'v"ir" DAILY EAST OHEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OHESOM. SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1903. gg li 15 Easiness Cards and Societies PROFESSIONS AND TRADES, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. PHYSICIANS. ... P nnir rirrirn in judd 'iiartman abstract company makes lUi' nT. 0 nSSJi in tn 1" a m ' reliable abstracts ot title to all lands In Craa- bolldlng Office hours, 1" to 1- a. m.,, acJunty Loans on cltr d '" PP- t t 5 p. m, Telephone red J.l , er, nuj;nI1a .oll.aii kinds of real estate. - nrrrT Z 71 nt-smiv rimer; 1 I'oss a general brokeraae business. l'ujrs tax l L. MILLER. M ., DLSI'AIN IILOCh. ( 8nd makes Investments lor nonresidents. treats ana corrects eve iruuuiea, foal .'ondltlons Hnd impaired hearing. ahira cnrrwtlr fitted for refractive er- Tplnhnne main 1131. rrrrz - ..:, DP.S SMITH 4 RIMJU, uihu. ;r'" .ho Vomlleton Savnzs Hank. Telephone eu , resilience leicyuuuc uja.u mv.. a", sS. GAltriELaVlI I)., HOMEOPATHIC physician and surgeon. Office In Judd mlldlng Telephone, office, black 3; res Itleace. black 24. t-R D J McFACTjL. HOOM 17 ASOCIA tlon block. Telephone main 031 ; resi dence, black 101. DR. T M "nnXDEnsONT PHYSICIAN and surgeon. Office In Savings Hank build ing. Boom 1. office phone llain nil, res. Main Wfil OR. LYNN K IILAKESLEE, CHRONIC and nervous diseases nnd diseases of omen. Judd building, corner .Main nnd Conrt Sts Office 'phone main "21 ; res Idfnce. red 278. rr-v. irnVr" nTr"ip'vr7i OP. LENA ALLEN ROONL. OsiTCOrAm ufll. e S13 Thompson afreet. House nbon' Red 303, and office 'phone Illack nc c .. k'tRRV PHVSinlAN AND S''R aeon Office lu juaa iiuiuung uoom id, urare Phone lied 1811. Keiidence Phone Main H21. Pendleton. Oresou. " ,T1CT. MLS'S REKOnT.-YoU are Invited Free ( t A VaFOHAN. DENTIST. OFFICE IN reading room. V. hynot Join and get the ad Judd building 'I'houe, red 71. vintage of fre. bath, use ot puuchlug bag and Miner equipment incinaing notary sou reao Z A MANN. DENTIST. OFFICE I.N AS- ltigroom Terms 5I.0U tojoin and 60c a mouth Delation block, over Schmidt's new drug .lues. toro Phone, red -.1. FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF ATHENA, ''"8on.Caplt.al. fSU.OUU : surplus ami jirouts, fu.uuu interest on time uimiosuh. tVn.3 In foreign and domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. nenry fdt . V'SSSi; cashier ,1. MSemp, st cashier l UK FARMERS' HANK OF WESTON, HeiUoL. Oregon. Does u general bank '.se business Exchange botvht and sold l olieciions promptly attends to. R. Jam nod, president ; George V I'roebstel. vice-president; J. li. Kllgore cashier: rectors. G. A. Hartman. M M. Johns, T J l-rlce. G. D (Iraw. J. 1 Kllgure, Rob rt Jameson, G. W I'roebstel. HIE I'ENOI.ETON SAVINGS DANK, Pendleton. Oregon. Organized March 1 '.S!j3 Capital, Jlun.Oliij : surplus. 1100. i; Interest allowed un nil time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all principal points. Special attention glvcu to col lections. W J. Furnish, president i J. N Seal, vice-president ; T. J Morris, cashier . 4 V Maloney, assistant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF 1'ENDI.i: ton ''apltal. $70,000: surplus. jas.OOo . (Transacts a general banking business. Ex change and telegraphic transfers sold oo Chicago. San Francisco. New York nnd ..l..i...l . 1 . I . V.l. ....... I . , . t'liuiipui iJime lu lilt: .luiiiincak. V-'V1" arawn on cninn. japan ana i;urope. Jiakes -ollectlons on reasonable terms. Levi An- ny. presiaent: r .nut ock. vice pres assistant cashier. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS - (T F UOWARD. ARCHITECT AND SU perlntendent ; makes complete and rell-. able plans for buildings In the city or coun try uoom i. jutm ounuing. rtUEEK 4 COLE, CONTRACTORS AND builders Estimates furnished on short aotlce Job work a specialty. Prompt service. Shop on llluff street near Main D A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND 1JCII.D- er Estimates furnished on all kinds , af maon-y ,-imiit walks, stone walls, etc. I t.eVH ,inei. at r.Mit Oicgnnlan nfflce. I IR'H'T.MAN Allt'illTEt T AND s .- tftrHudciit ICimiui 7. over l!oston 1- IVmlletiin. Oregon. T M KELLER. l'LASTERIM. AND Vl i'ing. cement walks a specialty Ka 11. 