East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 25, 1903, Image 1

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I- . --....
I ilicc of bufiucw by carrier il J
Eastern Oregon Weather
Lrently a Contest Between
L 0. R. & N, and a Local
Lxty-Five-Mlle Branch From Ar.
Igton to Condon Is the First Pro-
ULocal Company With East-
Backing Intrudes Upon O. R.
Territory and Starts the Con-
HCloworKOforA:SheifLS-7I-lverPoo came
and nor nATi1!1 of w"eat
PssaSo destined for forM.n ean
'ffes Is STIfiftnnn i. r?r?'sn coun
25.5G4.nnf. llT0 shc.ls. aealnst
1.750.000. nrn' a" ncrea
se of
rarllnnd, Aug. 25. Tlio railroad
Lion for Central Oregon Is be-
; very interesting, and If all the
: arc built that are now on pa-
that section will be one of the
i populous from a railroad stand-
:of any section of the state. At
I present t me there are two lines
osed from Arlington to Condon.
stance of in miles, which will
up a verv fine grazing and
thing country and one in which
n a grand chance for produc-
biess by Irrigation.
liout a yar ago .1. . Finley and
k'v of local capitalists organized
however V no , reaC"n'
ruled 'Sh r "l,,ar- anfl 'ket
demand for whU ta oSrii.War
Ttm WrhT trC?Z and mark
us in the Northwest. nit.
have nearly hX'Z'"' lnc:
whom ikl. 7 ",c amount or
.hf , a,EOl?st 27'000 l,ushels On
the whole, the wheat bulls are having
rather hard work to sustain prices in
tne race of all this bearish news.
t-mcago, Aug. 25.
neat nr.,ni.
Dec sirir
79 is
AY, AVc.rsT L'rt, i no;).
The Weather Was Ideal for a Sailing Match, and the Boats
Made a Clean and Exciting Race.
The Course Was Over a Ten-Mile Triangle. a Total Distance of Thirty
Miles At Ono Time Shamrock Had Reliance Nearly Cut Out Was
a Contest Between Expert Sailors Won by Very Narrow Margin.
Highlands, Aug. 23. The weather near the time handicap, dtopped his
for today's race seems all Upton adversary and stood ncross the line
could wish for a contest In moderate ,n n, starboard tack. King stood down
was T mrns ,,ie w,nd ,.L7S1
was eight knots southeast by south, fired. Went over the starboard lack,
mu course will be triangular, 10 mimeuiaioiy alter crossing Hung
! miles for each leg, giving the yachts ",lc sllnmrck nbout to purt. Dan
! a turn to windward and two reaches. t yactT tow,,,, Sea-
The breeze is very true, with no soft bright. Though the wind is little
i spots. Upton said he could desire nM,re than seven knots, the challen-
Chicago, Aug. 25. Wheat ,mo,.,i ! nothing better, and Shamrock should eL b0)e'1 n Rreater angle of keel
at SOU: closer! nt totc ' Uw.. ( i.. "finance.
... j v iiu LFDL lUUUi. A r.l-1,.
CRowrTTHlir-Bliw out. 2 L,! ""tl
iui iiic MtlllillU
ol'nl 51 V
-dlnneapolis, Aug 25
iVhent ripening.
Chicago Wheat.
'Same Situation at Walla Walla as at
I Pendleton,
vn Ha walla. Aug. 25.--The wheat
situation Is unchanged from what It
1ms been during the past week, dr
illers nnd buyers are still wldo apart.
Offers of 7,-, cents for bluestem have
iieeii mane ny toral commission men
but no sales of Importance have been
made, A few small lots for milling
purposes have been purchased. The
millers aie forced to buy at the farm
ers' prices ror they cannot afford to
nllow the wheat to leave the country.
An English Horse Won the Fifty
Thousand Dollar Stake.
York, llngland. Aug. 25.- Rather
Wntm. Maher up. won the llrngatel
Park plate today. It Is .Mabel's llrst
race since the automobile !ir,.l,i,.ii
Tho Prlnco of Wales plate of 10,000
sovereigns, was won by Sir John .Mil.
ler's Clnnueroll. Sheets .Martin tode
Whitney's Mauds Down, nnd IliiNhed
Toulght and Wednesday show.
