East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 24, 1903, Image 2

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Boys washable suits to close out 50c sti'ts at 40c.
65c and 75c sti.ts at 50c
5i 00 suits at 75c.
Si. 25 suits at Si 00.
$6 00 man's outing suits at S5.00.
5l5 So men's summer suits at J 10.00.
517.50 inen.s summer suits at ft4 60.
Balance of straw hats at half price.
Golf shirts 50c to ?;-50
NeWsee sh?rs 50c to $2 50.
Summer underwear 25c 50c and 75c per garment.
Just Received Another Shipment of Belfast Mesh
L ncn Underwear
it ili. I?
a. n
M m W w i a7s-
One ! rice Clothiers.
The Hebrew population ot I.onlu
ha more than doubled during the i
lam 3t tears It is now estimated at
between 100,000 and lSO.OOO.
Italy and Spain hare the fewest
dwellings in proportion to their pop
ulation, of any civilised countries, and
the Argentine Republic the moat.
The Russian government gives a
golden medal to every couple that
celebrates Its golden or diamond .
wedding. last year 614 couples re
celved medals. ;
The publishers of Profeswor Rich
ard T. Ely "Outlines of Bctmomlcs"
have received a large order for the
l took from Japan, to be arirted ai the
Japanese language. 1
William Ainory. a New Yorker, has
several rooms of his residence paper
ed with United States bonds, intra-1
aically worthless now, but which
once had a face value of $900,000.
Picnacho. a email town near the
Colorado river, in California, was
struck by a hurricane a few days ago
and nearly destroyed. The wind was
a straight gale and came down a de
file in which the town is built.
BOa Wheeler Wilcox is fast getting
the reputation of being a "has been."
Moat critics and the general public
as well, are accumulating the convic
tion that her genius has burned out
and that she is trying to palm off hot
ashes for the d:rlne flame of poesy.
A Minneapolis man will open soon
a bank at Clatskasie the first in
Columbia county.
The Spiritualist rampmeeting at
Btna. Wash, is In session with an
nnttsually large attendance.
William at. Murray, the noted race
horse nan, died at Salem the 21st.
of typhoid fever, aged 46 years.
The I'eanoyers. lumbermen, own
lOO.OOO.OOe of standing timber near
Oroftno. Idaho, within reach of one
Mrs. Beatrice Dorsey. a god &5, at
Kelhi:;g, Idaho, died suddenly Satur
day last after eating heartily of
William Kteeman. of Portland, was
drowned at Newport while surf bath
ing, the 21st. The body was recover
ed the nest day.
Eight thousand pound of cheese
wore sent in one shipment on the
21fit front Troutdale to Portland, to
be put in cold storage.
The Aurora Electric Light Compa
ny, organised but a year ago, Satur
dav last increased its capitalisation
from 1 10,000 to S75.000.
Five miles of the only standard
gauge railroad ever built in Alaska
is in operation between the mouth
of Solomon river aud Council City
The remains or 20 soldiers who
were killed 85 years ago in the bat
tie of Buar Paw. in Montana, weie
exhumed last week and relnterred at
Fort Assiniboine.
The laun!r work-rv of Spukun-ar-
expected to strike September I
en mawti' at 'ii- .,opri"to- sa
w.M not pav . wages whir-u 'Ik
uliol vi V u-mair after 'ha da'i
Pacific iron Works
Foundry, Machine
I ii nsii i ill i 111 i i 1 1 msnri rsmn
and Blacksmith ShP
Struclural iron, Cast Columns, Etc.
Carry in stock Steel Beams,
Angles and Channels. Bolls and
Rod5. All kinds of
Repair Work Attended to Promptly
Fast End Durnside St. Bridge, Portland.
' -
Furnishers and Ha ters t
Hotel Pendleton.
I. Wilson. Spokane.
Thomas Nestor. Portland.
A Xylaader. 1'ortland.
T. Muelkhaupt. Portland.
W. H. Mcintosh, Portlnnd.
C. E Dickey. Portland.
Mrs. Ben Murphy. Seattle.
Charles Bond. city.
W H. Colwell. Arlington.
U R. Glint, San Francisco.
O. S Yonngman. Portland.
E. B Canon. Portland.
H. W. Cameron. Spokane.
C. C. Simpson, Portland.
Mrs. C. E. Roosevelt, city.
Miss H. Storie. Walla Walla.
P. A. I-ockwood. Portland.
T. Muelhaupp. Portland.
J. H. Kloeckner. I'ortlnnd.
Abe O. Howard, Portlaud.
