East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 31, 1903, Image 8

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Comfortable :
Shoe I
is a blessing to woman kind
and FITTING comfortable t
sboes to the ladies feet is
making our store more popu-
lar every day with all who
want good shoes. Ij
W. S. Bycrs the Only Complainant
Today Asks That His Assessment
' Be Reduced From $45,000 to $33,
' 000 Total Assessmnet of County
The work that hns for bo long
taken the time and efforts of the as-
J scssor and his deputies, has at last
When buying shoes, don't Tbeen completed, and the assessment
lulls i.i it mil. i ii. i ii 1 1 : l 1 1 1 : ii ui. i ii vi i
equalization. This hoard is compos-
call for a certain size, In
take a seat and ask to be
I Dmdmge, Wxl-
'Phone, Main iiSi
Immense Crowd Witnessed the Per
formance at the Park Last Satur
day Night.
ed of County Judge G. A. Hartman,
County Clerk W. D. Chamberlain,
and County Assessor C. P. Strain.
The board me this morning and at
once took up the work of hearing
objections that might be made as to
the valuation of the property as list
ed on the rolls.
There were several men at the ses
sion of the board this morning but
few of them had come to make com
plaint at the valuation of their prop
erty. They came to straighten out
the assessment on mortgages that
were held by them but which bad
been satisfied.
There are one or two property
holders who claim poverty as an ex
cuse for the nonpayment of their
the1 carnival, and in that case the
city should have a good time this
fall, when tho event comes off.
Executive ;Committee Make an Item
ized Statement of All ' Money Re
ceived and Disbursed.
The Heppnor executive committee
has rendered a report on the finan
cial condition of the relief work, In
that city. The report Is an elaborate
affair, and shows the source of every
cent of funds received by the com
mittee since the day of the disaster,
and also the expense items In detail,
Including altogether some 400 pay
ments, In varying amounts to differ
ent people. The account Is complete,
and has been accepted by the people
of Heppner as an official statement.
Following are the totals.
Total amount cash Red.. .$C1,10G.95
Total amount checked out
by committee 62,936.34
Cash balance In bank as
per statement this date.. 8.3G1.13
Total.. $61,297.4.
Outstanding checks not yet
presented $ 190.52
Miss Gaither Has Returned.
Miss Mollle Gaither, assistant su
perintendent of the Indian school,
has returned from a three-weeks'
trip, during which time she visited
Denver. Colorado Springs and Law
rence. Kan. At the latter place she
taxes, but these have been exempt-1 was the guest of ofllclals of the Kan
ed in the books and do not take up I sas State University, and of Harkell
the time or tho court this year as ! Institute. The latter Institution is
they did last. In fact, last year the I one of the largest Indian schoiU ,n
board of equalization had notmng to ' the United States, nearly S00 belli?
, do for .the reason that no one appear
I etl before them, but this year they
One of tho largest and most en-! 3e," ,to, have but little business
thusiastlc crowds of tho season at
tended Shields' Park last Saturday
A delegation of tho residents of
Butter creek are In the city to nv
night. The entertainment was good Pnr 'elore lup oari1 lo nsK, lucm
and the prize drawing was attended t scale tne assessment on the cattle
with great interest. Manager Nelson I tMnt tftp-v uu-v to ,feed ,0,ach, y;ar-
sprung a surprise on the crowd when
he reversed the order of the drawing,
giving away the pictures first and the
eipgant center table and rocker at
the last.
Tin- winners were as follows:
Ticket No. 8987, first. George Wilk
inson. SS1U, second, John Albert;
S!M. thhd. James Damon: 8365,
fourth, oak rocker, Lydia Bronsnn
7m"i ilfrh renter table Sam Tlo'
erts. profit
These men are In the habit of going
to the banks in the fall nnd borrow
ing money Unough to buy a sufficient
number of cattle to oat the hay they
raise during the summer. In this
way they do not own the cattle they
have. In fact, but are interested
chiefly in the profit. They borrow
the cattle, in fact, and in the spring
the average enrollment. The attend
ance Is drawn from every reserv.itUii
and tribe in the United States. Miss
Gaither was greatly pleased with her
observations, and Impressed as well
She found the Umatilla contingent at
Haskell, all of whom were for sever
al years her charges here, in good
health and spirits, and ir.aKing fine
records for scholarship and behavior.
With the East Oregonian.
