DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, AUQU3T 26, 1903. t A FEW OF THE MANY GOOD THINGS YOU CAN FIND AT OUR STORE AT REDUCED PRICES Boys washable suits to close out 50c suits at 40c. 65c and 75c suits at 50c. $1.00 suits at 75c. Si. 35 suits at jt.oo. 56. 00 men's outing suits at $5, 00. $13-50 nien's summer suits at $10.00. $17.50 men.s summer suits at $14 00. Balance of straw bats at half price. Golf shirts 50c to $2,50. Negligee shers 50c to $2 50. Summer underwear 25c, 50c and 75c per garment. Just Received Anoiher Shipment of Belfast Mesh Linen Underwear t t i t $ Ffc J One Price Clothiers, GENERAL NEWS. W J Quimby. 11 Journeyman car penter at Orange. N J.. lias fallon heir to 5500.000 by the death of. an uncle in Denver. Two wohien took a tumble down Yankee glucior. near Idaho Springs. Col. Both lind limbs broken and sustained other injuries. Alice Sample, of niuomington. 111., shot and killed herself. The deed was prompted by despondency grow ing out of a love affair. The labor trouble at Valparaiso, ! Peru, have been patched up. The j strikers get an Increase of wages, but other demands are denied them. ' John Blazer, nn fliiatlneer on the "underground railway," is dead at I Chicago. From 1S60 to 1SB0 he wns. instrumental in running nff 200 ne gro slaves. The steamer Korea lifts arrived at j San Francisco with 1.300 boles of 1 raw silk, valued at over $1,000,000.1 There were 18,9S chests of ton in the same cargo. Dr. Salazar. in charge of the American hospital at Tamptco, was stricken with yellow .fever. Uefore lying he wrote his own death certi-! flcate, signed and swore to It. The Turkish government has for bidden exploration by Amor I can cit izens upon the Kites of ancient cities in the neighborhood of Babylon. Six thousand dollars has boon expended in preparation for the work. NORTHWEST NEWS. Kaln Is greatly damaging the Imp crop In some parts of the Willamette valley. Cumpers in the Cascade moun tains report more black bear in the timber district this year than cvor before. Rev. Thomas Sullivan. Congrega tional minister of Tacoma. has been absent from his home since last Wednesday, and his friends and fam ily are greatly alarmed over the cir cumstance. Ubbo Peters, a farmer of Albany, has been ill with typhoid fever for three weeks, and constantly refuses to take medicine, believing that he can cure himself by prayer. He is growing constantly weaker. The body of John Flynn. an export horseman and cowboy, was found in the Yellowstone river, near Miles City, Mont., Tuesday, and the au thorities are now Investigating. It is thought to 1)0 a case of suicide. A man named Sweldlo. living near Eugene, wan pronounced dead by the ntUmdlng physician. Tuesday, and laid out for burial. Willie he was being prepared for his collin, he re vived and lived for sovoral hours, finally dying, literally, a second time An attempt was made Tuesday morning to blow up the flume of the Ontario Ditch Company's works, near that city. There is a controver sy over the water supply and more trouble is expected. Five sticks of dynamite were placed under the flumo, but only one of them was discharged. Pacific Ironworks Foundry, Machine and Blacksmith Shop Structural iron, Cast Columns. Etc. Carry in stock Steel Beams, Angles and Channels, Bolts and Rods. All kinds of Repair Work Attended to Promptly Fast End Durnsido St. Bridge, Portland. E U M L. Furnishers and Ha'ters HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. C J Freese. Spokane, Miss UichapelU. Dalles. H. H. Williamson nnd wire E. J. Rrannlrk. Portland. It. C. Cortou. Oakland. A. II. Galloway. Portland. Dnlles. K. AV. W. S. S. Oruu. Portland. Clark. San Francisco. J. Marcum. Dingham Spring. T. Y. Davis. Bingham Springs. Chris Ennls, Bingham Springs, K. Falconer. Portland. F. S. MeMahnn, Portland. A. H. Withncr, Portland. W. I,. Marshall, Portland. W. Nelson. San Francisco. F. W. Vincent, city. K. Vincent, city. H. I.owis, San Francisco. M. AbraniB, Snn Francisco. Sam Colo, Portland. M. Hnnnk. San Francisco. A. S. Billings, Omaha. R. Moser, Portland. W. H. Garrett. Portland. It. N. Stanfleld nnd wire, Echo. A. Sturtxknpp. Helena. S. M. Yaran, Eugene. AV. H. Patton. Spokane. William Manor. Portland. C. M. Smith. Portland. 