DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, ORE6ON. TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1903. t jul!litl every nftcrnoon texcent Similar) at lVnilleton. Oregon, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. riMuie. MhIu 11. KUIISCKUTIO.V UMTS. "ne your hy mall ?.",00 llal v lsc moilt lis by mull -.nil ) tally, three lumitbs by tnnll l.-S lal! utie month by mull fill ll.. per mtmtli by eiirrler IB Weeklj, one year by mull l.rin Weekly. nix mimlh by mall 7fi Weekly, four mtuitlm by tnall .10 .semi Weefcl. one year by malt .... 2.tH) Semi Weekly, six month by mail . . 1.00 s.ml Weekly, tbree months by mall . . .BO Tlie I!ni Orecmilan is on sale nt It. II l:i b Xew Staml at Hotel Portland anil ii i-i lVrt.ii. Portland. Orj:in. Member Si rliM Mellat IIOD s..:i I", aoclurn llnmni. 4 OS fourth St. 'ltiin'r'0 llurmu, UOS Security IltilMIn;. VwuMmttwi, 1. C. lturwiu, 501 14lh St., N W Knn -.iV at INmHIetou puntottlee a ;rroml rim matter. tin company, which la over ready to remedy niul corroct evils which affect Us patrons. U a chango Is to In mnile, let It ho mailo for the hotter. If tills trnln arrived hero In the oven lug. uml that fart were known In the EaRt, It would Induce travel hy way of Pendleton, which now goes hy way of Spokane, to the const. It would re milt In advertising the city more fully, among a good class of people, and would he money In the company's pocket. Let the city and the O. It. & X. join hands to ninke conditions sur rounding the liomoseokor within the city's gates more plonsant. COMPARATIVE STRENGTH. The duty of the Oregon ilelogatlon in congress Is now plainly defined, in News AkocIh the matter of securing government aid. iu irrigating the nrld lands of the state. Air. Newell In his advance re ports, does not give Oregon much en- At Intervals articles appenr In the i,nu hnwnvnr. linen asrortnlnod part- 1) by estimates and partly hy special consiises, lncluillnat those estimates, Bargain Babies. I - l ! Il.n ITtlllitll ' T tirllttauJ. IVAfll lrf HtllM riiit tln.t I . S'.u " . timna Sia nwii I ilillliiiiliii tslniiilR (1,1101 ,3!M1 I be bought, regardless of "price. l"" "r'M'. "-- i .. nr.n nji ICvcrv woman naiunillv n,l tlmt mil nun ilrni hn I'lirm Kirn ,...,, i ii-ii.,,, tin,, mi.. ...... ....... - -- ninny times Its own weight. Then it Is stated that man, If he wore strong In the same proportion, could jump so many rods or lift so ninny tons. These comparisons, we are told hy M. Leo Itohlda In l.a Nature (July 11.) are mlslcndlng. to say the least. He writes: 11,0110 11,100 Ouniu Samoa Total 8I! Tin only countries surpassing me rutted Stntes In number of tnhiibl-' tants an the Chinese Umpire, the lirltlHi, Kmnlrt the liiisslan Umpire, land probably Franco, with the Inelii- sion of Its African possessions. i crnven n licnlthv. handsome child, and her rrnu. jug can he gratified if she wilt but re member that the child's health is her own gift, and to give health she must A POLITICIAN'S LAMENT. It Is Interesting to consider, solely from n nieclinnlcal point of view, these comparisons between the mils-1 c.ulnr strength of man and that of ; 1 insects. Strictly from this standpoint Onn a Kansas zephyr strayed thev are by no means extraordinary Where a brass-eyed bird pup played. , ami are only one of the forms of I And that canine bayed nt that ze what has been called 'the conflict of phyr squares and cubes.' The law Is well In a gay. senii-lillo tie way known volumes decrease In more Then thnt xophyr In about hair a Jlti ranlil ratio than surfaces. 