1 - 'urtilshwl free. Work guaranteed. -me :tlera at Iladley A Zehner'a cigar -' Maiu street. I' O box 1IM BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING. 1. t.l.'EENEWALD, THE OLD RELIAULB Shoemaker Flint-class repairing with Mat materials, Shop lu rear of Dlndlnger , Wilson k Co. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. ! V KTROI1LE. DEALER IN 8ECV..I) baud goods. It there Is anything yuu ecrtj in new nnd second band furniture, ' noves. granite ware and crockery, call aud i et his prices. No. -li: Court street. .NEW AND SECOND HAND (.01 HIS bought and sold; pawn brokers; money advanced on all kinds of articles. Waters k Sherry, props. 732 Cottonwood -u-eet. TONSORIAL PARLORS. BILLY KRASSIG. IIARI1ER SHOP AND liath rooms. .Main street, three doors aortb ot Hotel St. Oeorge First class service I'ATTONS SANlTAItV HARDER SUOI iwpain oiock, Lourt street; best work- a , ci r i- l tj mansblp, all the modern Improvements; Vita Ot.. Wpp. KOMtX JtlOUSe 1 otlon, BOARD AND LODGING. MKS. H, L. HUrfTINOTON HAS PURCHASED the Lodging House at 6 SI (larden Street, whore she will be glud to ee her friends and l'troni HOTEL ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Hoard by the day or week Quod table sut Rates K.li and JI.75 per week. Fendletou Feed Yard In connection, B. Compton, Prop. when you oo to pilot hock STOP 1 at the L'ltv Hotel. flood meals mil hrst clasa rooms. Special attention given i to commercial travelers, Mrs. C. II. llle- tei I'liuc hock. ore. ATHENA HOTEL, leapino hotel in the city. 11.00 tn 11. M penuy. H, I' Mlllen, proprietor IIEN YOUR BD8INE83 TAKES YOU TO t Helix, stop at the Hotel Helix (food meals sad good servlc. n. II Richards, proprietor ' FRATERNAL ORDERS. DAMON LODGE. NO, 4, MEETS EVERY UUair block, at Pendleton. Ore. It. W, 1 letcher, K. It, H, ; W J. Keyes, C, C. 1 I INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS j.i.,,.,nf. nv hnv in I'pndlotnn. 0 A. HAKTMAN, Pres. h. W HELD, Sec. O. A. HARTMAN Jr:, Vice Ties. , it, s iiuvson. attorney at law ; rollcrtlona aid Insurance. Offlcf In E. n i...ii,n J. M. BKNTLEY REPRESENTS TUE OLDEST and most reliable lire and accident Insurance companies. oiDco with Hartmau Abstract Co. JOHN IIAILEY, JR., U. S. LAND COM uilssloncr Specialty made ot land filings nml proof: Insurance nnd collections. Of fii i In Judd buldlng, room 10. CABS AND CARRIAGES. ( 1TY CAB LINE, ERWIN RAKER, PROP Telephone mnln "81. Office and waiting room. Altn etrect, next to Savings Hank auildlug. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. 1IIE c'Tr 1'IVnitY HOARD AND SALE j stable. M. J. Carney, proprietor, for ,, ,urn0uts. Stock boarded at reasonable stable lis Alta Street. i MISCELLANEOUS. , , I TERI.VARY SI IK.KO.V -Dr. II. C. McNabb, graduate of University ot I'cnn. otertnary of Spokano for 1U ears Oftlce at Tullmsn's nrug Store, Pendlet.iu, Ore , Phone MalnllTI. t- f J i T t tirMf Pn i lintmP IliMl'DD lRK kink. Box .7 , Pendleton, Ore - . I h. r-. loilNKA viii.!, nv I'Kujin Ai- tentlou tosl sales and ponlug bills. Cor-1 respondcneesollcitud. CommUsiou reasonable , ' "'"" miuitt's i..vab peikk iitu : aim iie ',ML'"-t''',m..,,'"uu.:.::,!r exiwncnce. iflicc608 Garden dt., IVudlcton, Oregon. WANTED -YOUR ORDERS FOR EN graved cards, wedding Invitations, etc. ; ;)0 engraved visiting cards with plate, 1..'i0; additional cards In futuie, II per nnndred The iCtst Orecoatao. LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance Con. panies we represent. Out companieb stand first in tht world. Asftets tj.. L.'i... r. 1 o l-n n-. iiumutc wi.fi.,iiiyiii Alliance ARSlirunee Co . ... "9,039,9(X London & Lancashire Fire 2,5-14, flt:-i Xortii British & Meri'u'utlie Co 10,605,7-l Koyal ItiHtirunce Co, . 22.897.15S ::frank b. clopton AGENT 800 MAINliSTREET LET US FILL YOUR DILL 'PHONE MAIN 1331. snp t TTivmT?piSuffcred EiSht Months "viv i-f w 111 O Ct X. i can heartily recommend Acker's We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and save you money t DOORS WINDOWS Building paper lime cement brick and sand. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. , Oregon Lumber Yard .