Charles B. Sampson, formerly con
nected with the East Oregonian as
advertising manager, has returned
from an outing at Tillamook. Long
Heach, Portland and other valley
..'sell them and returning the money unu oiuur vauey
;.! borrowed to the banks keeping the "ts- nd rCBme(1 rhls ' If
' profits for themselves. ! s,t," WJ thiB IPer- ?t?r a. aI.-
. . i I,, vlmv nf Mile Pondttinn tln mail " ,ur """. uimuK wimn
iv .rusrani m .. j ' V (hini w tw -hnnlri hnv UM and sold a half in
xviaL- 1 n ..imwiv mimiitr nil do not think that they should have
through. Th'4 Harrisons, the Leons to pay full" taxes on the cattl and
nnd Flood niirt Haves are all artists , ask for a reasonable deduction at the
nnd Flood aim Hayes are all artists
In their line and come highly recom
mended. They have made hits where
they have recently appeared and the
patrons of the park here are promis
ed an interesting week's amuse
ment. The prize drawing goes right
along tins week.
Gone to Dixie Ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wade were the
guests of relatives and friends in the
city Sunday, returning to tneir sum
mer home at the Dixie ranch, this
morning, to which place they were
accompanied by Mrs. C. B. Wade,
who will spend a week there as the
guest of her son and his wife.
1 I I 1 11 H 1 M"H"H !'
Toilet 1
I Daintiness
hands of the board.
terest in the Morning Tribune. . He
will be found at his old place in this
office, hereafter, attending to the ad
The only one who has made com- "". ""
i. f. !, ,.iMrm f Introduction to the patrons or this
plaint so far, on the valuation of
their property. Is W. S. Byers. His
property was assessed at $45,000.
mill; race and all. Byers. through
his attorneys. Balleray & McCourt,
claims that the valuation is exces
sive and wishes the board to scale
tho assessment to $33,000. "What ac
tion tho board will take in the mat-
Fraternal Brotherhood Installation.
At the regular meeting of tne Fra
ternal Brotherhood, last Saturday
night, the following officers were -n-stalled:
H. E. Collier, president:
Edith Isaacs, vice-president: E. A.
tvr Ik licit vet known hut there Js I T.nmhprt plintilnln- Drs nlnin nnil
season to believe that the amount i Henderson, physicians: Hattie Stan-
assessed will stand i field, secretary; Mary Cady. tnnsi-
The books have all been balanced I clan; W. H. Harrison, M. at A.? Mrs.
through the alphabet and the as-i May Collier, sergeant: Josenh Klm
sessmeut of the county foots up a j erly. treasurer; John Halley. Jr..
total of $9,629,506.22. This Is an in-1 doorkeeper: Joseph Dupuis outer
crease of 04 per cent over the as- doorkeeier. Seyen new members
sessment of the last year. In the
estimation of the assessor this Is a
fair and reasonable valuation. In
his assessment he has simply divid
ed the valuation of the property, as
J j given him. by three, and used the
X ' result as the assessable value of the
property. He applied this rule to all
classes of property regardless of the
were initiated at tho meeting.
X Who is it that does not ap
X ireclato a sweet, delicate odor,
J especially of the dainty, last-
lino of imported and domestic X
perfumes in Eastern Oregon. 1
X A few of our leading imported X
odors are;
X Azurea, La Trefle, J
Peau d' Espagne,
X Indian Hay.
T And many more of the same
X quality in b-ilk as well as in
lancy pacKages.
jc-imiiijf xiruggmui d
Representative of Another Carnival
Company Is Coming.
This morning one of tho business
men of the city received a telephone
message from E. J. Arnold, the show
man, who said that he wanted io
come here with his shows and give
the people of the city a fall carnival.
He was told that the field was as
yet open and that It would be well
for him to come and look over the
field. Mr, Arnold expressed himself
as anxious to come to this city with
his entertainment, and said that he
would either come In person or would
send someone who would be able to
represent the matter for him In the
next few days.
So It seems that Pendleton is to
have a couple of showmen, both of
whom are anxious to take hold of
They Lead the Procession
The popularity of Swift's products among all classes Is very
largely duo to tho absolutely clean and hygienic conditions un
der which each carcass is dressed, and the meat and the food pro
ducts prepared and Inspected. This Is particularly true of Swift's
Premium Ham and Bacon. From the sleek, corn-fed hogs in the
pens, the carefully selected hams and bacon in the smokehouse,
the final expert inspection by the U. S. government, and, lastly,
the dainty wrapping in parchment paper, each step in the evolu
tion of these nutritious and appetizing products Is a guarantee
that they will always please.
