DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1106. CLAIRVOYANCE Fact or Falsehood? I,ct us speak, however, of clairvoy ants. 1 shall have to bo a little dogmatic here, and can only otter In excuse the fact that I have Hjient 12 years and expect to spend 20 more. In examining subjects. I'leasp consider the following points ns demonstrably true: Bvory clairvoyant possesses a mind that Is constantly and always liable to invasion from without, with or v,itSout his consent He sees because lie cannot help seeing. He does not m'c because he likes to do so, but be cause Images press upon him to which li i- rnmpelled to give expression and Interpretation. Hallucinations? Oh, maybe, maybe. It's as good a word as any. We call them hallucinations when they take the form of information which we can not test We call them telepathic waves when they take the form of lnforma- MM $ wrmv npuinw irrrrn $ 1 nLLnLI fHOniUn LLI ILII. that render uncertain the contour will be eliminated. The coat In question Is cut low nt the neck In V shape and finished with stitched bands or the same cloth. Smaller buttons than those used on New York, Aug. 22. The most ele- the skirt adorn either side or the front gnnt of the new gowns which like the ' and the shoulder straps show the linhllnr- lirnnk- Rifim ilpntlnml tn flnv same trimming. on forever, show some novel uses for j Many cute little school drosses are tucklng nnd the arrangements are so shown for children; some are oldorly, capacity 100 Acreo Per Day Re- charming that they will no doubt bo In their severe stltchlngs. but thoro . , . t Men 0 0perate t ...... ....i i.. n ...... i nr. foil- Mini nrn nnt ili'Rlcnnri for" H i--iiifiuj vu nil t;uii,i inn KUttim tiiuuv I " i, I of light weight fabrics. ' comfort rather than ror rashlonnblo Illue, which has enjoyed nlmost uu-. c"cct. precedented rnvor this year Is or- fectlvcly combined with cream An old rose voile trimmed with LARGEST COMBINE CALIFORNIA HAS MONSTER HARVESTER OF THE WORLD Traction Engine of 60-Horse Power Pulls It Weight 100 Tons, ini. cream lace Is pretty and may serve ' in the harvest fields it becomes lace . .i ..." i.iH i.nn , ! ,i.n, i... nr,,,ititt,i,i1 linrvnn. lor oesi wear. i uu hiii t mm uiht; iiiiia i t-ii i iiiui ihu I.. . t . I . . . til r,. I. 111 11 ri.'IlITIl IIHLIMII- I'lllllIllT 1II1W1I I III- skirt has the habit effect at the back I ",t''R around the bottom, tlireo more tor age Is dawning nm. wniio in uus wl h n voke n .Ml ml .lScn nnnUPd "'l'8' tmjn thrce row section the demand Is for snmller ma rucVfoniweS bi" b T,,c '"lm'a' "own 1,1 Cnllforla 11,0 !lon SchoVTnnXr group of tucks I " " thrcv tucks running round runs to machines of larger capacity, and so on. Above and below the 1 Bruto bolow he sal or co lar or , 3St ymir tlore wns operation knees ruffles or Cluny lace are nr-, 'n'- T,ll0r7 ls a a, okc r In the San Fernando valley or Call ranged transversely amiss the skirt ! ul " l'"'nsIK contrast Is sullied for fonlln tllL, mrg(J8t comblned hnrvestor The jointure Is effected nt the front i ' trimming by the addition of , ,hp worIll, with handsome lace bendlnc throtinh : l7om'n Kumt: " . '".uc? : . V it consists of n traction engine ea which narrow blue satin Is run am Uvves are muu tucheu an i sinrreu . hauling 75 tons and which finished with showers of ribbon for-1 "KW U11' u,uo :, .J.,L.i " i takes the place of BO horses: a hondor get-me-nots. The bodice has a deep irregular yoke or cream lure with sntln foun- Ilelow the yoke It Is tucked nt the back and sides while the front ls arranged In a wide double box-plait. The sleeve e the elbow; below tl Is poin tj ,c0 or 0 horses: a header I are arranged In the regulation , mnchne which cuts nt 3C-J gathered Into a cuff of tore. , d compluto threshing I Hon of a most personal and private ! datlon of the same color ... ...... .