East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 31, 1903, Image 4

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rnbtlstaed crerx artcrnoon (except SoDdv)
nt l'enilloton. Oregon, by tbe
I'hune. Main 11.
scnscnn-rioN n.vrns.
luilv. nut? jear by mall
Iwlly, sli months by mall
I wily, three months by mall
lit Sly, iiiif uinutli by mail
'ilv, per month by carrier
Weekly, one year by mall
Weekly. sis months by mall
Weekly, four months by mall . . .
.-iiml-ft'ecM, one year by mall ..
sBii-Veekly, six months by mall
S rai-Weekly. three months by mall
t"he ISnut Orereulan Is c..i sale nt R. U.
Kleli'c News Stnnils nt Hotel Portland end
lintel Perkins, l'ortlaud, Oregon.
Member Herlpiw Mcllae News Associa
tion. Sn rrnnclsco Itnrenti, 40S Totirth St
t'hlcnjo Rurau. 009 Security IluIIdlnj:.
Waxblntnn. V C. Ilureau, r.01 Hth St.,
X. w.
Kuterwl at Pendleton pouoBlce ns seecond
ilas. matter.
The small boy had a bad tem
per. He knew it. and was sin
cerely sorry that he couldn't
control It better. He talked
to his father about it, and the
father who was fond of object
tesclring. said: "I'll" see what I
can do to help you. Here are
some nails and a hammer. Xow
every time you lose your tem
per drive one of these nails in
that post just outside the door."
After a ew weeks the boy came
to his father with a heavy face,
and confessed, "rather, the nails
are all gone." But the father
only answered. "Well. now. ray
lad. every time that you get the
better of your temper pull a nail
out of the pot." And so the
boy did. And one day he came
to his father with a smiling
face and said: "Father, the nails
are all out." Then a shadow
fell upon the boy's face, as he
went on in a less cheerful tone,
"but father, the holes are there
yet." Some of us would give a
good deal if we could pull out
the holes. Robert Whlttaker.
The Heppner relief committee has
been unjust attacked by a venomous
minded man in a private letter pub- j
llshed In the Pilot Rock Record, Aug. j
21. The lotter accused the commit-
tee of misappropriating the public
funds received by It, and of otner
mismanagement In the affairs en-'
trusted to it by the people of Hep
nr. ' Following the publication of the
letter in the paper in question, the
author of it comes out in the same
paper. August 2S. with a complete
retraction, disclaiming any Informa-,
lion on the subject whatever, and
saying that he was not warranted i ,
making the libelous statements cor. ,
tained in the communication.
Tills uujiist and damaging attack
on the committee has not caused any ,
suspicion in the minds of friends of
the gentlemen comprising It, but u
has sent abroad among those not j
personally acquainted with these ,
mon, a damaging and false impres- J
rton. In matters or this kind one j
thousand people read the false accus
ation, where but few will read jc
denial. Bad news always travels
rapidly, while good reports are slow I
of wing. An Injustice, wnlch cannot !
be undone, has been committed by !
this criminnlly inclined man and this ,
thoughtless paper. The people of
Pilot Rock and vicinity know the gen-'
tlemen comprising that committee ,
and not one in a hundred of them !
Iiallevoil the accusations. But the
very fact that such a venomous '
attack could find tho light of day, 1
through the columns of the press,
lead many strangers to suspect the
uommlttee. Not In Eastern Oregon,
or any other country. Is there to be
found a more straightforward, con-
.sclentiotib. honest, faithful and able
body of citizens, than that composing
tbe Heppner relief committee. Their
characters were advertised to the
world by their fellow citizens when
they wore named as custodians of
Heppuer's welfare. In that time of
dire need. Their actions since that
time, and their management of the
funds lu the relief or the distressed
nhd the Improvement or the stricken
eitv. have borne out and strengthen
ed the confidence of the people In (
The attack was one of those out
bursts of Jealous and unfounded pas
sion, which always overshadows the
actions of men in prominent posi
tions, no matter how faithful their
performance of duty It should not
be noticed, nnd would not have been. curately called "fakir" nowadays
had It not found Its vay Into print. announced that he .had Rented and
, , . . i had for sale a magic pot. If certain
Even now. it deserves but a slance ( rather common stones were mixed
of utter contempt. The coward who ana- paced in the pot, with a certain
made the attack, has shown still j portion of water, and the whole
more depravity. In denying his own shaken diligently for an hour the
. . . il . i f i, ' stones would turn to gold provided
statements. In the last issue of that durlng the hoUr tlle operator
Pilot Rock Record, he says over his should not think of a hippopotamus,
signature: The fakir sold a great many for fab-
'1 wish by this letter to make pub- ulous sums, and not one or tne jur
, , ... ... i chasers ever demanded a return of
acknowledgement that I had no '
personal knowledge or even sufficient
information to warrant such state
nicnts as those contained in the print
ed extract referred to. I committed
a grievous mistake In writing such a
letter and make this retraction le
cause in justice I owe it to the Hopp
cer Relier Committee and to anyone
else likely to be misled by the un
warranted matter published."
