OAILYEVENINGEDITION A 11 (VAfPU l " j Eastern Oregon Weather J5c A wnnii i WS3TDLETOX, UMATILLA Tonight ami warmer tonteht; SOLD NTO II SLAVERY of Involuntary Servi- r..! i iL. Seas. .i,nDrn DAVS FOR NEW YORK BOY. ... k4u I ..art tn a Ri-f-aU. of the System of Shanghai Crimping In That City Officers Compelled to th DrlennMr i. 07 At Hi' fit! nil. rK nil. . .... ...1 .!.... tin lifiv Hill 1'iiv..- Orcshnm overtook tlio rk Marshal Coutnnt, (iff 1 nit n ii..l toy aim wuiikih mm iardlng house, paying lor the toy Una nut signed .lit I. 1... 1....1 ..1.......1 mil limn lit' null niLnt-'u tie rrencii consul. ... 1 !..-. 11... I 1...I being rescued. The Con- to return to the Hook. anchored. The lioy wuh (ho cabin, creating u plti kleklne on the floor and lur lll'ip wueu me uiunnuni Stranahan proposes to the matter and put mi ining If possible. Is generally dono liy un neonlo transferring con- consideration. In most hoys lire waifs, or nt enough to wish to give e mil education. Many toot of tlio keopors of t go-betweens liotweon asylums of questionable owners and captains of ing for ftrelcn ports. Ti are kept In a state of :ot actual slavery, not lie- to land nt ports and are cted to ImrliaroiiH trout. iey prove iminonageuble. W r tliey are tract isually follow the sen ff desert at any port, far en an opportunity pre wit money. friends or ;ind nearly always dense- wey Have no nieans of become vagabond won- i the Frenchman. g party expected re- was well armed. A 1 from the French ves- cutter hailed It Saphone and ordered It 11 Searched Tim linnnl. beaded hy Lieutenant led to the Frenchman minor, hut was ruins. t KatHclmmr went up 'ins. As his toet struck 'fflch petty olllcer struck "eiitennnt knocked his Mil a general mlx-uii t Amnrlrnnu iil.i .. tut cleaned the French- weir fists ? captain appeared on "o murderous Hutch- a the now fully light ero trained on his Wtwl to a search. ounil In the forward Hiolc Hit was takon wiliam Lieutenant !llaVllv n-tllPfl HMII.lll tt or Mu French ves- " 11 U until tho "Wain , Investiciit- o'l "f retaliating agalnm 11,.. v Kovcrnment r,. i.5n' Is. . ,he French .1.- . "' 'IB Ullltlll O tn 1 - iuivuiu COUNTY, OREGOX, THVllSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1003. "f tho brotheri on. I.",0 mom,'"s Producers ? 7 h'ch.. h? nto consldiirmi .1 " "lnes- and Friday fair; M.I I "wui r 1 iiiiij '. 1 XO. 4830. DURynnni miri ninTinnm T PAIn TO llllnnrn llllll UN IUMII IIUL In the world n Lmost...!tl,ert nien vineyards anil h ?.Vi ot.,on . ofl It Is said tlmi h """'"B or wine. GRAIN MARKETS. Quotations FurnTslby Coe Corr)mU. slon Company-B. E. Kennedy, Lo cal Manager. tinned ovcrcas? hauler" ' , iZ l o sprlnB wheat country, 2T very stroiiR 0)iciilnK our mn w.i npaln this Mn ' The va h n ap shows rains practically eve rja ,l,p pxtroni,! The market stood up to 1100 lv 1 cent above last nlKhfs close, hui at tills advice It met home verv K(m, lironwaklnB. which canned a Sac Hon. Unless the weafher clears up '-y I'iniuKiiiiiu llie .Northwest U TIME LIMIT EXPIRED Race Called Off With Englishman Twenty Minutes Behind and Reliance Three-fourths Mile From Finish. and receipts Increase very materially """'Kl' 'arl.v appearances Indicate 110 Race Was at First a Promising Speed Match, But the Wind Fell and the Latter Part Was a Succession of Drifts and Tacks Scottish Press Turn Against Upton and Call Him a Boaster. Highlands. Auk. 27.-The regatta to the weather side and so effectual committee bout and markers passed killed Shamrock's wind that she handy Ifnol; at !l:3S lor too line al-1 . 3 n,,lp t0 l'ross ie Hat1 fully we cannot see niiyllilnu to pr.--.eMi this wheat trom polns hh-het Vhcat OiiPiilnp n.inen ' m-in XI H. Corn SMH r.Ovi Wlnneapolls, Aur. 1'7. Wlieat Onnnln. Soit 82 Dec Kfia; 51 Chicago Wheat. Chlrapo. Auk. 27. Wheat Sl and closed Sl',4. Oloso, 82 SOT. ace, the wind blowing about knot, with a streaky rain. Very Unfavorable Weather, minute ahead. The first hour and a half of salllnc one demonstrates Itcllance's superior ' points. The wireless says Reliance maintains n windward position in tllr. lo,l t!l, 1. I..