-. .j. ......... ........j. ..j... .j..,., , i ICE We keep nothing but pure natural Ice, frozen from pure, 1 clear mountain water. It goes T farther and lasts longer than artlflcinl Ice. All we ask is an 1 ,...i...n . . . mm oi our ice. Why not order a case of the lebrated Schlitz. A. B. C. or 4h Onmbrinus for your Sunday dinner? 1 i 1 , 'Phone your order to Main f HENRY KOPITTKE X T i Jj. ! -. Evaporated Cream Ibearlne the above cap label flows 1 from the can ncn in every increuieni I which enters into coay ounaine. Economy Brand I carries our guarantee as tn its carelul preparation, nenness sna : purity. It is oiiiereni irom we watery Dranas anu auus a ri&n ness to your rooa. iry nana you i will be convinced n is me nest. I Look lor our cap i&sei. HELVETIA MILK CONDENSING CO. Highland, ULUI nil! U L. 1 1 I I l I TT ,.rTT (,OlNiU JVlllrviS WtlULt,- SAL GROCERY AND I A r-riTK7TT c I vvnULEaALC V iVJ IVXi 3 - SION MERCHANTS' M A M A (1)1 A I W VJ'I U W U T I Phone Main 1741 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE OLD DDTCH HENRY FEED YARD Cor. West Alta and Llllith Sts. S. A. ALLOWAY HAS CHARGE OF THE OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED YARD, AND WOULD BE PLEASED TO CARE FOR YOUR HORSES. PLENTY OF STALLS, LARGE COR RALS FOR LOOSE HORSES AND CATTLE. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. CHOP MILL IN CONNEC- Tablets for dyspepsia and stomach troubles. I have been suffering for eight months and tried many reme dies without relief, until I got Acker'6 Dyspepsia Tablets, which I used only a short time and am now perfectly well. Thanking you for tho speedy recovery, I am gratefully yours, Fran cis I. Gannor, Vancouver, Wa3h. Send to W. II. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. V., for a free trial package. (Nothing like them.) F. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For Inflnmmal Irtn nrfnl.k of the UladJcr an: Dittoed SirtiywfflR;; uouorriifM-a anduiret, A.mueys( no euro no pay io. AtaSintSiy. "nlSSfSa. I f i r2 !Z v'L'W?1- .I'rl,0." i !!'? .I b' ,ual!l postpaid. tJ0,Sboieajaj.f5. THE SANTAL-PEPSIN CO., nKkkbrvifTJIINE. OHIO Sold by F. W. Schmidt & Co. MEN AND WQMEfc. fti. Illir O for unnatural fUtnhsrfoo,liilUniaiatl(ini, irrltatluns or ulfaUoii wt u firatort. 01 mucous raembrsnai I Pn.e&u roufu.. Painless, aud cot utrii ItHCEvAwSCtlftliCilCo. cat or Folsouous. sola nr DitHMi 'or sent In plain wrayie. br sproM. trepaiit taz .00, ur J bottlM. e3. ircuuur sout uu siaaat. Oil and Sweet Spirits of Eden Are guaranteed to cure nnv cast-of Rlicu. ...,,., AT........ 1 1. -r .1" r :t uuiii-iiii uui: 11 lliev 11111. AC. Koeppon & Bros.,Agts. for Pendleton mssm Stanaard remedy lor Gleet, uuiiurriiiea ana runnings fuiriVl IN 48 HOURS. Cures Kid- InUUI I ntj and Bladder Troubles. I I f I 1 GOOD POTATO CROP ARTICLE GROWN NEAR PEN DLETON IS FIRST-CLASS, Portland Market Filled Up With Un salable Stuff Dry Rot in Willam ette Valley Districts Refused Ad mission to Washington Markets. The local potato crop which is now holng received oy Pendluton dealers Is all first-class In every re spect. The potatoes coming In now are from the farms near town and on the. foothills and were grown without ir rigation. They are uniformly smooth and mealy and are free from dry rot or blight of any kind. The later crop that comes from the Irrigated districts is always more or loss affected with dry rot, but little complaint even from the irrigated crop has been heard this year. Po- tn tnns frnm tlif Tut nil In Tllfnli rnfL- 1 McKay creek, Wild Horse and the Umatilla river farms above and Ik- low town, are of superior quality this year While there Is no heavy yield, the crop makes tip In quality what It lacks in quantity. They are now selling at 14 cents per pound. 