East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 26, 1903, Image 8

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    A Comfortable
is a blessing to woman kind f
and FITTING comfortable t
snoes (o me inuics icui is
making our store more popu- T
lar every uay witn an who
want good shoes.
When buying shoes, don't
call for a certain size, bu
take a scat and ask to be
Dindingef, Wil-
son & Company T
'Phone, Main iiSi
J. E. Smith Livestock Company Dis
tributing a Neat Advertising Cir
cular. The J. E. Smith Livestock Compa
ny, of Pilot Hock, has just Issued
from the Press of the East Oregonlnn
an attractive anil instructive booklet,
containing a brief review of its stock
and n short historical sketch of the
breeds grown by this wide-awake
The booklet contains cuts of the
prominent representatives of the dif
ferent breeds on the ranches of the
company, and Is one of the most
unique livestock advertisements yet
Issued in this section.
The great demand for information
on the high-grade stock handled by
the Smith company, has made It nec
essary to Issue a publication of this
kind In order to answer the imiuiries
that reach It.
Among the breeds grown as a spe
cialty by this company, are the Span
ish Jierino, Delaines, Ramboulllets,
Oxford Downs and Shropshires. Each
breed is represented In this book by
an excellent cut.
Delegate to National Camp.
I B. Iteeder left this morning for
Atlantic City, N. J., where ho goes
as ono of the state delegates to the
National Camp of the Hedmen. He
will attend the camp and will visit J
relatives and friends in the Eastern
cities for a time before returning to
his home in this city
away about a month.
He will bej
tlllll. .IIIIIUU1. I
I Daintiness
x Who Is it that does not an-
jreclate a sweet, delicate odor, JL I
especially of the dainty, last-
X ing kind? Wo have tho largest
lino of Imported and domestic
perfumes In Eastern Oregon.
A lew oi our leaumg imporieu
odors are:
Azurea, La Trefle,
Peau d' Etpagne,
. . . '
inaian Hay.
And many moro of the same
I quality in b-ilk as well as in
fancy packages,
lauding DriiKKirtts X
1. -f -t 1 j 1 m
Miss l.ncy Morris, of Uklah, Is the
guest of Pendleton friends.
Mrs. J. K. Irby, of Arlington, is In
the city tho guest of friends.
1 A. Splcor. of Pilot Hock, was a
business visitor In tho city yester
day. Mrs. N. C. Glenn, of Vale, Is in
the city for n short visit with friends
Miss Jennlo Taylor is homo from
her summer outing at l.ehmnn
Mr. and Mrs. It. N. Stanneld, of
Echo, were visiting friends in the
city yesterday.
Miss Edith McHrlde, of Adams. Is
In the city, tho guest of her sister,
Miss llesslo Mellrlde.
Dallas O'Hara returned last night
from Lehman, where he has been
spending his vacation.
J. S. Woir, one of tho school teach
ers of Union, is In the city for a
short visit with friends.
Cecil Wade left this morning for
Pomeroy, where he will bo the guest
of friends for n few days.
Mrs. Frank O'Hara has returned
from Lehman Springs, where she
spent part of the summer,
Mr. and Mrs. It. H. Williamson, of
Dallas, are the guests of the Hotel
Pendleton tor a short visit In the
Miss Ilerthn Oross lins returned
from Athena, where she went tome
days ago for a vacation visit with
Ralph Coon, of tho Hawloy Druth
ers' grocery store, has returned form
u 10 days' vacation at Lehman
Chris Ennls, of Walla Walla, was
in the city yesterday on his wny
home from a vacation trip to lllng
hnm Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Judd returned
yesterday afternoon from Ilingham
Springs, where they have lieen for
some time past.
Frank Macy has returned from a
vacation trip to Portland and Salem
and other valley points, mucii mi
proved in health.
Mrs. Edgar Thompson lias return
ed from her summer trip to Lehman
Springs, whore she has been lor a
couple of weeks.
C. J. Whittaker. the dentist, has
returned from Lehninn Springs.
where he has been for a couple of
weeks' camping trip.