; ers and thunderstorms.
NO. 4S128.
One Man Killed and Two Inlured on i llne' fIIoed a minute later by Sham-
the Lake Shore. rock ln tow f the tug Cruiser. Sham-
Erie. Aug. 25. The crown sheet of Iock nas a new mainsail today,
a Lake Shore locomotive blew out at, At- 9:33 the committee boat Navi-
West Girard early this morniim fntni
ly scalding John Burn, the nn.mnn
Arlington road, with the Idea of and seriously scalding Charles Al
hlinr a line from the town nf A rl. I bright, tho ens-lnnnr T,li r-io..,.
Ion,' on the 0. H. & N . to Condon hrakeman, was burt.
listance of about -i f I miles, and I -
bee on to Fossil and Maysville
,g the total length of the line
ht Ca miles. This company was
(talized with a capital of $2,500,-
and a preliminary survey was
, locating the line down Rock
from Arlington thence across
country to the southern terminus
(ossll, The people all along the
were very enthusiastic nnd prom-
iccanciai support to the project.
reaaiiy granted r chts of wav.
Ithe officials of Gilliam county
nteercd a right of way through
! county Wheeler rountv follow.
suit with the offer or whatever
Ificials of the comity went to New !
and were assured that financial ,
rers were easily arranged and :
tne neressary monev tn lmlll
line could be procured. They
hack to Oregon and asled the
'& N. for the same terms as all
Ir railroads mm in fviinitm-v
I?- or "feeders."
A gray mist comlnir In made It illf.
ficult for excursionists to follow tho
yachts, although the crews huddled
on the weather rail. Wind Is strong
enough to put tho yachts well down.
Hellance seemed to glide over the
waves without effort.
Shamrock Is Gaining.
At noon Shamrock was gaining
slightly and doing belter work; Is
pointing higher and taking the waves
At 12:15 the wind leading to south
east on the beach, should It bo felt
where the yachts are sailing, will
benefit Shainiock.
Fine Sailing by the Englishman.
At 12:33 King gave a nietty exhl-
tile bltlon of pinching. Shamrock gained
steadily until Kellance's lead was al
most cut down. A mist arose and
Will Visit His Subjects. Off for the Line. obscured tho yachts, which as they
Ilelgrade, Aug. 25. King Peter At 10:05 Shamrock dropped her disappeared were but a shoit distance
and family left for a tour of tne kliiL-- tow. standing for tho ilMitci,!,, iho apart,
dom today. j starboard tack. Reliance reached the
j lightship at 10:00, in a steady wind.
iiu n swcibes! ..irsrjr s,i"r ss
and 10:30 the wind dropped five
i knots.
(if ac ikl nif n a r a m n
gator passed the Hook. Saturday's
easy win for Reliance did not seem
to diminish tho interest, as the ex
cursion fleet came down oarly and
M7 , s,0d out to the lightship. Faster
Must Have Help. steamers than Saturday were in de-
i&hSI T out carly ,0 those
from the steam nower council the v'110' 1,1 tlle last race. were behind on
waiters' and cooks' strike will be a I steamers which were unable to make
lanure. Not more than 2o are
this morning.
Disposition to Tell Bryan Not to
"Butt In."
Lincoln. Neb.. Aug. 25 - There Is
some rohertinenl against llryan and
the mlddle-of the-Mad delegates may
insist on a minimum advising llryan
that the populists are able to care for
their own affairs. llryan Is hurrying
home from the ICnst to appear nt the
democratic convention this afternoon
as a delegate from Uincaster county.
Charges Preferred.
Fort Leavenworth, Aug. 25.
Cliniges o conduct unlxM'oinlns mi
ofllier have heim tiled against Lieu
tenant llaycraft. of tho 22d inrantry.
who Is accused ot passing worthless
out I speed enough to keep up with
i yachts.
Was Formerly Stationed at Seattle
Debts, Gambling, Races and Drink
Marked His Downward Course
Left Home Month Ago.
ICoppered" by the O. R. &. N.
me uig road called lor a
and the onlv hi lit jir tn nil nil-
J, that has been made, according
p omciais or the Arlington line.
It anOUIlCemeilt that nnnthnr rniul
Isolng through the Ramp ronnfrv.