-.- . ... 1II,.,I,..U , o- n-... ?"""ci insi, mu "n me 11111111111K iteiiance points IiIkIi or .be third day's race for the cup Rellance w Probab , dawned anyth but ravorahle for At 12:33. nilktlnri. feport. Heavyladen clouds, an occa- Is sure to win the race, as she has slonal drizzle and almost 110 wind. 'l,ad so well In hand the race PAID TO MURDER. Assassins of Alexander Cash for the Job. Munich, aur. 27. Lieutenant l'o trovlc, nephew of tho Into KIiir Al exander of Servia, declares that an Ohrenovltch party exists Servia and Is hopeful of overthrowing t,t. present dynasty. He asserts that he possesses atisoluto proof that Kins Peter paid the murderers of Alexan der and UraRa cash for the commis sion of the crimp. DISCUSS VARIOUS ISSUES. Rooosevelt Visited by Many Eminent Men. Oyster Hay, Aur. 27. SaRnniore Hill is thronged today Flnnnclal talks and postolllce scandals are the principal subjects for discussion. Jacob Klls was at breakfast with the president. Hamlin (Jarlnnd Inlked Indian affairs. Congressman 1'owlor dlsetipsscd the currency hill nnd a doi-en other men of prominence visited. KloomlnesB. SallmakliiR proceeded The only hope semes that the fickle- lins 1,m,m? a nicl' procession. The tie-is ..r ti,u ,i,. .i 1 . . wlml Il0ltIs southeast and blown I . , """, seven knots. It is more than likely opened , develop a ravoring breeze heloro the the yachts will linisii within me time day Is over, despite die Koneral Unilt. I At 12:30 Hellance tacked to star board, followed a minute later by aS llSlial, I C!,,im,. wliloli :.rn-.,,l llnll,,, hut I.lptou and Iselln were out early wul;e. Iteiiance then tacked to port watching the work and each conll- aROin. Shamrock Immediately tack dent of winning. ' starboard. Hellance again' tacked. iil'a yacnisiiicn say isarr s handlliig of his boat loduy was the most masterly ever witnessed in boat racing. Walking Delegates Not Prev.ou.. ..3. UrXi T . w, d,, n s iV, ' u , r Con-, ,,'.,iti,. rv tiii i,.-.,..... it.,1 the wheel keens Hellance at the Jury Fixes No Blame. Chehalls, Aug. 27. The coroner's Jury Investigating Hie cause of the death or those killed In the ueck or tlie kujb' excursion, lias decided that the cause of death was the explosion of the locomotive holler, but It fixes no blame, lenvlng the courts to do this, in the damage suits to come. Warden Resigned. Atlanta, Aug 27. Warden Algood. warden of the Georgia state penlten tlray, who whipped n white woman, -Mamie IVcrist. has resigned. . ! It was marly -J when Hellance took INNEW YORK CITY. I t(nv an 6la,,e(1 ,,. lh(, UtthtaMlu Trouble Ahead for Contractors and ! I',,llinv(l1 " mliintos later hy Sham- ly Implicated Prominent tractors Have Charges Against Them, Filed 1 MVQ" until hy' -1:30 hardly a kii'ti. blew, anil ll'i'l't possible speed. it was coming In lilt'-' streaks May Call Time Limit. t y niuuuu igiee.nem itenveen me At , yucht8 uisnppear.i ( I'roscculor challenger and committee 11 vvas wla,n t)) p,()so , , announced early agreed that no race be started ,.,. T,, ., on ..i,.,,,.. . ,Io. Should the condi-( ...,. , fl...f.nt tncklns. New Vork, Aug. 27 Jerome, this morning there will he no hall In the Investlga-1 alter 1 o'clock tlon of chnrgeH of bribery an 1 lviii1 Hons as shown at 8:30 be the same .1.... I. -II II. I .1..I I ...1..... .1. - I ...I...1 ....In., .1... 