R. H. Caston. Spokane.
J. T. Milcher. Starl.urk.
C. T. Bean. city.
Eugene Pansitn. Walla Walla.
Fred Burbedge. Spokane.
Golden Rule Hotel.
C. I.. Cheney, city.
Martha Daniels. Palmyra.
H. A. Thornton. Wallace.
C. Ghrenberg and family. Wallace.
Mis Roberts. Milton.
A. A. Wilder, Portland.
G. W. Billington. Hatton.
J. Jarobson. Centerville.
E. Sullivan. Baker City.
M. Parent. Denver.
C. M. Johnson aud wife. Chicago. .
H. G. Hartman. Chicago.
Harry Brooks. Portland.
J. E. Miller. Portland.
Lewis Lee. Portland.
P. B. Young. Portland.
Mrs. C. W. Mumford, Wallowa.
II. Schulx. Novata.
George A. Seibold. Minx.
Mrs. Baker. Meacham.
Mrs. K. Cook. city.
Mrs. S. Rhodes, city.
M. A. Crosby. Washington.
J. O. Woolard and wife, I-o Aage-
H. C Stockwell. Los nceles.
F. C. Wise. Donglai.
Mrs. F. C. Wise. Douglas.
Bert Wright. Nye.
George D. Goodhue. Portland.
F. J. Gardner. Portland.
T. J. Thompson. Milton.
T. B. Slmonton. Milton.
Doug Glynn, city.
H. Wright. Nye.
E. L. Cheney, city.
J. C Thompson, city.
E. D. Glenholm, city.
E. D. Glenholm. Spokane.
C. Emll. Denver.
J. Emil. Denver
William Archby. Stockwell.
J S Cunningham. Portland.
Brin or 01110, C:tt or toltoo i
Lrc Cocstt. 1
Trenk 1. Cbener make o.tti tht beltbe
doinit tm.itwM in tbe city of To.oito. coantx
sua iUite utorwild. nd th.t iMd tirm will puj
ieaiLolOn Hundred pollnni torcch and
every ee ot Caurrh that cannotbe cured br
theu nt llall'n Catarrh Cure.
Bworn to before me and nUeribed In mj
nrwenre tbl th day of Ixrember, A.
' isai , " 1SS" a. W OLKABOS,
Notary lubllc
Hall's Catarrh 'oe l taken Internally and 1
art directly on the blood and mnetumurfacet
of the intern fiend fir tetlmonlaI. fre.
K J t'HES":V i. CO., Toledo. Ohio.
Sold bydrcic!t,TV:
Ha!"t Familj M'U are the tt.
Over SS00.030 More Money Than From
Any Other State Turned Into Na
tional Treasury by Oregon Wash
ington Receipts Doubled.
A complete statement or money re
ceived from Hie disposal of public
lands in the United Stntes for the
fiscal year ended June 30. 1S0S, shows
that Oregon turned Into the federal
treasury ptactieally $SO0.OO0 more
than any other state in the Union.
North Dakota, which was Brst last
year, takes second place. Tne to
states respectively contributed $2.
tH5.a:fi and S1.819.SS6.
These enormous aggregates oi oib
receipts are accounted for by the
l-recedented activity on the pan of
timber entiymen. the land office re
porting that never before in the his
tory if the far West have timber
lands been taken up so readily as
during the past 12 months, and this
notwithstanding extra precautions
are taken to head off operations of
speculative entrymen.
In both Washington and Idaho
there was a great boom In publ.c
land business during the year, but on
a lesser scale than in Oregon. These
two states show marked gains in the
number of entries and amount of
lands entered as compared with 1&02.
and even greater Increases In the
amounts derived from sales of lands.
In tees and commissions. Washing
ton more than doubled Its receipts of
the preceding year. There were 14.
0S6 entries made in AVashlngton un
der the several laws during the year
embracing 1.410.157 acres, as against
11.500 entries, embracing 1,260.112
acres in 1S02. Last year the amount
collected in Washington from sales
fees and commissions was Jl.l'.M 71tl.
as aeainat f592.S13 in l&Oi.
In Idaho M73 entries were made
last year, covering 700.172 acres, as
against 7.139 entries, embracing f-Tl
327 acres In the preceding year. The
aggregate amount derived from the
disposal of public lands was $7'C.;"!'
or nearly double the receipts ot a ear
ago, J33fi.0C2.
Washington contributed the thiid
largest amount to the reclamation
fund last year, approximately
000, which makes iu total centrum
twn to date nearly $l.80.0. Idaho
now has contributed about Jl.lmi.miii
exact figures not being available until
coats of conducting the land office and
the a per cent for educational pur
poses are deducted.