UUi: W'niCll hnti naunrnn,.,, Hint I
oaie traffic relations with the O.
f new lino that Is proposed Is
uncertain nt the present time,
local men who
Project say that Eastern capital
"una the enternrlsB nmi Hint
' 'ill begin on the rnnil iii nnnn
iPOSSlble. John C Alnsworth.
P. Conner and IjwIr nerlln-
tre named as incorporators of a
nas the Condon terminus
. ana the cash capital of the
ouu.uuu. Tho proposition is
i a line from Arlington In Hon-
& distanen nr An .nitn.. nn.i ...
- iu luiiua, IIU
activo oticrations nt nnw The
F' "TO helntr mnrlo II lu icorl.
N the rights of way ore secur-
""'ucs tills 4fl.mllp lino the
PrOIIOKliU tn I., .11.1 l.ranxli
1 'torn Condon tn Tnnp fin tho
nf l... t c. K'
lift, n ' ,-
l'm Condon across to tho John
k'"W tlienee down to Its mouth.
'o is behind this railroad
mystery Mr, Alnsworth
: Foul. i.tt..... ...
Um r ii cupuuimiu lire in-
flrttf tnuve and thoy win
l""0t!v . I, ...in ..... ....
& win nui uiuir.
I ih. iiiwiiiiiiK, no auiu;
"D tot nl 111....... i.
relatlvo to tho men behind
"ne They are Eastern capl
no lio,. ,.. n i
l" On !,.. r, . ..
rnn vouai, nuiiig inuiiii-
W"'I as railroad btilld-
bey 'nrt u ,ot'al capital In the
Iiallf,. "'"i necessary in oruer
'r do liimcers of 11,0 comPany
"-'wiio I no rnni iwiiu'i't-ii
rn and niimin,, ic ... i. iin-
rutr tho ,r
New York, Aug. 25. Frederick
Pressler, until seven months ago a
captain in the regular army, station
ed at Seattle, Wash., in the paymas
ter's department, shot and killed
himself today in Carrol Park, Brook
lyn. He had been missing from
home four weeks. Ills heartbroken
wife had been searching every sec
tion of tho city to find him.
He was a West Pointer and resign
ed from tho army to become a con
tractor. He acquired debts, and fail
ing to meet his obligations bv the
usual methods of business, tried to
recoup hlmsell at the races. In this
he was also unsuccessful and he took I
to drink. ,
He had influential rnenas in me
r denartment and outside of it.
and Senator Ilepew, Secretary Hoot
and ex-Secretary Long held him up.
many times loaning him money.
Government Wants 4,000,000 Inches
Water on Experiment Ground.
San Diego. Aug. 25.-Edmund T.
ferkins in behalf of tho United
States government has filed an ap
propriation from the Colorado rlvei
above Yuma for 4,000,000 inches of
water to be transported by tunnels
nm conduits. The bulk of the land
?uLC?w;.ed Is on the Arizona side
nf the river. This Is the largest ap-
proprlation for water ever
the United States.
Race Began at 11 O'clock.
The preparatory gun sounded at
10:45. The course Is south by east,
with a beat 10 miles, then a broad
reach 10 miles, then a reach home of
10 miles.
The starting gun sounded at 11.
Reliance crossed the line at 11:00:30,
Shamrock at 11:02:10, being handi
capped 10 seconds.
Reliance Leads Steadily.
The first 10 minutes' sailing gave
little advantage to either, although
the American was a trifle higher into
the wind.
At 11:10 Reliance Is steadily In
creasing her lead over Shamrock.
At 11:23 Hellance leads by a min
ute and a half.
At 11:30 Reliance continues to
gain, although neither seem to hnve
advantage ln the wind.
Contest of Seamanship.
It is a pretty tussle. Ring stood
away down the line, endeavoring to
shako Uarr from tho weather course.
Uarr, seeing Ring Intended crossing
Hellance Is but slightly ahead and
the wind Is off shore seven knots.
At 1:23 tho wireless puts Reliance
thiee-quarters of a mile ahead when
rounding the second mark.