Mr. and .Mrs. W. E. Ilroek and
family have returned from Ilingham
Springs, where Mrs. Drock has been
during the hot weather of the past
A. W. Nye, the deputy game war
den has returned from the moun
tains near Lehman Springs, where
he lias been during some of the hot
.Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tentseh, of
Portland, are the guests of Iee
Teutsch, of this city, who Is a broth
er of the gentleman from the metropolis.
Misses Gertrude mid I.onore Sher
idan will return tomorrow from their
summer outing at Lehman Springs,
where they have been for the last
two weeks.
W. Bolllns left this morning for
La Grande, whore he will superin
tend the commencement of somo ex
tensive Improvements In the road
bed of the 0. R. & N.
0. N. Edmunds, tho pastor of the
Congregational church at Pomeroy,
Wash., returned to his homo this
morning after a visit in this city as
the guest of Rev, Jonathan Edwards,
E. G. Davis, of Walla Walla, re
turned to his homo yesterday after a
short visit with friends in this city
on his way home from IJingham
Springs, where he has been during
the warm weather.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Paxton, of
Walla Walla, returned to their home
yesterday afternoon after a short
visit with friends hero as tlioy were
passing through the city on their
way home from a summer outing at
Ilingham Springs.
.Mr. and Mrs. Al Goldman and
child, of Walla Walla, returned to
their home yesterday after a short
visit with friends here while return
ing to Walla Walla from Ilingham
Springs, where thoy have been
spending the summer.
Methodist Episcopal Church, North,
Will Convene at Spokane.
On Wednesday of next week tho
Columbia Rlvor M. E, Conference
will meut at Spoknne. At tho same
time and place tho lay olectorlal con
ference will convene Tho lay con
ference la composed of ono delegate
from each pastoral charge In tho
conference. Tho two conferences
will comprise a body of about 250
lllshop Hamilton, of San Francis
co, will pteslde. This conference
appoints tho pastors for tho coming
year In Northeastern Oregon, unst
em Washington and Northern Idaho
Tho lay representative of this
charge will bo elected Thursday eve
nlng, August 27, at the church.
Fourteen Bachelors De Facto Met at
the Hotel Pendleton.
Ijist evening 1 1 of the nion of the
city whoso wives are out of town
met at the dining room of tho Hotel
Pendleton for tho annual love feast
of tho forlorn. A very excellent
menu had been provided by tho host
and n good time wns had by all of
those who were so fortunate as to
be present.
Some of the oftlces of tho city
wore not In running order as soon
this morning as usual, hut tho gen
tlemen and the guests at the hotel
say that the hour was early when
the baiiouctors adjourned. Those
whoso wives have not yot come
home and who nttended are, G. A
Hartman, Frank Frazlor, Fred
Walte. W. Rollins, Thomas Fltz (lor
aid, C. E. Roosevelt. .1. .1. Halleray,
J. F. Roiiinson, Charles Green, W. I)
Chamberlain, William Slasher, Colo
nol .Moore. Fied .ludd and Casper
Van Drnn.
Patrons of the Theater Who LUe
Out of Town Can 'Phone or Write
for Reservations.
Seats will be on sale at Frazler'f.
book store thro days previous to
each performance, and may be re
served by 'phone, and will he held
until 7 o clock the evening of the
performance. Mali orders will be
received and given prompt attention
If accompanied by check or postollU-e
order, and will be held until called
for. This Is to give the out-of-town
people an equal chance to secure
good seats.
The seats will be on sale at tho
theater after 7 o'clock, the night of
tile performance, the gereral ndmls
sion tickets will bo sold at the thea
ter only, and not until 7 o'clock.
Popular Railroad Clerk Returns
From Portland With a Wife.
Joseph P. Kelleher and AIlss Lucy
E. Tillman, of Portland, were mar
ried In that city Monday afternoon.
