East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 31, 1903, Image 6

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Can anyone suppose
that we would double
the necessary cost of
our brewing without a
vital reason?
Would we spend so much on
Icleanliness ? Would we cool the
I beer in plate glass rooms ? Would
I we filter all the air that touches it ?
Would we age it for months ?
Would we sterilize every
' bottle ?
We do it to attain
absolute purity to avoid
the remotest possibility of germs
to make Schlitt Beer healthful.
Why accept a com
mon beer, brewed with
out any of these pre
cautions, when Schlitz
Beer costs no more ?
Your dealer may prefer to fur-
Inish a beer that pays a little more
profit ; but does it pay you to per
mit it? Isn't pure beer Schlitz
iBeer worth asking for ?
Alt for the Brevitry Btttttng.
Phone 51 Main,
H. Kopittke,
507 Main St., Pendleton
New York, Auk. 29. Fashionahlo
attention reverts to the separate bod
ice as tho summer season drawB to
a close. Within a fow weeks ft will
bo too cool for the dainty lawn, dim
ities ami other diaphanous fabrics
that hold sway and their place will
bo usurped by the most fascinating
of bodices.
Though taffeta, peau de sole, louls
Inc and tho vnrlous other fashionable
waist materials will hold their own In
popular favor, the ndvance models
show nn attempt to put In the ascend
ency the silky light weight fabrics
that have proved so smart this sum
mer. Of eourso, tho highly finished
satins and tho like will ever hold
first place for very dressy occasions,
but they must bo trimmed sparingly
and by one gifted with n sense of the
fitness of things if exaggeration Is
to he avoided.
In tho graceful voiles, etamlnos.
hnp.snckings and canvas cloths this
danger Is not so great. And speak
ing of trimming, happy will bo the
woman who lias some bits of that
old-fnsholncd lnce known as tatting
stored away In the clothes chest, this
fall, for it is to be The decoration
of the season. It will be used for
yokes, elbow cuffs, pelerines and in
every Imaginable way to accomplish
nriclnnl effects. Several of the bod
ices designed for the Fashion Show
which opens next week, show unique
garnitures of tatting. One particu
larly smart design gives a very nar
row ions waist effect back and front
v hieli Is emphasized by a narrow
crashed belt of putty colored satin
The bodice Is in erearn otamine.
The sleeves are out to fit close about
the wrists although there Is, no sep
arate cuff and above this point to the
elbow they full full and loose, trim
med with a band of tatting onibrold
ery headed ly three deep tucks that
reach well nigh to the shoulders.
There is a yoke and vest of tatting
done in crenm thread and deliriously
Interwoven with embroidered leaves
and f-hiffon (lowers. This yoke ex
tends below the best line in a per
t'wt square ami i finished with a
fifelm-llke arrangement of the tatt.im
draped low over the back and shoul
ders. The Shawl Waist Novelty.
A narrow band of the putty satin
Is used as a heading for the flschu
and is stitched on to describe a
square between the shoulders nt the
back. At frequent Intervals tiny lit
tle enameled buttons are sewn on the
Wo have had tho handkerchief and
Persian square wolsts In every stylo
and mnterlal, but the shawl wnlst is
a novelty that Is worth a chapter all
to Itself. The daintiest of tnesc de
signs are made of silk shawls which
come In a soft weave resembling
surah, with a thin cord running here
and thero through It, enhanced wltn
stripes In various pale colors, blue
yellow, blush pink, and oau de Nil.
A simple blouse Is tucked In the
front and mndc to fit In the back
without even the customary gathers
nt tho waist line. Tho knotted sill,
fringe of the shawl Is utilized as an
effective decoration down the front,
over the shoulders, across tho back,
where It is caught here and thero
with tiny gilt bucklos and on the
cuffs and stock.
Next to laeo and embroidery, fringe
will be the most fashionable trim
ming of nuttimn. It is used artisti
cally on a corn flower blue satin bod
Ice. The front is laid In small plaits
with n vest of tucked white mousse
llne de sole and lace. The vest Is
laid over a foundation of blue silk
and tho moussellne and lace nrc cut
In squares and formed over It. being
joined with fngottlng done In silver
threads. Finishing the vest are ruf
fles of the same materials falling
over a flschu of the satin borderon
with blue and white silk fringe
shaded In the most delicate manner.