1 The foothill soli in this vicinity is , especially adapted to potatoes as it produces a dry. smooth, well-flavored article, which is singularly free from pests or blight. Portland markets are filled up with a poor quality It seems, nnd much i of the entire crop In the western por ' tlon of the slate Is affected with some liest or blight, which spoils the I market value. The Oregon Dally Journal, speaking of the subject, says : has been dis- potato mar ket. Examination of a ll tho Lit- nrli. nf slnr-L- large part of the late receipts of stock In this city i shows that In a large part of the stock blight has appeared and some to shippers and growers have , aireauy occurred as a result. Tlie 1ime u is nartlrulnrlv notiwahle In tlu' stoc-1;s f'-om the east side of the ' vaney around .Marlon county and from the vicinity of Hldgefleld. Two cals of stoc' frm an Aurora dealer were toutiii In hp nenrlv wnrthlpse ns , a result of an attack of blight. Several of the local commission men who shipped cars to the North i during the week are mourning tho loss of not only the money they paid j for the slock but also the freight. The cars were examined by the ' Washington state Inspector and , found to be below tho standard and i were consequently confiscated. It Is j not all the stock that comes to the local market that is afflicted in this J manner, but at least 25 per cent is. I The other stocks arriving are In far ' better quality than heretofore re-! celved and the market Is bearing up bravely even with the heavier re ceipts of the past few days. South Has Cheap Stock. "According to Wolf & Sons, the potato market In San Francisco con tinues weak for the riper Burbanks ; the only shipping stock they have , In that state. This Burbank does not in any way compare in quality with 1 that of the Oregon Burbank the ! stocks from this stnto being put In the lop clasB. California Salinas, the better grade, are in fair receipt In the southern market and meets with n very good demand at quota tions considered fair." TO RESURRECT L. A. W. Decline In Bicycling Enthusiasm Dur ing Past Decade. New York, Aug. 29. A strong ef fort is to be made to give new life to the League of American Wheel men, the once powerful organization which has been steadllv f'alllntr off In membership and Influence with the i decline of bicycling during the last decade. The league has now reached such a low ebb that the annual meet, which was once the Derby event for cyclists throughout America, has this year been abandoned altogether. Instead of the meet, however, the present regime has designated today I to bo observed as "League Day" sim- ultaneously in every state in the Union. Races aie to bo given and meetings held at which plans will be discussed for the rejuvenation move ment The New York division is to frl'f n liflltnllur at lit! cl, t r.i ttua.1. I 'Kht' at whlcn "'embers from' all parts of the state will meet in a grand It Is hoped that the banquet w"l B'vt' n nw Impetus to the league. Health and Pleasure. When one goes to Lehman Springs there Is every assurance that not only will one's health be benefited by tho pure, bracing mountain air and bath ing to be enjoyed there, but also while gaining health one can enjoy a great variety of pleasure ranging from hunting and fishing to bowling and goli, C. R. Dutton has sustained his reputation as a capable host by tho manner in which ho is providing for the comfort and pleasure of his guests. To the National Irrigation Congress, Ogden, Utah, Sept, 15-18, 1903. For the above occasion, the O. It. & N. Co. makes a rate of $23.70 to Og den and return, or 25.20 to Salt Lake and return. Tickets on sale Septem ber 12 and 13; final limit October 19, 1003. For further particulars, call on or address F. F. Wamsley, agent. See Sharp's artistic wall paper. Nothing Known Will Cure Kidney Diseases After They Have Fastened and Be come Chronic But the Fulton Compounds. We Have Secured the Sole Agency for This City. Fulton's Renal Compound onjoys the unlqus distinction ot being the only thing known ttnt cures kidney trouble In nil lta stages from the primary Inflammation np to and Including the chronic stage called Drlght's Dlscaso, which bas been, up to tho advent of this Com pound, positively Incurable. Then vshy not start with tho Remt Compound at first ratber than ordinary kidney medicines, all ot which fall short it tbs disease has reached the chronic state! Then you will know you ara right. No statements arc published by the Fulton peopla except cases that have reached tho chrr.lo stage, Incurable by all other