111111 UKllllliu Mi'lll wanting utli'gaics iiiu-11 nit- itiiu in iani-u lining, iiit; iiiid building trades employers. ; yachts could not cover the Proceedings will be Instituted against three prominent contractors for alleged extortion, who it Is claim ed, aided Parks. Tlie yachts rounded ti.e outer mark about 1:35. Tho excursion licet, OPERATING TABLE Eli STICK CONSUL KILLED Beirut, Syria, the Scene of a Cowardly Murder by an Unknown Assassin. EUROPEAN SQUADRON IS HELD READY TO SAIL. ANIMAL IS STRAPPED TO IT WHILE STANDING UPRIGHT. course anywhere within the time limit. Few Excursionists. The weather conditions caused a remarkable falling off of excursion ists, The Heel is small and with few .,w,.t,it..r.. nl..,ai-,l Djicimiuio u.'ui.l. , .,., ,, ,-.... -w..-ol tn Hfl. At 1(1:2.-. the yachts reached the "l- '"V, ., .7 i. "ni ". which Is being held far olT by the revenue boats, say that on account ol' the light wind the yachts are heading in toward the finish. Getting Some Wind Now. At 2:10 the wind is freshening and Examinations of Veterinarians. Los Angeles. Cnl.. Aim. 27. The Slate Veterinary .Medical Hoard f ' iichtshlii'" Shamrock being first to Wi within tho time limit. They can t,',,i..., w 1.- n MmHsmi i "B'"b,P. biiaiinock nemt nisi 10 account of the drop ner low A Device to Promote Humane Surg ery and Ea3y and Accurate Handl ing of Horses, Cattle and Other Livestock, llr, McN'abb. tlie veterinary sur geon, has a now thing in operating tables that Is n cm lo. It Is nt the livery stable on Cottonwood street, where II will be located, and where tlie doctor will have his borne hos pital. The table Is on a pivot, so that when Hie horse Is led up hy tlie side of II the table Is In the same position as the wall would he. In the table at suitable places aro loopholes through which straps can bo passed with which Hie horse may be tied onto the table. Straps are also pro vided for Hie feet, so that when the Uxaiulneis. t)r. W. h. u. .Momson, (, hel. ((nv TU(, wlml graiiually l), v. .v. piesiueiu, aim i. -J-1 freshened until It blew three knots, Oliver. V. S.. secreuiry, met neie io- .... ,.oni.ittte i,(laU hoisted signals III. mry , uiil.niil i . ., ll. Il,l it i. not be seen now on account of the' ,., .'., , ,,r, ,,.., Iiwoo,,,,. .muii.vi ill niii,ih i.n. ... the opeiator: In fact, It cannot mtivi mist At :4li Hellance has Just emerged day for the purpose of hoiding I the U " es ,0 r-'o carrying her main- Humous as ieiiuieu uj im- ' wiudwnrd and return on ,1 houtlieatt law. The board will meet again In t,r)v n(. SWcts, however, are Sun Francisco next mouth to exam-tla't liw).L, wm k, 110 ,-aco. lue candidates from the northern ; ,.,. ncaay iu uu, At ln:3, after iiasslng the llelit-. Atncrlr-ait lias the race part of the state. TWO .IN THE CITY JAIL. One Vag and One Assault and Bat tery Defendant Are There, The i-llv lull lias al present two prlsonersitnd that Is all of tho bust ball and spluaker be seen yet. Shamrock Has No Chance. At 2:45 Shamrock was picked up through Hie haze, lar astern. 'I lie In hand. ship, the yachts broke out tlicir , siminmr-U is sailing 'i hopeless race. Iieadsalls anil sioou anoiu me man- Al a -,.),.); n. Yankee leads by IliK line awaiting tile preparatory ()V(,). a me stenal. At 3:10, oil the run homo, Hellance At In: 4.1 the preparatory gun was s ring many soil spots nnd Is fired. The yachts went to leeward .,.., ,.,i,, from land. Will prob- ness that the city court has had the' of the line when the first gun was a) UxMl xvlt iiiti tlie time limit. Ilieil. lieiltuii'e muiw uui 11-.1 wlllcll IS 4:oll, a muscle. When tlie horse is proper ly tied Hie table is turned over by means of n winch from a vertical to a horizontal position, so that tlie op erufiir can get nt the hnrso In any position "The Sick Man of Europe" May Be Much Sicker Before He Is Any Better Claimed That the Revolu tionists Will Attempt to Infect Constantinople With Plague, London, Aug. 27. A dispatch to the Cential ,Vws from Constanlliio pie states that 11 liuln duo this morning, was dynamited near Uleh borgns. Six were killed and Id Injur ed. This occurred on the Adrlauoplu railway, repeated outrages along the loule of which by the liuuim-nin I... dlcnle that they regmil Hie road as of great strategical value. Mauv tilings Indicate that Hie InsiiriienlH nie making strenuous erforts to en tlrcly shut off coiniuiinliatlon be tween Vienna and Constanllnople. meric.m vice-Consul Murdered. Washington, Aug. 27.