East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 26, 1903, Image 4

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    ; f
rubllslied every afternoon (cxcent Simday)
at rendition, Oregon, by the
Thane, .Main 11.
suiisoiuiTioN i:ati:s.
Dally one ir by mall f.'.OO
Dally, six monllis by malt -'..Ill
Dally, thrw iiiunths by mall X.'M
Dully, ime muntli by malt no
Dally, wr month by carrier Ho
Weekl, ntio year by mall l.r.t
VMy. lx mouth by mall "."
WVokly. four numtln by mall no
Snil-vkly. one ymir by mall 2.00
h'eml-Wn-lily, six mnutlio by mall . . 1.00
Scail-Wefkly, three months by mall . . .oO
TUo lint Orpgoiilan la on sale at I!. 11.
Illeh'it N Stands at Hotel Portland and
Hotel Perkins. Portland, Oregon.
.Member HerlniX'Mel'ae News Associa
tion. SaiTVnineUro' lturenn, I0S Ponrtti Ht.
(Tlilcnpn Ilurmu. !0! Security ltulMlng.
WMllliurton, D. C llurenu, 501 lltli St.,
.V. W.
l"Btred nt lendletnn postotllre n seccond
etnas matter.
earth, nml Is Known to exist In Colo-' lunrkots on the outside. It Is money
milo In ninny places. Tim principal tlint would not have boon In elrculn
mines nro located In llohomln, Snx- tlon In tho county but for the creamy
ony nml Cornwall. jury, for It rencbed u specific tie-
ni.iiwl lii tlm minim- nml mnliufuctur-
Fully ono-hnlf of tho would-be ',,. secton8i which butter Is not
ornry stuff which Is Imposed upon
tho public today. Is unlit to bo read.
Tho younger school of magazine
writers is straining a point to be
original, nml In doing this Is ever
drawing every subject dealt wltn.
Tho sickly, sordid, Immoral twnddlo
or Illchard I.o Onlliene, the sense
less rot of Snltus, Knweetl, Ado nnd
our own worahipful Kiln Wheeler
Wilcox, verges, at times, upon the
Idiotic. Tho author's name Is the
only redeeming feature of most of
the output, nnd If the stuff preceding
tho name In the article or story,
does not Improve, soon, these names
will cease to charm or to attract
tho welcome check from the cash
ier's desk on any of the first-class
produced. Small herds of dairy cows
can be kept on any farm, anil bundl
ed with the ordlnnry favm force. In
Umatilla county, where alfalfa pas-
ture Is to bo had tho entire year, j
this Is especially true, and Instead '
of Importing bllttor, Pendleton j
should be shipping this commodity j
to the markets of Eastern Oregon,)
The city has a halt dozen examples i
before It. There Is now a demand
for Pendleton Ice, bnlnkets, harvest- j
ors and cigars, and thore would ho
the same demand for I'oojlleton liut-(
tor even before tho fohmlutlou of
the Institution were completed. It Is
worth while for Idle capital to con
sider this proposition. '
The sky j grny with rain that
will not fall.
The clayey paths are oozing
hotlv mist.
Itutiklng with sadness imme
morial. The gray earth sups the
couraee to exist.
I'oor tropic creatines, penned
in northern land,
.1, loo, desire the sun and am a
My heart is with you and I un
derstand The- Hon turning In his living
Israel Slnngwlll.
Don't forget that the way to got Ir
rigation is to go after It. The state
.which aml delegates to the Ogden
congress wll! lie classed as the ac
tlvu Irrigation centers, and will be
rtllt with by the government accordingly.
The Spokane board of cquallza- "Children." said the teacher, while
tlon Is being severely censured for ' Instructing the class In composition,
discriminating against poor people, j " should not nttompl any tllghts
, , , , , of fancy, but simply bo yinrwlves,
and ravorlng tho rich corporations , nm, wr)u, w,mt ,s , i;l, nnt
in the matter of tax reductions. ' imitate auv other iio-mim's writings
.Much of this criticism, of course, Is , or tlraw inspiration fiom o'ltsld
tho result of prejudice, hut all of it ! sources."
Is not unfounded. There Is n tendon-' i ..
