East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 25, 1903, Image 5

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August Bargain Days
Sept 7
Various Thearies About the Scarcity
of Hogs and Future of the Hog
Market In This County An Active
and Strong Market for Live Ani
Shirt Waists, Wrappers, Skirts
Hosiery and 1000 other things
Bargains Everywhere
Corner Main
Gity Brevities
y ,1-iilt daily at Mavtlu's.
f,, ii ranch eggs at Kcinler'B.
t , h- best bread, got Ilohrman's.
F, , ,h gamo and poultry. Cas
Wat i MnehlnlRt ami mourner at
R,,l, .c m t roiinnr.v.
rp Ived ilally, fresh tamales,
,i,R and crawfish at Oratz's.
M Praerlda, the best cigar maue,
t,t ,cs gar store. Court street.
Iuii 1 t cigars get tho best of you
.,,, .he host of cigars. Hanlon's.
Tiomi that are right at prices that
i, r,. li a Hauoi- B nirniuiro store.
All kinds of Imported and domestic
luni nc and clam chowdor at Gratz's.
We have fruit jarb and fruit jar
A.nbers, covers, etc. It. Hohr-
See .'liurles Lane about your paint
ug and paper hanging; SO" Vincent
, M)li'i; ramping? V C Tta-
nup stools, folding tahlos and
u upplies
tin meat in summer must be
arc of That's the Uiud you
Housors. Alta street, opposite
idViiigs Dank.
I. r-t pieiiilmn. ?10 mandolin; nee
oiiu .ivuilutu, ?3 musie wrapiier, given
awj with sheet music. Inland Em
ofrp Piano HottBC. D01 Main.
i imrs arc always welcome at the
Ross I 'i & Cold Storage plant. Come
anil sec ror yourseit now me il-u id
inane Wi aro always pleased to sliow
an one over the plant and explain
anything you may not understand.
Pont be always u-kitiK Mime
me for the rijilit time, have a
Tlitble watoh of yourown. No
mutter what your tite, vmir
needs, your price, we euti f-ati-fy.
Prices, $J.25 to $ 50.00
Neil iloor to R Alcinwt' r
The old roliable Log Cabin Soda Fountain i, serving
tho mirtM and host of eeijtnin0
Vf3 ...tr,,t toward the Court Hon-
Dontmisit 1
and Alta
Fresh fruits at Kemler's.
See Sharp for paper hauglug.
See Sharp'6 artistic wall paper.
Smokers' supplies at Neurnan's
Are you going to Lehman Springs?
Got your clothes cleaned at Joer
ger's. Why don't you go to Lehman
New books arriving daily at Fra
zler's book store.
Iluy a fountain pen this week at half
price at Frazler's.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
far nuts, candles and fruits.
Tents, camp stoves, camp stools,
I etc., at Ilader's Furniture store.
j liny sheet music 'of us and draw a
! prize. Inland Empire Piano House.
Another large shipment Kurd's and
i Crane's fine stationery in hulk.
I At and below cost all summer, mil-
1 lluery, especially patterns. Mrs.
' If you want a good bath, go to
1 Krasslg & Sharp's new shop, C45
Main street,
i Lost A hunch of keys at Shield's
. Paik. Heturn to this office and re
' ceive reward.
Wanted Plain sewing. Children's
clothing a socially. Mrs. P. It. Fee,
"11 Ann street.
! For Hent Good room, corner Main
and Alta. Apply Krasslg & Sharp's,
new barber shop, G4.r Main.
New throughout; a good, clean,
smooth shave by competent bathers,
!at Krasslg & Sharp's, C45 Main.
Iist A silk embroidered chatelaine
ling on .Main or Jackson street. Please
leave at County Recorder's ofllce.
Estimates given on short notice on
.minting and paper hanging. Charles
Lane, the pioneer painter, S07 Vin
cent street.
Prizes awarded when 150 tickets
are given out. Ticket with every 35c
-ale of sheet music. Inland Empire
Piano House.
Lost On Main or Court streets, a
hold locket with a diamond set. f inn
er will be liberally rewarded by re
turning to 101 Court street.
Painters' Union Banquet,
The Painters' Union will give a ban
miet tomorrow evening In the parlors
of the Golden Rule Hotel. Invitations
have been Issued for CO plates, and
all of the members of tho uniou and
the delegates to the Trades and La
l.or Council will ho in attendance. A
good menu has been provided and a
line time is expected.
New Bridge at Huron.
The new steol spans and frame
work tor the O. It. & N.'b new br dgo
near Union, have arrived and will be
nlared in position Immediately This
, Is the last wooden bridge of any size
on the He between this city and La
Grande all the others having been
replaced with bteel structures.
