DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 1903. August Bargain Days REAL BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT THE LAST JO DAYS OF AUGUST Shirt Waists, Wrappers, Skirts Hosiery and 1000 other things. ins to litem STATUS AND PROSPECTS OF GOVERNMENT WORK. Bargains Everywhere Dont mi s it TEUTSCH'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE Corner Main and Alta Messrs. Newell, Savage, Whistler Et Al Meet With the Commercial As soclatlon Impart Much Valuable Information as to the Bureau's Work In This and Other States Officials Cannot Tell "Which Way the Cat Will Jump." 'City Brevities See Sharp for paper banging. Fresu fruit daily at Martin's. Kresh ranch eggs at Kemler's. .Ladies' half soles 40c Tcutsch's. For the best bread, get Rohrman's. Fresh lish .same and poultry. Cas tle s Refrigerated meats. Schwartz & Greulirh Co. Xcw books arrivinc dally at Fra iter's book store. Wanted Machinist and moulder at Rtgby Clove Foundry Received daily, fresh tamales, crabs and crawfish at Gratz's. Mj Preferlda. the best cigar made, j at Rees' cigar store, Court street. Don't, let cigars get the best of you get the best of cigars. Hanlon's. j All kinds of Imported and domestic j lunches and clam chowder at Gratz's. We have fruit Jars anu fruit Jar extras, rubbers, covers, etc man Fresh fruits at Kemler's. Best shoe work at Teutsch's. See Sharp's artistic wall paper. Smokers' supplies at Js'euman's Are you going to Lehman Springs? If you want a cab, call up Main 161. Get your clothes cleaned at Joer ger's. Call up 'J'hone Main 1SS1 when you want pure ice. Fresh crawfish at the Columbia Saloon tonight. Buy a fountain pen this week at half price at Frazler's. Try the Palm, 221 Court street, for nuts, candies and fruits. For prompt service, call up the Mc Kay Cab Co., 'phone Main 161. Tents, camp stoves, camp stools, for action, and then etc., at Under s Furniture store. department saw Games, blocks, dolls, toys, juve-! begun. nlle books and air guns. Nolf's. Buy sheet music of us and draw a U Rohr- j nrlze- Inland Empire Piano House. uoous mat are rigni ai prices mat Last Saturday evening tho Com morclal Association assembled with their friends In tho rooms of the as- soclatlon to meet with the party of irrigationists who were here looking into the conditions of the country in the sen-ice of the interior depart menu The guests of honor for the evening were F. H. Newell, the head of the reclamation bureau of th de partment of the Interior, H. M. Sav age and J. T. Whistler, engineers of the department, and Congressman J. X. Williamson and ex-Congressman Malcolm A. Moody. A large number or the men of the city who have the problem of the watering of the semi arid portion of the state at heart, were present, nnd listened with great interest to the remarks and explana tions that were made by Mr. Newell. Magnitude and Uncertainty. Mr. Newell said that the task was of such magnitude that the men who were Interested in the movement were compelled to go slowly and carefully In their investigations for fear that in the end they would be unsuccessful in what they undertook if they did not first consider all the details of the case. What had al ready been done was the patient work ot years, and the best efforts of men who had made the subject a life work. And In the work there was so much to do that it must of necessity be a slow process. First, the district engineers gathered all of tne data at their command and from it made the reports which they sub mitted to the bureau; this was In turn given to the board of engineers, who examined it. and they passed on j it. and if It was deemed feasible It n co ivuiuutciiucu iu lite Ul'jial lUICTJJL finally, if the fit. the works were ! All of the work had been gone oev j so many times that there wis not Are you going camping? U C Ra-ii,B ul der s camp stools, folding tables and See Charles Lane about your paint camp supplies. I "Jg and paper hanging; 607 Vincent First premium. $1" mandolin, sec-! street ond premium. $2 music wrapjier. given j Wanted Rooms for light house awav with sheet music. Inland Era- keeping. Address "Baxter," care this pire Piano House. yniMaln. , j Pendleton people are loyal to Pen dleton's business enterprises. That is the reason the Ross leo & Cold ' . ri 1. 1 ,1 t ..ot nn wo wagons and then can scarcely uandle the trade Give us your or jers and wr will take care of It if we have to put on four times two wagons. 'Phone Main 18S1 much o f newness In tho discussion; but there was one thing that had not been understood, and that was the lact that the engineers favored no state or community for the reason that one part had put up more money than the other.