'Tool; that pup and i ti fr,. fimt n miiunlu nnn i.v.irt ' Turned him over wrong slilo up. , couraRomuut In the matter of selec-, lUjmjm.s lm ,tB octUm. that Is to say. 1 and then I tlon of sites for government opera-j on surface: although its capacltv ( Turiied hiin wrong side out. ., t, .. .. t 1.1.. r.,- .1, in, v.ii.'Tliim It ciilmlv tourneyed thonro, ,h nlnns In other states and terrl-! '"S'1- ls "T . U U" " lmrn """ f,tr"'R "f fPIM 1 . . , , . .,,, ! planatlnu of the astonishing strength 1 mm lories, and makes no such definite (jf 18et.ts Tuke ))xmilpi0. atntnKintu In rumifil III Illf llluns 1 now under way in tins state, n is When communities turn loose, Stiflal forces that produce The disorders of n gale. The past was the motuer of the present and to Ur is due our filial love and vent ration; but not our obedience, for she la dead: and the dead have no right to rule over the living. And the future, what of hr? She js the unborn child of the present. To her we owe our duty. Not with si-oiling for tho things that have gone, not with nn undue complacency for the thlnsfs that are. but with a hope and resolution for Itetler In the tilings that are to come, lei us go about our work. Let ms save all that is sweet end wholesome anil true: but let m not ..union the chariot of Progre&s with the rubbish of the centuries,. Lot us out loose and gD forward. Uov. Antoinette L. Brown. CHANGE THE TRAIN'S TIME. 'f'n,i,lin wu tun, ,,anlllU flint txt (1 .... ... .1.- .ii.....i., ,Miian and that of an Insect, tho latter' Art upon the wollk-nowu law ! .u - . T r f . times shorter than the former. It ! Pnce the broee. but close your nrpe the adoption of some of the mag- Jf evl(ent Umt thp ,nsoc,.8 m,Kl,u, . Xig rule tm, wm nl,t Tall. jnlflcent Irrigation propositions in , win i.uun.iMXi times lighter than' If you bay It. In a gay. Eastern Oregon, for experimental the man's, while its section, ami con- Solf-sumcloiit son of wa-- sennentlv the force that t can oxert. It will land you. Wliuoui iioiioi. will he only 10,000 times loss. The 1 Tpsltlt down and wrong side out. conclusion i that, since a man can; -lronqtilll tKilgeite F. Wnre. I lift loo kilograms (R2 pounds), the 1 insert will lift lO.iHin times less or 10 j llulky Hitters Is dey swell folks crams 1154 Bi-ainsl. nnd we shall ' nn at dnt house" Woeful wallers ! works. If some such pressure is not j hnuisht to bear. It Is possible that j all the efforts of the government will ! be centered elsewhere. The Oregon : j delegation Is In position to do the state n priceless service, by bringing j the ndvuntnges of those plans to the ! direct attention of the reclamation I department. The government cannot jaw. .) be unmindful or the feasible plans have the liiimesslve Ktieetarle of an Is (lev swell' Sny dev dillll t hit nil Insect lirtins more than 100 times 1 wlf nuitlir but poir clubs I'laln Its own weight. In fart, the smaller I'mili r the insect is. the more It will aston-1 ish us by an appearance : extraordi nary strength. EIOll have it to give. iuotlicrs whose babies have leen weak and mmv have nursed in strength their first strong child after using Dr. I'iercc's Mi I'nvorite I'rcscnntion. It ' is the Itcst rtrenarattve for maternity, encouraging the appetite, quieting the nerves nnd inducing re freshing sleep. It gives the mother strength to give her child, nnd tnnkc3 the baby's advent practically painless. Mv wife hail been ilcl: nearly all Iter life " nays '.Mr K. H I'rlcUe. or l'ctmlmrc, .Mellaril Co.. Illinois. Ilnx ,7. "and niter trying evrrv. thin? I couttl lltink of I made up my mind io In ' bavorlte rreicriiitlon.' 1 Rot nix bunks, which tin v-ii took a talilMjioonfiil three limes n il.i. until Hie liby cimic. She felt liciur n(ter tnUin? the fir-it liuttle, und whcti liuby born he weighed nine and a half itoiindi. Ti davheis-ti-t nionlli'ioldand weight twenty-two nniiiul-, lie i at cootl a child as any one i-ui.ld wih Tlu- doctor ftayn he h as healthy tin nny baity could b. nnd a)M aaVH the tlie of your 1 l-Viiriit rreMrripliou ' was the atueof bu'wh a heiilthy tby " l)r l'ierce's ricusjint Pellets are the best mid vilest laxative for the use of tkltcate women. FOR S 1IT . 