BAILY CAST OREBONIAN, PKNM.ETON, ttMWM. FRIDAY, AUSUST 28, 1M. Business Cards PROFESSIONS AND TRADES, PHYSICIANS. To coi.n, oi'fich in judo ,),.,- Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m.,; Cm Telephone red 371. 'UlXMll. M. DESI'AIN IJLOCK, r.., ana correct vj irouoies. wwc iiiinnn nnd Impaired hearing. Li -orrectly fitted for refractive er. "..i..hii. nmln y jCITfM v -w.tu tt iiiNoo. omen oven r, ivndteton Savnirs Hank. Telephone ..'rfjuee telephone main 301. r.mirinu). m, d.. uoxinorATUic f,.ul.m and surgeon. Ottlce In Judd Ri.j Telephone, office, black 73; res- . n J lt.rAULI, KOOM 17 ASOCIA , k Telephone main 031; resl- - u itnNnniisoN. pnvstciAN ! .. .... n, Office In Having HanK buna- 1 .is.... If .1. lulu Uiuic iuuuc utaiu nil, mi .... Tvv k nr.Airnsi.RR. eiiitOKlC . M'..-v,,ti iliseaseft anil diseases of i Judd building, coruor Main and ;.J .13. FN ALLEN IIOONE. OSTEOPATH Thompson Btreet. House ,.u3, nnd office 'phone lilacs: KBY. PHYSlnlAN AS1' VU- in Judd Iiulldlng Koom 1 oflico . i. Residence Pnoue Ma '.. UI. i DENTISTS. i HAN', DENTIST. OITK L IN ding. 'Phone, red 71 ilVN DENTIST. OI'riCE iN AS i , block, over Schmidt's lie"' drug ' ne. red 271. BANKS AND BROKERS. I T10XAL HANK 01 AlHJNA. j capital,; mirulus and j ou Interest on time lipoma. irelgu aim domestic exenange. i ,s promptly ntteuded tu Henry 1 ii" iresiuent; l. j. tvirK, vire-pree ; 1 i.eurow, casuier ; i. ai nemp, . .'.U.MHItS' UANK 01' WESTON, regon Does a genera' bank- u, -s. Exchange bought and sold nromptly ntteuded to. I. Jam--j dent ; Oeorge W. Pn.ebstel, i i u , J. It. Ullgore. canler : il- , A Hartman. M. M J. hns. T. D. llraw, J. F. Kllg.. llob i. i U. V I'roebstel 'NULETON SAVINGS P.ANK, i. Oregon Organized March 1. Ital. iflOO.000; surplui. JIOO,--st nllowtd on nil tlmf dfposlts. .. tougbt and sulil on all principal iiai attention giv.r to col li W J I'urnlsh. prealdfiit J N. "('resident; T. J. Morris i. ashler; JIji uey, assistant cashier ATIONAIi HANK OP l'KVDLB- u ltnl. S7i),ono: surplus. ''-j.000; i la a zeneral banking bufiln"a. r.x- i!' ij i telegraphic transfers mid on I i Min Franclaco. New Vr.-K and : i i"lnts In the Northwest Drnfta it i i ulna. Japan nnd Kurope Makes .in reasonable terms Levi An-r-'Ment; W. P Matlock, vli-e-pres-' li Wade, cashier, II 1' Johnson, .-is ashler. iRCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. nuWAIID, AIICIIITKCT AND SO- f 'mtendent . makes complete and rell-. ;iui for bulldlnga In the cltj or coun Sms 17 Judd bulldins. UK A COLE, CONTIIACTOIIS AND Mm Kstlmates furnished on short J n Job work a apeclalty Prompt ! ii. .Shop on Illuff street near Main, j l MAY. CONTKACTOR AND ItUILD ' Knlmntes furnHhed on all klndi uary cement walks, stone walls, etc- . ii oritur-, at Last Ut'exonmu oai-x-. rimi TMAN. Ai!('iin i:i r and mlent. Hoom 7. ovei Itoston ' -udletou. Oregon t i. ...i.i:i:. i'iASTi:i!i.(. and ce :.. t-mvtti walks n specialty Ks ''alined fr-e. Wolk guarantewl " . at lhuller A Kehuer a clsar - Ma!r. stret. 1". O. box Hit :0OT AND SHOE REPAIRING. .HhESKWAM). Till: OLD KKMAIILR 'uxciaker t-'lrnt-clusH lepnlrlus with ' MterUli. Hb'jp In rear ot Dludlnger M A Co. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. "IKOIU.E, DKAI.IJIt IN HECO..D- ' ai Kuoils If there Is anjrttilue joil k In new anil necond band furniture, ;rnn!te ware and crockery, call and M prkea No. I.' Court fitreet. AND HKCONIl HAND GOODS 'efhT and sold , pawn brokers ; money U'wi m all kinds of nrtlcleu. Water tiTT propK. 732 Cottonwood -wet. TONSORIAL PARLORS. -I KIIASSIU. llAltllHI! SHOP AND 4ii ruoniB. Slain street, three doors a ' Hotel Ht. Ueorge I'lMt-Olass I')N S SANITAItV IlAIIlllM: HIIOI'. ' Mlr. block. Court street: twit work lp all the modern Improremeuts ; Wi sterilized ; bath rooms In con- BOARD AND LODGING. 