... . , As a result of this advice Johnny
cy In all communities to show groat- w)sH turUM, , , rllow11B t.m
er leniency to large concerns, than position:
to small individuals in the belief "We should not attempt any llltes
that the large concern is of more of fancy, but rite what Is In us In
, , ., ,, me thtire is my stummlck. lungs,
value to the country than the small Jmrt (V(,r two -j,,,,,, 0110 ,,1,.,.,. r
man, and should therefore be listen- l0 ,)m, mck lemon candy and my
cd to more readily. It will be hotter dinner."
for the country and all classes
I ettUons, when both large and small
' property owners are treated with tin
; fullering equality, regardless of con-
The war between the "clerics" and
the liberal element in Franco Is on
with renewed vigor, the orders being
engaged In a bitter reactionary war
sequences. Fear for the large nor fare for their old, privileges The
pity for the small should not inliu
once tho unerring course of Just gov
ernment. Kvory man Is supposed
to boar his share of the burden, and
If ho does not do this, society is un
balanced to that extent.
fight ngainst them is heatleu b. lri
mler Combes.
You know when rich, red blood Is coursing; through
the veins, for it shows in the brightness of the eye, tho
beauty nnd clearness of the complexion, the smooth, fair
skin, and robust, healthy constitution. It is good blood
that imparts strength nnd energy to the body and keeps it in n state of
healthful uess and vigor. Good blood is the foundation of good health, and
to be physically nnd mentally sound it must be kept pure ami untainted.
L'COplC Willi goon uioou iiusataaBiiuiii;,
steady nerves und nrc blest with good
appetites nnd digestion, and enjoy
sound, refreshing sleep. If we could
always liiniutain the purity of the
blood then we might enjoy perpetual
health, but it becomes infected nnd
poisoned nnd most of the ills thatnfllict
humanity nnd undermine the constitu
tion nre caused by an impoverished
or polluted condition of this vital fluid.
When the blood is diseased the skin
loses its healthy nppcarnncc, nnd the
complexion, its freshness nnd beauty
and becomes red and rough and full of
pimples nnd splotches. Itehuig, scaly
eruptions, blackheads, boils nnd rashes
break out upon the body when the
blood is too poor or too thin and ncid,
and is not supplying proper nourish
ment to the system. Debility, poor
appetite, bad digestion, restless sleep
and nervousness more often come from
slutrtrish, impure blood than nny other
cause. To build up the blood, restore its lost properties nnd make It rich
and nutritious ngaitt is the only rational treatment, and the proper way to
get rid of skin troubles. There is no remedy like S. S. S. to accomplish this
anil it Hoes it promptly ami thoroughly.
S. S. S. antidotes nnd removes from the
blood nil poisons nnd humors, nnd restores
it to a normal, healthy condition, and in.
vigorntcs nnd tones up the general health. 1
When rich, red blood is ngnin flowing1
through your veins nil skin erutitiona'
disappear, the nppctite improves, the complexion clears nnd you get rid of
tuose miserable depressing leeiings nun nervousness, nnu enjoy once more (ltd
blessings of gootl licaltn. b. h. b. is nature's remedy lor nil blood nnd skin di
eases. It contains no minerals whatever, but is guaranteed "purely vegetables.
Write for free book. No charge for medical ndvice or other information
I wna In wrotohod hoalthj ray blood
waB in bad ordor, ray uma borna
very imiob ulcerated. I bop an tho ubo
of 8. fl. S., und in. a romarkably short
time wan sound imd woll. My appe.
tlto Inoroused wondorfulty ond my
food ntrreod with mo. I think it la 0
lino family modloine.
Itoalttiuirt, Ga.
For throo yooro I had Tottor on am
bandB. Tart of tbo tlmo tho dlaoaoo
wao in tho form of runnlnrf noroB,
vory painful aud onualnR- mo rauoli
discomfort. Four dootors said tho
Tottor had i-ronroBsod too fur to bo
curod, and tuoy could do notblng for
mo. I took only throo bottlos of S.S.S.
undwuacomplotoly ourod. This was
llttoon yoaro ago, and I huvo uovor
sinoo soon nny Biprn of ray old. troublo.
MI18. L. 33. JAOKHOW.