-"mi:. lilll UU1 )ill WlUUU WC can and do verify. We call them provisions or clair voyance when they relate to impend ing happenings. But whatever we call them, my dear sir. there Is one thing that you and I should be mutually grateful for. and that Is, that we are not clairvoy ants. We never shall be clairvoyants tocause they are born and nnt made. We are. therefore, safe. Such evidence as I have been able to collect Justifies the following as sertions: 1. Clairvoyance Is a fact 2. There Is a reason why clairvoy- mnchluc. they nun Something really serviceable 1b n t.l .,n...l..., lMn, uL-fet line n llnmi hem finished with a row or blue and . The header and threshing machine white silk braid. At the waist the , ore run by a separate .lO-horse-powor fulness Is plaited on a bolt of blue engine getting Its steam from the silk as the skirt fastens over the ; same miner us uu "'i"- Is a very graceful affair, tucked n i .,,,, UlcU,A wnlst thc pffect slum-; The drive wheels of the monster llftln r flirt uliniililiiii tnn ' . . . . 1 . .. n. - I rrlt t fnn t I. til. lime way ueiow tne sliouiuer, then u.,mi.rii.RK skirt An invlsl finished with a full puff which is I 1)lo 'band sewn to the inside of the gathered Into a Hose-fitting elbow i , s,lm,j,urt wIth buttonholes cu"- ' which fasten over buttons on the bolt Though the bloused effects are nf the waist not as pronounced as formerly, nil Novelties in Plaids. a7 i..;, ,7 hr,,. n " are smart, coming in combl ilnflneil wnlot lln., n.,lnr., ,.r l.... I nations of TUSSOt. red. bronze and strapped with taffeta, or of the dress ' "V" ST? b,U, lll,,LB 'i Z material If It be light and sllkv. are luTkB ,"r wl,',- Tw , ' extremely chic and rivalled onlv bv 1 '",,(" '? ropuiduced In silk or highl i the dainty capes of muslin and lan finished cloth for stitched bands and ants as a class are poor and unsuc-. -ri, i,.. . .... wither trimming cessful. ,".." . . 11 " " ' "l" " , White will l e fashionable tor eliild- and boulllonnees and the fulness ac- r,;n s ,ir,'" th"m,m ""' '", aml crulng therefrom permitted to fall to ! wln,Pr ScrKe- jTllltantlne. albatross Just about the bend of the elbow. aml v,,llt' ""V1,'1' materials to Usua lv Inc., lnK..r(l..n lc .Ilu.iouort n. 1 use lor scnuoi ureases uuiuupu m, the outer edge, though this is fre quently varied with arcorded frills ot plissc mousseline or a deep open work hem. 3. Clairvoyance is an undesirable gift. 4 Clairvoyance cannot be acquired by education: It is congenital. 5. Clairvoyance, meaning thereby the giving of correct information con cerning the Immedinte and remote future, is a buttress m the theory that man's life is foreordained and complete in Itself. It eliminates that which Is called chance or fortune, it establishes the fact that there must exist a record of what is aliout to happen, otherwise, there could be no clairvoyance. If clairvoyance, then, necessarily, there must be such a rec ord. It therefore establishes the in dividual man as being of some im- Effective Street Costumes. An effective street costume of shot voile has a loose plaited boloro bor dered at each front edge with nar row ruches, while the bolero Itself has the appearance of being nppllqued below a lace collar which opons over a plaited yoke piece of novelty silk. The sleeves are designed after the portance It is here in closest com- prevailing draped bishop pattern with munlon with the highest teachings