East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 24, 1903, Image 1

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J l your re-lienc
nine" by carrier at
Eastern Oregon Weather
15c A WEEK.
i Tonight cloudy . wnrmer Tues
f day, probably showers.
lave Fallen Into
re Levying on
icred the Bulgarian
ur Villages and Are
ye Butchered All the
hlldren In Twenty-
24. TUg Neufrcl
Its that the Bulgari
the crnntnr ...
i i. V 1 1 ult sess on, open
ng about Saturday's close with very
light trade, closing steady.
T.h0 Etock niarlct opened
flnn. S? S"Shtly l0WCr quota
tions than Saturday's close. MOP.
nli! and.Mt'T developed early weak
ness, selling off about a dollar a
lrt, Canadlan Pacific was steady,
Si atr;fr fa buying advanced
about a dollar over Saturday's close.
The whole markot, however, suffered
from poor business and lack ot Inter-
Chicago, Aug. 24.
vvneat Opening.
Sept 80 ft
Do 81
SPpt 51
Minneapolis, Aug. 24.
Wheat Opening.
Sent 815,,
Dc 79U
Chicago Wheat.
.Chft',CfB0,JAuF' 2 ---Wheat opened
at 80 and closed the same.
Was a Nominal Failure and the Firm '
is Reinstated. ;
New York, Aug. 24. The failure of :
Edgar ttugensen was nnnnnni.i iln. !
the Urguas gov-1 n. "le pilng of the Stock Exchange ;
Provisions ruled dull
SO 14
Sdvo Your Money and Don't
Locate Land on Government
Preliminary Surveys
I his Point Has Every Natural
Opportunity and Great Need
as Well.
Not Possible to Tell at This Time
Where Any Government Works
Will Be Everything is In an Ex-!
perlmental Stage Official State- i
ments Vs. Promoters' Windy Ad-1
Estimated That 1,000 Cows Are Avail
able In the County Pendleton Im
ports Nearly All Her Butter Best
Location in Inland Emplrt. Send In
the Number of Cows You Can Milk.
A movement is now on foot to os-
and destroyed them ! thl.s
time later It was announce
;c ; Washington. Aug. 24.-TI10 first an-1 ?,,1,8h fl ,Ttt m'ry. 1,1 m dt-'- "1,d
'nual renort of the arid land roclnma- i H !l , sultal,1' ooat,lcm for l" l,,at
d . Hon of the geological survov min v 1 !'an ,JL' stcl'rd and n sulllcicnt mini- j
It la tho Intention to establish
cronm Rtatlous nt each of those
points, at which tho supply from the
surrounding country cau bo collected
and from thence shipped by rail to
this city.
Definite figures will l.n cli 011 mil
later, and tho capacity of the plant,
tho price to l paid for butter fat.
tho number of cows needed for Its
maintenance and all tho details will
be published when It has been deter
mined that tho demand for such nn
Industry, the certainty of cronm sup
ply and transportation rates Justify
Its final establishment.
In tho meantime, all the citizens of
Umatilla county, tributary to any of
the points named above, having any
number of milk cows available for
supplying separated cronm, are Invit
ed lo write this office, giving tho
number of cows and the length of
time during which they would bo
milked each year, provided such nn
Industry were established In Pontile-ton.
Oklahoma Politician Dies.
Hono. Ok.. Aug. 21. A. C Clovo-
lnnd, of Ely, Whlto Pino county, died
yesterday. Ho was 0110 of tho most
prominent citizens nud politicians in
the state. I lo wns an ox-congressman
and republican candidate for gover
nor nt the last election.
kA report reached
urkish troops had
women and child-
the districts of
in Macedonia,
-The villages of
rmesko, near Flo-
nlmrded and their
annihilated. At
garlans were re
I killed The wo-
escaped In the
ngagement at Os-
that the previous statemem , h P 1 W0T1T. 7. ,. h,.miuIc.