Theie seems to be somo conflict in
the bog camps of this country, Judg
ing from tho difference in the prices
that are quoted by the different buy
ers. The men who wnnt pork from
this part of tho country have been
offering 5 cents for It, and now
come men from the Sound country,
who tell the men who have tho hogs
to sell that they will give 6U cents
for each nnd every pound that the
stock will bear down tho scales. The
raisers around tho county do not
know what Is the reason that tho
local buyers have been offering so low
a figure, but they think that tho extra
3i of a cent looks good to them, nnd
they are more willing to do business
with the men from out of the state,
than with those here who havo not
so much money to give tor what they
Contention Over Causes.
Some of tho growers are unkind
enough to say that tho men from
home have been holding the price
down In order to make their own
margins larger, but on the other hand
some of them say that it Is only or
lecent days that the Sound people
have offered the extra money for
their goods. And these men say that
the high price of wheat Is responsible
for the raise in the price of the pork
The men of tho Sound, who aro al
ways considerate for the farmer, havo
realized that tho men who raise the
hogs cannot afford to feed "0 nnd 73
cent wheat to their stock and then
sell the fattened product for 5 cents
a pound. When the feed was cheap
the rork was cheap, but now that the
grain has gone so far towards the
clouds they cannot board their stock
lor fo long a time at so small a re
turn. Buyers Have to Hustle.
Ililt in spite of the raise In the price
the buyers aro having a hard time to
get the stock together for a shipment.
One buyer lrom the Sound has been
in the country for somo time, and
has not as yet succeeded in gathering
together a carload of market hogs
for shipment. The trouble seems to
be that there are not enough stock
hogs for the use of the farmers. They
cannot sell and havo enough to take
care of their stubblo and replenish
the drove for tho next year. Last
summer and spring a year ago, a lot
of men came Into the country and
brought up all the littlo pigs that the
farmers would sell, and now that
they have a chance to sell for tho
market they havo no hogs to meet
the demand unless they sell their
stock hogs, and they will not do this.
Steady and Strong Market.
Every man In the county who lias
hogs lor sale can find a market for
them, not from the market man, but
from the farmers, who are short in
their droves and who want to stock
their ranches. For this reason, the
buyers are having a hard time to till
the orders they have from the houses
that they represent. The condition
Is but the natural result of over-belling
and under-production, and Is good
lor those who have tho goods lor the
market, if it does not result in the
i establishment of i universal nog
lunch throughout the county.
Will Run D'ners.
lleglnnlng about October 1, the O.
n. & N. will run dining cars on
trains Nos. G and C, which will do
away with tho stop for meals at 1-a
Orande. It is probable that a now
time card will go Into effect about
that time, also, as theie will be con
siderable dead time on the schedule
of these trains, which will have to be
done away with. It Is possible that
No r. will arrive In Pendleton about
C,:30 p. m. on the new card.
Will Move Threshing Outfit.
M J Howe will ship his threshing
outfit. 'consisting of the machines
on ,,,n to Itcardoii. Wash., In
the Ulg Uend country, this evening
over tho W. & C. H. The harvest Is
about over In this part of the country
and as Mr Howe has finished with
ii r ti, wink In this vicinity, ho
will move whole thero is yet work to
he done.
Fat Cattle to Tacoma.
Furnish & West will ship a carload
of cattle to the Tacoma markets this
evening, over the W. & C. It. '1 o
cattle have been raised in the , vlcin
itv and are in good condition lor the
tr'lii They aro most of them young
steers, raised ror the markets espec
ially, and havo been fed for sale.
Sale of a Farm,
j F Temple, Jr.. and Nettle A.
Temple, his wlte. have sold to A J.
Wagner for 7.B00. the eas l a f o
section 16. in township 5. noith ot
Mic I 34 east, containing 3i acres
, the vicinity of Athena.
Ice to Heppner.
The Iloss Ico & Cold Storage Com
pany shipped another carload of ice
to Heppnei today.
Music, 2 Balloon Ascensions, Races
EVERY DAY is labor day now with our entire force receiving now goods
in overy department ami getting ready to place before our patrons and tho trade
the BIGGEST ami most complete stock of high class merchandise wo havo
ever had.
We arc now showing heavy Mercerised Marseilles
Inches wide at 37 J -2c to $J.OO
The Celebrated Boulevard Velvets in AletaH'c Dots and Per
sian Effects at 75c to $1.00 per yard
New Designs in Flannelettes for Kimonas and Wrappers, this week 12 I-2c
In.the .RT DEPARTMENT wo have Silk Down Pillows for cushions, all
sizes, new designs in them, t-t itched Doilies and Centre Pieces ami soft Pillow
Daily Arrivals of New Fall Waistings
Outfitters lot Women
Probably That Walla Walla
Portland. Aug. '25. "It Is
Will Be
not 1 iii-
probable that Walla
Walla will bo
Included Hi me uiocebo oi i.u-r ,j
as soon as the arrangement can lie
Tins is ine siuu!iiii;iii mum- "j
Mitner unarieH wiu-ni, in "
recently u ipumu-u u,o.,"i i-
i ,il,.,-,K cif Has ern Ore-
ij ...... --.