The wireless says Hellance turned
the second mark at 1:25, and Sham
rock nt 1:29-30. The wind Is steady
At 2:01 the mist Is still thick oft
shoie. The excursion fleet is gather
ing nt tile finish. One yacht is seen
approaching about four miles Irom
tho finish. Uoth racers are close
hauled on tho port tack. The other
lacer was discovered at 2:05,
At 2:0S Reliance is leading by at
least four minutes, which gives her
the race unless the unforseen hap
pens. Reliance Wins Second Race.
ITuollieial tlino ,ays Hellance cross
ed the lino nt 2:15:25 and Shanuock
at 2:2il:iu, uinklng Reliance win by
more than u minute.
Corrected But Unofficial Time.
On corrected time, but unolllclul,
Hellance won by one inlnulo and 10
seconds. Yachtsmen are enthusiastic
and say today sottled beyond a doubt
that tin- cup Is safe. The next race
will be a lS-mllo beat to windward
and lelurn, on Thursday.
Official Time.
The olllclal time says Hellance flu
ibhed at 2:15:30 and Shamrock nt
2:20:10. Corrected ofllclnl time says
Reliance wins by one minute and 10
Race Rioter Conv cted.
Danville. Aug. 23. Wlnnlfied lin
ker was found guilty tills nflernoon.
Sue was churned with making threats
to kill the sherlrf during the recent
race riots. In which she took a lead
ing part.
Holocaust In Hungary.
Hilda Pesth, Aug. 25. -It Is now
slated the loss of life In last night's
holocaust at (iolillmrger's warehouse
was lie! ween ID and 50 Instead of
12(1. as Indlcali'd by the enily rt
filed ln
Anthracite Board In Session.
New York. Aug. 25.-The anthra.
rite board of conciliation met today
v fli Carroll 1). VrWt as umpire.
Arguments will be In progress all
For the Murder of Governor Goebel
Georgetown. Ky.. Aug. 25.-Powers
,lBa took the stand today and deul
ed all the testimony against him.
London Aug. 25, A Constantino-1 own, being constantly relnfoiced by I
,,c;i, nnili.nl of llKlltpr'S. tflllaV I VOlllIlteeiS,
Delegates Are Piling in Rapidly and
Zimmerman Supporter Are De
spondent Will Not Endorce Clark
for United States Senator.
Columbus. Aug. 25. It Is a fore
gone conclusion that Tom Johnson
will tomorrow be nominated lor gov
ernor by Ihn Ohio democrats. Dele
gates are piling in inpldly. Zl minor
man's rhief supporters today admit
Johnson's Humiliation. Sentiment Is
rolling up iignlnsl Clark for senator.
Johnson will accept tho nomination
probably, hut he Is not supposed to be
seeking It In any sense. Ills prefer
encn would be to support some one
else on a platform of his own making
Hut he will accept n nomination rath
er than concede even a slight ailvan
tuge to the conservative or reaction
ury element. Ills lleuteuaiils iniiko
no seciet of the fact that If tho iioinl
nation is crowded upon him ho will
make the light of his life anil poll
the last vole that can be gotten.
The tendency to nominate him Is
accentuated by threats which have
leaked out that u portion of .Immcr
man's following will boll Johnson.
This iiu t in a 1 1 y makes Johnson's fob
lowers Implacable.
The opposition to Clark's endorse
ment is really opposition to endorse
ment of mi) body, not to Clink indi
Intimates that Russln was Insincere
In her professions of opposition to the
uprising of the HulgarlanB. Among
other facts to support tho contention
he says tho squadron's arrival at In
lada. was a signal for an immediate
rising of the Bulgarians of that dis
trict. Insurgents Reinforced.
Vienna, Aug. 26. Dispatches from
tho Halkuns this morning confirm the
reports of mnbsacres In th disturbed
districts. One says tho previous re
ports underestimated tho reign of ter
ror. The Turks have not been as vic
torious as reports Indicated, tho in
surgents more than holding their
Maneuvers About to Begin,
Portland, Ale.. Aug. iC.-Klght war
ships of the nuvul squadron, were
sighted this morning, headed here.
More Complications.
London, Aug. 26. Router's (his
morning states that Circassians have
attacked Bulgarian villages near To
herkensko and murdered some Inhab
itants, Tho Circassians aro tho In
habitants of the Russian province of
Clrcassla on the Black Hea. (Should Charged With 8tealing Clothing at
not be confounded with Caucasus Weston Will Be Examined Soon,
provinces f Asiatic Turkey to the, telegraphic information from
Lastwind of the Black Sea.) .,,,. ui.1.fY Tnvlnr went In Hint
Russia Took Her Orders.