I ' folium nr V : 1. .' "v"v"- 's in rnargc or. 11.
lent; red the prov-1 'a""r.e ' ?' season was duo to an , has, been completed and soon will be
European Turkey,1,"" "l " " assignment nau uiaae ptitine. It appears that work
utions from 20 vll-1 l)Cen cancelled and Jorgensen remains ; has been carried on In the different
r the eyes of the 1 ? nx-muer of the Stock Exchange ami localities In the various state and
oned In the Inlada ! ln gl1 stnndinB. territories as follows:
un bnlt and Gila rivers In Arizona:
on Colorado river. In California: 011
North I'latte. Gunnison and Grand
livers, in Colorado: on Snake river,
in Idaho; 0n tho deep well problems
of Western Kansas; on Milk river, in
-Montana: on the artesian well prob
abilities or Western Nebraska; on
Carson and Truckee rivers In Neva-
(in .... ..tnnt- . ..... .
of the American clergy within a year, ftar riven in
, Utah; on Yakima river, in Washing
STRIKE IS OFF. ,1011; around Lake DeSmet and also
: on Sweetwater river. In Wyoming.
Miners At each of tho places where sys
, tematlc work has been conducted
ti,b ' preliminary temporary withdrawals
1 tIe .. ..1.11- 1 . ...
Pope Pius Would Institute a New
Philippine Policy.
Home. Aug. 24 The pope in an
interview with Ilishop Hcndrlck, of
Cebu, today said he desired the Phil
ippines to be entirely In the hands
Demands of the Vancouver
Are Withdrawn.
Vntif-niivrir 11 n Ami-
Komltajis were ' miners have' withdrawn their'demnnd "f ,l,w,p la"?s have been made, but
i-ciiinrled. fr,.- ohr,,-ior i,oo i 1 '"o ureas wlilcli may lie recla nied
!ght near Okrida the Marble Hoy mines, owned by the 'u'.'"1'"ca,,e(l onl' 1,1 a Kcneral way
Kineu. An im- Tacoma Stee C'omnany. Organ zer " . a"""K:
proceeding near ' Baker, of th Amerlran Ke.lerntion ' commenting on tho effect of these
andant there do- has censured the local union and
ints. Twelve bat- caused the dismissal of Secretarv
for Fiorina from Lawser. who Instigated the strike.
by Coe Commls-
E, Kennedy. Lo
ng. 24. Wheat ;
higher than
dodern Miller was
comment on Tex-
It says: "The
estimated and the
not to exceed ,
withdiawals. the report says
"The Impossibility of stating In ad
, vance what lands will ultimately be
recommended for reclamation will re
1 suit in great disappointment to many
persons. The fact that tho lands
have been temporarily set aside is In
the eyes of many an indication that
the.se lands will be reclaimed, and al
though every attempt has been made
to warn Individuals of the futility of
filing upon these lands under the
homestead law. they persist ln taking
Grows Out of Alleged Plot of Employ. 1 up the land on the bare possibility
i--i-rn , ni-r,int he ' that the surveys and examinations
Union Fights
This Morning.
and Small Riotc
will ultimately show It to bo reclalm-
bor of cows pledged in the countv
the Industry is assured.
Parties having the capital and ex
perience necossaiy lor the establish
ment and operation of such a busi
ness are now quietly looking over
the situation and hope lo dud condi
tions favorable.
Tho first requirement tiint must be
looked into thoroughly. Is the number
of nvallablo milk cows that can be
secured for the cream supply. In all
parts of the county are found small
herds of excellent cows, especially in
tile Ukiah and Alba districts, on Wes
ton mountain and Hutter creek.
At all the towns along tho Wnlla
Walla branch of tho O. It. & N. nro
to bo lomid large numbers of first
class milk cows, scattered among the
farmers nnd from close estimates now
made there ale at least S00 to 1.000
cows in the county available for
cream supply.
This number is widely scattered
nnd most of the cream supply would
have to be shipped from central sta
tions on the different linos or rail
road to tills city.
In the Butter Creek country tribu
tary to Echo, it is estimated that SG0
cows can be hocurod, tho cieam sup
ply to be delivered at a central sta
tion nt Kcho and from there shipped
to Pendleton to tho creamery.
On Weston mountain, on the Uma
tilla river near Bingham Springs,
and on Meacham creek, near North
Fork, where range and water are
found in abundance, are some of the
best locations for milk ranches In tho
West, and It Is tho desire of tho pro
moters to cucnuragt.. men with small
capital to locate on these mountain
Will Return to Stage.