--Minister l.elsman today cables the state tie- piiiliuent rroiu CoiiBtuntlnoido that the American vice-consul nt Hel. ruth, I'nlesllue. ns assassiualed winle driving In his carriage. Consul Gagellscn of Minnesota. The vice-consul's iinnie Is William riuKclbcn. Minister l.elsman him called on the Turkish government lor Hie luiim-dlntc puiiiahmrut of the assassins The stale 1I1 pnrtnionl has cnhleil I ur lull particulars, (higellsen was appoluled from tho stale of Minnesota In 1 Stilt. The de partment refuses lo discuss any pol icy until further news Is received. Ilelrul, In Syria, has a population of 12it.oini Ailing Kectelary of the Navy Darling says as yd no onlerH have been Issued dispatching Amer ican warships to Asiatic waiers. He Is ready, however, lo send the entire. Ktiropciin sipindron, now at Vllle, France, lo Hell ill. A Secret Assassination. A cablegram yesteiilay to Pails sas the assassination took plate Sunday last The French minister received the InforiiiiiHiin tlirougu Consul Hatliivll. who says the mur derer was mil seen and Is unknown. Admiral Cot Ion has been cnhled to hold his licet III reaillin-MH Wholesale Murder, Nut War. Ilerllu. Aug. 27 - The I.0U11I An- 'Phis Is Hie only table of the kind ! zclgt-r Is advised that Mlicediuilaiis this side of Chicago, nnd there are 1 Intend to Iiiomi Aslalle plague, iiflelli.L'i. of dnlnc lor some time. Illehaid Ityau. the man or Hie his tory anil the Inclination to slug any one In his path. Is again In the tolls of the law Sonic time uro Hie man was put In the jail for 20 days for fighting, anil atler having served 10 dnvH of the sentence put up such a Jib. The scrap lor menced position com- At .1,,, wind is olT shore and ili.lit It Ik n niiestlull whether Doth yachts ale lianiiicappeu. iw-1 t,e, ,.un n,,, n u,,. ume limn llanco crossed ut 11:02:45 and Sham-, i(,iiH1.,. iH ti.e miles Irom the line rock at 11:03:41. Hoth had to come ,n n ,.((lng sea. and slillllng wind about to make a start. fn)m iR,r clothes. . . ... At x-4r. Iteiiance is three miles ;Ei'!15it, .I,.', sir , ',,,.',,Kr,i' !. '"- III! but t tin. c lv and smy mu 1 ,...nt in Walla Wnlla soon Brow l.on.eslck ami ) He landed in Hie ciu i'"" lire still on the starboard Ihiuce is gaining slowly. Reliance Leads and Is Gaining. simimock lacked al n:2&, nun- Killing Time At 4 Hellance may be ablo to plncli ucioss the line before 4:20, bin it is doubtful. The excll ent Is Intense He ant ei in mc , 1 oiu""" --- . 1 doubtlll . I lie exi'iiei".'"' i"'""1" ately soiiKht Hie 1.0'ivw. wl.ero he nm.0 tme minutes later, a 1 , Jxlmy of tho )mlt. found Alex McLain. who had blacked IleUuu,e ,s still ga nlng and thiee- 'j" ja((( ,, ,)Vell her opponents Hale 10 see ni POLITICS. I ltl,ti $1,000,000 on I'"' Viei.-,r,le Aug 27. -It is luthorlty that the '0(1 r(,,.,i. , 1 I.. u.iino , J '"to vlnovnrds for ins 7n Tri u 1110 "" latkin v"""uc enuieii r 1 l.''on.rlse, 1 .....ouli, II iltXl S'Tririh!:! five days for beting ' le 8 'f' he would r..r,ri.t gout ?f H and d. . u lilin 1'h-n.fore. In WTeid the value of trm" -.,, ity, till Bave him ve Alaha.ua uro. hm3, Twicken Ainvand Uaptlst chnu 1 1.;..: RnL-land There ".T' . ds inateoo "i """r- a highly nuiirtors In tlie lean Almost Becalmed, When the yachts reached the lightship the big Hag o" the main masts of Hie pilot hoots lying about Happed against the masts mere bundles of hunting, while off to he westward tlie French bark Mnrochal wallowed without auy attempt to make sail. Tho fishing lleet oft An imry Park did not have even steerage way ami a number drifted stomwlse. At 11-56 the wind Is blowing six knots. Yachts still on the port tack. Three Minutes Lead in an Hour. At 12 03 Reliance