East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 24, 1903, Image 5

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August Bargain Days
Sept 7
Many Important Changes in the In
terior Stone Building on Alta
Street Has Been Leased- and Will
Be Used as a Stock Room.
Shirt Waists, Wrappers, Skirts
Hosiery1 and 1000 other things
Bargains Everywhere
Dont mi s it
Comer Main aiul Alta
City Brevities
.. fruit dally at Martin's.
Frfsh ranch eggs at Kemlcr's.
tor be best bread, get Rohrraan's.
t h fish, game and poultry. Cas-
Fresh fruits at Kemler's.
See Sharp tor paper hanging.
See Sharp's artistic wall paper.
Smokers' supplies at Ncuman's.
Are you going to Lehman Springs
Oct your clothes cleaned at Jocr
ger's. Why don't you go to Lehman
I'aiited Machinist and moulder at
ih riove Foundry
dved dally, fresh ( tamales,
lbs and crawnsu m
Preferlda, tho best cigar inaae,
IJU'ts c gar sioru, mun
hnr let cigars get the best of you
Cei ne best of cigars. Hanlons.
,..... i..t nm rieht at prices tnat i irv me raim, zzi uouri
iiuur ...... - I , it , i.
.. ut .i nndor SMUrnuure store. iur uuis, mumes auu miiia
lit l v
Superintendent Charles J. Fergu
son, of the woolen mills, is having
some important changes made In tho
arrangement of tho mills and tho dis
position of the materials and ma
chinery. For sotne time it has boon
felt hy tho management that there
would soon have to be some change
In tho arrangement of tho depart
ments for tho reason that tho mill
was becoming so crowded with ma
chinery that there was no room to
move about. The finishing dopnrt
ment has been in the main room of
tho mill where the looms are, and
things were pretty badly mixed up.
In order to give more room In tho
mill and also to decronso tho nmqunt
of insurance necessary to carry on
tho structure. It was decided to move
the stock room, and with this end in
view the basement of tho Hyers'
warehouse, a large stono structure
on Alta street, has been lensed by i
tho management and will be used as
the stock room and shipping depart
ment for the Institution. All of the
stock will bo taken there as fast as
finished, and will from there be mnde
up for shipment. There tho samples i
will be kept, and in fact, all of the
sales department will he located
there. ' j
The' old slock room will be used ;
and equipped ns the trimming, bind
ing, trlnglng, brushing and folding I
department, nnd will be fitted up as I
such at once. In one end of this room 1
i will be placed n largo tablo nnd look
Shawl straps and book straps, f.c I ers lor tho use and convenience of
to '.oc. Nolf's the employes who bring their lunch
I New books arriving daily at Frn- wl" l',cm' '"J,1,"" 'w" the
ler's book store. f' an' 11 t,p M .hl '
I t) , , , ... , ,, .. person may want to put tho -will
I Buy a fountain pen this week at half jmV(, ug0 for
Price at Frazler's ; t,u, g ,,.,.
tendent will -be tilted as tlie omce 01
the designer and will open Into me
f imnorted and domestic , Tents, camp stoves, camp stools, ; Ilew ollice of tho superintendent,
,p- and clam chowder at Gratz's. ! etc.. at Itader's Furniture store. which will be placed on the Inclosed
lave fruit jars and fruit jar' troy sneer music 01 us anu uraw a
rubbers, covers, etc. It. Rohr- prize. Inland Empire Piano House.
At ana below cost an summer, mu
Uarlcs Lane about your paint-; ilnery. especially patterns,
. iirrr hanging: S07 Vincent Campbell.
norcli on the east side of tho build
ing. This porch will be celled and
Moored and papered, making room
Mrs ' for ll'e suirintendent and his ste
' i nographer, and all of tho records uf
his ollice.
i If you want a good tiatn, go to , ,,, ,.,,,, ,, ii
. come camping? f C Ra-1 Krassig & Sharp's new shop, C45 1 . all(, clciUu.,i ml,i re
n 'ools folding tables and .Main street. paired, and will bo In tho best possi-1 y
if . J.osi A iiuucu 01 Keys ai smuiu i smw when tne lime comes 101
arat n summer must be I Paik. Return to this office and re-, tllc mlls t0 open. Next week all or
are of That's the kind you , ceive reward. tho cards will be reclothed at a cost
H users. Alta street, opposite! for Rent A furnished house. En-1 of over $200, and when that Is done
Bank quire of Mrs. Guernsey, umce in
... . 1... n,..!.. l...tlr.l..
Srst lemmui ?Io manuoiin; sec- icbuiu mmS.
premium ?3 music wrapper, given i-or Kent uoou room, corner uiuiii
wih sheet music, iniauu, r.m- ana Alia. API") Krassig k. ouaipa,
Piano House, !0l Main. , new barber shop, C45 Main.
ibl'or- are always welcome at the , cew throughout; a good, clean,
s lee & Cold Storage plant Come smooth shave by competent barbers,
s'e for yourself how the ice is at Krassig & Sharp's, 043 Main.
ilf We are always pleased to snow ,i.i,iere,l ehateialne
bag on Main or Jackson street. Please
leave at County Recorder's ollice.
Estimates given on short notice on
nni- over tne n am auu rap
jrthing you may not understand.
Dont be always a.klnj; some
)iie for the right time, havea
reliable witch of yotirown. No
matter what your tsMe, vour
needs, your price, we can satisfy.
Prices, $1.25 to $ J 50.00
Xexl door to K Alexin
ibout all of the repairs will be finish
With the exception of ierlinps a
do.en all or the mill hands have been
away since the mills closed, at the
coast and the mountains and sptlngs,
and will return to their work tef resil
ed and In good condition for the long
run of the winter and spring. With
the increase in the room and the bet
ter ordering of the work that can be
done a sa result, the looms will be
nl.ln tn weave faster, and the hands
win theipforo make more for their
painting and paper hanging. Charles ,mt, aK t)lev ull wo,.k hy nu. piece,
Lane the pioneer painter, SO" Mu- ' J .
Music, 2 Balloon Ascensions, Races
KV15RY DAY is labor day now with our entire Ibrco roctiving now goods
in ovory lo;mrttmnt and getting ready to place bofore our patrons and tbu trade
tho BIGGEST and most complete stock of high class merchandise we have
over had.
We are now showing heavy Merccnied Marseilles guaranteed to wash, 33
inches wide at 37 I -2c to $(.00 per yard
The Celebrated Boulevard Velvets in AlctalPc Dots and Per
sian Effects at 75c to $1.00 per yard
New Designs in Flannelettes for Kimonas and Wrappers, this week 12 t-2c
In tho MIT D ICPA KTMKNT wo have Silk Down Pillows for cushions, all
sizes, new designs in them, it itched Doilies and Centre Pieces ami soft Pillow
Daily Arrivals of New Fall Waistings
It Pays to Trade at
The Peoples' Warehouse
Outfitters lot Women and Men.
.............-. ...............
Lane, the pin
'ent street.
I'nzes awarded when 150 tickets
are given out. Ticket with every 35c ( Next Friday Night a Match Between
sale of sheet music. Inland Umpire' Famous Wrestlers.
Piano House. Franl g Lewi8( 0f Pendleton, and
I ost On Main or Court streets, a ( chrls Person, of San Kranelbci will
Bold locket with a diamond set. Find-, meet In the opera house on the own
er will be liberally lowarueu uy -,, ,lg or rrmay nci, Vriliav nli:ht. So htomber 28.
401 Court street. . ono of tlie two men is me msm-i " '
the stionger, hy a wresuiiiK
' To the National Irrigation Congress,
Ogden, Utah, Sept, 15-18, 1903.
l-'or the above occasion, the (). it &
Wrestling Bout at the Opera House N .() ,,.,. ra(, or ..37,, lo (),;
RfDtember 28. den and return, or f. . 't l-11'
llulow Is tho portrait. In wrestling ,m. , Hl,,' 13i , nilt iMUvr .
costume, or rrnnu n. i."ii. mv m-
mous athlete, who will endeavor to
retain the title of Norlhwest cham
pion In a match with v.nrls Person,
of San Francisco, at tho opera house,
., tlie stioiiKer. hy a wrestling bout
You are luvltea 10 can a ' "; ,, of t,ie ,ncn . Well known In
grocery store tomonow and test tho j ,u u1 both )mvt. rec
celebrated M. J. 13. brands of teas and . a,thL4 mat ,,. eat.h will strive
coffee. Demonstrator will serve you ! us ,0Mllt 1P meetlng
with a retreshlng leverage. ! will he full of Interest and xcltc.
.... h.ii.t tnl.-e nrlv:intai:e of tile nw.tit
reduced rates to the coast, and this 1 person was for n long time tlie l a
is vour last chance, as the ticket will c.nt. coast champion, and tor three
not be on sale after August 25th, '03. yearb held the same honor In tin
Only $10 for the round trip ticket, Klondike. He is a. man that weighs
limited to September 30th. For iur- for i,H contests at 19V pounds, and
ther particulars call 011 or addioss F. I jB one of tho prettiest men physically
F Wamsley, Agent. that ever stepped onto a mat
I l.owls Is well known in this il
Lewiston Interstate Fair, Lewiston, whete he mot the "Terrible Tn
Idaho, October 26-31, '03. and gave him all of the excitement
From Pendleton to U-wlston and I he wanted for an evening, entertain
H-turn. ?7.2D "",,".,. i a, iso nounds and is
;i;tli to 301 li Inclusive.
vember 2d '"3-
The old reliable Log Cabin Soda Fountain U Fervinp
the purest and bpst of everything
nLUi tow-r.1 the Court I...u-e
f .1,0 ..n.veieat wrestlerB 11 the
business today. He has. during his
enrrer met t'00 men and Ihiown mo t
of them. He held the middleweight
championship until he outgrew the
weight .and was never beaten by a
' man of his 'lass while he held the
'"The go next Friday will be for a
I side purse of $100 and will be a god
' exhibition, as the men have met be
1 fore and each knows the work of the
other so that It will be a battle royal
will be a called cominunica
Hon of Pendleton Lodge No, 52 A K .
and A M . at Its temple. August 25tli 1
1903. at 7 30 p. m. Tho grand master
...ni 1 revn.it All M M ar re
, ouested to be present. Hy oi'hr
1 JOB H PAH1CBS, Sec'y.
I State Miners" Association Meeting.
Portland, Ore., September 7th 03
I one and a third faro for the round
I trip. Tickets on sale SepternlKT 4.
! 5 and 0.
Photographers' Association of Pacific
Salem. Oregon. September 2.1-.!
1'j0:i. One and a third fnre to l'oit
laud for tho round trip Tickets 011
sale September 20, 21, 22. (lood le
turning September 30th, '03, For fur
ther particulars, call tin or address V
V Wiiiusley agent
Many people are coining In with
the reiwiit that the wheat Is liettcr
limn they thought, large, plump
and line Many people are coining
111 Willi the leport that the shoes
sold at the big Huston Store mu
licm r 1 1 1 it 11 others nud lliey waul
some of them They nru large,
plump uml line It Is a fa t we do
i:iy the manufacturer more for a
shin In sell at n glen price than
ollin- uo and tbu we seture
grc u'er ulue Wu sell shoes at
a Iibh expense per (IoIIiu'k worth
Hum un other eouiern In the
dly and therefore wo inn afford
to hanutc such lines as tho Doug
Ins for men. (llorlu for wouien. and
lied School lliiuai for children
DoiiKluN is the largest mauuiae
Hirer of welt shoes to sell at $.1.
13 00 ami II In the world, and wo
eilalnly Have a represiiiiimivw
line 0110 that will astonish you.
The (lloilu t!im shoe lor woinon
pt Hit best slum at this prlco sold
Hit American public today. Wo
Hud each season un Increase of
tiiuU why is It? Merit 'hat con
linns buying opinion flood wear
combined Willi good looks mid
i-omfoit Oh vi-i., we must '
iivulooi, Hie lt"d H H. shoes
Tin , II' tho school boys and girls
Wi Imti liinili. for ach. I believe
Mm had l.elt.-r g. 1 the next pair
at Hie
Is a Leading Feature 5
of Our Store
National Encyclopedia 1.65
J. 1 L..ll.l.. ll,l.,.tl,. Ilia.
j tory of thu United Stuteti 1.05
Ut ...... .. . t 17
JOSKI'HUS uorapieto wormi
Nice Kdltlon $1.45
Large Slzo, Wolister's School
.;. ami Ollloo uiouonary, du
Wild Aulmsila I Hhvo Met, by
Syymoiir.Ileautlful Edition 1.10
Pi-eal Jont Koo8ovclt8 HookB
50o caolt
Tho Ladiea' New Medlcul
Uultlu $1.25
Sohonfeld Legal Forum and
Coinneudlum of Lawa, Sheep
I Skin Hludlpg. $1.'J0
Full Lliiool'Sohool Hooks and
School Supplies
Hear thin In mind when yoj
need iKiultry and stock supplies
mil nsv for Iho Internallotm
I'.mhrv ami Slock Food Uf
Kiw Kuru for your cow trt
C. F. Coleswort'
1 37.129 liaBt Alta Si
j Agent t
lor Lbb'b Lice