Father O'llellly was Inter-
viewed at his residence In regard to
the probability of Wulla Walla and
possibly Eastern wasuingion ik
Included In one diocese. While he
iinalili, to make a positive state-
merit, it was plain to be seen that lie
ivn L-rintlv In favor of such a divis
ion ot church territory. Said Father
O'llellly; , , 1
"Eastern Oiegou and haslern
Washington aie geographically one i
and the Interests of the Hast Side ure
Just aB naturally religiously one
There has bean some talk among the
laity about such an arrangement
and It seems it will be consummated
when the proer time comes ''
Souvenir From Globe Trotter.
Uobert Nixon, of Fraers opera,
i i,nu ,.lv,'d a postal cnliil
from ' Sayres. the correspondent of
a. ...hi.. 'riiin.K who recently beat
the world's record In encircling the j
globo. live days The caul was mull
at Magneton. Manchuria, and
i cached Pendleton August 21
Return From Black Mountain.
Dr. and Mrs II. S. (Jarueiu nan
turned from a two months' camping
trip to Illack mountain. 'Iliey were
accompanied homo by Mr and Mrs,
Curl Wheeler, who have been camp
ing at the same place during the sum
in it.
Lewlston Interstate Fair, LewUton,
Idaho, October 26-31, '03.
From Pendleton to Uw sion aim
return, $7.20 tickets on sale O'tobel
Sflth to SOtb Inclusive, limited to No
vember 2d, '03.
For Heut-A furnished house, hit
quire of Mrs. Guenuey. OffiVe in
Deapaln huljdlng.
It Pays to Trade at
To the National Irrigation Congren,
Ogden, Utah, Sept, 15-18, 1903.
For the above occasion, the O. It &
N. t'o. makes a raio or 23.iu in uk -
den and return, or $2r,.0 to Suit Ijike
and return. Tickets on sale Septem -
N. Co. makes a rate of 23.,0 to Og
ber 12 and 13; Una limit October Il,
i M1
'photographers' Association of Pacific
Nortnwesi. y
1 Largo rJltin HUlpath'8 His
ie round trip. Tickets on . tory of tho United Statea 1,05
Salem, Oregon
jij;;. uno nnu a mini line i i"i -
, , , , i'i,.l.iu mi
mini itu ,i,e
Uonttm, li,ir
20. 21.
(lood ie
tlniK Soptemher'30th. '03, For fur
,a,r particulars, call on or address V.
,.. Wamsley. agent
i vmmmbmihm
Many people aro coming In with
the report that the wheat Is better
than they thought, large, plump
and flue. Many people are coining
In with tho report that the shoes
sold at the big lloston Store aro
Ix-ttiT than others and they want
some of them. Tlioy aro large,
plump and fine. It Is n fact we do
pay the manufacturer more for a
shoo to sell at a given price than
otheis do. and thus we secure
greater value. Wo sell shoes at
a less expense per dollar's worth
than any other concern In tho
city, and therefore wo can afford
to lianole such lines as tho Doug
las for men, Olorla for women, and
i;.i ciinni iirnisii for children
Douglas Is '.ho largest mumuue-
turer of well snoes to sen f
$3 50 and $1 In the world, and wo
certulnly have a representative
line olio that will asionisn
i-i... n.inrin ?i r.n kIioo for womoii
Is tho best shoo at this prlco sold
the American puunr i,".
llud each season an Increase of
trudo-why Is It? Merit that con
llrms buying opinion, flood wear
romblned Hh good looks and
comfort Oh es. we must not
i..i. Hi,, lied H II. shoes.
They lit the school hoys uml girls.
... V..., i.i,u f..r each. I believe
you had better get the neit pair
at Hie
guaranteed to wash, 33
per yard
and Men.
ij . ,.
, ,t s jj Leading realltfC
of Our Store
, ,
National UI1CJ ClopCllia 1.00
,, - ft : "r., nu,i yioa 1 1R
, tuTV (ll tllu UUltuU OtllteS J.0O
S JOSEPHUS Complete WorkR
I Nice Edition $1.46
Largo Size, Wohster's Sohool
t and Oilioo Dictionary, 75o
Wild Animals I Havo Mot, by
Soymour.Boautlful Edition 1.10
President Konaevelts Hooks
50o each
Tho Ladles' Now Medical
Onldo $1.25
Sohonfeld Legal Forms and
Cumnondinm of Laws, Sbeep
I Skin Binding, $1.05
I Full Lino or Sohool Books aud
- V I U....ll,.a
: aonooi ouiiuiiud
Hear this In mind when you
need poultry and stock supplies
an,l auk for the International
pilliv and Htoek Food. Use
Kow Kure for your cow trou
bles C. 1 Goleswortliy
i-7.i20 Uast Alta St.
Agent for Leo's Lice Killer
. Ageni lor