is fully three minutes ahead and steadily gaining. Rellance the Better Boat. In- llni (ill (111. At 4: if. the regatta committee at the finish claim Hellance cannot come in In U'" 11"1("is tm,lu ,'H Jt strong puff or wind. Shamrock Is 10 minutes behind. At 4 - 27 Reliance is three-quartern or a mile from the line, hut cannot l.fffire the limit. Shamrock l I .t.t ...I..Mt..U l.uliliifl Sli Hinitiiao Race Called Off. At 4:80 the race Is called off, the 1 hue limit having expired. Ill-Natured Scotch Press. Glasgow, Aug. 27,-me Scotch press Is exceedingly ill-natured over Shamrock's defeat. The Scotchman . xj . . t'10 .1.1.. .viinnltiu Ufklfl j, was a ru m.-, "s i , '' V; .. . i. I ' Z m h nmlti, of Lluton !ngUtherpo,UU.n,compet,,g - W." ihu cha enger 10 m "" r,,Sr ' ' V"'"'"" m-Zn, When .he cred' Barr was hands: few or them III the ICast, though all of the veterinary Institutions of re pute have them for the use o their classes. It cost the doctor $250 anil tho freight on It was $50. For some time the doctor has been walling for tlie contrivance to come, as It has been on Hie road tor n long time, and many of tho doctor's patients have been walling for it to put In Its up peninlice III older Hint lliey might have the opportunity to have the treatment Hint II is neiessary for their recovery MURDER SUSPECTED. Foreman of a Grading Gang round Mangled at Simmons. Tills morning the mangled body of Hobeit Tyson, the foieman of the cholein, smallpox haccilll In Constan tinople mid Uneaten to poison tho river ft oi it which the water supply comes, making Hie Tuil.lsh capital an unprecedented honor spot. Tho h 11 1 In 11. In a panic, has ordered ex Iraiiidiuary piecniilloiiK LAST NIGHT'S BANQUET, Painters and Decorators Score a De cided Social Success, Last evening Hie lianiitd of thu palmers and decorators of the (Ity, was belli In the dining mom of Iho flolden Itule, at which lime about CO of the members and Invited kuhsIh of the union met for an evening or fun anil fiollc All of Hie guild things ol Iho kenson were Hit before tilt) Kiiests hy the members who hail Iho grading gang of the Snake lllver entertainment In hand, anil Hie ven- cut-on of the O. H. tc N. at Him- Ing will be lung rememberim as 11 iiions siding, about 15 miles mil Hi of Waliula. was round by the west switch. Hy tho position of the hotly it Is not known how the man came to his death: whether hy being run over by a train or by other menus. pleasant one by all those who wnru so forlomile as to In- present. The toasts or the evening wero varied, slid touched all subjects from I In- various lo Hie other kind, auu the speakers all made reputations for The body was horribly cut ami man-' themselves by Hie way In-whli'h they gled and was tossed In u heap by the, hsi'dled their themes side of the track. I The celebration was talked over Theie Is some mystery surround ' and cnllitiMusui worked up until the Ing Hie matter from the fact that the . ,My will l.e a mi. cess ir It has to re foromou of the gangs on the con-! y i,n the efforts of those who were traction have been having trouble , nt ihe luiupici alone H was u most with their men. The company uses enjoyniile mum r. sun mow Japanese on the works along mat w. re present sr.- n...i.. line and tile men aim me rammni proiuoi-r "i " - Ill churge of them are not friendly, ; 1st her another 111 llie mar future and there Is frequently tiouhle be- fwee, them It Is not known here In 189 Morris Gros. a butcher's that the dead man had bad any serl-lboy, 1... an old W J 011s dltllcillly with his men. but the , he did not learn, out of' t r c rcumstances surrounding the death B.rau.hurg. firos shortly JWr'd are suspicious, and tho utborltUu ;"." ' Amer . -a. UJ2 Investigating me rwu. " ... I . J I... . V iSI V to place the Ulauio where It belongs. of the deulu saved has maile Ww a legacy of ft 000. 1 WVCd tn . .. ... .. "i iiteiu- Imi i" ''I