of - wrinkled cuffs or creiK- de chine and Christianity. Inasmuch as it supports I a belt or the same material confines the theory that man. while a creature the waist. of free will, empowered to knock his , The skirt is a grateful affair with iieau aguinsi a wan ana spin nis siuy ! shirred sections between the can be denned with little trouble. ' The mother who would be prepared lor nn emergency would do well to keep in a convenient place, but out I of reach, a little oxalic acid, chlorl ' nated soda or lemon and salt for the , day that her little daughter comes 1 home well smeared with Ink or fruit stnins. While silk bruid Is the only trim ming permissible on white dresses for children. The blouse and sailor designs are dictated by common sonso and meet the requirements of Dame Fashion MAUDE GRIFFIN. traction engine are eight feet In di ameter, with tires -IS inches wide on which are ridges an Inch and n hair high It can average three and a half miles tn good grain. The thresher has a capacity of 100 acres a day. Higlit men nre employed on tho thresher. The grain Is threshed clean and finally carried to n bin from which It is sacked. When 12 sucks hove been filled they are allowed to slide off tho cart to the ground. huge machine will work equally well on level or hilly country, having biu- , 4. Ilclent power to tnke a 20 per cent , grade without difficulty. It is 00 feet 1 long, linlf as wide, nnd weighs more than inn tons. Oil Is used as fuel. This harvester has been successfully J used tor shelling pens and beans as . well as grain. ,, m ni. J A PopuW Price I - I 5C I 1 Sold Everywhere I I IHiHXftmll the World : is the imiimiSitT SMOKER'S PROTECTION This ; the: vtoblos BEST 'I 1 BISHOP OF QUINCY. Consecration Edward brains if he wants in do so. neverthe- and a joined border at the lower part less is yei 01 sutucient importance , The toilette is becominglv topped that his lire should be foreseen and j with a dark satin straw, "extending recorded from cradle to grave, and 1 well over the face but puckered at the ' therefore, reasonably beyond the back with rosettes of shaded satin grave, or why all this trouble about 1 ribbon. The crown is twisted in fan a J,a? ., , ciful design without the relief or so , C. Finally. I would submit that elair- much as a wing in the matter or ! voyants in virtue or the valuable evl- trimming. oence wnicn iney alone can lurnish or ! Taffeta which died We sell the greatest of blood puri fiers, Acker's Blood Elixir, under a nosltlve guarantee. It will cure all plaits 1 chronic and other blood poisons. If you have eruptions or sores on your body, or are pale, weak or run down, It Is just what you need. We refund money If you nre not satisfied. TO cents and $1.00 F. W. Schmidt & Co.. druggists. Hest shoe work at Teutsch's. For Rent. 1 have lemodeled the upstairs of the . 1 ia ' " H111V.U ui'.-u a iiiiKuruiK j ueaiuju uiuuk iuu iiiie auiuu ui iuu mc ucrira niKiiiucuuces hi me. snouiu 1 enough aeath early in the season has I nicest since rooms In the city. Call be cherished as honored wards of the . been taken up again with little less i and see them. state, and assisted to endure what is than a furore. The dull effects are j C C HEKKELEY. ... ..a ire.