There has been but slight incr-av
in the land business in Alaska. onlj
102 entries, covering 1,723 acres. !
lag reported. This Is an Increase 01
44 entries and 3S3 acres over the pre
ceding year. Up to the close of the
peat fiscal year there had been 110
opiiortunity to observe the working
of the Alaskan homestead and o'hir
land lawa pasted by the last h-kmih.
of congress.
Britishers Touring Canada.
Montreal. Qu.. Aug 24 -The Ur
ish delegates who attended the om
ference last week of the chamlieri. o:
commerce of the empire li ft Montr u
today on an extended tour of the Do
minion. The party will travel lo.oon
miles and will visit in the order
named, the following places' Onta
rio. Manitoba, the Northwest Territo
ries. British Columbia. Quebec. New
Brunswick and Nova Scotia The
primary' object of the trip is to bet
ter acquaint the visitors from England
ulsewhere with the unbounded re
sources of the Dominion.
Suicide Prevented.
The startling announcement 'hat
a preventative of miclde had iie'n
discovered wl'! in.eri!t -.: my. run
down system, or despondency Invari
ably precede suicide and something
has' been found that will prevent that
condition which makes suicido likely.
At the first thought of self-destruction
take Electric Bitters. It being a
great toni- and nervine will strength
en the nerves and build up the sys
tem It's also a great stomach, liver
and kidney regulator Only Gc.
Si tista' tion guaranteed by Talltnan
K t'n druggists.
Health and Pleasure.
When one goes to Lenman Springs
there Is every assurance that not only
will one's health be benefited by the
pure, bracing mountain air and bath
ing to be enjoyed there, but also
wli.le gaining health one can enjoy
a great variety of pleasure ranging
from hunting and Ashing to bowling
and gon. C R. Dutton has stistnlucd
bis reputation as a capable host by
the manner in which he Is providing
for the comfort and pleasure of his
Put an End to it All.
t 1 ....... i . .... tl ftflllma ....... nB
i ii i uuo nun uii.iitiu turnup no
a result of unbearable pain from over
taxed organs. Dizziness, backache,
liver complaint and constipation. But
thanks to Dr. King's Now Life Pills,
they put an end to It all. They are
gentle, but thorough. Try them.
Only 25c. Guaranteed by Tallman &
C'o's drug store.
Hay Press for Sale.
It. J Uoddy, the butcher at Athena,
has a No. 1 hay press, full circle,
practically new, which he will trade
for cattle or hogs. Address R. J.
Boddy, Athena, Oregon.
The World's Greatest Cure for tho
Liquor and Tobacco Habits.
We nro speaking truthfully when
we make the statement that n fnlluro
to obtain a cure with Trlh Is tho fault
or the person taking It nml not tho
fault of the remedy. There arc some
who lapse; this fact cannot be denied
y any truthful nilvortlsor. but In no
instance will a patient say that they
roll because of tho craving or liquor
or tobacco And there neer has been
and never will be a ense leglstered
where n patlunt has been cured of
the liquor habit that his health 1ms
not beeti much Improved. Instead or
being entirely wrecked, ns In many
cases or much advertised treatments
for the liquor habit. This fact is
worth your especial attention Again
a person who takes Trib Is 1 tired,
then If he lapses he is only one who
would part easily with the great
moral, religious or physical benefits
or life in exchange for the world's
so-called pleasures, and It is our be
lief that he should be cared tor and
fnrulslied ns an example ror others
Not all who lapse are in this class
but Uie greater tnajorlu of them are
lie may fall through over-confidi nee.
thinking he can Indulge with modern
tion, an act that can hardly be ex
cused. Others b accident or l tiiedi
clnes used that contain u lain per
cent of alcohol. This class 1- etiti'le I
to much consideration ird !ioul I 11'
once commence another tiv 'i 1 -nt l
Trib. Bui auyoue. who after a cure
with Trib. deliberatelx commences
the use or tobacco ir liquot. torfe 1 .
all confidence totbe publicand i onlv
to be pitied. We do di..: ns
patients the class who on! Hike Trib
to sober np and please .he ple.i I :is
of some dear friend an 1 legan n.eir
confidence until they secure -.onie ;er
sonal gain. Trib does not change In
liorn dispositions, but in so far as the
normal nature has been led t ali o
he! and tobacco using. Trib b re
storing the brain to its normal e.'ii
!'tirc. also restore t!. ilw'r '.or
those ihings. which experience has
taught us. are healthful, good and
ltHT. and embrace a full appella
tion of the dutii-h and resiKin-itnlities
of life.