Now York, Aug. 21 - Mabel McKln
ley Baer, who was forced to abandon
her theatrical engagement on ac
count of ill health, Is recovering, llor
last engagement was at San Francisco.
Visiting the President.
Oystor Hay. Aug. 21. (ioumior
Murphy, of New Jersey, nnd Senators
Keene and Dryden my visiting Pres
ident Hoosevelt today.
Or tho Thirteen Escapes From
Folsom Penitentiary Seven
Are Still at Large.
Believed That Miller, Who Was
Wounded, Has Crawled Into Some
Obscure Place to Die No Trace of
the Whereabouts of Seven Convicts
Is Now Known.
Hono. Aug. 2 1. -Convict Woods has
just been captured hero by Chief of
Police l.eopor and Deputy Woods. I lo
was In n barber shop getting snnved,
having unlvod In Hono last night.
Tho olllccrs got tho drop on the es
cape ami took til in without firing n
Scout Craig, of Davlsvllle, (Jul, fol
lowed tho oMruptM from California,
and at one time was within DO yards
nt them. Ho Informed tho lU'iio of
ficers nud was tho means of taking
Murphy. It is believed Miller has
been badly wounded.
Murphy showed great familiarity
Willi Ibo Vlcillltv nf ltnnn mill u-linii
Russian Warships. pursued, led the oiilcerH n most ho
st. Petersburg, Aug. 21. Three . wllderlng chase. Ho was unarmed.
warships will l,e launched nt tho gov-. Having cached Ills weapon to uvold
Plili.ni-n Anrr !4 Tlin waiters and
p this morning j cooks in 200 restaurants, controlled
ui mm over uie i,v the (-. h caco Restaurant Keepers'
able. It is an unfortunate condition, K,,.,n,nK .), minimer months, for
wlilcli apparently can mil oe correct
. or at present."
Iry, heavy showers
(tnd Western Mln-
unfavorable con-
Bg. Under these
lopened cent
up one cent over
Around these
Dnslderable wheat
blch could not be
ylng orders in tho
the cash wheat
Indifferences on
erg and heavy re-
depressing intlu-
lowever, the ex-
Ipts do not mater-
Ring so effectually
Ight easily be res-
ith prospects of
tho Northwest
riends not to get
situation, as it Is
Pe close observer
Uionds more read
I than to the bear
ds are reported
Lolirko so far to
la better feeling,
ti'' market has
pt trom tho low
t-i t lower.
fy with wheat,
lili'hor than
the weather, the
nro tight out
pn onto the mar
king being of a
Prices rllri lull
nsldurably below
'er'ns later in
Tiv rr soemed
f r Cpntm-nil In
wav or another.
P'er ionl- lit iii
I8 nogs today
rC t'trrinc- l r.
Association, were called out ai t, in is Brtish capitalists Will Make Paper
morning u,v u iicciit wouvi, u4,o
morning, when the unions claim to I
have discovered a plot to disrupt the! Vnucouver, B, C, Aug. 24. J. J.
unions. i Palmer, of Toronto, Colonel Mollis,
Several small riots occurred this I the Scottish millionaire, and John
morning when the business agents ' Yule, or London, have Just returned
attempted to enter tho restaurants to from Princess lloyal Island, where
notify the men to go out. In one they took up 80,000 acres of bpruco
Kohisaat place a tight resulted, a col- lands. They say they will build pulp
ored business agent being beaten un- and paper mills and make lower
conscious. j prices than the mills of Washington
Many refuse to Join the strike, but mid Calilornla.
thousands are out, and the Indications '
are that the movement Is much more TWO OHIO WRECKS.
liable to expand than contract, ine
memory of last spring'n disagreement Botn Occurred Near Springfield
and strike Is fresh in the minds of, Qne Ki,ed and Tvy0 patally Hurt,
the public as well as or the employ-1 f) . .,, At 0xoby.
rrumbllnc much more than either ' " ' " A....... c..
the other classes.
