the end of the year Mr Watt
will retire on a pension granted uy
the company to the old men of the
service. In all of the men of the
company, there will be about five
who will be eligible to the pension
list. Mr. Watt Is preparing to enjoy
the rent from the cares of office that
have oppressed him for so many
---- -----
In a'l uepartnj. r.is of our big store
As beretofor you will find our prices
much Ies on reliable merchandise
than elsewhere Our largely Increas
ft sales over former seasons satisfie
us the people are learning this fact
We shall continue to do all we can to
merit the good will and patronage of
the many customers we now have at.d
hope also to add many new ones Any
t--oods bought at our store "ne t satis
factory " re'urned In good indltlon
'lie muni be pri.':n; '
at ail t:meb-
The new program at Shields' Park
was greeted by a large audience last
night, and the new numbers are all
good. Tht- Harrisons are sketch ar
tists of rare ability. The Leons. in
their aerial feats did some good act
ing, and Flood and Hays, the barrel
Jumpers, are very clever in their line
j The management is extremely fortu
nate in securing artists for the pro
gram and the attendance is increasing
' n3 tho fiDit.nn qi1vnni.AE
Currie was accompanied to Canada letter at 4 o'clock in the morning, and : Manager Nelson has secured Mist
by J. h Horn-"- and Wiw Wrpm, I as he told In the letter that it took i Agnes Dunbar for a number on ama-
or Imnaha and Joseph, respectively,
who are assisting him with the ship
ment. Most of the horses were pur
chased from James Hilton, of the i
cnesnimnus. La Grande Observer
i ed with him now have three mines
Counterfeiters of great skill are and all of them give promise of paying
operating in Northern Kentucky and well. One of the properties had' be-
Sonthern Indiana. i longed to an old miner who had mined !
' i' for years and had taken nothing i
him one and a half hours to wash J teur night, next Thursday evening,
the dishes, it is to be supposed that ' and other local talent will be seen on
the time of ending was some time i this occasion. The priies this week
later than that hour. i are an elegant highly pollsued center
Mr. Matlock and the men associat-1 ,aol?- an oak rocker of the best and
latest design, an elegant rug a picture
ana a lady s work basket.
Tickets to the drawing are given
out with each admission, as usual
' - i mm
1 nnit t 1 . ...
and becoming disgusted had t CARNIVAL PROMOTERS.
ar and at odd moments panned out 1 Portland
Little Girl's Leg Broken and Her Face
Lacerated Recovery Doubtful.
This morning while playing on the
brink of a steep hill near Pilot Rm k
Grace, the S-year-old daugbtei of
Henry MeReynolds. lost ner lialnnc.
and fell down the steep bank to the
gulch below At the point where the
little girl fell the bill is fully 35 feet
high, and in the fall she broke one oi
her leg just above the knee, and
tort- and lacerated her fat e in a hor
rible manner.
Tbe child was removed to the City
Hotel and her injuries attended to
but at this time it is thought that
she will not be able to withstand the
shock. Henry McReynolds, the fath
er of the child, enme to Pilot Rock
from Uklah about a couple of weeks
ago to take charge of the hotel at
that place.
1 !
1 Si. JOE IITCilllL
Very Truly YoursKsaasraBB
Prepare to Celebrate
September 7
l'ress op, some, ami get a sniit, hat. overcoat, shoes,
underwear and all the rest, at
Who Is It that does not ap
ireclate a sweet, delicate odor,
especially of the dainty, last
ing kind? We have the largest
line of Imported and domestic
perfumes in Eastern Oregon.
A few of our leading Imported
odors are:
Azurea, La Trefle,
Peau d' Espagne,
Vioiette de Parme,
Indian Hay.
And many more of the same
quality In b-ilk as ell as in
fancy packages
a i.anful here and there. One morn-
Men Representing a Fine
Combination Are in the City.