Mr. Kelleher is an employe in tho
ofllce of the bridge and building de
partment of the O. R. & N. of this
city, and Ills bride is a resident of
.Mr. Kelleher went to the city not
long ago for a vacation trip, nud
when he returned this morning
brought with him his bride. Mr and
Mrs. Kelleher will reside In this
Salary List Allowed and Liquor Li
censes Granted.
The city council met yesterday
afternoon instead of in the evening,
as is the custom, and besides allow
ing the salary list for the last month,
nothing of importance was done.
I.imior licenses wore ordered
granted to Gus Stangior, Russell &
Co., Peter Medernach and Morgan &
Ilogert, after which the council ad
The Ninth Cavalry Band, a Long List
of Sports, a Balloon Ascension and
Parachute Jump and Speeches by
Labor Leaders Will Entertain the
People September 7.
The roninilttoo In charge of the
Labor Day celebration nro hard at
work, and have arranged a program
that will be tho eiiual, If not tho su
perior, of that which wtm arranged
to have taken place hero on tho
Fourth of July. Tho men have
had the matter under tholr caro for
somo time, and havo put all of tholr
efforts toward having a list of at
tractions that thoy would not be
ashamed of, and which would give
to the people coining Into the city
on that day entire satisfaction.
Ninth Cavalry Band.
The Pendleton band has been se
cured to help furnish music for tho
parade, and tho famous Ninth Caval
ry Hand, that was here on the
Fourth, will ho here for the parade
in the evening. In the day parade
thoy will furnish a brass hand of 21
pieces, and in tho evening at tho ball
which will close tho entertainment
of the day, the same band will furn
ish a stringed orchestra of 17 pieces.
Tile parade that will be given in
the morning will bo ono of the larg
est that has ever been attempted In
the city. All of the business houses
will furnish touts for the occasion,
and all of the members of all of the
labor organizations of the city will
he in line. The carpenters and
clerks and painters, the employes of
the scouring mills, the Teamsters'
I'nion. and In fact, all of tin- different
branches of organized labor In the
city will he represented in the Hue
ol march.
Long List of Sports.
In the afternoon there will be a
long list of sports. There will be bi
cycle and hose races and foot races
mid all kinds of specialties for the
entertainment ami amusement of Un
people who come lo the city to attend
the festivities.
Balloon Ascension.
Professor William McClellan. of
Pomeroy. will he here with his 1ml
loon, and will give on this day tho
same exhibition that he was to have
given had he come here on the
Fourth, as was Intended until that
celebration was abandoned. His
balloon is one of the sights of this
part of the country for size and
maimer of construction, being cov
oral with cloth painted to represent
toe American Hag.
Orator of the Day.
Horan, of Portland, the leader of
the labor organization work in this
state, has been Invited and will be
the principal speaker of tho da.
Ho will place before the people the
truo facta of tho question, and as ho
is a very uiiurosiing nnn convincing
spcakor, It 1b expected that his ad
dress will bo not only pleasing, but
ontortalnlng as wall. In addition to
Mr. Horan, Judgo Stephen A. Low
oil, A. 1). Stlllmau and Walter
Plorro, or this city, will mnko short
talks on the subject of organized la
bor. These gontlomon nro too well
known lioro to neod any Introduction
nud tho simple utntemont that they
will bo on tho progrntn, is to assure
the people that they will hoar somo
very able and forceful addrnssoB.
Tho other details of tho celebration
have not yot boon made public, but
n good tlmo Is assured for all tho
people In tho surrounding country
who nro ablo to attend.
Death of an Infant.
Raymond Ponso, aged 2 months,
tho Infant Ron of Mrs. Llzzlo Plorcc,
died at tho home of his mother yes
terday morning at 10 o'clook. Tho
romalns wore tnkon to AdaniB this
morning and will bo burled there.
Daughter Born,
August 22 there waB horn to Mr.
nnd Mrs, (1. W. Olmstead, of McKay,
an 8-pound daughter.