0. D. Renker. Portland. U A. Spicer, Pilot Rock. 1. ucy MorrlB, Uklah. A. G. Mccarty, city. Golden Rule Hotel. C. A. Sundon, city. H. S. Magill. Springfield. Mrs. H. S. Magill. Springfield. C. E. Mngill. Springfield. J. F. Burke. Boise. A. M. Elam and wife, .Milton. Mrs. J. K. Irby, Arlington. .1. J. Huron and wife, Cullom. F. J. Gardner. Portlnnd. B. Garfield, Walla Walla. .Mrs. K. Cable. Baker City. G. M. Cable. Baker City. E. C. Cable. Baker City. .Mrs. N. C. Glenn. Valo. E. A Piorson, city. A. S. York, Portland. G. P. Doherty. Portland. J. H. Mundenhall, Sheridan. J. C. Kiger, Greenfield. W. J. Moore. Spokane. George Bonithforn, Spokane. Sam I.ee. Spokane. A. Wllkonson. Portland. F. Johnson, Portland F. Williams. Astoria. J. H. Dix. city. Btats or Ohio, citt or toueo i LrcA Cockty. ) , ...... Frank J. Cheney makea oath that he l the lenlor partner ot the tlrin of F.J.Cheney A Co , dolnir buitnem in the city ot Toledo. county and atate aforeiaid, and that fald Arm will pay the mm o! One Hundred Dollar (or each and eTerycaieo! Catarrh that cannot be cured br the me of Haifa Catarrh Cure. Sworn to before me and lUMcrlbed in my pretence tbiaetb day of December, A. j iiu , " im' A. W. OLEARON. ' ' NoUiry I'ubllc. Haifa Catarrh Cure la taken Internally and acta directly on the blood and mucouj 1 turfacea of the ayatem. Pend for teitlmonlalt, free. F. J. CIIKNKY & CO., Toledo. Ohio. Fold hy dnnrstiiti. 75c. Haifa Family Pilla are the lieat. State Miners' Association Meeting. Portland Ore. September 7th. '03. one and a third faro for tbo round trip. Tickets on snlo September I, 5 and 0. WEATHER AND GRAIN MORE RAIN AT THIS TIME WILL DO INJURY. There Is Danger of Grain Yet Out of Doors Blenching and Sprouting The Condition Is Much More Critical In the Pnlouse Country. Wltlle the rain is nice nnd the cool wentlior is pleasant, the farmers of the county nro not so glad to see It come as they would have been hud It hold off for a row days longer But the grain men of tills county are not in as bad a fix as nro those of the Palotise country, whoro there has boon more rain nnd the harvest is not ns far along. The Umatilla harvest is almost over, and but little grain Is now standing in the fields. In the vicin ity of Thorn Hollow perhaps one third of the crop Is yet uncut, and tills cunditlon prevails buck towards the mountains, whore tho grain clues not ripen ns fust ub it does on the high tnlde lands, where It is hotter and drier. North of tho Cold Spring-, country there Is a lot of the groin that Is yet in the stack, and some ot this will be spoiled, but tho loss will be light unless the bad wentlior 1 nn tiniios for several days yut. Unless the sun and tho wind dries the standing grain it will ninn bleach nnd sprout, and tlin men who have not yet cut their wheat ine hoping for clear, windy wunther In the next few days, or they will ln.se money by the delay. The wheat m tho nobis dumped by by tho comities will nlso be liable to sprout in a ver few days If the sun does not come out nnd dry It off. For some time the farmers have been wishing for a little rain In r der to harden the roads so that a good -sized loud could be liauled cnei thorn. Now titat the rain has com, the farmers will begin to move tlieii grain and the wnrohouses nnd tie mills will get the stuff that they have been waiting for so long. FORESTRY QUESTION. Interesting Papers at Last Day of the Convention. Minneapolis. Aug. 20. At the ses 1 Blotis of this, the oC.