1 i. IIPNTINUTOK HAS HL'KaiMHED ' L.l;lnit House st Oil Harden Street, ! will be itlad to ee her friend! and Tft. JM. ALT A, COIl.NHH At.TAAND L lreet. Hoard by the day or 1 Qood table sat Rates 11.74 and ht week. Pendleton Keed Yard In uun. B. Couipton, Prop. Tor HO TO 1MI.OT IIOCIC 8TOP u City Hotel (lood meals and 'iiu rooms. Kpeclal attention given Brrlal travelers. Mrs. C. U. Hle nwt Hock, Ore. WA 1IOTKL. I.EADINO HOTEL IN THK I l to Jl.iO iwrday II, ! Mlllen, 1tor ? 'iHUK I1UH1NES3 TAKK.-I YOU TO u,itop at the Hotel Helix U ood meals WMiervic. II. II lllcbanli, proprietor FRATERNAL ORDERS. loikih. no. i. itHirrs kvrkv ; evenlug In Secret Hoclety hall, block, ut Pendleton. Ore. It- W. K II. 8.; W. J, Keyes, C. C. and Societies ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. INSURANCE AND LAND BU8INE88 iTAttTMAK A11STKACT COMFANY MAKES reliable abstract ot title to nil lands In Uma tilla caunty Loam on city nnd (arm prop erly liuysana iwmij kiiiuh ui im -stnw Does a general brokeratre business, l'nys tax es and makes Investments for nonresidents. Reference, any bank In 1'endleton. a. A ilARTMAN, Pres. L. V. HEll), Sec. 0. A. HAKTMAK Jr Vice Pres. I!. S. IlltVSON'. ATTOIINKV AT LAW ; Collections aid Irsurnnce. OOlce In E. 0. building. J. M. IIKKTI.KV HKl'KESENTS T11E OLDEST and most rollablo llroandHecldent Insurance companies. OiHce with Hartmau Abstract Co. JOHN IIAII.EV, Jit., H. H. LAND COM mlssloner .Specialty made of land filings nnd proof: Insurance nnd collections. Of fice In Judd bidding, room 10. CABS AND CARniAGES. CITY CAE LINE, EIUVI.V IIAKEE, I'HOr. Telephone main 7'J1. Office nnd waiting room, Alta Btreet, next to Havluga Hank building LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE CITY l.IVKKY 110AIJD AND SALE Stable M. J. Carney, proprietor, for flue turnouts Stock boarued at rcaxonsble rates. Knulo lis Alta Street. MISCELLANEOUS. VETEItl.SAl'.Y SIHIOKON -I)r. I). C MoNab, gnutmite o I'ntveriiiy oi 1'i'iiu. veterinary o Spokane for lu jears. Office at Tollman's Drug stor-, l, Ore , Phono llutn 1471, MEN'S RE-OiVT, YOU are Invited Free reading room. Why no: loin nnd got the ail. vantage f tree b.ttb, use of pumMilngbagBiid nthet niiilpmeiits. Including library and tend ingroou. Terms, JI.Oo to Join undine a mouth due- FOR .- U.b UOILEK AVDt.II01l.1E POrVKR renirrti iiiuh speed engine Also a JO Iijjlit neuerutor including all switch board Instru ments Koi particulars, call on or address Fkeu Kixi.. Dox s?J, Pendleton, Oto WM. F Yi'HSKA WILL PAY PIIOMIT AT- tentloii to hl vales ar.d posting bills Cor. resjiondeucosoUclted. Commission reasonable P. O. Hoi itn. Peiidletou DIVOll' K I.AWSl'KTKK VFT; ADVICE i free, fees tonus to suit; 25 years' experience. t Officer's iiardon HU, Pondleton, Oregon. j WANTED YOUIt OIIDEHS FOIl Er7- ' gtnti'd cards, wedding Invitations, etc. ; tui engraved visiting cards with plate, fl.Ti"' nddltlonal cards In future, SI per tii'cdrd The Kat Oregoniaa i LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance Com panies we represent.. Oui companies stand first in the world. AftMOtH Hartford "-'ire Iiisumnt'e Co.f lS,!!S0,07b Alliance Assnrnuee Co 29,050,963 Lniidon & Lancashire Fire . Iusiuniuee Co 2,544,(IS;( Nnrtli British & Mercantile Co 10,695,(17-1 Hoyal Insurance Co 22,897,153 FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT 800 MAINiSTREET LET US FILL your bill FOR LUMBER We can suppl) you with Building Material of all descriptions and sa v e you money. DOORS WINDOWS B u i 1dm g paper lime cement, brick and sand. , Wood gutters for barns ind dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard j Alta St., Opp. Court House j ---1 ! ICE We keep nothing but pure natural ice. frozen from pure, clear mountain water. It soes farther and lusts longer than artificial ice. All wo ask is an unprejudiced trial of our Ice. Why not order a case of the celebrated Schlltz, A. B. C. or Gambrhui8 for your Sunday dinner? 