Engine Derailed.
The engine hauling the regular
Washington & Columbia Klver west
bound freight train was derailed and
partially turned Over by a derailing
frog at Thiel's, a small station this
side of Eureka Junction. No dam
age was done. The engine was run
ning on a side track and the derail
ing frog was not noticed until too
late. Traffic was not delayed.
Walla Walla Union.
C. H. Carter Is III.
Mrs. Charles H. Carter has return
ed to her home In this city, called by
the news of tho Illness of her hus
band. Mr. Carter was taken sick
Saturday evening, and Is now quite
HI. It Is feared that he has typhoid
fever, but It is yet too early to tell,
as the disease has not as yet developed.
Will Reside at Salem.
John Capllnger, of Helix, will
leave for Salem tonight, where he
will place his two small children In
school and where he will probably
reside indefinitely. Mr. Capllnger
has leased his Helix farm to Charles
McLeavy. His wheat this year av
eraged 31 bushels, which he sold
for 70 cents.
Guests of George Darveau.
Silas H. Soule, of the Soule Broth
ers' Piano Company, of Portland,
Harry Smith, of Denver, and Jerry
Clarke, of Portland, are the guests
of Landlord George Darveau, at the
Hotel St. George.
Increased Business.
For the first six months of the
year the State Life Insurance Com
pany of Indiana, for which W. J. Ho
mer Is tho local manager, made a
gain of 64 per cent In the new busi
ness and a gain of 51 per cent in In
come over the same time in 19u.
Police Court.
William Davis, Scotch Sampson,
an Indian, and Harry Keuker were
arrested yesterday forbelng drunk
and .disorderly and were fined $5
apiece by the city court. In default
of the amount all were sent to tho
city Jail for three days.
i O. .D. Teel, or Echo, spont the day
, In the city on business.
J. B. Young, of Freewater, was a
visitor In the city Sunday and today.
, Grover Avery, of Bingham Springs,
i Is In the city for a short business
Miss U McCullough. of Echo, was
; tho guest of friends In the city over
i Sunday.
I Dale Slusher returned home last
! night, after nn outing at Lehman
Mr, and Mrs. S. I-adel, of Shllo, are
visiting friends in tne city for a
short time.
Mrs. F. K. Wells, of Freewater,
was In the city Sunday tne guest of
friends for the day.
Mrs. K. T. Kuebler left this morn
ing Tor Heppner for a visit with
friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Harris, of Shl
lo, nre in tho city the guests of
friends for a few days.
Miss Johanna Spear, matron at the
Indian xchool, has returned from a
visit to her old home In Ohio.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. E. Hume, of Sa
lem, were the guests of the Golden
Rule Hotel Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Falling have
returned frdm an extended visit at
various coast points and in Portland.
J. B. Straughn. of Birch- creek, is
suffering from n severe stroke of
apoplexy. His condition is critical.
Mrs. E. T. Wade Is sick In bed
with a high fever, nnd It Is feared
that she is down with the typhoid l"o
ver. H. .1. Mean has been confined to
his home for several days with a
severe attack of erysipelas in uie
Mrs. W. .1. Wilkinson and -liss
Velma M. Wilkinson, of Athena, are
in the city for a short visit with
M. L. Cauhey. a prominent real
estate dealer of La Grande, is in the !
city this afternoon, en route io Pros-1
ser. Wash. v j
.Mrs. II. J. Stlllman has returned j
ft ..... Ctinbuiiti .nlia caVin watt llic '
UlllfnUIID, K14.V. ...... v....
guest of relatives and friends for the ,
U,tt vek.
Mrs. E. Jacobson and family, ot
Kamela, are visiting with Mrs. Wal
ter Hopper and .Mrs. Ben Cottier Tor
a lew days.
J. X. Williamson, the congress
man, returned to The Dalles this
morning aftr a couple of days
spent In this city.
Father Deemaris, of Baker City,
spent Saturday in this city, visiting
Fathers Xeate and Van der Veldon.
returning home Saturday night.