837 St. Paul Bt.. KaiiBno Olty, Kos.
FOR li
. WehttvetheBJ
1,1 K8tfl,0 J
annie nice 10me8 1
b 80ld' Choice J
ot8- A-falfa Land
awe to lfifi ,,
tracts from
io over Taj
Hardware Store.1
Pendleton Real EstaJ
(i-rooni ilwniii. ..
1 am, , g-J
2.r.nn wn' 6nel
l-l-ronm linr,hl i
centrally loJ
tu iu fiou eacn
1 lot on flat, fiV0 y0 1
street, $300. Other Jots ,
Much other vcrjtefJ
iy lor aaic. All ni'it
Come nml buy.
To find just whatp,.
riBiii price, seo
So far this spumou, lorent fires havo ,
bon scarce, and it Is hoped the law '
npilnut careleaness will have the de-'
sired effect. It is Just an easy to be j
careful, as negligent, and It Is much 1
more protltablc. The statt- of Ore-!
.'on will not wain in 10 years, the
wealth lost last year by her ilestrue- j
tlve forest ares, nearly all or them
the result of pure carelessness.
Tho opening of the Snake river
above I.evUton. to enable small .
boats to reach to settlements of '
Wallowa county, means that the out-,
put of farm and range products will
be stimulated Broatly. Heretofore, i
the serious- drawback in that ills-j
trlct has been a lack of transports- j
tlon facilities, and this "open door" i
to an outshlc market will lie a re-,
lief long expected. I
Pendleton people did not break
any necks to get a glimpse of the
non of John D. Rockefeller, who re-,
eently imaged through the city In a ,
private car. Westerners are all ce- j
lebritli's themselves, and It takes '
somothiug more than a common mil-'
Ilonalre to attract attention. If
thy go to gee a private car pass it is
only with the Intention of netting I
pointers for the construction of a 1
ear for their own use. when tnoy are
ready to discard the camp wagon
nnd the cook house.
Portland now rejoices to know
that the Northern Pacific Is going to
help the Lewis nnd Clark Fair, by
offering low freight anil passenger
rates on all Its lines. The Northern
Pacific has not made half the light
iiKuiust Portland thai Purtinmi has
made against It. The trouble has
been with Portland, in the past, that
she has suspected the motives of
overy industry she could not monop
olize. Tho Northern Pacific could
be made one of the great feeders of
the port of Portland -if the proier
tactics were used by the b.islness
men of that city. U could be used
as an arm, reaching into territory
not now occupied by any other Port
land road, and instead of keeping
alive Its old animosity, that city
should build for the future, by cap
turing some part of the trade handl
ed by that system. The country Is
now too large for any monopoly of
trade to be permanent. Ilallioads
and cities spring up in a night, al
most, and no man is sure of his foundation.
. . i
ABf ArU!E - - . r .TTTT-:
f&l j f f MlL I I 11 i I ' j Newly Fpnobe
pSOWS The New York Times has the Fo! I J -
WIKS-mi ,owing t0 say in ard to lce li Uut-?;sei
fl ffi- - -rr1 mm ,..., f... : , ,.,..., i i
i lunauiy nii iiiiuiui unusual iiu i it uctiui umi.umimiuu u 414 m
Columliia College is taking advan
tage of the opportunity now offered
in the establishment of the depart
ment of journalism to advertise
Itself. Already It has sent out Ions
of circular, giving the details of the
department and expects free adver
tising among the newspapers of the
country, which It is getting iu column
ilo88. After all, the newspapers
are not entirely mercenary Any
institution which Interests tin- public
although a private enterprise always
gets enough free advertising to bank
rtipi It, If all Its fn-e notices w r
paid for at regular rates.
There are farmers in Union county
who would not milk a cow. two years
ago, who now make a specialty of
hauling cream to the Union cream
ery, three times a week, and would
not sell their cows for any reasona
ble price. And this Is easy to under
stand, when It Is known that these
cows are producing from .$1.7," to
$0.30 each per month. The Union
creamery, although of smnll capaci
ty, averaging about O.uoo pounds of
butter per month, has distributed
$1,500 per month among the farmers.
since it was started. This money is
brought Into the county from the
llacknelie Is u foi-eruniier tmil
one of the most coiiiiium symp
toms of kidney trouble und
wunili displacement.