111 Kpnl 61 ,,,cu 1,08 that : "uiu- "oi Bun,,,- A1Ladfrotn noro in 1f1 1UU- Wheat M S irom ICO a 12,000. Rihom I Swa Room ,o over Tay0(.. Hardware Store. Liufi Pendlotoii Roal Estate for e-room dwelling, stable rUi ral and 2 ?;, ,!: "Hut it is no longer the same If we I examine the mechanical work ef ! jiow under Invontlgntlon. and if some i i 1 of tlieso an not selected for avvorn- 1 went aid, It will he ltecause the de-1 fected. The muscle of the Insect ; part-tent wishes to snub the people J f "1'posed above to be l-loo ,,r a man's ( 1 . , in Ilttunr dlmenilons. furnishes, when J ; of Oregon for political reasons. j t divans, n force lo.oot. tinier ; i less than the human muscle, exerted Oregon bas paid Into the national through a space 100 times smaller . tV... Ml. ...111 1... ,1,.. , mi,. treasurj' over JSDO.000 more from tin- j i"""i--'i wi m- n.n i...... I M.'B'G&OHEMIAN J tPurc, Pale and Spai kling. BotUcd Only at the Brewcryirt SL Louis. SOLD EVERYWHERE. TTrTTT rv-yT-" -eg-" Jryfcl W II lTaU-.'t JLLJ- ULtffjagin 1 - If a change in the time of the arrl val of No. 5. the west bound O. K. ft sale of public lands in the past year N local passenger train is to be , than an.v other state, and ni0 times smaller, whirh re-estab lishes the prnportinn hi' wi-cn welch- ! should j 0Iut strength .Moreover, It seems ijtist as with 1 machines, where the smaller atv pro- , portlanniely weaker) as If the in sect's mufele. instead nf .iirn:s t:c man's infiultely. is uniaub interior make an effort to have the officials j gidoied for irrigation works by the fix the arriving time In the evening. ' government. No excuse will be taken The time at which this train now nv ,i,e poodle for the failure of the arrives In Ie mile ton is detrimental reclamation department to recom- both to the company and the city. 1 njend some or the excellent proposi-1 lo H ' nnallty. Take the ilea's jump Passenaers for thu wahn-inn I , .u.. n., . ..., j(,..i,i for instance, lly Us must ular coti- , ,, ,..,. ' "' " traction it gives to its mass a move- ----- ' " IJUl IN? 1 mlUl "II ll'lllnc tuuu the morning are compelled to wait j an,i jfow Mexico with money that from six to eight houra for the de parture of the SHJkane train. Th time is not long enough to Justify the tourist in going to bed. and it is too long to sit In a depot building in the middle of the night, conse quently innumerable complaints are registered by travelers araitist both the city and the company. People transferring here lo the Washington division do not have an opitortunity to se any of the city, as i!f it, hcilulc of tbls train is now arranged. They will gradually come to avoid this awkward delay, in the middle of the night, and It will result should bo used ou the Oregon des erts. Mr. Newell warns settlers that surveys are only preliminary. The people demand that some of the sur veys in Oregon shall mean something. The situation regarding the ratifi cation of tho cnnnl trenty by the Co lombian government, very murh re sembles a scone In which some good old man has anonunced that he will :hrow a pocketful or pennies into the public square, among a herd of street urchins. The big "guns" in Colom bia, like the big boys of the allevs. unprofltabiy to the company in tho are crowding tho little fellows back gretit rush of travel thnt Is hoadeil ; nut or reach and are not Ei-ing to ment capable of raising it 3i centi meters (12 inches), man can raise hi, own weight to 1.5 meters (about 5 feet) by leaping. For equal weight, tiie human muscle thus furnishoK live times more work than thnt of the Ilea in a siugli; contraction, since the work Is the product of the weight by the height to which It is raised." Translation made for The Literary i Digest. . . - ta k UB Uti BHI FT i 6hl T FEWER AND FEWER CHILDREN. shout "throw it," until thoy are in lOHltion to grab all the scattered coins. toward this coast. Il a butler counuctioii la not arrang ed for the convenience of the