East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 22, 1903, Image 8

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Comfortable !
1 is a blessing to woman kind
f and FITTING comfortable
shoes to the ladies feet is
1 making our store more popu-
lar every day with a'l who
twant good shoes.
When buying shoes, don't
call lor a cirtain s:rv. 1 it
take a scat and ask to be
? Dmdinger, Wil
son & Company t
'Phone, Mais iim
Mr Lampkln Returns From a Series
of Varied and Valuable Experi-
Fred Lumpkin has returned from
Long Beach and Astoria with a coat
of tan and manv exieriences He
caught fish in the water nnd crabs
on the sand, and also visited tr.c
queen at her palace in Astoria The
chief thing of interest in Astoria
after the queen and the carnival, was
the slickness of the sidewalks and
the steepness of the hills
George Hartman. Jr.. who was with
Mr Lampkin on the tri-i. will be
home tomorrow, having stopped on
the way to visit friends and relatives
In the Fine Hog Business.
C. H. Sampson, well known in this
city, has been attending the regatta
at Astoria, but is now attempting to
nann u vessel io carry mm io nig
ranch on Tillamook Bay. where he is
interested in the culture of fine hogs
and other animals. He will return to
this city about the ".th of the eominc
Dr. and Mrs, Cole Returned.
Dr. and Mrs W G. Cole returned
this morning from 1-ortland. Dr
Cole was called to The Dalles yes- i
terday to help with an operation for ( that was at Concord, where she visit
appendicitis at the hospital in that . d the Emerson homestead and
city, and afterward went on to Ranier ,
Station, where he met Mrs Cole and j
escorted her home The children v lll ;
remain for a fw days longer, when j
Dr. Cole will go for them
i -H H 1 I H H I I I 'M I 1 I H T
TI-l. . 1. . V. . j . i
ireciate a sweet, delicate odor, T ,
especially of the dainty. last- ;
ing kind? We have the largest
line of imported and domestic
perfumes in Eastern Oregon.
A few of our leading imported
odors are:
Azurea, La Trefle,
Peau d' Espagne,
Violette de Parme,
Indian Hay.
And many more of the same
quality in b'tlk as well as in
fancy packages.
T t, t a.
They Lead ihe Ffocessicn
Tin- ijpu!arit of Swift'f product:- among all classes is very
largely due to the absniutelj dean nnd hygienic conditions un
der which each can-ash is dressed, and the meat and the food Jlro
ducts prepared and inspected. This is iarticn!arly tru of Swift's
Premium Ham ant! Bacon. Prom the sleek, corn-fed hogs in the
pens the carefully selected tutmn and bacon In the smokehouse,
the final expert inspection by the U S government, and, lastly,
the dainty -wrapplnir In parchment paper, ea"h step in the evolu
tion or these Lutruious and appetiz.ng products is a guarantee
that they will alv.a-. a plcatie
hor good,
Real Estate Market Discloses a Need
for the Investment of Money in
Small Homes Influx of People
From the Country Accentuates the
The real estate situation in the
city Is as badly congested as the pub
lic" schools. If not more so. Accord
ing to the statements of the real es
tate dealers there are not more than
two or three houses In the city vacant
at this time, and most of them are al
ready contracted for. People are be
ginning to come into the city from
the country for the purpose of send
ing their children to the public
schools this winter, and they can
find no houses in which to live, as all i
of the houses that are held for rent
ing have been taken long ago. and the
property owners are not building fast
enough to supply the demand.
Several years ago it was the case
that n person who rented a house
could give up his residence in the
spring and go to the coast or the
mountains during the summer and be
; sure of a niace in which to live when
, he returned with his family in the
fall But that time has passed, and
now when a nerson is so fortunate as
to find a place that suits him he
bancs on to it and if he wants to go
away during the summer for a vnca-
l,avs rent right on during the
UUl UJUUIU&, HUUU1C1 ms iuuiii, l iu
town or not. In former years it was
sometimes the case that there would
be over a hundred vacant houses in
the city during the summer, but that
time has passed, and now there are
a hundred people who are hunting the
one house that is held for rent,
Manv straneers are coming into the
city expectinc to remain, and they
are having difficulty finding places in
which to stop. Rooms as well as
houses are at a premium, and rents
re getting higher and higher, until
the average man has to cramp his
hmbs in a small house in order not
to take the food out of his mouth
for rent. It is estimated that if the
men of money and property would
build a hundred cottages in the city
in the next six mouths that they
would all be rented before the founds,-
Uon6 had besn la,d
Gives a Study in Eastern Conditions
Glad to Be in Pendleton.