" Some time ago 1 was in a very
weak condition, my work made me
nervous and my back nulled frightfully
all the time, and 1 had terrible head
aches. "My mother (jot a bottle of Jjydin
E. PiriUhnm's Vegetable Com
pound for me, and it seemed to
strengthen my back and help me at
once, and I did not gut so tired as
before. 1 continued to take it, aud it
brought health aud strength to me,
and I want to thank you for the
good It has done me." Miss Kati:
HoM.si.v.v, ll'.'nd St. &. Wales Ave,
Now York Vily.SSOOOfirfelt If original of
ibooo Utter proving qenulnttiesi canrot 09 produced.
Lyilhi V.. I'inklmni's VejrHnlilo
Compound euro-, because it is
the greatest known remedy for
kidney ami womb troubles.
Uvcry woman who is puzzled
I- about IicrcimiUtiiin should write
' ... M, ,,f r. vox M
imd tell bor all.
! .
I .
'Probably no bacteriological fact is better established
than that much of the ice ol ennuuerec is dangerously im
pure. The assumption that water purifies itself in freez
nig wa- long ago shown to have but a limited basis in
truth. The individual crystals art' likely to be purer than
the mother liquid from which they nre formed; but ice is
a mas, of crystals in which may be entangled all kinds of
The germs are not only killed in the process of man
ufacturing the ici , but the condensed water passes
through two inkc, two clinicoal and one spongt filter
leautiL it absolute!) pun to ni into tin cans
Visitors Always Welcome
Phone MAIN 1781
514 Main Street
F. X. Schemppl
Pr oprietorl
A Cool
lors, under tne w.
Just tlio place to nl
leisure ume. '
1..1lnir nllev. srM
.....l Mlllnnl table J
dato shooting galll
perunce rcirei"j
Free Musical Entl
Every im
If radium develoiis the wonderful
properties now claimed to be pos
hwsed by it. the rpiestion of light
Ing the cities of the world will he
boon settled forever. A grain of It
m small as to lie Invisible to the
nuked oye, produces a Ilgtit so Htrong
that it is almost blinding und Is ah
solutoly liido3truelihle, and Impel--iHhablo.
Although throwing off light
rnys at the astonishing rate of 93,000
miles per second, the substance Is
yet so utterly Imperishable, that It
would suffer no deterioration or do
crease of force or bulk in millions
years. It Is found In a substance
known as pitchblende, deep iu the 1
All Cooks Delight in using
Economy Brand
Evaporated Cream
Mover sours, always ready, never caines disappointment at tho last
moment wnen meals are ready to bo served. Your cook
will bo delighted because it is so handy; you will bo
delighted because it is the purest and most appetizing,
We are placing the cap label reproduced herewith on
overy can of our product. This is done for your protec
tion. Our name on the label means that it is the best,
richest and purest Ask your dealer for Economy Brand,
11 Largtit VroUucrrt of HvatMjratcU tVam." $
T, II, Clapton, S. A. Newberry, 1-3. w. McCoinns, Hlgby-Clovo Jlfg.
Co., Younger & Son, Miss Sheet,, Umatilla Indian Agency, L,co
Teutsch, Hast Oreeunlnu Tub Co., M. K. Shutruiu. Tho only V1SI
lll.K Typewriter that has all the good features of othor typewriters
and none of tho bad ones, it also has a tabulator which is a part ot
tho machine
Call and seo mnchlno. I can convince- you thnt It hns 10 points
that are superior to other makes,
741 Main Street
ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber.
VOl' .MAY IN i'KHU lit II.DINlf
oelliul It lleeeHHUt-y tp ItKIM.ACK A WOItN-OUT HOOP
Takes th . place of shingles, tin, Iron, tnr nnd gravol, and all propared
roofings. Kor (lat and stcop surfaces, guttors, valloys, etc. Easy to lay
Tempore i for all clitnatos. neasonnblo In cost. Sold on merit. Ouaran-,
teed. It will pay to asli for prlcosand Information,
Worcester Building. Portland,
He will be here
come in any time a
only as cents a del
variety oi n"
inot photos onlyW
. . .1.. til,, i
T ie "in "".V' vi.ioi
Next door to I6e"1
Insurance j
j or iii8uralicej
I sociArl
T Mr U
j, p. WALKE"."!
n..llninn I
Dally East u.
only 15 cents 1