A charming waist which can be
used separately, completes a mauve
penu de crepe nfternoon toilette. It
Is plaited at the under-arm seams
nnd draped up over the front to open
over a yoke made of embroidered
gauze nnd lnce bands. A plaited
flschu of the crepe made irregular
by a hnndsomo lnce edging borders
the yoke and extends low over the
rle'h lace sleeves. The distinguishing,
feature of the sleeve, however, Is a
pinned puff set In at the shoulder
nnd extending to the elbow, below
whirli it falls "in graceful abandon,"
to burrow the words of the designer.
The skirt of this toilette is gang-
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
Wc 1'ou't Keep Everything
But wc do keep a good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Rustic and Finish,
In all grades. Also all kinds
of Dimension Lumber, In
cluding Lath and Shingles.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxes Is complete, and any
one in need' of Lumbtr will
not be wrong in placing
their order with the : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. Wi & C. R. Depot
Carryalls for picnic parties. Good
teams with competent drivers for
commercial men. Speedy horses and
handsome rigs for evening and Sun
day drives, Gontle horses for family
use. Stock boarded at reasonable
rates. Best of care given to transient
stock. Opposite Hotel Pondleton
'Phone Main 1C1,
fThe cigar that
beats them all at
m Xtoc Largest Selling Brand B
of Cigar In tbe 'World. HT
Iht Zand it Iht Smoktr't TrcUclic.
1 cd In panels, the lowor -part bordered
. with tucks forming a flounce and tho
upper pan nuea unaer a yuKe em.
pleccment bordered with tho irregU'
' lar lace used on the flschu.
Shirt Waists for Business Women.
Shirt waists for business arc in
striking contrast to the elaborate
dress bodices. Realizing more than
over that her dress can not bo too
severely plain as long as It is smart,
tho business woman this year will
adopt almost Puritanical designs.
White linen waists will bo worn
all winter, and nothing could be
neater than n blouso which has tho
front sewed In short tucks below a
shaped piece which forms the yoko
and back. Thero is a sleeve piece
to correspond opening over a partly
tucked bishop puff. The nearest ap
proach to any trimming is threo
creamy pearl buttons that are pinned
on the front, with two or more to
hold the cuffs In place,
A striking linen frock which con
tinues to grace tho windows of a
smart establishment might bo used
for an early autumn model. The
skirt is tucked and has a delicate de
sign of embroidery over the hips,
while directly down tho front is a
wide strip of lace extending to the
edge of tho hem. From this, run
ning vertically around tho bottom, Is
another strip of lace with tho em
broidery on either side of it. i.io
whole flares tremendously around
tho bottom, being stitched quite tight
to a little below tho knees. The
skirt falls very long over tho feet
nnd Is the same length at the back,
a fact which emphasizes the prophe
cy that autumn gowns are not to
have such long trains as arc worn
Just now. It is not probable, how
ever, thnt the length of the fashion
able skirt will be curtailed to the
impairment of its graceful effect, re
gardless of tho fact that shorter
drosses are more easily managed.
The bodlco has a high white silk
girdle encircling the waist and slop
ing toward the front. Over tho gir
dle blouses a wide band of coaio
ice which commences from Ihe
stock, In fact appears to bo a contin
uation of the lattor.
At the back tho lace forms tails
below the girdle and at the shoul
ders, strips branch out from, the
center band to extend over the shoul
ders and form n cap.
The collar is of lnce held In place
with tiny bonos. The bolero effect
is enriched with embroidery and the
same trimming is employed for the
tup and cuffs of the sleeves.
Miss Countlss Comes Highly Recom
mended by Portland People.
.Miss Catherine Counttss. who will
play tho role of Gloria Quayle in
'The Christian," tomorrow night,
has been a favorite witli tho Port
land public since she came from the
Kant, two years ago to enter i.ie
Maker Stock Company.
Personal letters trom Portland to
niends In this city, speak in highest
:erms of .Miss Countlss and her in
terpretation of her role in this touch
ing play.
Pendleton's theater-goers are as--tired
that u treat Is in store for them
in "The Christian." Tho company
throughout is strong and tho scenes
striking and drumntle. "The Chris
tian" run a week at the Baker, in
Portland, last October, with splen
did success. The audiences Increas
ed as the week passed. There was a
growing interest in the play as the
people como to see It so graphically
interpreted trom the stage.
