DAILY EAST ORE GONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1903. SORE HANDS Itching, Burning Palms, Painful Finger Ends, With Brittle, Shapeless, Discolored Nails, As Will as Roughness and Redness. One Nrght Treatment with Cuti cura, the Great Skin Cure. Soak the bands on retiring In n strong, lot, creamy lather of Catlcura Soap. Dry and anoint freely with Cnticnra Ointment, the grentskln core nnd purest of emollients. Wear, daring the night, old, loose kid gloves, or bandage lightly In old, soft cotton or linen. For red, longhand chapped hands, dry, fissured, itching, feverish palms, with brittle, shapeless sails and painful finger ends, this treatment is Blmply wonderful, fre quently caring In a single application. Complete local and constitutional treatment for every hnmour of the skin, pcclp and blood, with loss of hair, may now be bad for one dollar. Bathe with hot water and Catlcura Soap, to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without bard rubbing, and apply Cnti cnra Ointment freely, to allay Itching, Irritation and inflammation, and soothe and lical, and lastly, take the Catlcura Resolvent, to cool and cleanse the blood. This treatment affords Instant relief, permits rest and sleep in the severest forms of Eczema and other itching, burning and scaly humours, and poluts to a speedy, permanent and economical cure of torturing, disfiguring humours, from pimples to Scrofula, from Infancy to age. when all other remedies and the best physicians fall. SotdthmacboatUiewoTtd. CatieoiRfotTtnt.sne.(Ta farm ol ChaeoUM Oxttd JHU, tSc- per yiaJ or Ihnv ML SOe-t Soap, S5c- livpout lmdaa. T7 ChtrfffriuoM Bq.t Fhrb,A Ku- tU U lui lioctne. 137 CclumJjui An. fatter Drag A Cbm. Corp-, tot 1'rcprtttorv &r-Snd lor -How to Can Every Unmoor." SOCIETY SHOCKED RICH YOUNG ARISTOCRAT MARRIES A PUEBLO. Strange Love Affair of a Cornell Graduate Mothers and Sisters Prostrated at News of His Mar riageMan Is Rich, Educated and Refined; Girl an Indian. The marriage of John Wesley Da vis, club man, collegian, member of one of the bluest blooded families of the metropolis and heir to the large fortune of the late Joseph Da vis, to JIarcella Oglnez, a Pueblo In dian girl, is the strange romance of fered New York's 400, says a New York correspondent. The groom a graduate of Cornell and Andover, was a welcome addi tion to society, but he shunned en terprising mammas, and would have none of the canary snaring business. Last August he went to New Mext- j co to pursue arcnneoiogicai espiora tions, settling at Laguna Pueblo, miles northwest of Albuquerque. PENDLETON MORE CENTRAL LY LOCATED IN DISTRICT. day the priest In charge of the l!H lf ft f"T Tl i T nlOlinn guna pueblo arrived to say mass nnd If I L I I LI L UILUIIIJ he found a couple awaiting bim to Win I Ml I I 111 II 17111 1 1 T lm married. Ho nskod no auestions. Ill UL.I I III. UIUIIUI but did as ho was asked, receiving a large fee in exchange for the words that Joined tho representatives of alien races. Next day tho couple wont to Den ver. where for a week a dress mak ing establishment wns busy turning out a trousseau. Then tho couple started eastward via tho Yellowstone Park and the Northwest. The mother of the groom wns prostrated when she heard of her son's wedding, and left for Europe. His sisters looked at the matter philosophically. Tho question is, what will society do? ELOPES FROM A CONVENT. Sister Mary Louise Flees With Omo ha Carpenter. The news of the elopement of one of the sisters of St. James convent nt Eighteenth and Cass streets. Oma hn. Neb., has come to light Sister Mary Louise, whose name was She, deserted the convent one afternoon early in the week, an.l wns mniried at Cedar Rapids. Iowa, Edward I -t1 ...1 , . 1, ..!,- g3 juuusuu, u juuui; uiuu v.ui'iu hi ..ti ters employed to care far the . , ., . . . irrfiiiiiiiK in nnmn miidii n iroc .1 ti r ri t . i n . c- . nr.!, ftr.o,. , i,n.ir,, Johnson Is a carpenter. children In any Indian pueblo. Mar-,me nc(Iu"ln,led ?uh V1 8,stcr., cella Oglnez. 