Price per treatment tZ'" For
sale by all drngais's
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This qutTti':i :. :Ie f.-
t very day. Liiv.t . r. t'.-Uay. '! .
a delicious p.
pared in two :
bokics! a'.' !.
eooL riav- -oerrv
an'l S-
: your jto, .
Abiolure Purity, Fines! Flavor,
Creates! Sf ralh, PeMoic.b!t fnces
Suffered Eight Alonths
I can heartily recommend Acker's !
Tablets 'or dyspepsia and stomach
troubles i huc been suffering for,
eight months and tried many retne-.
dies without relief, uutll I got Acker's '
Dyspepsia Tablets, which I used only .
a short time and am now perfectly i
well. Thanking you for the tpeedy i
recovery, I am gratefully yours. Fran-!
els I. Qannor, Vancouver, 'ash. Send
to W. H. Hooker & Co., BufTalo. K j
V., for a free trial package. (Nothing I
like them.) P. W. Schmidt & Co.,
How to Join and Get Quick Results j
at Small Cost. '
Why not Join our union of piano 1
purchasers and have a hundred lol '
lars? You can do it and we can help;
you. Tint, is how It is done: We can ,
uell afford to sell ten or more pianos I
cheaper than one. so have organized I
a union of ten memliers. You Join
and pay 1 10.00 down und 1 10.00 a
tnuntb, the piano is yours. Now hero
Is the best part of it. Every time a
new member Joins the price of your
Instrument depreciates In price 10:
in other words, when the union is
filled every member gets his liintiu
ment flOj loss than regulur price,
for example, a regular $300.00 Instru
ment can be had for $200.00 by
joining the union. Don't delay tak
ing advatitage of this great opportu
nity, as It will only last a fow wceUs
of the dull season. This, combined
with our easy payment plan and ex
change contract makes It possible
for everyone '.o have an instrument,
Therkelseu'B Piano House, 315 E.
Court street. Everything musical.
Famous the World
Over Fully Matured.
Sold Evcrthihere.
the Crowd
Any of these warm even
ings and you wi 1 firij
them at
A'Ur trjing oursoda nt
will rcadih understand
why thc ail come here
They say our ice cream
is the richtst - our gin
ger ale the snappiest
our egg drinks just right.
Foncy drinks well, the
mere names wii! make
your mouth water. The
reason is simple we use
nothing at our fountain
but the very best, and
our fountain man has
made a life study of the
business and kpows '.-t
' Have u tru-il tin ' lk'ir:hi
made l'cn.'.itt.'ii l.uiKiii'-'
Ouv Root Beer
F. W. Schmidt's
The Rt-liable Drnggisi
I , ' '! 1 - Ml f
We Have Them
ml TWMPailUllllll
Oi,. nt-d. appe'ung and
la:nt) :auU:- ih;s hot weather
Where will you find anything
daintier or that you can rel.sh
more than our Queen Olives,
Heinz'- Jams. Russian Caviar
lud and Canned Meats
What do ou drink? If vu
like a hot drink for breakfast
tr our celebrated "M. J 11.
iollla aud Java coffee.
Some cool drink for lunch'
Iced tea Is au old standby hot
We have some spieuuid
!'rands. English Breakfast Gun- u
powder. Sp.der Leg noting My
son s hil'.mi: and other
. racJs
(K..gti Portland
Saint Helens Hall
Home and Day School for
giris of all ages Academic
and College Preparatory courses
as well as thorough Primary
instruction. Ideal situation on
the outskirts f city of lot'
lund Basket ball. tennis,
horseback riding. Year I.ouk
sent on application.
Before deeid.ug where to s 10
school, examine a
cutalosue tar the coming year .
l.ulldiug aud equipment. DC.
agemont. and a faculty ot Pc
ed teachers. Special arrangemeu
for music students and for the c
ful oversight of all students . from.
of town. All grades oi ge
work thoroughly done. Our ccm,
preparatory worn is y0ral
best colleges East d
and social advantages the
.p i.i.,o sontpmber H. J5"1'
I I I lit UVftiuo l - " ;
STATU IN lvt i
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and 1.
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Whv km..-
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flnY Time
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No it t-
have vour !
wall cacer i
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:o or acnan
let ut show ft
vou what it i
whole houses!
E. I.
. r,
never t,
msslble. W XTs
Hf ttte H
machine; .kJ
ine bolts- 1
war Set '5"J