- The question that was first considered in the recom mendations of the engineers was the needs of the country. For instance, in Nevada all of the people are moving out of the state. There are now not more than -lO.noo people res- Estimates given on short notice on ",e,ul mere just a noui enougn to Intinc anil nnnxr lmiirrlmr PhnrlPR n,a';e one good-sized town, were they office. At and below cost all summer, mil slnery, especially patterns. Mrs Campbell. Dont be always a-ktujr some one for the right time, have a reliable wutcli of your own. No mutter what your tante, jour needs, yourprice, vie can sati-sfy. Prices, $J.25 to $150.00 HUNZIKER THE JEWELER and OPTICIAN Next (lour it. K AIondrr painting and paper hanging. Charles Lane, the pioneer painter, SO" Vin cent street. Prizes awarded when 150 tickets are given out. Ticket with every 35c sale of sheet music. Inland Empire Piano House. Good meat in summer must be '.aken care of. That's the kind you get at Houser's. Alta street, opposite Savings Bank. Ross has been in the Ice business in Pendleton three years and nas al ways sold the best In the Ice line. all rounded up into one place. And this small number of people have to support nil the expenses of a govern ment. The strain is too much for them, and they are leaving the state. It has been thought best by the de partment in order to upbuild the state, to fly to the help of the people by the Irrigation of their land, and works are now In course of construc tion. When they arc done, a valley CO mlie long and of good width will be under water, and the state will have a nucleus around which to for the reclamation of the His motto has been "No favorites, i ather treat all customers alike." country. L. F Tomjoly has purchased the Oregon is not the first on the list "Royal Restaurant" and its business of the states that have made appro- from Mrs. Ida Teft. He will run a priatlons for irrigation work, but Is first-class establishment In all re- l 'east third down the line. But spent) Call and see him. "Us fact will Have no bearing on the report or tne investigators, ine f t t i 1 t- f f 4 Sept 7 LABOR DAY Balloon Ascension v Not withstanding the fact that manufacturers want more for all linen and cotton goods, we shall offer while ourv present stock lasts, our complete line of HOUSE FURNISH INGS at the same low prices that have always prevailed in this department. Table Linens Bleached, Unbleached and Colored. CO inches wide, worth 35 c, our price 23c CI inches wide, our price C4 inches wide, worth 60c. our price 45c CS inches wide, worth SOc our price 65c Napkins size, worth $1.25. our price, dozen . . . .$1.00 94 size, all Hnon, worm ?2."5, our price, dozen . $2.25 Turkish Towels Bleached and Unbleached. 12t.e kind, our price . .- 10c 15c kind, our price 12J4c Extra large, worth ISc, our price 15c- Extra large, worth 25c, our price .'..20c Bath towels, worth 30c, our price 25c Bath towels, worth 45c, our price 35c Huck Towels our price 15e 20c- 25c 30c ISc kind 23c kind, our price 30c kind, our price SSc kind, our price Towel inii by the Yard .V kiul. our price - 4c 10c kind, our price 8 1-3c 12M:c and 13c kind, our price ...12iic and 10c 23c and ISc kind, our price 20c and 15c Bed Spreads With or without fringe 90c to $3.00 each Sheeting 2 yards wide, worth 22c, our price 20c 2. yards wide, worth 26c, our prlco 23c 2't yards wide, worth SOc, our price 26c Pillow Cases 15x36 Inches, worth 16c, our price 12'ic 42x36 Inches, worth 12Mc, our prlco .....10c l?eady Made Sheets 2Ux2Mi yards, worth 70c, our price 55c 2V4x2i yards, worth SOc, our price 65c Muslins Lonsdale Muslin worth 10c, our price .... 7c 36-inch good bleached Muslin 5c Ticking Plain and Fancy Stripes. 32 inches wide, worth 12c, our price, 10c 32 Inches wide, worth 18c, our price 15c Curtain Swiss and Screen 36 inches wide 10c and 17c kind, our prlco 8 1-3c and 5c 36 inches wide 33 l-3c and 20c kind, our price 25c and 15c Lace Curtains A new stock of Ecru and White, In new and dainty patterns. A few one and two pair tots, at ONE-HALF PRICE. It Pays to Trade at The Peonies 5 Warehouse Outfitters lot Women and Men. J Don't undo the good your vacation hag done you by drinking poor water or putting Inferior Ice Into the boil ed tt'ater. Ten cents worth of Ice per day will supply an ordinary family with plenty or drinking water. Be sure, though, that you get good Ice. Call up 'phone Main 1881 and get pure distilled water ice irom the Boss Ice Plant. Returned From Vacation. Mr and Mrs. John Kees have re turned from their summer outing at Hldaway. where they have been for the last two weeks. While away they visited the other resorts and were an over tho valley of the Uklah country FEATHER DUSTERS New Shipment of Turkey and Ostrich Dusters to inch Turkey, ioo feathers special 35c. 14 inch Tur key, 100 feathers special 50c. 12 incli carriage dusttr 120 tail feathers, special 75c 8 inch parlor duster (Ostrich, ) special $1.25. Sisil duster for removing dirt from furniture special 50c. Our Ice Cream will please you. If you ever had anv better ours wont cost you a cent. Vj will let you he