-oiul ii'l.l lust 'l.r. ! ot the convention of the American 1 Forestry Association putters were' presented us follows: "Work and Policy of Forestv Bureau on the Minnesota Hosorve.' Eugene I.. Ilruce. lumberman of Int renu of forestry, Washington. I). C. : "A Lumberman's Idea of Iteforusta tion," 11. F. Nelson. Minneapolis: "Our Past and Future Forest Policy." T. II. Walker. Mineapolin; "Possibil ities of Roforestratlon in the White Pino Ueit. ' Dr. Flllbert Roth. Collage of Forestry, Unlversit .vol' Michigan: "Tho Future of the National Forest Reserve," Edward A. Rowers. New Haven. Conn.; "Geographical Feat ures of Water Control In the Upper .Mississippi Valley." Professor C. W. Hall, University 01 Minnesota: "For est Fires," H. M. Stitor. Washington. I). C. This evening the meeting will conclude with a public address tiy Secretary of Agriculture Wilson. Street Railway Men to Meet. Saratoga. N. V.. Aug. KG The twenty-second annua! meeting of the American Hallway Association will bring to Saratoga next week several hundred of the men most prominent ly Identified with the street railway Interests or the United States and Canada. An interesting program of papers and discussions extending over three days has been prepaid!. The annual meeting of the associa tion of street railway accountants will be held nt the same time. Health and Pleasure. When one goes to Lehman Springs there is every assurance that not only will one's health be benefited by the pure, bracing mountain air and bath ins to be enjoyed there, lint ulso while gaining health one can enjoy a great variety ot pleasure ranging from hunting nnd fishing to bowling and goli. C. It. Hutton has sustained his reputation ns a capable host by the manner in which he Is providing for the comfort and pleasure of his guests. Put an End to it All. A grievous wall ofttlmo comes ns a result of unbearable pain from over taxed organs. Dizziness, backache, l:ver complaint and constipation, Hut thanks to Dr. King's New I.lfo Pills, they put mi end to it all. Thoy aro gentle, but thorough. Try thorn. Only 25c. (luarnntuud by Tallinn!! & Co.'s drug storo. Will Reopen Their Meat Market. Tho Sch ware & Greullcli Mcut C will ropoen their meat mnrkot nt tho old stand on Main street near Webb with a first-class lino of fresh meat, cured meats nnd sausage of till kinds, on August 27th. Our meat will bo re frlgerated, insuring palatalilo and wholesome meat. 'Phone Main 181, SGHWARSS & GIIBUMCH. Pedro Alvarado, the Mexican multi millionaire, Is unt dead, hut has been found at an obscure mining camp, allvo and well. Tho report started from tho dentil of n poor mini bearing exactly tho sumo name, in a neigh boring camp. ACCIDENTS AT HOOD RIVER. One Man Crushed to Death and An other Drowned. Dnllesltes coming up from Hood lilvur Inst night loll us of two need dents which occurred there, status Tno Dalles Chronicle. While working ut the Mt. Hood Lumber Co.'s mill In tho morning Clifford Htuhr, a young man of that place was crush ed to il on th by n boom of logs. The night lieforo John Johnson fell from n boom pole nt the month of White Salmon and was drowned. The latter came from New Brunswick nnd wns l'l years of ngo. Alt onniniiinse shuck 01 i" hum-( utes' duration, visited tho town ot 1 l.os Olives. C'nl.. Tuesday, doing I slight danmge to plate glass and chlttnware, No Dessert More Attractive Why Use gelatine and spend ltoms s.iking,j hweetenluM, II i .r.uj mid eulnrins when produces belter iviiIN in two lnlnntetV , tvorytliiiigmtliepackaee. Kiiuply add hot Wiitiirnnilset tooxd. ItMperfectiou. Astir prise to the lumsewife. No trouble, less ix. lien-. Trv it tiMl.ij. In Four Fruit Fla vors: Lemon. Orange, Htniwberr, Hasp borry. At grocers. Ulu "II j- wile lilitl pimple oil liei lure, b it ilie . . i. 1 . in : ,c fl , a,. I . 1 it , it i 1 1 1 nil , il W 1 1 1 ' I 1 ' ' 11. l''1 IOI "I.- 'Il I a 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 1, Hit', .l'l ,. ' I 'Lil ly ,,' i. I. 1 ll. '. STiH ,, . ;n 1 1 1 a, ... ij ,id V I'leavin: I' . i i ,i. I UotMl S'v - '. . V.i 'lit, 1, 1..111 .. .''i ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Hrrll3 llrwn, i,iii.i iUte ... wir. . Wth tt HO-TO-BAC ii.'.-'i ml, 1" 11 Irilf t 1 'l It I. 1111 11.1UU. DESPAIR k CLARK CONSUMERS WHOLE SALE GROCERY AND WHOLESALE COMMIS-1 SION MERCHANTS 514-514 MAIN STREET Phone Main 1741 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT j THE OLD i DUTCH HENRY j FEED YARD Cor. We3t Alta and Lllllth Sta. S. A. ALLOWAY HAS CHARGE 1 ntr -TLir n I n niiTu unwov cccn I YARD, AND WOULD BE PLEASED TO CARE FOR YOUR HORSES. PLENTY OF STALLS, LARGE COR. RALS FOR LOOSE HORSES AND CATTLE. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. CHOP MILL IN CONNEC TION. 'PHONE MAIN 1331. A NEW UNION. How to Join and Get Quick Results at Small Cost. Why not Join our union of piano purchasers and huvo a hundred dol lars? Yon can do it und wo can help j you. mid i now ii la ooiiu; we can well afford to sell ten or more pianos cheaper than one, bo have organized a union of ten members, You Join ami pay $10.00 down anil $10.00 a month, tlie piano Is yours. Now here Is the best part of It. Hvory tlmo u now member Joins tho prlco of your Instrument depreciates In prlco $10; In otlior words, when tho union is filled overy member gets Ills Instru ment $0.j loss than regular price, for example, a regular $300.00 Instru ment can lie had for $200.00 by joining tho union, Don't delay tak ing advantage of this great opportu nity, ns It will only last n fow weoks of tho dull season. This, combined with our easy payment plan und ox change contract makes It possible for ovoryono t;o havo an Instrument. Thorkelson's Piano House, 315 K. Court street. Everything musical. ' 4 CATHARTIC t Pleatam I' , 1 1 i 1 1 n- 'I 1 i' ! Ho 1 ABC SOHdMIAU SOLD EVERYWHERE. Pictures Of Your People who have been on tl t ir summer vacations are bee-inning to return anil are bringine- back-with them some beauti ful pictures. Cameras, Films. Tripods Plates, all hinds albums, printing paper, mounts, and all kinds of supplies for amateur photo graphers at low prices. We'll Help You with Your Photo Troubles IF. W. Schmidt Tho Rollahlo Drnggiut IVltuflii.' Ilk k I'liunc Mulli Ss, HOT WEATHER GOODS We Have Them One needs appetizing and Inlnty viands this hot wentliur. Where will you lind anything daintier or that you enn relish more than our Queen Olives, Heinz's Jams, Hussian Cavlnr, Sliced and Canned Meats. What do you drink? If you like a licit drink for breakfast try our colobruted "M. J. II." Mocha ami Juvn coffee. Some cool drink for lunch? Iced tea is an old standby hot weather drink. Wo have some splendid brunds. English IlrenkfiiHt, Gun powder, Spider Leg, Young Hy son, Schilling's and other brands. HAWLEY Btos. OREGON. PORTLAND. St. Helen's Hall tKst. 1809 by Ut. llov, 1), W. Morris.) Will enter Its ruth year September II. 11)03. Number of resident pupils limited to sixty. Hook of Information sent on application. ELEANOR TEDBETTS, Prin. Doforo deciding whoro to eo to school, examine u Pendleton Academy catalogue for the coming yeur. Now building und ouulpment. Now roan ngemont, and a (acuity of experienc ed teachers. Special arrangement for niusle students und (or the care ful oversight of all students from out of town. All grndes of public school work thoroughly done. Our college preparatory work Is accepted by the best collogos East and West. Moral nnd social advantages tho vory best. Term begins September 14, 1803. REV. W. H. BLEAKNEY, PRINCIPAL STATE NORMAL SCHOOL WESTON, - - OREGON TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 10th JtlRt -nil . r wacor, '.we "HI wimt .,.L.Cecreamyon Batlsfactory anUe6tl IB hot .M n.l Ice cream 'o 81 ' ",,rc' C011 and ZiT yon nr ,1 . uell0ai Try our u. 4 fresh ev0rv,:,Ulen' Tc ftlitritiM received wij i-.a yuur oraertvith us. Fir. Tamarack ..Pine,, Why buy poor co1 J can get the best lot chl jincer Laatz Bra Telephone MiiaJ Anv Time is h Good III Now Is the accepted tii nave your house pjittd pcred. A little painting hti tnere will Help its Hum fully. Some nice, trijd; wall paper will lend a to any room. Oviiock paper was never .rcre eemi pattern In endless varitti every one new nd tip-to- color design. Bettttome let us show them to rtu you what It will coit ton whole house or one room. E. J. AWf 111 Court Street, TRANSFB TRUCKiriis STORAGE CROWNERBRi Telephone Jla'i CARELESSNE . . i m.o i-aniiee Of 111 driving is i """rtiel r,B0 accidents . but g4 !,uvo '!?,r""Yu work e ST I toUtad ta the !! fill often ropaircii veil"."- -- x . ' . hnn ne' Get your . i machine. Docs, not Wl no heating up w C "ft ThlBnachlBoUajeJ count ui - . motnouB, - - , nrlco: wo set 1)18 01 a sot. Winona '"v : 'wnl JiJ'iyiiiHj Z. . . 1 - in