'Phone your order to Main SI HENRY KOPITTKE 1 13 THE GREATEST ISSUE IRRIGATION IS NAMED AS FOREMOST PROBLEM. George H. Maxwell Says It Will Solve the Social Questions Now Before the Government It Means the Perfection of the Social Sys tem, In an nilclrcas boforo a Inrgo audi ence In Spoltano Wednesdny, upon the subject of "National Irrigation," Georgo H. Slaxwell, chairman of the executive committee of tho National Irrigation Association, said In part: "Where Irrigation Is you will find a pormanent community, n dense population and a market for the man ufactories and merchants unlike any other Industry. No city In thta West ern country can profit by It more than Spokane. You arc peculiarly situated In the center of a vast agri cultural country much of which Is ns yet uncultivated for luck of water. This Hcml-urld land can be mado to support a permanent population. "Irrigated land In California pro duces annually a product greater lu value than all the products of the minps of the golden state. Tho mines become worked out, hut the land Increased In productiveness. In hr Irrlgnted section, as the years went by, good roads wero built, school houses sprung up nnd towns tif a purmanont character wero es tablished. On the other hand, the population of the mining camps was Heating, when the ore played out the towns tiled. Spokane can accomplish In Its territory Identically tho same result In n similar period. Besides, you already have tho advantage of water. To utilize It private enter nrlso rnn tin much. Tint tho scheme must be worked out on broader lines; j you must have the support and nunn cinl aid ot the nntlounl government. "The Irrigation idea Is In my opin ion the grentest solution of the so cial problem today A man with 20 m tf AVE LUXURIANT mm . tticnin-tloncctl-forcle-- ni o v v r v woman istu- Kik-w-v.hatu power ( . :tM to b y it is, ;i ! -n.U ivuia to make n. mvil us soft, Klos a in i!m !. a- j-o ;I(jIl'. ', . iv tcvr of 'tci r' anaro m yet .l t Ncm or a lIenicido u i-cnt sjfcntJlic dis covery, will oufiblu theru t rrfo&ar liair as thick vud luxuriant ai uuyouo L.niM desire It works ou a now tho !ry of dwtroyliia the mi that fcixla uin the lulnwit, and thiu mak ing 4laii.1nitl and fulling tiutr iui(oilble. It then 1tovt'tLi to producu ft itr.irtth of thluk, (rlsy hilf thur 8miu becomes pridL'Oilt owner, trial wUlcouIncu ".. ti, iuj virtues. Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. We Don't Keep Everything But we do keep a good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic and Finish, in all grades. Also all kinds of Dimension Lumber, In cluding Lath and Shingles. Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes Is complete, and any one In need of Lumbtr will not be wrong In placing their order with the : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. Wi & C. R. Depot Farmers Custom Mill Fred Walters, Proprietor Capacity 160 burrolna day Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc HlwayH oa hand. Suffered Eight Months I can heartily recommend Acker's Tablets for dyspepsia and stomach troubles. I have been suffering for eight months and tried many reme dies without relief, until I got Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets, which I used only a short timo and am now perfectly well. Thanking you for tho speedy recovery, I am gratefully yours, Fran cis I. Gannor, Vancouver, Wash. Sond to W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. V for a free trial package. (Nothing like them.) F. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists. ran aaia ti all riRTT. Httovip il CLASS PKUQ STOHIS. HHHUElP Shields' Park A HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE SHOW Provides an evening of rare enjoyment Good, clean, wholesome fun. Not a dull minute. MAIN STREET Near O. R. & N. Depot I Admission, 20c ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber. vor may in n:Nu irrii-iixr. orlln i It iu-fi-nry to ltKIM.AC'E A W(lll.-OUT ItOOF ELATERITE ROOFING Takes th place of shingles, tin, Iron, tar and gravel, and all prepared roofings. For flat and steep surfaces, gutters, valleys, etc. Easy to lay. Temperc . for all climates. Reasonable In cost. Sold on merit. Guaran teed. It will pay to ask for pricesand information. THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO. Worcester Building. Portland acres under IrriRatlon can mal;e more than n man with 2.000 acres without water. It means that the semi-arid section of the west will he filled with homes, that the Eastern manufactur ers will sell more goods nnd that the adjacont cities in the vicinity of your city would have an increase of popu lation of 1,000.000 people. "We hnve now n fund of $15,000,000 to commence Irrigation on. This amount Is hut a trifle. If you can as sure the conservative business men of the East that $50,Oll0.000 could ho safely invested In reclaiming lands, that will be hettled upon and the money finally repaid, you can rest assured that that money will ho forthcoming. Spoltano can afford to do her share lu what Is the country's most Important national undertak ing the reclamation of the arid lands of the West." In conclusion the speaker outlined a method of forming n local section and specially urged upon the meet ing to send delegates to the National Irrigation Congress at Ogden. WILL EXTEND THE MISSION. West and Northwest Baptist Mis sionarles. Chlcano. 111., Aug. 27. A confer ence of nfllcert and leaders of the American Baptist Home Missionary Society hi the West and Northwest was commenced in Chicago today and the proceedings will he followed with close Interest by members of the denomination everywhere. The primary purpose of the con ference Is to settle upon plans for currying c ut the wide extension of the society's work ns already decided. The society plans to spend five years of siieclal evangelical effort at a cost or ut least $23,000 a year, and to reach all the places in the coun try where It Is thought that Baptist inllucnce will avail. The beginning will be made In the cities, but by the commencement of the second year it Is hoped to reach the smaller towns, which is the particular aim of the movement. The movement will he inaugurated and active work got un der way as soon as a sutllcient sum has been pledged to justify a begin ning. TEXAS HORSES TO CUBA. Two Thousand Five Hundred Mounts for Rurales, Havana, Aug. 27. It Is expected that Texas will be awarded the con tract for furnishing some 2,500 horses and (id mules for tho Cuban rural guard. Bids were opened lu Havana today, but the result will not be an nounced until later. Under the conditions of the con tract the prices to be paid for 1U4 horses for oltlcers Is $100 each, and for tho remainder $80 each. The ani mals must be 63 Spanish Inches In height, nnd fiom four to seven years of age. Health and Pleasure, When one goes to Lehmau Springs there Is every assurance that not only will one's health be benefited by the pure, bracing mountain air and bath ing to be enjoyed there, but also while gaining health one can enjoy a great variety of pleasure ranging from hunting and Ashing to bowling and goll, C. II. Dutton has sustained his reputation as a capable host by the manner in which he Is providing for tho comfort and pleasure ot his guests. Children, 10c The French Restaurant Be-t 25 cent Meal in the City Private Dining Parlors Elegant Furnished Rooms in Connection GUS LaFONTAINE, Prop. 633 Main Street SEE SPOONEMORE THE HUSTLER f you want your houses tented or your property sold. ' J. C. Si'OOVemokk, 220 E. Court WHAT IS THE USE of suffering from Indigestion If you cat what you want, or of starving yourself to avoid such distress? Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets taken after eatlug will digest your food perfectly and free you from all the disagreeable symptoms of Indigestion and Dyspep sia. Eat what you like at any time, and take an Acker Tablet afterward. Positively guaranteed. Your money will always be refunded If you are not satisfied. Write to us for a free sample. W, H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo. N. T. STRAIN TOO GREAT. Hundreds of Pendleton Readers Find It So. The bustle and worry of business men. Tho hard work and stooping ot workmen. The woman's household cares. Are too great a strain on the kid neys. Backache, headache, sideache. Kidney troubles, urinary troubles follow, A Pendleton citizen tells how to cure them all. F. A. Morris, retired, who lives ou Park avenue, and is well kuown 10 Pendleton people, says: "I was trou bled with my kidneys ou and on for three years. In earlier days I had worked in a shoe factory in ltockford, HI., standing all day at a bench and later on I became a motorman on an electric car. That too, kept me on my feet all day and aggravated my complaint if it did not start it. It annoyed mo through the day more tuun at any other time. I Anally got a box of Doan's Kidney Pills at the Brock & McComas Co. drug store and used them. They cured mo. I have not had even the slightest attack of backache for five years, nor have I used any pills since I stopped tho treatment last October." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents per box. Foster-JIllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. . Remember the name DOAN'S and take no other. HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pencfletoi and as good as any. The Hotel Pendleton has just been refitted and refurnished inroiiRhout. Phone and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in suites and single rooms. Headquarters for Traveling Men Commodious Sample Rooms, Rates $2 & $2.50 Special rates by week or m outh Excellent Cuisine. Prompt Dlningroom service. Bar and billiard room in connection Only Three Blocks from Depot GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corner Court and John.on Blteets, Pendlelon, Oregon, M. F. Kelly, Proprietor. 1 HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY Auierlcnu lMuu. rnt- 1.-!G to M1 tier (lav. KtirniK'iin l'liin, SOo. "fie. (M .((. special rote- by -vtHk or mouth. Free 'bus meets all trains Commercial trade solicited Fine sample rooms Special Attention Given Country Trade HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS. GEO. DARVEAU. Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heatec European Plan. Block and a half from depot; Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50c, 75o, $1.01 IHfc f IIH I LflNII PORTLAND. OREGON American Plan, $3 per day aud upward Headquarters for touriiU aud commercial trav eler. Special rates made to fa milieu aud iof 1 gentlemen. Tbe mauagemeut will be pleased at all times to show rooms and gire prices, A modern Turkish bath establishment lu the boii. II. C. UOWHR6. Manager . Conrad Platzoeder All kinds of Fresh Meats always on hand. Fine Bacon, Hams and Sausage. I Prices as low as the I 9 7 t V lg. - v TTSffraeet; ,