Berlin, An.?. 25. Information has
been received that the spiedy with
diawal of the Russian fleet fiom In
iada was due to pressure of four
five powers who Jointly Infoimed the
czar thoy nro resolved not to tolerate
anything menacing Constantinople,
Anuria took tho initiative.
place this morning and brought back
wllh him four men who were arrested
charged with attempting lo steal a
lot of new clothes. Some time ago
clothes were missed by tho Fair Store
or this city, and theso are the men
who are also supposed to Iiavo takun
them. The men will bo given their
examination in a short time.
Commissioner Taft Will Sue
ceed to tho Portfolio of War
in January Next.
The Secretary Gives as a Leading
Reason That He Will Soon Be Im
mured on the Alaskan Boundary
Commission President Says He
Has Been a Valuable Adviser,
Oyster Hay, Aug. 25. Secretary
Hoot leaves tho wur olllre In January
next and Commissioner Taft succeed
him. Tills announcement was olllcl
ally made at Sagamore Hill today,
A letter was made public by tho
president today from Mr. Root, ten
dering his leslgiintlon, to take effect
upon the appointment and qualifica
tion of u successor He says the res
ignation Is nl this time because he Is
on tho eve of attending the Alaskan
boundary tribunal, where ho may bo
doomed to slay many mouths.
He adds, "I shall carry with mo
unabated loyalty lo your adminis
tration mid confidence In the sound,
conservative. uiiM-lllidincss of your
policy, and enduring gratitude for
tho kindness nnd consideration with
whluh your friendship has honored
me. I shall not cease to appreciate
the sympathy and loyalty lo .McKlnley
with which you took up his cares anil
cM-rlcd on his work, and I shall al
ways he happy lo have been a part
ol the ml mliilxt in t ion directed by
your slnci re and ruined ndliereuco
to light, and devotion to tho true In
terests of out country."
President Hoosct oil's reply says,
"It Is hard to accept your resignation
nnd 1 do so only with keen ornonnl
regiets and a lively understanding of
the gap your withdrawal creates in
public life. .My sense of personal loss
lb very gnat, yet the eeiiBo of loss
to tho nation as a whole Is grcmler."
He Iheu tevlews Hoot's work, giv
ing him ciedlt for valuable ersonat
advice on man) mailers outside of
the military depailment. It closes
with a statement regarding tho Alas
kan iHiundary question at the present
New Harvester Fulfills Every Calcu
lation of the Inventor.
Alex Mcltno has leturned from tho
harvest field, where he has been for
tho last two weeks trying his now
romblnid harvester Tho new ma
chine uolks perfectly, ami It Is tho
Intention of tho Inventor to put It on
the market for the coming season,
He will make both n 12 nod a 14-
foot machine, and Is sure of success
for the lenson that his machine does
better work with less power I lain any
other machine on tint market. It was
tried In nil kinds of grain, under nil
clrriimstances, ami ut all times ful
filled tho eipeclalloiiH or the owner
ami builder.
Miller Block Finished, But Work
Lags on the Church,
Tho Miller building at Athcuu will
be finished loday as far as the ma
son work Is concerned, ami then the
carpenter ami finishing work will be
rushed us fast us possible
The .Melhodlst church, which was
commenced befoio the oilier. In not
us far along, for the rcuxoii (hut the
material bus been slow In coming.
Tho church Is furnishing lis own
stone for tho conslriiclloii, and has
not secured It as fast us the masons
could put It up
Pete Bherldan's Spine Was Injured
by an Accident Yesterday,
Yesterday evening. while Peto
Sherldun was hauling water on the
W. W. Gillette runch nur this city,
tho wagon overturned, catching him
iidcnieulh and crushing him painful
ly. Ho was brought to the hospital
at this place, where Dr C. J Smith
examined his lnjiirli-s and found that
they were not of a very serious na
lino. Ills Kplne whs injured, and
while he will bo some I line In regain
ing his slrcngth, no serious results
ure anticipated from tho accident.