There is no disguising the fact that
tho approaching winter, with every
t .... ,.n,-i,- full nuts the
IIHUI'IUIUII Ui nil ".j I . ,
strikers at a disadvantage thoy were nun
not subjected to three months ago. I
Not Successful. I
The waiters' fctriko Is not proving
very successful. Of 9,000 members,
not more than ono-half are respond
ing while non-union girls are bolng
employed to take the places of tho
Strikers. lie Hirme - ---
lowed by crowds through the streets,
mim.ilmitlv large to blockade traffic.
Tho steam power council has been i loot
asked to shut of steam in the res a..-1
mnia whi.-h meml ' r in Hi' k-mplrn-,
i' A8sociatio' 1 ''"
At a netro. Southern biding, a
short time later, occurred a rear-end
collision between freights. In wlilcli
Trainman Jack Holiday was fatally
Ralls Spread and Six Coaches Left
the Track.
Fon du I-ac, Aug. 24. Spreading
rails wrecked a Northwestern passen
ger south of here at 3 this morning.
Ceorge Ztilkhi. was killed and 20 In
Juied. Six coaches rolled down a 20-
New Archbishop.
Ixmdon MiK 21- nou.cr today
announnh t,ia i..,i ....... .
Sonthwail h.is m,.mu; arrh
bishop of W. -Tuir,!ti r.
Trial of Danville Lynchers,
Damille, Ilk, Aug. 24.--The draw
i; ,,! a hin'il Jury was commenced
today for the tiial of the persons In
dicted for participation in the recent
lyn lilng riots here. Oreat popular In
ii.r.sl is manifested In the trial, but
. , ,111(1111 dl-orrti'i's are antlHpated
eminent ship janls tomorrow, after
wlilcli the keel of the czar's now
yacht will be laid.
To Blow Up Alfonso.
Madrid, Aug. 21. A plot to assas
sinate King Alfonso was broken yes
terday at iliiCKca. Ilomlis shipped to
a well-known anarchist wore dlscov
erod and seized.
was removed from the yacht to coun
teract the weight of tlie anchor chain.
Sir l.liitnn, who watched tho measure
ment, announced Hint the water line
Is Identical with that after tho pre
vious measurement, so no change will
ho made In the tlmo allowance or tho
challenger. Tho work was carefully
the purpose of establishing
nent milk ranches.
In Union county, the Industry has
grown phenomenally this season,
crcum being hauled as far as 20 miles
In wagons, and some of tho herds of
milk stock averaging as high as IG.20
per head n'r month.
At the present time Pendleton con
sumes about C.00O pounds of butter
each week, or 250,000 pounds annual
ly. A very small proportion of this
supply conies from the farming dis
tricts, and local creameries ut Ukiah
and Alba. Perhaps throe-fourths of
this supply Is imported from cream
eries ut u distance.
No other city In the Inland Um
pire offers such nn opportunity lor
the establishment or a profitable
creamery as Pendleton.
No other city In Oregon has such
a rich country tributary, upon which
to depend for cream supply. Tho
Blue mountain streams In summer of
fer Ideal locations for milk farms,
anil tho everlasting ulfnlfu pastures
would furnish the winter supply. All
the best localities are situated on one
or tho other lines of railroad by which
the fresh cream could be shipped to
this city from four directions, twice
each day.
Hesldo Hie distant points In tho
county ut which cows could be milk-1 ' ; -"
od, the rich farming districts of the I Died of Hydrophobia,
Tii'tullla, McKay, Birch and Wild. Chicago, Aug. 24. Mrs. Joneph
llorso creeks. Just outside the city Hainan ami Joseph Zlargus, aged li,
limits, could bo depended upon oacu j dlud (oday of hydiophohla. Both worn
month In tho year for a bountiful uittoii six weeks uko by a iit dog.
Himnlv fit cream.
With a view to securing favorable
I MllUllll'illll ll'tlll.t tlt.ll-mt.llll.... In !..,. t
......... ...... tifv.l.
The weapons were afterward found
pushed Into an empty driilnagu tiki.
Mmphy was prevented from getting
hold of his guns by the merest
clinuce, a policeman who uns not In
the seiucli, and knew nothing of
Murphy, happening to cross his trull.