known medicines. Hero ts uuother recovery we arc perailttod to refer to. Mrs. S. E. Cllne of 1737 Broadway, San Fran cisco, was pronounced by her pby6lclan as Incurably 111 with kidney disease that had be- como chr0B,c iDr,ehl' Disease). She also had p'"-" ZJt 'kllTJV said nothing known would Ave her. She was so far beyond help they told her not to further torture herself by dieting. Sne went on tho Fulton Compounds. Tho third week was slldhtly better. Tho third month tho nails be gan to come back, and a few months later was well and twpnn dropping the treatment. An attorney, friend or Mrs. Cllne, Judge E. It. Cutler of 33d 1'Ine street, San Frnncfsco, had diabetes that Is also incurable according to the books. ICnoolngot her recovery he too toon the Fulton Compounds and In eight months re gained his henltn nnd Is now In active practice. Dropsy, rheumatism from uric acid, gout, pain In tho back, bladder trouble, etc., are proofs that the kidneys are in trouble The last stago Is llrlght's DNeaseand Diabetes. It you aio feeling languid ormlserabloseod forpnmphlct. Hecoveries nearly Wfi among these hitherto Incurable diseases. Fulton's Kcnal Compound for Drlght's and KldDey Diseases II: for Dlnbctes. 1 60. John J. Fulton Co., 4W Wash ington street. San Francisco, sole compounders. vt e are meir exclusive agouti in mis city, F. W. Schmidt's Pharmacy. MAlJTHOIX KOC Made in California where materials are produced. The lowest priced roofing made. Lasts longer than all others. It is weather and water-proof and fire resisting. Sens for booklet- The Paraffinc Paint Co. San Franclico, Seattle, Portland, Lot Angelu and Denver, Colorado. T. C. TAYLOR, Agent The French Restaurant BeJi 25 cent Meal in tho City Private Dining Parlors Elegant Furnished Rooms in Connection GUS LaFONTAINE, Prop. 633 Jlain Street Farmers Custom Mill Fred Walters, Proprietor Capacity 150 barrels a day Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, elf always na tiand. SEE SPOONEMORE THE HUSTLER 'f you want your houses rented or your property sold. J. C. Sl'OONKMOKE, 220 U. Court WHAT IS THE USE of suffering from Indigestion If you eat what you want, or of starving yourself to avoid such distress? Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets taken after eating will digest your food perfectly and free you from all the disagreeable symptoms of Indigestion and Dyspep sia. Eat what you like at any time, and take an Acker Tablet afterward. Positively guaranteed. Your money will always be refunded if you are not satisfied. Write to" us for a free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. V The Best Hotel in Pearfletoa and as good as any The Hotel Pendleton lias just been refitted and refurnished throughout. Phone and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in suites and single rocms. Headquarters for Traveling Men Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 & $2.50 Special rates by week or mouth Kxeellent Cuisine. Prompt Diulugroom !?ervice. Bar and billiard room in connection .Only Three Blocks from Depot ! GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corner Court and Johnson Slrects, Pendleton, Oregon. F. Kolly, Proprietor. HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY AmerlCHii Plan, rates $1.23 to S'J.OU per diiv. European Plan. fiOo. 7fic, Sl.OO. Special rntim liy week or month. Free 'bus meets all tralnsl Commercial trade solicited Fine sample rooms Special Attention Given Country Trade HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS. GEO. DAnVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated European Plan. Block and a half from depot. Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE - 50o, 75o, $1,01 1 . ? THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON timtric5n p,Un' Pr dy "d upward. !j Hcadauartera rnrinuriat. . ...4 i- . ,1 lf "I. .men' . management will be pleased ij at all times to show rooms and give prkes. At modern Turkh bath establishment lu the boUl.iJ IL C. BOWJiKS, Manager, I Conrad Platzoeder f All kinds of Fresh Meats always on hand. Fine Bacon, Hams and Sausage. I Prices as low as the lowest M. M?Sa- ir J-t.' Is i fi.v,4KL-a3VJ' Mi 1