Mrs Anna Clark has returned from
the East, where she spent three
weeks in New York City and New-
England. Only one day of that time
spent in actual vacation, and
The major part, in fact nearly all
of the time, was devoted to the in
spection of the great wholesale mar
kets in the interest of the Peoples
Warehouse, and in making a general
study and observation of business
conditions. Her conclusions do not
lead one toward optimism in partic
ular. In fact, to a certain extent
suspicion and great caution are justi
fied when all the conditions are meas
ured. Very little of the great concern
felt in New York City over the Wall
street disturbances of two to five
weeks ago has been reflected west
ward except Indirectly The domi
nance of the bear influence affected
all lines of business in the city very
unfavorably, groat depression being
felt in every industry and great ap
prehension pervading all lines of le
gitimate business until a more nor
mal state of affairs got the ascend
ancy Such was the extreme concern
felt that every business house in the
city received three printed bulletins
about affairs on "The Street" every
day. in addition to the regular Issues
of the morning and evening papers.
There is more complaint among
people in general in the East about
the cost of living than ever before.
, Prices of all "consumables," espoc
$ i iaily groceries, fruits and vegetables.
' have gone skyward, trying to catch
1 rents The cheapest, in fact the
1 only cheap" necessaries to be
iiougnt in the Eastern towns now are
4 Mimmei goods and they are cheap
-i.' l'ais- the merchai'i are mak-
inot hepe
Ing desperate efforts to unload before
coolor weather begins.
Mrs. Clark was born, raised and
educated in New England and lias
traveled much all over those and the
adjacent states, but ever- one of horj
semi-annual inps uot-s n imi "
in confirming and re-estobllshlng her
affection for nnd loyalty to the North
west, and Oregon especially. She
avers that the Northwest Is superior
to the East climatically, socially, In
dustrially and in every other way cal
culated to make life desirable, sue
does not dlsgulso her pleasure at re
turning, adding that It Is not possible
for her to consider for a moment
ever returning to the East to reside
Discussion of Question of Overstock
Ing the Ranges.
A Baltezore. of Alba, was in the
city today on business. Mr. Baltezore
is the blacksmith at Alba, and makes
frequent trips to this city to get sup
plies for his business. He says thnt
the hay situation in his part of the
country Is not what it ought to be.
and that there will be some poor cat
tle when the spring time comes. All
of the hay In the vicinity is being
bniicht bv the stockmen, nnd yester -
day It was soiling for $10 In the
There are more cattle m the coun -
try than the feed supply will take
rare of. and It will cither result In
the thinning out of the cattle, or the
importation of feed. The stockmen
are already beginning to raise the
standard of their horses and cattle.
and in a few years tney will enrrr
fewer numbers and better blood on
their ranges. However, if ail of the
land was utilized, many more cnttle
and horses could be raised in the
district thnn are there at this time.
and with the increase of settlement
that time is not far distant
D. C. Rrowuell. of Echo left for his
home on the morning train
O. D. Teel. of Echo, spent last nlcht
in the city, returning home thts
Miss Sadie Ilaum has relumed
from her vacation at Ixinc Beach,
arriving last evening.
W. H. Holler, of the Alexander De
partment Store, has returned from a
trip to Astoria and the coast.
William Sturgia will return Sunday
from bis vacation spent at Long
Bench and vicitlng the regatta at As
toria. D. E. Hall, of Portland, the claim
axent of the O. It. & N.. is in the
city on bueineite connected with his
Miss Beanie Mcltride. of the county
recorder's office, is visiting relatives
and friends in Athena for a few
John Todd and family, accompa
nied by .Mist Mable Hemphill, are
erloving a week's outing In the moun
tains. Mrs. L. It. Travers. of Salem, was 1
the guest of the Pendleton yesterday j
on her way home from Washington I
points. :
W. H. Roach, the inventor of the 1
Gluine padding cement, has gone to
Lehman Springs for a two
C. E. McLulla has finished cutting
bis wheat north of town and has pur
the combined in the shed for the
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Kohler have
returned from their ranch at Hldaway
where they have been spending the
! nrnnnntii iinmnit
: rLnuUliHL I Vt Hit I lull, jj
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reese have re-, MiJ D-, 1m;f i t .
turned from Lehman Springs, where' INted Enlist and Clairvoy
they have been siiending the warm ant in the Citv
weather. '
Mrs C V. Ttonsevnlt nf I'cmllpti.ii i
is the guest of her mother. Mrs. Wit-!
1l C.I T,l t ... . n..,i
liam Stine, of Birch street. Walla
Walla Union. ,
Mrs. Wesley Matlock left this
morning for Athena, where bhe will
be the guest of relatives and friends
for a few days.
Miss Eva Froome, who has beeu nt
the coast for some time, will return
to her home in this city about the
first of the month.
T. G. Hulley left this morning for
Seaside, where he will Join his family
for a short outing. He will n;turn
home the middle of the week i
Miss Maude Catching left this!
mornlntr fnr Portlnnr! u-li,r, uh,. u-lll I
lie the guest of her sister. .Mrs. Wll-1
liam Hess, for a couple of weeks !
' i
l io A f m n . I iirknn . . ...... A. .1...- . .
...on umic i-wiio mil jfMciuu, iu i
I visit with tho family of J. M. P. Sny
1 ler. who nre at their Umatilla ranch
I near Pendleton. Walla Kalla Union.
! Mrs. L. G. Frazier and the Misses
, Edna Thompson and Kanchon Horle
, are eipctHl to return home tnis
j evening from a vacation trip to Hida-
way Springs.
, W J. Homer, the Insurance man,
returned this morning from Astoria
and Long Ueach. whore he has spent
the last week by the sea nnd attend-
' ing the regatta
A. M Snyder, Spokeaman-Kevlow !
correspondent, who has been in Walla Ume- 1 v,,", a,B0 real 'or aio on
Walla (or the nast uk imc down 1 wl'0 ' desirous of belne helued I
on Ui, noon train on a brief visit !
una win return tonight.
Frank A Mnnsey has been enjoin-
! Ikjui : ug auction the New
York Daily News.
Ross lee and Cold Storage People
Have Put in a Large New Filter
Another Meat' Room Has Been
Added, and a Local Restauranteur
Has Over 3,000 Young Chickens In
Cold Storage.
The Ross Ice nnd Cold Storage
plant yesterday sold 13,000 pounds of
Ice in the city, mis monin mey win
have shinned eight carloads from
here to other cities, not counting tho
local trade with Atnena, auiion, tie-
i . . . .
Hx and the other small lowns oi
virinltv. which amounts to nhout
three tons a week.
The company has put In another
filter In their place, which mnkes the home at ncppnor junction, this morn
fifth one Installed, so that the water Ing. after a visit at the home of her
used In the Ice they furnish to their husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W
patrons Is sont through two charcoal D, Fletcher, of this city.
i ami two coke filters, nnd now It also
' has io miss through a sponge filter
I heton- it goes to the freezing cans,
' This last (liter Is placed nt the outlet
1 ol the reception tank, nnd Is a gal
van-red cylinder about three reel In
height nnd eight Inches In diameter.
It has a false, perforated bottom.
which is put In about three Indies
above the real bottom, and the water
, dimes In under this false plate nnd Is
1 forced up through the penorations
j into the filter, nnd from that Into the
pip? that feeds the ice cans. This
1 cylinder Is packed full of sponges,
am' nil of the water used In tho ice j
: can has to be forced through these j
sponges before it gets into the enns.
Another moat room has lx-en n titled
. one or the local butchers, nnd Is
j now full of meat nnd lard. Gus La-
1 fontnlne has nlso rented n room and
I I t. ...1,1. ....t..r. ..I.W.I-,,
IT- mui IM.iK II n ii, , . ill, m-ii.
H ehas one side or the room alrendy
flllpd with row nftor row of frvs all
,, L m,, intention to nut in a
stock of over 3.0W chickens to keep
him in spring chicken all through the
winter and until the fresh nrticlc
can he supplied by the markets again
In anoiher room is a rrnte of
HirafclK-rries that have been In the
room for over a month nnd the nre
Juicy Watermelon
On Icp, Just
the thing for
We Have Thpni. Snake River
Melons. None Belter : : : :
Call Us Up
and Ordrr
: : One : :
standard Grocery
.10M(iH- I. nicer l OUT' "t-m-t
The Polish Wonder
Count Pulaski, known on both hem-,
iKOhprCU US thu IIIdI. 11...l - . .. 1
'"I'l'eres as the "PollBh Wonder."
the city, and engaged parlors 1 nnd
CIS Main street.