THE 80AP THr ..l
ami worry, for thi. ,ea ll
and freeing , " Mrfect 1
In this Z ,r ,nftlon. J
in n
jimiiiH nr n. - "ui
llOWnrfnl " von
ICCllOll. (lino., - "VOJ
"uu wains Hi.,...
n.v .urn ,nB w -
uuu)r soap.
nun Tn ...
i i i r u mi
I -wj 1'UKUET LARnn r
In all departments of our big store.
As heretofore, you will find our prices
much less on rcllnble merchandise
than elsewhere. Our largely Increas
ed sales over formor seasons satisfies
us the people nro learning this fact
We shall continue to do nil wo can to
merit tho good will and patronise of
the many customers wo now have and
hope nlso to ndd many now ones Any
goods boughl at our store "not satis
factory." returned In good condition
the money will be promptly returned
al nil times.
BBVory Truly YoursEOBxsss
Try a bottle
of the Hitters
tho ,'ncxt time
your stomach
Is disordered or
your liver Inac
tive. You'll Ix)
)leiLed with
the result. It
I ositlvelycures
Sour Stomach,
Sick Headache,
Poor Appetite,
Dyspepsia and
Has His Diploma.
W. H. Strayor, or liaker City, has
been awarded his diploma by the
supreme court, which gives him li
cense to practice beforo all or the
courts in tho state. Mr, Strayer Is
late of the stato or Illinois, and was
admitted to tho Oregon liar on tho
motion of M. L, Olmsted.
They Lead the Procession
The popularity of Swift's products among all classes Is very
largely duo to tho absolutely clean and hygienic conditions un
der which each carcass is diessed, nnd tho meat and tho food pro
ducts prepared and Inspected. This is particularly truo of Swift's
Premium Ham and Bacon. From the sleek, corn-fed hogs in tho
pens, the carefully selected hams and bacon In tho smokehouse,
tho final expert Inspection by the U. S. government, and, lastly,
tho dainty wrapping in parchment paper, each step In tho evolu
tion of these nutritious and appetizing products Is a guarantee
that thoy will always please.
Tickets on Sale.
Tickets are now on sale at Fra
zler's book store for the wrestling
match to take place at Frazcr's thea
ter between Professor F. S, IxjwIs
and Chris Person, of Tacoma, on Fri
day night, August 28. Roth tho con
testants are now in tho city prepar
ing for tho match.
Grand Master in the City,
S. M. Yoran, grand master of tho
.Masons of tho state, was In tho city
last night en route from Ills homo
at Eugcno to La Grande, where ho
goes on business connected with tho
order, Mr Yoran Is on a tour of In
spection, and Is visiting all of tho
lodges of the stato.
Has Appendicitis.
Verne Smith, the 11-year-old
daughter of .Mr. and Mrs, K. L.
Smith, Is very critically 111 with ap
pendicitis nud Is not expected to live
through tho night.
Class of Probationers,
On next Sunday at 11 a. m., a class
of probationers will ho received Into
full connection at tho Methodist
Kplscopal church, and tho sacrament
of baptism will bo administered.
Carryalls for picnic parties. Good
teams with competent drlvors for
commercial men. Speedy horses nnd
handsome rigs for ovonlng and Sun
day drives. Gentle horses for family
use. Stock boarded at reasonable
rates, nest of caro given to transient
stock. Opposite Hotel Pendleton,
Phone Main 101.
Juicy Watermelon
On Ico, Jost
the thing; for
We Havo Them. Snako River
Molons, None Bottor : : : :
Call Us Up
and Order
: : One : :
Standard Grocery
Mouoploe fli-ooorw Court Rticet
The Now Fall Styles
of the
Knox Hats
arc hero
New Fall Stiits
Fo Boys
13otter think about
this when ready
to buy
The largest stoclr in the City
to select from
A very large assortment of
good wearing shirts, theiind
that give satisfactory war
and comfort.
Wc Have row awe
-1 . 1 .1 Ia
ftiui more man vou exueiuu
see. All prices.
m I I MTK 111
: : : Men :
Never better in
style or price. All
sizes from 32 to 50
breast measure : :
v T jit
I W 1 1 1 1
I ttprmrrtxa must tmsm imsA.ni: