1 II DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1903, The Peoples Greatest Outfitter Ltitomn's Most Fetching i materials ADVANCED FALL SHOWING inew things for correct dresses will ho s. ., . , leek Clumps de'Eylsses Novelties, Z.beli, t? nd o" 1,'n the rouch materials w nr : , .. . 'uolP 7 r . , t"-iinmc wnue lor those vor the smooth finish, wool, Peau de Soie, T.ngree Panne E "dves win greet you Our ... b c uidrveis ot the weavers Sveiy market improvement has been seuched for the ind best Each importer with styles of importance will resented here. In selecting the fall line our one aim was the best and latest. Our experience this past season has us the markets choicest material found a much quicker THE IUSMI TRADE ALEXANDER'S DEPARTMENT STORE t 1 t 4 i 1 tIJOY A GOOD SMOKE ? tllla. Made at Home. Try Pendleton Boquet and Pride a. hmode, Maker. NEARLY FIVE MILLIONS IN GOLD IN PAST YEAR. Grand Total of Trade for the Year $41,881,323 Greatest Amount of Alaskan Traffic Passes Through Se attleSalmon Trade in the Lead. Heturns from th. l, .h. ..... " V t"'ms' o.,u lmlL usKn enjoyed a Brand total of $41.RS4,323 in com meree for the fiscal year 1903. A gen eral summary of the Alaska trad, for the year ended Juno 30. Is ns fol lows: Merchandise shipped from the United States to Alaska, $9,260,504; merchandise shipped from Alaska to the United States, $10,1&,220; gold and silver from the United States to Alaska, $104,35?; gold and silver from Alasfca to tlio United States, $4,- 54.57S; shipments ot foreign gold and silver from the United Slates to Alaska, $33,159; shipments or foreign cold and silver from Alaska to the United States, $10,779.5C7: shipments of foiclgn merchandise from Alaska to the United Slates, $39,819; domes tic cxnorts nf Alnebn 1 sec ,: .. elgn exports of Alaska. $23,493 Im ports of Alaska, $477,403. Of the morrOimntlcn cM,....,.l ........ It, llll tile United Stall's tn AtneLn .lnvl.,.. tue last fiscal year, $0,138,039 went through the l'uget sound customs ills- met. .-.iij;.o41 through San Francis- ro and $173,124 through Oregon. Something like thy same ratio cNt- vu inuiiaiiiy in tne shipments of Alas ka products to the Unlled States al though the government record ulves no enlightenment mi tlila nnlni The product of Alaska of greatest value last year was. of course, sal mon The caniiPil -culm from the territory to the United States aggregated $S.410 9.1l All the other fish products ot the territory amounted to about $770,000. Some of the other principal Hems were- Cop per. $100,599: fertilizers $lfi.S3S furs and fur skins, $423.(106: Iron and steel and manufactures thereof. $100,781. animal nIK $29,311; whalebone $115. 994. manufactures of wood $35,740, 1 manufactiues of wool. $22..rAO other! articles lint not all other articles. ' $122,809. llesides this mere hamlis-e. sold nnd sliver to the value of $1. 754. 57S were shipped from Alaska to j the Ui.ited States This gold and sil ver was produced In the territory He- , sides this there were shipments of j foreign gold and silver from AhiHkn amounting to $10,979,507. A great variety of articles com pose-! the binments frnm the ITnlleil Strifes tn Alol-., Tl,,. ...... i - .. ... ,.,ueII.u. , ,j imhu suir, J ; not Including gold and silver, was $9,- , 200.'.n4. distributed chiefly as follows: i t I j,xj.j,j..t.j,4.J. "inKlls $-0O.i-l3- bieadstuffs. $370, r 190. drugs and chemicals 1" I !iil7 : , t"M"H"H"l' I I I I I I 1 I -H"H- coal $250,117: coffee $43,951; manu factures of cotton. $18S.S82; eggs, $159,209: fish products. $42,078: fruits : and nuts. $2.H.15S: glass and glass ware. $35.080 ; gunpowder and other explosives. $27S.304: hay, $100,302 manufactures of rubber, $135,982; Iron and steel ami manufactures theieof $2'!l1i;"s. leather nnd manufactures. $1li.5"1. oils. $108,(150. provisions including meats and dairy producls JM9.773. salt. $5S,551 ; malt liquors $103,119- spirits. $230,007: wines, $21 231; sugar, molasses and confection cry. $153,353; manufactures of tin $120,310. tobacco, $311,440. vegeta Mcs. $355,542; manufactures of wood $092 814 manufactures or wool $34S MS r E GROUSE SEASON f t CIRCUS DAY BARGAINS haScusS 'teJhSS XSZri"' ?LS wi w-n, .o see from hats dov, n to shoes Onr r!rn. . " i , Ji"' . 1 v,;.f m,,,G V iW need here than ..nywhete eke. ' ' "wnvmcc yon that )ou can do better Opens Saturday, August the firs , and you will need a new gun and ammuni tion We have the finest line In the city of double barrel shotguns and repeat f rs Call and examine our line before purchasing, as we can save you money 1PS0N HARDWARE Co. lain St, Headquarters for fishing supplies CLOTHING Hoys' two-plcee suits, good woolen materials, sizes 1 toipo rn l' year 3Z.oU Hoys' suits, cotton mixed 1.75 toys' all wool serge suits, coat J on and pants, very dressy u.UU toys' all wool serge threo-pleco 1 Afk suits, good weight tUU Hoys' mixed color suits, tho 3 7C latest stle goods O.IO Men's dark woolen suits . . . . ,5.98 Men's One fancy worsted sults9.98 Men's fancy worsted suits, sllklft QQ mixed 'U,,0 .Men's black, all wool ClayQ Zf) worsted suits, all sites u,0 Men's line vlcl dress shoes .... 3.50 Ladies' Furnishings Ladies' shirt waists, all sum mer grades, at big reduction. Ladies' new fall waists, all grades from .. J .00-3.50 Ladles' dress nnd walking skirts, new ones Just arrived. eery description nnd price, fm J. 45-9.00 Children's dresses, all sizes nnd priies from . . 35c-2.00 All summer dress goods left will SHOES Men's tine cult shoes . . 2.75-3.00 Men's strong seamless shoes.. 2.25 Hoys' dress shoes, ithor calf !o.es.or..d:.,.,:nvy 1.85-2.00 Hoys' heavy shoes, made up ...::!,.,,out ,m ,w Hoys' satin calf shoes, good vv,nr ,i:,:nvy Hh,H,,, f,,r ,,ny 1.30.160 ladles' lino dress shoes 1.65-3.50 Ladles' (Words from lQ0"2lj0 Misses'" fine dress shoes 1,1 Misses' shoes for hard wc.ti .. Dress Goods All wool Albntros. im! wide. nil colors 50c All wool Ktninlnes, light colors, yard wide 50c New stylo whltu merrerlited wnlhtlngs . . . .25c50c Mixed suitings, great range ot pattern 50c75c be sold at ANY OLD PHICE. Tin alicni- prices an pood (ot all week, so if you come 111 duiiii!. s inn priif s ou would on Saturday. THE F M I The Place to Save Money tin we- k you will gel ti e hi HAVE YOU TRIED sraidl OF HCA OOPPP.R in one nnnnri ParkkPfiR i MOCHA COFFEE in one nonnd packaces ITeas, Extracts and Baking Powder Estray Notice. Theie is now at my place on Mead- ov. 1 reel,. Union county, one large sorrel work horse, in or 12 years old, , While stripe in face, with collar and saddle marks. Owner please come and get li 1 111 and pay the hill, A. II .Sl'NDIllLMAN. I Pilot Hock, Ore. Ladles' half soles 40c. Teutsch's. 1 Our GOLD LliAl-' SPKCIAITIKParc a'jsolutely pure and the UKST GOO I IS (HITAIN'-MU I. Getting "THE COLD lEAF BRAKft' ft Ml M MM MM M dKBKSMV IT1t t t t ! t 'DltT OHKUO.N .A XI) Inland Lakes Regatta. Oshkosh. Wis., Aug, 24.- The et I. f . . j . 1 ..........'.. . . . ... . rTTTTl III II J J ITT I I I I I I I I I TT T TTT T land Ammunition from a man tn the gun bnin A full tock of the annual regatta of the Inland Lakes Yachting Association has ar rived and Lake Winnebago is dotted with more lleet craft than ever befon In its history. Several hundred crarl' yachts are here as lepresentntivcs of llio fnl-lmiu finite lielntll'l nir tn tile 11U j f-oelHtlon which embraces In its mem- ncrsnip tile states ui Wisconsin, .11111 nesota. Michigan. Indiana, Illinois and Iowa The Oshkosh Yacht Club has made preparations on an elaborate scale for the entertainment of lln visitlnu yachtsmen and the week promises to be a gala one for lovers of aquatic sports f. STILLMAN, I iti if. MAIN' STKK1-.T O Bi'iJ.niM. Satisfaction GuaranUtd Can anyone suppose that we would double the necessary cost of our brewing without a ivital reason? Would we spend so much on I cleanliness ? Would wc cool the beer in plate glass rooms ? Would we filter all the air that touches it ? Would we age it (or months ? Would we sterilize every ' bottle ? DESPAIN & CLARK CONSUMERS WHOLE SALE GROCERY AND WHOLESALE COMMIS (SION MERCHANTS ;514-514 MAIN STREET' 1 Phone Main 1741 ! t t t 1 j Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. : 1 the TATE NORMAL SCHOOL MonmoulU, Ou-boii Training icheol tor facners louuim ranged orccMly lor twining ucli n f r all Iranchc ol the protenlou lion an prored nie'bo4 for cradert and nnirrartpl liaclieri, ir enevur ru,',. " training department ahieti t-ouiiiU ul a ulne grade public cuool uf about &0 put tin lng LIomI Mutl. liriwing and l by.ical training The M'rmut coursr tte bwi and nulckVil wy to i-Ut c.