Those who have read tho story
with keen interest, anticipate this
presentation of It with delight. 10
read a book Is nothing but a formal
introduction to the characters; to
see tho chapters transferred to tho
stage and hear the passionate story
repeated from human lips, is to
know and love the eharneters with
the familiarity.
"Deaii Mrs. Pinktiam: It is with thankfulness I write that I,yll
E. Pinkhum's Vegetable Compound has hem of the greatest htlp to
me. Aly work keeps me standing on my feet till day and the hours re
long. Some months ago it didn't seem as though 1 could stand it. I
would get so dreadfully tired and my back ached so I wanted to sr ream
with the pain. "When I got home at night 1 was so worn out 1 had to
go right to bed, and I was terribly blue and downhearted. I was im jn.
lar and the flow was scanty, and I was pale and had no appetite. I te I
a girl friend who was taking your medicine how 1 felt, and she fic I
ought to take it too. So I got a bottle of Iiydia K. IMnlihnm's " edi
table Compound and commenced to take it. It helped me nglc ".
After the first lew doses menstruation started and was fuller tl..t.i fi r
some time. It seemed to lift a load off me. 51. v back stopped a. hu g and
I felt brighter than I had frr months. I took three bottles in .ih. Now
I never have an ache or pain, and I go out after work and bat a good
time. I am regular and strong and am thankful to you for the chant?
" I recommend Iiydiu E. l'inklmm's Vegetable Compound en.
ever 1 hear of a girl suffering, for 1 know how hard it is t uik h n
you feel so sick." Miss Mamie Keiiixs, 633 9th Ave., New York
Women should not fail to profit by the experiences of thoc
women ; just as surely as thev were cured of the troubles enu
merated in (licit letters, just so certainly will Jjj'dla 15. JPinkham's
Vegetable Coinpuuud euro others who suffer from womb (rou
bles, inflammation of tho ovaries, kidney troubles, irregular nnd
painful menstruation, nervous excitability, and nervous prostra
tion; remember that it. is Lydiu. E. Vinkirun's Vegetable Com
pound that Is curing women, and don't allow any drugj;'t to
sell you anything else iu its place.
Miss Amanda T. Petterson, Box J 31, At water, Minn., says:
"Deaii Mna. Plvkham. I hop that you
will publish this testimonial so that it may
reach others and let them know about your
wonderful medicine.
"Before takintr Lvdia E. l'inkliam's
Vegetable Compound 1 was troubl tl with
the worst land of fainting spells. The blood
would rush to my head, was very nervous and
always felt tired, hatrdurk circles around eyes.
"I have now taken several bottles of
Lydia E. J'inlcliani's Vegetable Com
pound and am cntin ly cured. I had takea
doctor's medicine for many years but it did
me no good.
" Please accept my thanks for this most
excellent medicine which is able to restore
health to suffering women."
No other female medicine in the world baa
received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. o
other medicine, has such a record of cures of female (roubles.
Tho-e women who refuse to accept anything else arc re
warded it hundred thousand times, for they get what they want
a cure. Sold by Druggists everywhere. KefiiKo sill substUuica.
ihrfinfH FORFEIT If we ciinnot forthwttli produce tlie original letters am! f);utur'
'41 ill! II ubu n-timmilnls, which will prove thrtr at.olute i.-iuiilniup.
t&UUUU Ljdla K. I'lnklmiu McdIHno Co., Ljnn, Mm.
, -
The Best
Oil Cooking Stove
Ever Made
Is the automatic blue Oumv oil
cooker. It is a boon to the house
keeper in hot weather, and will
boil, bake or roast like a cbana
It burns only a gallon of oil lu
three days, and Is the safest
simplest, cleanest and most eci1,
nomlcal stove ever made.
Prices Reduced to Close Out
W. J. CLARKE & Co. 21. Court Street i
Marble and Granite
We ..o our own work nt"1 guarantee the uie
lowest liricc. Emranti 'v;m on all kiiidn o( ''
Stone. We limen 'uric t "1 ii1 wou'o h
cd to have you cxamlm
Main Street
. Nem O h
Pendleton, On-yon
lKl'JNEit, OHE
C. TAYLOR, Agent
Write the East Ore
onfcitt for a free cat-
A full supply always kept in stock.
I alog&e of them.