17 years of age. wos I yonnor, .-sou., 7 considered tho handsomest Indian ,,v- . .1 ,.Vi girl for miles around. ma,ch that the s sters at the O Con- Mrs. John W. Davis is tall and ! nor convent sent Sister Mary to lithe, with hair black as the raven's , 9mau,a twoT Zcars aB' ,,wbenJle,r wing, and as fine as that of any wo-' devotion to Johnson was discovered . . . Tnl.nc.nn fnlTmrml Imr t n .tilt r1 1 1 V OR mnn in tlin Innri Upr ninrk- pvps uwhuoju ll"u'"u ' w ...... mntr-h tho fnhtori Rmil.Ti-inrinn-c of tho '. soon as be learned where she was, He lie- Spanish girls, and are fringed wltn long, curving lishes. They looked with wonder on the wooing of the pale-faced lover. She has the char acteristic high cheek .bones of the race but her complexion is an olive brown, and her cheeks rival the rose In coloring. Her mouth is the cutest cupid's bow imaginable and her leeth are perfect. This wns the vision that interfered with the scientist's work. It wns before him during the day and he dreamed of It during the nights. The New Yorker nnd the Indian girl searched among the ruins. They took photographs and spent long hours filing them away. Four times Davis set the date of his departure for the East, and as many times postponed the event. One and' devoted months to jvorklng into the position of errand boy and me cbanlc at the local convent. Sister Mary nnd Johnson have had opportunities to see each other fre quently. The mother superior two weeks ngo had the man arrested for trying to communicate with the sis ter after their love affair was dis covered. They are living at Clinton. Iowa. Baker City Is at Extreme Eastern Border of New Bishopric Mall and Transportation Facilities of This City in Its Favor. Owing to tho more central location of Pendleton. In the territory com prising the uew Catholic bishopric of Eastern Oregon, It Is possible that Bishop C. J. O'Reilly may locate in this city Instead of Raker City, as at first Intended. The new bishonrlc comprises all the territory onst of the Cascade mountains, and as Pendleton is nat urally the central point from wnich all the churches of the district could be reached with great convenience, the permanent residence of the bishop may he located here. The residence of Bishop O'Reilly has been temiorarily fixed in Baker City, but a canvass of the conditions and the territory to be covered by him. discloses the fact that his work would lie greatly facilitated by resid ing in this city. The superior mail and railroad advantages of Pendle ton and the equal distance from this point to all the churches In the bishopric, make it the natural loca tion for that residence. Baker City is on the extreme east ern border of the territory, nnd has but four mall trains per day, while the central Oregon churches are twice as far from Baker City as from Pendleton, and Pendleton has eight mail trains a day. The Catholic con gregations at the two places are about of equal strength, each city having a school and hospital connected. Grant is Tardy. We have heard nothing of dele gates who are to attend the Natlon- nl lnlmitlnn Pnncrnao nt fr-flon llllt m li.iu.iuu wuuevBu - 1 ----- . I e r.cn,r ....nil,.- I- in I vo rnnrocpn t oil ' II UlUUb l.UUUij 0 . .J.. ..... ..." her delegates should be nnmed so they could be preparing for the work and journey. Long Creek Ranger. "THE CHRISTIAN" TONIGHT. Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. We Don't Keep Everything But we do keep a good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Ceiling, Rustic and 'Finish, in all grades. Also all kinds of Dimension Lumber, in cluding Lath and Shingles. Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes is complete, and any one in need of Lumber will not be wrong In placing their order with the : : Sray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W: ft C. R. Depot COMMERCIAL STABLES G. M. FROOME, PROPRIETOR. Carryalls for picnic parties. Good teams with competent drivers for commercial men. Speedy horses and handsome rigs for evening and Sun day drives. Oentle horses for family use. Stock boarded at reasonable rates. Best of care given to transient stock. Opposite Hotel Pendleton. Phone Main 161. 