-,w a ii- mi melius pin iii me worn io excellent auvantage by wo lot In life 1 men In mourning, while the glace tar- It is a most gratifying thing to re- j fetas are developed into the sweet member that in your columns an est oi shoulder wraps and smartest opinion may be offered for examlna-' separate skirts. A "Stunning" Frock. A stunning frock for the "women in black" has a skirt gored over with fagotting down each i-eam In black silk. There is no suggestion of ful ness over the hips and the fagotting of Rev. Dr. Fawcett. Chicago. III. Aug. 24. There wns n notable gathering of the lending bish ops or the I'rotestnnt Episcopal church today when the Kev. Dr Ed ward Fawcett was consecrated bish op of Qulncy. In St. Ilnrtholeinew's church. Englewood. The coiisoerntor was Illsliop Ooorge F Seymour, of Springfield who wns assisted by a number of eminent church men. The ceremony was a solemn nnd Impres sive one and was witnessed by n crowd that filled the church edifice to overflowing. The Ut. Rev Edward Fawcett for several years has been rector of St Tln.l.!. l...l. ...! I.. inn iu'it;Mii-i n 111111:11 iinu m ii.'mu- 1 ed as one of the most learned of the - clergymen in I'lurnco. 10 is a na-1 tlve or Iowa, 38 years old and one or the youngest men ever honored by the eplscopnte in the Amerlcnn cntirch He studied theology at Northwestern University and early In his career held several pastorates in Chicago He was formerly a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. M IB f TRADE ,ij (RE5CENT3 1 Baking powdB BAKING POWDER ONi'. inrxiur. fi:NT itii ml lux L.tghtn in Baking 'M'ioiii? nit IlLTPaSPfl nmi. 1 -r- inn p... Its action 5 -Witipr 1 1 1 t't r-r-T-T-T-T-T-r-T-T-T ftsft T't'H ---.-..... ... it : Shields ran lion wiuoul tear mat tac views ex pressed will be dismissed with ridi cule, the first and last resort of the vulgar and Ill-informed. SYDNEY FLOWER, Publisher New Thought Magazine. Chicaco The above extract is self-exnlana-! ,B. fornietl n points above a deep tory. I am what I profess to be the 1 P'alted flounce which flares quite full world's greatest palmist, clairvoyant ove.r ttu' J1 nml 'Xte'"ls into a and mystic healer beyond the shadow ' tra'n at t?B ,,ack- of a doubt I am the most scientific "?vn ihu fron' "l e waist gath-; practicing psychic In the world todnv 1 -' Vd runJes t d" black crepe de , He. "The Polish Wonder." has read I f nin,e- fallinB ver n Nest of silk' more hands in the last IS years than ; bands and ,,lack sIlk fagotting. At all other palmists and clairvoyants I the walst ls a KlrclIe of tnrce "aniIs of combined, in the United States. The I 'he 8llk C0Inlne to a point in the Polish Wonder satisfies where others 1 back and 'oi'nB down into nothing fall, hence, his trade mark: "Satisiac- ?f tne fron,t- w;hert tne "ce tion or no charge." Is this not hon- i b'0" over it Tho sleeves are fag-, est? Could anything be fairer? Those i "u'!d to tne ulbow and "hlahed with 1 that are unsuccessful are made pros- a Bcrff;fi of "mM I""18 tnal ar! Kath perous and started on the road to ' ''ml lrito a w"istoand of embroidered 1 wealth. I crepe do chine piped top and bottom . Are you in trouble of any kinu? I wlt.h laret,a- , , , ' Discontented, unhappy or not satis-1 A f'nIc Ila,t' cn,Kf accompanies the fled with life, or have you any domes-: KOwn- and the ontire co8t can ,,c UuI' tlc or past troubles that annoy vou' ".cat;tl ln ono "f tho lustrous silks or I xvo matter wnat your troubles mav ' """""L '"i8 "i be you will bo told of them and re- i WP l""" the old Baby Mine Every mother feel a (,reat dread of the pain nnd danger uttendant upon the most critical period nf her tiff Unci a mother should be u gource of joy to all, hut the suiTcrin and danger incident to the ordeal makes it antidilution one of mikerv i. ...f . . . , motner s rriend is the only remedy which relieves women of the ineat pam and danger of maternity; this hour which is dreaded as' woman's cvereai inai is not only made painless, but all the danger is avoided