This eminent man
in u injrc.-iiie woiiuer or ttie .otn cen
tury. Testimonials from the press
and mnsses In every walk of life from
the old and new world pronounce him
as the only true prognostlcator of
events, and only registered palmist 'n '
Germany. This gifted man lias rend 1
for the highest nobility C.t n to the i
common European peasants He j
sixmks seven languages, which he nc-!
i.uired in his travels riir nub , -he
world. '
Mr. Pulnskl is n iileasant gentle-'
mn" to meo- 1,1,1 tllal df','P. rnysteri-
OUK '"etrable occult eye speaks
more eloquently than words can ex-
. . .
preK us to tils occult powers
ins jiersonnui attracts attention.
He is refined and highly educated.
Among other things, when asked as
to the length of time ho Intended to
"main, he said: "My urden. desire
Ik to teach the occult sciences to
Home of the bright, inlellia.ni men
! and women that they may learn to
1 knOU' thctniKllvAAl mwl ..,I..k.
.. , m llll,7ll, ,1111
application and persevorence they
can aoon actiulre the knowledge of
the signs and marks the Creator hath
stamped in the hands of man And
; ii successful in getting pupils, will
1 n,a,n 1r Rn indefinite- length of
K'vf lvlc on all affairs iu life that h
Is iiricetaiiu I Mill ltd! I. Ix. t.lau.i.u t t-'
With the would-be nhfmi. nmlAndMru ) L
palmists who aliountl in every rttv ' fe
and Uo not know tue ftmt nidiiunlg
- - ' ""- J
at this tlmo as sweet and fresh n.
they were the day thoy wnm ni..rf
In storage. tn fact, there ar nrnnv
wonderful and Interesting things it
the big plant, not to mention tho use
fill, evory day business that Is bclne
carried on there. h
Will Return to Lehman
Joe Parka, tho real estate man. lm'anl worrr fn-'v?
como down from Lehman Springs for "14 tu. ' , "yfcj
a few days to look after his business and 2
interests. Having cleared up n little in .i.. 'UZ".
here, ho will leave again for the ? hU P b,N
springs ui join ins rnmny ror the rost a0" of th
of the summer. Powerful to doj S't
Delegate to Ogden.
G. A. Hnrtmnn received a certificate
of appointment from Governor Cham. I . kln ls M ,.
borlaln this morning as one of the th M clean Mj Z1
state neiegaies io mo National Irri- 118 '"uch dirt urn
1 Ration Congress which meets In Og- It by man, ,7
...... ........... ... JOi oi me fabrics .,. ... "6 i
ie," - "
w i FTi in it mnnin
Returned to Heppner Junction.
Mrs. It. W. Fletcher returned to hnr
--4 -- -----
In all departments of our big store
as m-rcioiore, you win nntl our prices ?
much loss on reliable merchandise
Minn elsewhere. Our largely incras
eil sales over former seasons satisfies
us the people are learning this fact
We shall continue to do all wc can to
merit tho good will and patronage oi
the many customers we now have and
hope also to add many new ones. Atj
goods- bought at our store "not uta-
,i' n'' ttrr
Very Truly Yours
The N-v Fall Styles
of the
Knox Hats
are heie
New Fall Suits
i M
Fot Boys
Better think about
this when ready
to buy
The largest stock in the City
to select from
;.ii i :?m
tip '."-r swk.' o entrtar "r
I V ) JJ 1 I -
C L Q T H jNl
l 8. V"" till
JU ntto . ..."
do so
: issea .
ate c1it.i
me of Ufebsojs
fiuton " returned In nj mnjuu. I
the tromv v promote wfcp-w I
- . M
A very larce assortmi
good wiMrirj: .hirls,tta
that de .aiffaclonj
and comfort.
We Have Yow
and ni'ire thau you tipifil
f?ee. All i rices.
Fall Sufts
Men andYo
. : : Men J-'l
breast nipasurt-
We Have Y1