Murphy doubled on his trull nnd ut-
, tempted to get buck to town, but was
Machine Shop Durned. j Miller's whereabouts are as yet im
port Worth. Texas, Aug. 21. The known, witli an even cluinco that ho
Santa Fe machine shops, nt Beaumont llIls hidden lilmselr In sonie olmruro
burned lust night Loss, 100,000. KUl-'li before reaching the city, anil
Iheio passed ill his chocks. Tho loy.
nlty or the gang to each other Is Il
lustrated by the adherence or Murphy
and WiioiiM to the tale that the third
man (Miller) was not Miller, but n
- - tramp whom they had fallen In wli.i
FOR TOMORROW'S CONTEST., Al.t,)ri11K , , u,lmony of
, . . ,,, ! intichois umiIIi of lleno, however,
New Estimate Did Not In Any Way,,,,,,, ,, ,)() ,, Ilg , ,nu
Affect the Handicap Llglu Winds third man's identity. Thorn nro now
and Unsettled Weather for Second seven or the original Folsom escapes
Raee. ... at large, wilh only the i t vnguo
. " suspicions anil hiirmlsoH as to their
Now York. Aug. 21. Shamrock was whereabouts, In Diet It is probublo
rmnenHiireil this innrnlni hv Mnwor lh"l nolle or HlOlll will liver b) Up-
tlie official measurer. Hufllclcnt lend liroheuded except by chanJ as were
Woods Murphy ami Milter.
Society Event in St. Petersburg
Jealousy Supposed Motive.
SI Petersham Aiil- L't - Madnino
done, requiring nn hour and IK mln- i Koneva, a wealthy and beautiful so-
Unsettled Weather.
Now York, Aug. 24. The weather
bureau says tho winds tomorrow over
tho yacht iiiiirso will bo light to fresh
ami variable. Unsettled skies and
possibly showers.
Trotter Goes a Mile In Two Minutes
at Boston.
Boston. Aug. 21. Urn Dillon, own
ed by Billings, was sent against the
world's trotting record, held by Creo
cons, nt Heudvllle, this afternoon. She
went a mile In two minutes lint, low
ering tho record by two and a quarter
seconds. Tho truck was perfect.
Jondon, Aug. 24. Minister Choate
thlB morning tulegiaphsd lo Hatfield
House, expressing th sorrow of the
American nation over Ilm death or
Lord Salisbury.
clety leader, and her two daughters,
were round murdered today with their
bodies ImlcHcrlbubly mutilated, One
ot the murdered women held u loek
or a woman's hair In her hand. It is
believed the crime was committed by
a Jealous woman.
Leak lunlted fly Torch In Railroad
HI UmiIh, Aug. 21. Thi oiphMlon
or u kuh main Ignited by a lurch In
the Missouri Pacific yards hut night,
ratally injured William Hardin,
foreman of (lie swltdi crow, Injured
Frank Hunt seriously nnd two otlirs
slightly. A box cur which wns stand
ing over the iiroken pipe was blown
to aloiiiH.
frelKht rates on croam slilpmouis
frnm iiifreroni nortlons or the (ounty,
application lias been made to both i
. , n , k. i ii,,. iir it. fi ii I
mo u. ii. cc i. uiin -"v 'i. - i
railroad companies tor a schedule of
tales covering Ucho, Yoakum, Milton,
Weitun. Athena. Adams, Moaeuain.
North Fork and Bingham Springs on N" Maneuvers.
tlie O It & N. and trom Canon, Van- llockland. Me., Aug. 21. The uaval , A Massachusetts woman i having
,ycle Stanton Kllllan Junction, Wat- squadron sails this afuirttooii to a 5tMl monument rut-lad ou au
ei mn'n Athenii Hollx, Warren and commenco naval opurations off Ca-1 Island off lbs coast for a pet dptf,
Fulton, on tho' . & C. 11. j co Bay. 1 which recwilfy died.
An Ex.8oldier of German Army Sus
pected of Murder.
Duiioit, Aug si The HiltiM ufTtr
u n-warrl for Die arrest of Clmrloa
l'rlee, allai Alez, bitlleveil to bo the
iiiiiiilun'r or lluli, Alpliimse Wlluier.
The suspei't In a moulder and un ex '
uildlt'i' ut iliu Oerinsu army lie has
-iruil Ilin,' lu two penili'iitiarles.
iii-i ; -ws WMMEIW"1