The same class of vermin, which
would thus besmirch the characters
of upright citizens, whose promi
nence, business ability and sense of
responsibility fitted them especially
for the task In which tbey have been
engaged since the day of that horror,
would hesitate at no depth of infamy
to accomplish an evil purpose. The
people of Heppner would be justified
in treating a raau who would thus
willfully rob the living of their rep
utation, as they would a man who
would rob the cloud of their trinkets.
I The only other ense just like the
appointment of E. W. Davis to be
j register of the La Grande land of
I flee. In t.ie history of recent politics
1 is that of the appointment of Eugene
1 Ware to be pension commissioner,
i Roosevelt ignored the entire Kansas
' delegation, and named AVare, who
had not been recommended, over the
j heads of three candidates, proposed
by the delegation. Evidently. Roose-
t veil cnuillll tie uuiuua:ii. trvru m iuc
of party disruption. He w.,1 !
have his man. or no man.
I ! The mistaken report sent out in
; regard to the killing of the American
; consul at Beirut, Syria, is one on the
cable operators. It would be a good 1 proved so successful in every case that a
l 1 I MH-cinl arraneeuient has been made bv
mistake, however. If the American fXeaders of this paper, who have
gunboats should not lie advised of I nol aireaav tried it, may have a sample
mistake, until after they had made ; bottle sent free by mail, also a tiook tell
a few "good" brigands in Turkey. , tZ
Profe8Sor Mlinfiterberg of Harvard,
whose specialty Is psychology, relies
to some extent on the point of a good
stcry enforcing his position in ab
stract demonstration He has one on
the association or Ideas that will il
lustrate A mediaeval magician more at
pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must
pass, however, is so fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger,
that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror.
There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be cither painful
or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend so prepares the system for
the coming event that it is safely passed with ut any danger. This
crreat and wonderful
has carried thousands
of women through
the trying crisis without suffering.
Snd for tree book containing Information
ox pnceiees value o an expeciaoi roomers.
Tk Bradfiela Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Frazer Theater
One Ni.ht Only, Tuesday Sept. I. I903
' ,
ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber.
or tin I It Decennary to
Takes th, place of shingles, tin. Iron, tar and gravel, and all prepared
rooflugB. For flat and steep surfaces, gutters, valleys, etc. Easy to lay.
Tempore, for all climates. Reasonable In cost. Sold on merit. Guaran
teed. It will pay to ask tor prlcesand information.
Worcester Building. Portland.
the money.
The fakir knew his business. He
was in advance of hi3 age in psy
chology, in his skill in permanently
fixing in his customers' minds the as
sociation of that old pot and a hippo
potamus. Boston Helard.
Frank Tanghenbaugh. of Seattle,
was shot and mortally wounded by
Mrs. H. E. Finley. a stenographer, j
Friday. Jealousy is the supposed
cause. Tanghenbaugh was in his .
own home at the
time of the shoot
The Brooks comet with an orbit
of eight years, is rapidly approach
ing our line of vision. Heretofore it
has come alone: this time It is ac
companied by four smaller comets.
Kiiney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almcxt everylMvl) who rend the ncw-
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
cures made by
Kilmers awatnp-
l uev, liver "and Wad- ,
wtni it rrenr mii-
- iter remedy.
It ii the irreat meil-
f",'1. ical triumph of the
, nineteenth century ;
'I discoveredaftervears
of M-ientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
eminent kidney and
Itlmliler snecialist
and is wonderfullv
.ni-rcsful in nromtrtl v curinir lame back.
acid, catarrn 01 uie maimer aim
, . ii 11 1
tne worst
t t-:i..,M'c su'nmn.Pnnt i; not rec
ommended for everything but if you have j
Uidnev, liver or manner iroumeii win ue
fottttd'just the remedy you need. It has
been tested in so many ways, in hospital
nrL- rind in nrivate practice, and has
When writing mention reading this
generous offer in this pajier and send your
address to ut. ivuun-i n- u
Co.. llinghamtoii.
N. Y. The regular!
tiftv-eent anil one-
dollar size Ixittles are Hum of Sranp-Root
sold bv all good druggists. Don't make
anv mistake, but remember the name.
Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
and the address, Iliughainton, N. Y., on
every liottle
So woman's nappi
ness can be complete
without children ; it
is her nature to love
and want them
as much so as
it is to love the
beautiful and
imm mm Joy rJSy SmB
Direction Northwestern
Theatrical Association.
&"hhi fel.i.uttirU
The Greatest Success in Dramatic His
tory Hall Caine's Powerful Play,
The Christian
By Permission of Liebler 6; Co., N, Y.
Catherine Countiss as Glory Quayle, Asa Lee
Willard as John Storuiand a socially Selected
New York Company. The play that has broken
records everywhere. Xo other modern play
has had such a whirlwind of success. Pro
duction carried complete. Prices, Box Seats
and first ten rows f 1.50, Dress circle $ t.oo, Gal
lery Soc. Scats oil sale today at 10 a 111. at
I'razicr's Xlook Store.
No disease causes so much bodily discomfort, or itches, and burns like
Eczema. Beginning often with a slight redness of the skin it gradually
spreads, followed bv pustules or blisters from which a gummy, sticky fluid
oozes which dries and scales off or forms Kid looking sores and scabs. It ap
pears ou different parts of theMxxly but oftcnest upon the back, arms, bauds,
legs and face, and is a experienced nt time, patches on the In-
ventauie torment at aido ot my
times, especially at
night or when over
The cause of Ecze
ma is a too acid and
general unhealthy con
dition of the blood
The terrifying itching
and bunting is pro
duced by the overflow
through the glands ana
pores of the skin of the fiery poisons
thin acid blood and cleanses and builds tip the general system, when the
skin clears off and Eczema with all its terrifying symptoms disappears.
Send for our free book on the Skin and its diseases. No charge for
You arc Taking no Chances When Yoa Use
Pure Distilled
Water Ice
It is manufactured and sold b' the Ross Tee & Cold
Storage Company. No other distilled water ice fold
in the city. Be 'sure you .call up Phone Main 1SS1
when you want
Visitors Always Welcome at the Plant
. 3.
& Gold! Storage
Storage Phone Main 17X1
- - - - - -
Shields' Park
Provides an evening of rare enjoyment
Good, clean, wholesome fun. Not a
dull minute.
Near O. R. & N. Depot
Admission, 20c Children, 10c
On Its Merit
Has the large demand for
Byers' Best Floar
Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enters in
to Byers Best Flour. It's perfection in Flour. Made by the
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
hands that iiehed nnd burned, Oftunlng
muck discomfort.
As time weut br It
fri.Axr wnriA. tV n fl
nnd I wax convinced that
1 was aSUcted with Eczema. I con
suited several physicians and a mira
lior ir Knerlallsts. and ued several ex
ternal applications, receiving but
slight temporary relief. In 1'obruary
I decided to try S. S. 8., and in loss than
a month I experienced a change for the
better, nnd by May all symptoms bad
disappeared, and I found myself entire
lv cured, and liavo had no "return of
h Hn, tlnro. W. P. BRUSH.
Manager Stockman's Advertising Agency.
Station A, Kansas City, Mo.
with which the blood-current is over-
washes, soaps, salves and powders aresoot hing and
cooling they do not enter into the blood itself or
touch the real cause of the disease, but S. S. S.
does, and purifies, enriches, and strengthens the
Ice Office Phone Main iSbi
- - '-1
We have the ItBi
in Real Ksint .
some nice homes Out
be sold. Choice Builj
Lots. Alfalfa Land J
acre to 160. Wheat
tracts from 160 acj
Rihorn k Si
Room io over Tjyc
ncuuwaie atore.
Pendleton Real Estate
C-room dwclllns. stable, chJ
rai ;uu i lots-$l,0to.
C-room dwelling and tto lol
tuny snaued lawn, tneirl
14-room boarding house ttl
centrally located tJ,50o.
5-room dwelling with tro
side $1,250.
A number ot lots soaeihitl
?125 to 5150 each.
1 lot on flat, five blocks I
street, $500. Other lets c
Much other very teini
ty for sale. All solaJ
Como and buy.
To find just what joa i
right price, see
The Columbia,
Lodging Hoase'1
Newly Furnish
Barm col
bet. Alia & W
In Center I
F. X. Scfiemf
Pr oprleto
A Cool
lors, under tne
Just the place to
lutein-., time
bowling alley. ij
and ullliaw u
date shooting C4
perance reire'
Free Musical Ej
Every &v
He will be herd
come in a nir-J
picure talo;n
, nii n certs a
, it J -j
vane') ol liarvj
big line 01 ,u ,1
inet pliotos vuij
-1'ln.olil rellnl'''
Ni!l door to m "
I Insurance
Of insuraol
Agent for Ul
j p, WALKEfl
only ia