-rtificate. full term Speui septei ber Fur I'aialo. ue or j u forniiit'oi.ddrep K l ' K.-lf r. I rn Or J N W tie Si'i Spanish War Veterans. Hochester. .V Y.. Aug 24 Young men of military b.-.-iiini- am. ii'-'i in khaki uniforms ure much In evl dence about the streets and publb places of Rochester today. They ar the delegates to the annual stutc n union of SjianlBli-Amerlcan war vet erans. which was 1'oimally opened u, day The reunion Is to last mil" Thursday and the program arranged for the gathering Is uu Interesting one Campflres are to be held each cw-nlng with addresses by speaker of nole. COMMISSION CO. fAP'TAL AND SURPLUS, $300 000.00 ' -rk ld Miiineflnolis (inola! f T,'if best extensive tiriv.iu I unA B. E. KENNEDY, Mgr. ri i t:c-d ilirci't -t thi .'i-in n the world. oi in i 20 Court Street Will Reopen Their Meat Market. The Schwarg & fin uli' h Meat (' ..ill rei.ru. n llielr meat nun let at I 111 old sihiid on Main street near W'H wiih a firsi-clasH line of fn-.li mra' .Hied uieBls and sausage ul all I'll)-! on August 27th. Our mem will u if frlgerated, insuring palatable ,m Mholesome meat. Phone Main !M SCHWAKZ & tlitKI'l H'M Th'-re are no seeiots about U i 1 .chs of niaiiUlncturiUK I"' a1 ,!" ,( Ice & Cold Storf plant Come und sec how it In doue and you win ' that there i.-. no ammonia, ah oho) or anv other subriance whatever adib 'I to'ihe ni-.tllled water to aid m frewlng We do it to attain absolute purity to avoid the remotest possibility oi germs to make Scbliti Beer healthful. Why accept a com mon beer, brewed with out any of these pre cautions, when Schlitz Beer costs no more ? Your dealer may prefer to fur nish a beer that pays a little more profit ; but does it pay you to per- imit it? Isn't pure beer Schliti iUfcr worth asking for ? Atk fur tU Rrrwtry litUlinc. Phono 51 Main, H. Kopittke, 507 Main St., Pendleton We Don't Keep Everything But we do keep a good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic and Finish, In all grades. Also all kinds of Dimension Lumber, In cluding Lath and 8hingles. Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes Is complete, and iny one In need of Lumbar will not be wrong In placing their order with the : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. Wi A C. K. Depot Wc Can Mend It We have purchased the Withe llltycle and Itepalr Shop and ate piepured lo malio quick re pairs and guarantee our work. Wc repair bicycles, sewing ma. i bines ami other light machin ery, do brazing and other re pairing We nie agents for threo makes of wheels that hno met the test and proved llielr worth They are THE RACYCLE, THE HILLCLIMDER, and THE CRAWFORD. If you nrn going to buy a wheel, come around and look lit our whenls ln'fore ymi pur chute your wheel Gordon & Edmistcn 311 EAST COURT STREET. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT LET US FILL YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER Wc can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions ami m v c you money, DOORS WINDOWS Bin Mini; l-'ur I'""' cement, brick anil sand. Wood gutleis foi bains ind dm.'liiiic, a specially. THE OLD dutch henry Oregon Lumber Yard FEED YARD A,ta stM pp' Coorl Hoose Cor. West Alia und I.lllllli KIn. S. A. ALLOWAY HAS CHAHQE OF THE OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED iYARD, AND WOULD DE PLEADED I TO CARE FOR YOUR HOR8ES, I PLENTY OF STALLS, LARGE COR i RALS FOR LOOSE HOR8E8 AND j CATTLE. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. CHOP MILL IN CONNEC TION. 'PHONE MAIN 1331. UANTKI) AllVKIiriHKlia TO MAKK UK of thMie rlaMlUrd uiluniiu If juil kta '.riM-flilrirf yuii Imvi n iwt tw. ntttt t truln It fn. iikIiIii lint who S4tvr hj limy ha nut! ham no uw for littui ihlnn thnt yon msjr iim1 lu jour bimliiM Ymi limy Imvr itru jpr llit ;un limy wiih to trad for A cow or .-).! I iinlKdy nm rm ttw m-IiIcI Mml want ill home lai- or 'm wm.i t old j ruUnljly U Ui biwInMM WANTKD-VOUII llllhKMH KOR imwl ratdj, w(J41uj( lnrltstlii: Tlit Ft Ofctbiilitt. I 'HI II t lioDdrrd. li.N rtr euuratwl tUllluu. unhi wiib elltn, II SO; iJillloul tariU Ul til (um. If pr 5 I "4 . s.