E J. Arnold and J. L Wilson of
worth of dust, and then nnother zood. Portland, are In the city today look-
sized nugget, and then some more , lng after the prospects or holding a
lust So. thinking the place was good I carnival here in the near future The
he bought It cheap, and from the day gentlemen will meet with the business
the men started to working It nar ! nlen of tne c"-v this evening, and at
din has been plentiful. Now the mine l that time the matter will be talked
in one of the best in that section, and ovor aml settled It Is thought that it
the man who sold it is disgusted with 1 wl" lie no trouble for the gentlemen
iu gum me support or tne men ot tne
proper- as l"v nave a goou snow ana
win pui 11 on nere in a way mat win
G M Stevens and C. J Fisher,
privates from the Vancouver bar
racks, are under arrest in Portland
for holding up W R Trueo k m
that ;ty Thursday
4-, ing he took a nugget worth $1.50 out
; or uis nrst pan and then 75 cents !
W F. Matlock, who went to Skag-
way on a business trip will return
home In a couple of weeks from this
date, after a month spent In the
I New Store and :
i New Goods
himself for not working a little long- j to S1
t er on the development of nis proper- p"
ty will
give the people of the town tbe wortn
of their money and a good Mme while
spending it.
Luiulius; Irut;KiMN J
1 1 1 1 1 1 11 m 1 1 1 1 n ;i 1 1 1 ,t
Contest Between Wool Sorters and
Graders and Clerks and Painters.
The clerks and painters of the city
'av accepted the challenge of the
Wool Sorters' and Graders' Union for
a inn. to hub hose race on the rtnv
In the Circuit Court,
In the circuit court this morning
I the judge rendered a decision in the
j case of Eleanore Payard vs. Adalard
: Payard and Hugh Bell. The court
I granted the petition of the plaintiff
and gave to her a decree of divorce
' and the possession of the land that Is
I her property. Bell is a renter on the
1 land involved In the case, having
renteu 11 or tne defendant In the suit.
or ! mlior celebration and a team
has been made up that the boys are ( against the wishes of the plaintiff
luuuui-ui win ue aoie 10 walk away
wib the trophy. The race will be for Body Taken to Illinois.
They Lead the Procession
.arelv 'Wo 'r'h.VV? ! "ru''u''ts amoDs al1 cIasses 18 very
derwh.ch J , he absol,me! and togienle conditions un-
rter hich eacl. carcass is dreed and the meat and the food nro-
aaras a zswti
tuat thev will '---.-.t r.L ' i is a guarantee
Mattle Coe left this nirirn i n c
iur uieu cnyn. 111., accompanlng the
; remains of her mother, Mrs Charlotte
B Janes, who died at the home of her
son near Pilot Rock, Sunday Last
! evening a funeral service was held
la the parlors of the Rader undertak
Jng establishment, conducted by Rev
1 Jonathan Edwards. Glenn Ellvti s a
suburb of Chicago nnd Is the old
home of the deceased.
Wt r-arry a complete line of
men s up-to-date furnishing
guod For instance. Cooper's
all wool underwear. Silver ro;
ars ; for 25c. and neckties the
liutst you ever saw. from 25t to
tl each
Suits, overcoats. trousers
func vests, made to order, and
e guarantee a perfect tit.
C'onu and see us You will find
us at f.14 Man. t,intt near St
tieorge Hotel
t ;
Union Store
- T
: 1
Shields' Park
Fireman Buried Yesterday.
I W H. Faust, the fireman killed Sat I
unlay In the boiler explosion on the
. &'N'' al Weatherby. was burn-.
at La Grande yesterday afternoon
; under the auspices of the A O V W
He ieaes a wife and seven children
La Grande Elk Wins Prize.
The Rev. Father Preybylskl at a
large gathering of Elks m .Massachu
setts had the distinction of being
the greatest distance away from home
of any in attendance and received th. 1
I'rue which was a handsome dressing
' a.- - La Grande Observer. .
flfcolufe Purity, Rnesr Flavor, ,
Greater Strength, ficasonibk f rfect
" ' 1 " I
Provides an evening of rare eninvmpnt 1
Good, clean, wholesome fun. Not a t
dull minute. j
Near O. R. & N. Depot
Admission, 20c Childr&i, 10c
Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
Delay will lead to serious breaks,
rirtt-tiabs work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Plumber.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hote