by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions arc overcome, the system is made rendy for the coining event, and the serious accidents so common to the critical nour are ODViaica ay the use ot Another's aifvkW kvw T Friend. "It is worth its weight in gold, liBiii iitf5 Q. ays many who have used it. ?i.oo tier lflvlllvl J uuiiic 01 utuy nures. xjook containing i Taluable information of interest to all women, will r m 1 T be sent tn nnv nrlrlrc fr. r,nn llllillkill j .w ..w-w mvii ujj,iii.iiLiiit iu m m mm u a E IVIIU T It WRADF1ELD REGULATOR OO., Atlanta, Ga- celve proper advice. How to Overcome All Troubles. Your past and prosenr life and your entire future and everything can be told by consulting the Polish Wonder the eminent world's greatest palmist 1 style in the tiny pinked ruchlngs that cover it The long pointed ends are crossed In front and carried round to the back, -idlng at the waistline under a rosette Autumn Costume Models. few advance models for autumn aud clairvoyant, who Is tho greatest j hae appeared in the shops, but In u,oi..-i in ui-wim Bjieiice anu psyeme 1 tne majority of casus they are con forces the world has ever know. His ! fined to walking nnd outing costumes ' predictions are always correct and . Tho military is the predominating ef-' never fail to come true, as thousands feet for misses and Blender women; 1 Ql people will testify. natty Jackets and strapped models. ror the next even days the Polish : appeal to the needs of the sisterhood TVondcr will give a ttpef ial ut rate , with whom nature has been eenerous 1 ; A design that seems a compromise between a Russian blouse and Nor-; folk Jacket has the skirt mnde "side ' walk" length, and arranged in invert-1 ed box plaits. The front seams are I overlaid with broad straps of tiie ma-1 terlal closely stitched and finisned I with bu; smoked pearl buttons. ! The jacket Is belted ai the back anil sides much tho same as a Norfolk Jacket would be, but the front le plait-: ed and alightly curved to the figure like a blouse. With every season j Dame Fashion crows more aesthetic and from the outing suit to the negli gee in the stylos to come all effects of Jl.Ofi for reading!- This coupon and tt0 en titles the holder to a full life reading. Cut this out and bring It with you. ; Watch thih t-,;, . for delineation of the- reading 'and!ton cltizeaa. Offices at fiio .!.iln ir Stratum Lodcn.'K House, hom.. j. Hours, 10 8. m 10 H p m. SPOKANE, OCTOBER 5 to 1 3 TKNTH ANM AL INTERSTATE FAIR MORE THAN S3Q.OOO IN PREMIUMS sissssi sssi mmm naHMaasBBsaaMBam Greatest Attractions and Biggest Amusement Features Ever Secured AomerLTUiiAii kphiiiit stock show j-'ki it kaju MINING DEPARTMENT FINE AllT DISPLAY EIGHT DAYS RACING OVRH3IH) HOIIKEB ENTERED BIO EVENT EACH DAY SIO.OOO IN PURSES l-invti JPU'll Strftt I arnnal Lviry Ati;it, I ,iu,ir, and High Clan C trais Feature ;i. Sa,;.v, Hi SPECIAL LOW RATES ON ALL RAILRO ADS Conr-i.loD 1'rivJlrgesforgMle V nlef.ir Premium Lint H c. hiimmf.i. Em AMk A HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE SHOW Provides an evening of rare eni C. A I ..,LnLnn. fttn Mntt! UUUU, ticail, WIIUIUIUC iuii. Muiuj dull minute. MAIN STREET Near O. R. & N. Depot Admission, 20c Children, jjt On Its Merit Has the larce dtm: d Byers' Best Flow Been built up. Only the choicest wl.ea: that grows eniers to Byers Best Flour. It's jiutftctu'ti in I''" 'f l PENDLETON ROLLER Mill W. S. Byers, Proprietor. ilium urn i miuLLUjuiimn hiiiiith mriiimn " Have Your Water Pipes Ezamined and Repaired at :H Delay will lead to senou- First-clasi, work KuarautCM. . , BECKr the Reliable Pief Court street, gpposite the Goen Ru e Hole