great numbers of people that transfer from I the main line here, to the Washington ! Umatilla county, in addltiun to pro branch. It will naturally tend to j duclng the host wheat and the best send them over niiothur route, to the trult In Oregon has tho reputation or loss ot the company, and the city. 1 being the home of the best bred nocks or sheop In the West. The con stant upbuilding process or the sheep- If No. n could be scheduled to reach thlb city about 0 or 7 o'clock In the The New York Times has the Fol lowing to say in Regard to Ice A New England scientist hob lately pulilisbed some suggestive conclu sions on the subject of the birth rate In America Looking linckward to the time or Honjnmin Franklin, lie dis covers that the average number of children to a family waB then S. u century Intor It hud declined to U 1 . in 1S30 it was -l.fi: In ISCO .Ufa In mz 2.45: in 1000. l.S. The birth I rate throughout the entire civilized 1 world, according to one authority, is steadily decreasing, rapidly In the New World, more slowly iu the Old truly nn alarming condition of things, for which we are offered the follow aug explanation: i ! It Piolialily nn liacteriologicnl fact is better established than that much of the ice ol commerce is dangerous!, i'n pure. The assumption that writer purifies, itsc'! id ijut nig was long a.'t) show n to have hut a limited basis in truth. The intli ulna! ciystals are likely to lie purer than the mother liquid from which they are formed, but ice is, a mas'- of crstals in which may be entangled nil kinds of inijnmui Tin (erniK are not only killed in the precis', i f man ufaclurinp, the ttt hut the condensed water passes through two cuke, two charcoal and one sponge filter leaini. ,t abaoluti ! pun t m into the cutis evening, or any time up till 10 o'clock at night, it would be an Inducement to tourists to come by way of Pendle ton en route .to Washington points us it would give them a glimpse of the 1 i;; and a view of the world famou. wheat belt by dayliabt. Tliey euiild rest' over night, secure meals, at Miasonuhlo hours and would leave ! A" Potions of Eastern Oregon are the city with a much bettar feeling I RhiB to take advantage of the than if they had occupied a bench In 1 '"strict consolidation law, the ileuot for half a nliiht. uncertain I 'ni the numerous reports. In Union ah to their exact leaving time, and county, at several points, the public men of this county for the past 10 years, has resulted in the grading and establishment of tho highest average flocks on tho coast. No other county 011 the Pacific coast can show as many good sheep, as are to be found in thin county. vexed with the weariuoss of travel. Piobably no othur Interior point on the roast enjoys as much travel life this city. It is worth while to arrange schudules. with a view to meeting specific (.onditinitK hero. Fully ono hair or the tourist and homoseeker travel or the Harrimau lines, trans fers here to the Washington branch, from the main line That imrtlon of this travel which arrives bore on No. 5. at 2 o'clock lu the morning, and which is greeted by the lonely aspect which reigns Iu a railroad depot at that hour of night, will naturally avoid such an Inconvenience, if possi- school system Is to be extended to "Funilly shrinkage seems clearly I referable to the strenuous, nerve-rack- j ing lire of the dny. to the struggle not J . for existence, but for a luxurious ex- j istence. to the over-increasing desire y fur the luxuries of life and the morbid 1 -t-craving for social dissipations and I ' advancement. It Is due to the desire to have no children, or only such a numbur as husband ami wife believe suitable and adapted to their Ideals of comfort and their supposed finan cial possibilities' Harper's Weekly COME AND SEE Visitors Always Welcome BOSS iGE and GOLD STORAGE Co. Phone .MAIN 1781 514 Main Street O-rooni dwelling ana inn. ... y snaiied lawn, ttejl 1-i-rooni lionnllti t, I ren.rnllv .T. ? Me ' "uiicu-HAifj, 5 room dwelling wWh two tou side SI "50. 