1 HII f '1 1 1"M "H"I 1 1 I M 'I Insurance at Cost Of OREGON $13,456,960.00 Insurance in force FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION. M. Agent H. for RICE, Freewater, Umatilla County. J. P. WALKER, city agent for Pendleton. 4. renuieton. t.n..i...ni.riMm..i... 4 t 4 4 4 4 ' ' Arlfr't nlnnrl Flilr nosltivelv cures chronic Blood Poisoning and all Serot inus affections. At all times a match less system tonic and purifier. Money refunded If you are dissatisfied. Fif ty cents and $1.00. F. W. Schm'dt Co., druggists. For Rent. 1 have remodeled the upstairs of the Despaln block and have some of the nicest omce rooms in the city. Call and see them. C. C. BERKELEY. Miss Countiss Wins an Astoria Audi ence by Her Clever Acting. A special from Astoria to the Sun day Oregonian. says in regard to "The Christian," which was present ed there Friday night: The Initial performance of "The Christian." which was presented at Fisher's opera house this evening, under the direction or George L. Ba ker, was a signal success and the house wns packed to the doors with an audience that showed its appre ciation of the excellent work of the artists by frequent and long-continued applause and numerous hearty encores. "The play is particularly touching and strong, and running through it is a vein of pathos that, presented as f4 Do You Want a Cab? When you want prompt and relia ble service call up 'phone .Main 1C1 The McKay Cab Co. 3VDVLTHOID KOOFDVG "3E1 The new high grade roof ing for low coit work. On ihcdi, factories, warehouses, bams, depots, wharves. All buildings of large roof sur face that require protection fiom the elements. A better roofing at the same price has never been produced. Scni for bokUt 4 The Paraffine Paint Co. San Francisco. Seattle. and Denver, Colorado. T. C. TAYLOR, Agent The best of barley, hops and yeast, selected by one of our partners. Pure water, from six wells driven down to rock. Pure air, which has first passed through an air filter. Every drop of Schlitz Beer filtered by machin ery through masses of white wood pulp. Every bottle sterilized, so that it contains no germs. Thus we double the necessary cost of our brew ing to make purity certain to make Schlitz Beer healthful. Will you drink common beer, and pay just as much for it, when Schlitz Beer can be had for the asking. Ask fir the Brewery Bottling, Phone SI Main, H. Kopittke, 507 Main St, Pendleton Asa Lee Willard, as John Storm, in "ine cnristian." On Its Merit Has the large demand for Byets' BestFlour Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enters in to Byers Best Flour. It's pet feet ion in Flour. Made by the PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. i it was tonight, holds the interest of , the auditors until tho final drop of the curtain. , "The stage settings were magnln- ! cent ana nothing to equal them has been seen in Astoria for many a day. Miss Cathrine Countiss, as Glory uuayie, luimied the fondest hopes . of her most ardent admirers and . well-wishers, and her portrayal of the difficult role, especially the emotion al parts, won for her many words of ' praise anu admiration. "Mr. Willard, as John Storm, scored niruosi as great a success. Ills stage presence was pleasing, his volco fine and his acting excellent, while the balance of tho company was unusually strong and well bal anced." Pendleton will be favored with the presentation of this excellent play tonight at the Frazer. ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber. l OU MAT INTKND UCILDING or flu ' It nt-comry to Jt El I, ACE A AVOIIN-OL'T HOOF ELATERITE ROOFING Takes th i place of shingles, tin, Iron, tar and gravel, and all prepared roofings. For flat and steep surfaces, gutters, valleys, etc Easy to lay. Tempore . for all climates. Reasonable in cost. Sold on merit. Guaran teed. It will pay to ask for prices and Information, THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO. Worcester Building. Portland. A Boy's Wild Ride for Life. With family around expecting him to die. and a son riding for life, IS miles to get Dr. King's New Discov ery for consumption, coughs and colds, V. H. Brown, of Lcesville, Ind.. endured death's agonies from asth ma; but this wonderful medicine gave Instant relief and soon cured him. He writes; "I now sleep sound ly everj" night" Like marvelous cures of consumption, pneumonia, bronchitis, coughs, colds and grip prove its matchless merit for all throat and lung troubles. Guaran teed bottels 50e and $1.00. Trial bot tles free at Tallman & Co.'s drug store. a tm V Annfher rliiK woman. IVTrs. 1-Tanlp.. nf V Another club woman, Mrs. Haule, Edgerton, Wis., tells how she was cured of irregularities and uterine trouble, ter rible pains and backache, by the use of Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, "Deai: Mns. Pixkham: A -while ago my health began to fail because of female troubles. The doctor did not help mo. I remem bered that my mother had used Iyrtia E. Plnkham's Ycgctablo Compound on many occasions for irregularities and uterine troubles, and I felt sure that it could not harm mo at any rate to give it a trial " I wis certainly glad to find that within a week I felt much bettor, the terrible pains in the back and side were beginning to cease, and at the time of menstruation I did not hare nearly as 6erious a time aa heretofore, so I continued its use for two months, and at the end of that time I was like a new woman. I really have never felt better in my life, have not had a sick headache since, and weigh 20 pounds more than I ever did, so I unhesitatingly recommend your medicine." Mna. May IIai'lc, Edgerton, Wis., Pres. Household Economics Club- "When women are troubled with irregularities, suppressed or painful menstruation, weakness, indigestion, leiieorrhcn,-dlf:pl.-ii-inent or ulceration of the Avonib, Inflammation of tlio ovaries, gen eral dehility, and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness faintness, lassitude, excitability, Irri tability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, "all-gono" and "want-to-be-left-alone" feelings, blues ad hopelessness, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. L.ydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best. Frances Cook, Box 670, Kane. Pa., sap: "Dear Mr.s. Pikthiam: T snffprfid tor ten rears with leucorrhrjen. but nm triad tn srv that through the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound and her Sanative Wash I am cured, lor wluch 1 am very thankful" FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO "WOMEK. Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. Pinkliani. She will understand your cas- perfectly, and will treat you with kindness. Her aMee is free, and the address is Lynn, Mass. lib woman ever regretted havinsr written Iht, and she has' helped thousands. (Rflfin '5OR.F,T ?r -in.t. fnrthwltli ir.lim Ibo orljrfnikl letter! and tnatana of i.jm r.. I'Jiiklmm Mwlleiue Co., Lynn, .ll 'T1 "vtl Jp 77 5 w. The Best Oil Cooking Stove Ever Made is the automatic blue flame oil cooker. It is a boon to the house keeper la hot weather, and wiM boil, bake or roast Jlke a chann. It burns only a gallon or ell hi three days, and Is the safest, simplest, cleanest and most eco nomical stove ever made. Prices Reduced to Close Out J. CLARKE & Co. 2ii Court Street AIONTERASTELLI BROS. Marble and Granite Works MONUMENTS, nEPSTOXE,COP JNOtl AKU BUILDIAO PTOKK We our own work and gnarnte the'mmeat Jowwt price. Ettlmstei tritea on 1) ktndi ol Cut Eloue. we tare a Urge flock and von'd bj pleat ed to 1ito jou riamtne ii. ; : : . Main Street PeodJetos, Oregoa NarO. K. tN.DfKt BRANCH.SdOi AT UEPMJEIt, QUE. LEGAL BLANKS 22SAL?SL Ladies hair soles 40c. TeutscVs. ' alogue of them. A fall supply always kept in stock.