the judge. KOEPPEN'S DRUG STORE 115 Hti from -Mlu street toward tho Court HoiiM) works will be located where they will have the greatest effect In the making of the state, and the conse quent good of the nation. The prob lem now before the Investigators Is ! where to locate the works whnrf to find a place that Is feasible, and where the land will justify the ex-IK-nse. When this place of places Is found aud has been proven to be good, the works will be started. State Legislation Needed. The greatest thing that the late could do to help the men who have charge of the government work would be to see that there Is suita ble legislation enacted, so that when t tho time comes for the construction to begin there will be no trouble over water rights, and no injustice done. The men of the state should see that there Is a commission appointed who will be competent and willing to In vestigate all of the points of such a measure: to examine into the prior rights of those who now are using the streams, to determine the num ber of inches that each man would be In justice entitled to use, and then draft all of their findings Into a bill for the next session of the legisla ture. But as far as being able to tell what would be the ultimate outcome, it was impossible, for the engineers did not know themselves what tho department would do with t.iolr rec ommendations. Mr. Williamson and Mr. Moody also made short talks on the subject, as did some of the men of the city,' and at the conclusion of tho meeting an Informal discussion was Indulged in by those most interested In tne movement. Working for Columbia College. Itev. 0. H. Glbbs, pastor of the South Methodist Church at Milton, who has been traveling over Eastern Oregon and parts of Idaho in the Interest of Columbia College, at Mil ton, stieut last night in the city and left for his home this morning. He has met with very encouraging suc cess at every point visited, and the prospects for a good attendance for the coming year are excellent. This college has grown in popularity and efficiency until it now stands in the , j front rank of Eastern Oregon lustl- t& ....!,. 1 ... 1. I .1. T T ...... M 1 .. luiiuiitt, iiuu uiit? ui wjui-ii l iimima county Is justly proud. Tiipuni pomnr : I HE HULr OlUnr Wc Can Mend It WHAT MADE IT SO? Many people are coming In with the report that the wheat Is better than they thought, large, plump and tine. Many people are coming In with the report that the shoes sold at the big Boston Store are better than others and they want some of them. They are large, plump and fine. It Is a fact we do pay the manufacturer more for a shoe to sell at a given price than others do. and thus we secure greater value. Wo sell shoes at a less expense per dollar's worth than any other concern In the city, and therefore we can afford to handle such lines as the Doug las for men, Gloria for women, and Bed School House for children. Douglas Is the largest manufac turer of welt shoes to sell at J3, 3.50 and $4 In the world, and we certainly have a representative line, one that will astonish you. The Gloria $3.50 shoo for women Is the best shoe at this price sold the American public today. We And each season an Increase of trade why Is It? Merit that con firms buying opinion. Good wear combined with good looks and comfort. Oh yes, we must not overlook the Bed S. H. shoes. They fit the school boys and girls. We have kinds for each. I believe you had better get tho next pair at the THU BOSTON STORE. ilk AT AAVe TUP T nufKCT I Big Shipment of 'Dolls 1 1 Now on Sale 2 j j 1 Kid body Bisque Rag China all Htyles of Dolls and Doll Heads Never was our Line so Taney Dishes, Vases, etc., a Beau ; tiful Line To Select f rom 1 1; Bowl and Pitcher alike, first j quality that will not cra.e Full Line of School Books and l School Supplies THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this in mind when you need poultry and stock supplies and ask for the International Poultry nnd Stock Food. Use Kow Kure for your cow trou bles. C F. Golesworthy 127129 East Alta St Agent for Lee's Lice Killer We have purchased the Witheo Bicycle and Bepalr Shop and are prepared to make quick re pairs and guarantee our work. We repair bicycles, sewing ma. chines and other light machin ery, do brazing and other re pairing. We aro agents for three makes of wheels that have met the test and proved their worth. They are THE RACYCLE, THE HILLCLIMBER, and THE CRAWFORD, If you are going to buy a wheel, come around and look at our wheels before you pur chase your wheel. Gordan & Edmisten 311 EAST COURT STREET. Rigby-Clove Mfg. UUnrANT Manufacturers of the I Rlgfey-Ctove Comfctaed," HARVESTER Repairs for all kinds of Farm Machinery Foundry Work a Specialty , Cash paid for old castings , Pendleton, Oregon 1 Babbit Metal, best In ths unrlH. 11 1 bare. Price, (1 per bar, at the Eai' Oregonlan Office. $ i - : V Mill IBM lilffe" hung iii