1 . A number of lots somewhat i J , $125 to S150 each "l 1 lot on Hat. five blocks ft i street, $500. Other loUnj,., j VIllUll, ' Much oilier very ilcsirji4t iy ior uaie. ah so!,i un 1 mum unu ouy I , To find Just what you vistl ntjiii jirice, see 0. I). B0VI). Ill CourlS The Columbia Lodging House Ntw.j FurnishtJ. Bar in cohkIi Bet. Alta & W'AbbU In Center ol 'Block.! F. X. Schempp Pr oprletof TESTS OF DEATH. 'Application has been made to the secretary of state for u charter for, the Amorican Society for tho Preven tion of Premature Ilurial. lly the j provisions of this society physicians of the state of New York will be sparsely settled districts which have j compelled to furnish u death ( ertlll- heretofore been denied tho full bone fit of the blessing, and the movement on foot In this county will result in diminishing the number of scholars "not attending any school." Grande Hondo Vulley enjoyed the same happy surprise which foil to tho lol of L'matllla county, this year. All the arly crop predictions wore fully one-half below the actual yield being threshed. fate with tho following formula Twit (ir ninrii InrlHlmiR In tin iirtnrv. the palm of the hand exposed to the 1 names of a candle not more than five Inches away; a mirror or crystal held to the lips, with no signs of respira tion; a hot iron or steel placed against the flesh without producing u blister. .Mortuary chapnls to be established in which the bodies of the dead are to be hold sovoral hours before burial. Medical Times. OUR TOTAL POPULATION. No other man on the Amorican outliiout could go into the race for hie. und in dliectlng friends in the the presidency, better prepared to East would send them to the West j win. than William It. Hearst. If news by a different route, j papers count for anything In winning The matter should be taken tip with J political battles, he Is well armed. The total population enumerated by the twelfth census wits 7C.303.387, but while the area of enumeration covered Alaska and Hawaii, it did not Include Porto Itlco, the Philip pines, Guam or Samoa. The popula tion or theto newly acojilrcil Islands THEY USE THE UNDERWOOD F. U, Clopton. S. A. Xowberry. B. W McComas, Itlgby-Clovo Mfg. Co., Younger & Son, Miss Sheek. Umatilla Indian Agency, Jeo Teutsch, Knst Oregonlan Pub. t'o, M. K. Shutrum. Tho only VISI HLF. Typewriter Hint bus all the good featuios of other typowrltors and none of the bad ones, it also has a tabulator which is a part of the machine Call und see uinchluo I run convince you that it has 10 points that are superior to other mnkes, JOHN S. KEES, Agent 7-U Main Street ELATERITE la Mineral Rubber. VOr .MA V IN I'KMI III'II.HINO or tin I It neccMiry to ltKI'IH K A WllltN-OUT JIOOK ELATERITE ROOFING Takes th. place of shingles, tin, iron, tar and gruvol, and all prepared roofings. For lint and steep surfaces, guttors, valloys, etc. Easy to loy. Tempore, for all climates. Iteasonablo In cost. Sold on merit. Guaran teed. It will pay to ask for prices and Information. ... , . THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO. Worcester Building- Portland. A Cool Plac Is Robi " AmusemeDtFa lors, under the W.&CUep Just the place to while . leisure time First-clssJ t.,.-iin nitm' Rnlendid niul billiard tables, iil .int., ciinntiiiL' callery pernnce refreshments Ml clgar6, Free Musical Ectertainmel Every Evening DANNER IS NOT ROING AWAY He will be licre all sobseI come in an t.mc ana " nirti.re taken Stampfl 1 . - Anren. A cniy 25 a-1 1 " . variety of harvest vie, , t l.wl,nn IlllOtOS. DM II TlioiIili'ell''''u'"g0';w! Nexl iloor to Hie l ore8 . 4.J..I. ', I Insurance at f -jasr, 960.00 nf insurance in 'J OREGON FIRC BEUB; SOCIAllurt u RICE. V"i j p. WALKER, clt)' Penuieion, "Dally East Oregonlan W only 15 cents a week.