Mrs. M. J. Marsh returned to her
home at Weston this morning, after
a visit In thlB city at the home of
her sister. Mrs. Lina B. Sturgls.
Mrs. A. M. Clarke, of the Peoples
Warehouse, lias returned from a
week's visit at Hot Lake, where she
went to rest from the work of the
Mr. nnd Mrs. 12. C Skiios left last
evening for Baker City, from which
point Mr. Skiles will go on into the
Interior, while Mrs. Skiles. after a
short visit, will return to this city.
Miss Ethel Johnson has returned
from a visit with friends in Astoria,
where she attended the regatta, and
from various coast resortB, where
she has been spending the summer
Mr. and .Mrs. P. P. Collier have re
turn from San Francisco, where they
have been for a couple of weeus at
tending the national encampment of
the Grand Army and visiting with
Dr. and Airs, W. G. Cole and family
have returned from Hlparla, where
they went the latter part of the week
to bring back to their home the
children, who have been spending the
summer there.
William Keller, of the Thompson
Hardware Company, Is sick at his
home with a touch of the malaria.
Ever since his return from the Phil
ippines, Mr. Keller has suffered from
attacks of malaria.
Mrs. William Slusher and daugh
ter, Edith, returned last evening from
a six weeks' outing at Lehman
Springs. They were accompanied by
Miss Ona Sloper, of Portland, who
has been visiting with them there
for a couple ot weeks.
tended vacation trip. While away Xtr. f
Funk visited Portland and the Sound ,
cities, and from thoro went to Alas-.
ka, whore he visited Sitka, Dawson, !
uxkc tsenncu ana inner poiuis oi in- j
terest In the north. He has been
gone 'about a month.
Ed Weston ' Awaits Action by Su
preme Court on an Appeal.
, By order of the court, Ed Weston, J
who was In the county jail awaiting
the action of the supreme court on '
his appeal from the decision of the
lower court, sentencing him to a
term in the penitentiary for the
crime of horse stealing, was today
released on furnishing $500 ball, to
await the action of the court. Wes-
ton has been In tho jail for several ,
months, and was sentenced at the
last sitting of the circuit court. The
case was appealed to the supreme
court, and a stay ot proceedings was
granted, pending the hearing of tho
case. All this time Weston hns been
In the jail here.
The yield of hops In Clackamas
county Is said to be very lighL
m. -w ' mm vr v Ji
I have been using Lifebuoy Soaj
for several years as a general hou.
hold soap, and find It far superior to
any I have over used. Mrs. it Ba.
man, 396 Second St., Jersey City, n
J. .
A $5,000 guarantee ot purity jom
with each cake ot Lifebuoy Sotp.
Look for It on the carton. A pur-
and better soap than Lifebuoy
not bo made.
In all departments of our big store.
As heretofore, you will find(our prices
much less on reliable 'merchandise
than elsewhere. Our largely Increas
ed sales over former seasons satisfies
us the people are learning this fact.
We shall continue to do all we can to
merit the good will and patronage of
the many customers we now have and
hope also to add many new ones. Any
goods bought at our store "not satiS'
factory." returned in good condition
the money will be promptly returned
at all times.
UliSiilfJM igiTOtr j'wa Vcr y Truly YoursagzmmGDS2EZZ22a
STOfiE i
Returned From Alaska.
A. C. Funk, of the sherm's office,
is expected to return to the city to
night or in ihe morning, after an cx
Indigestion Dyspepsia, Constipation,
Bllllousness, Heartburn or Nausea
can be quickly cured If you will only
take Hostotter's Stomach Bitters at
the first symptom. There can be no
disappointment, because It contains
only those ingredients as will
strengthen tho stomach and cure
these ailments. We urge you to try
it the next time your stomach gets
out of order. The genuine must
have our Private Stamp on neck of
The New Fall Styles
nf the
Knox Hats
are here
. i : i
-ucl - - if
A very large assortment of
good wearing shirts, the kind
that give satisfactory wear
and comfort.
We Have Your Sise
and more than you expect to
see. All prices.
New Fall Suits
Fot Boys
Better think ahout
this when ready
to buy
The largest stoclr in the City
to select from
' Tin jxr
wyiV "'vu ana x oung ,
: i ' : men : : i
Never bette in
style or price. All
sizes from 32 to 50
breast measure :
We Have Yotf
'tBWflf 1KB O&VSl 6 SMNOPSlt UT1SA.K t