East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 22, 1903, Image 6

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nnilinrn I II II fill m made, amonB the speakers being Gov- kuW '"r thh
m 9W w mwT mmw mmw mf mmw W mmw K.
MwZ2imi jeer 1
r- 7 JJ Ml II
ref Host: "Just Schlitz beer no other. Our physi- hurried into the market before it is sufficiently , . 1
til MS ,.;, that ;rhi;t, l1M.r u for them Schliu U-t-r is aged for months in refrigerating I
E3 p ' before it is bottled."
M iE isttor: "Why bchlitz beer and no otherr Visitor: "And what do you pay for it?" K
T tt, : . .. . . .... nnii iuii wnat vui uiiv lur ivliict in i. i
r. I fininiimicB nii I t tiir.irMi iir t n niftvari iw n a xniif-n 11 cnmmai ut-e?i ill lul u cirr l'. uv ? i
Jf m filter the beer, then sterilize every bottlc-by Pas- Visilor: ""1 do that ncxt timc " M I
K fur's process after it is sealed." Host: 'Yes, and ever afterward. People art I m- MM
M ingthosr fai-ts and Schlitz ale--now xi eed a n:i.
M Visitor: "Uut beer makes me bilious." barrels annuallv. A?k for the briwry hot Mm M M
dkTiie BeerTtol Made Milwaukee rarnous
' i
Is One of the Faster Vessels In the
American Navy, Although She Is
Also One of the Largest Is Re
garded as the Acme of War-Naval
Philadelphia. Pa.. Aug. 22 In the
presence of one of the largest and
moat distinguished crowds that ever
thronged Crnmp's shipyard on n like
occasion, the United States armored
cruiser Pennsylvania was launched
today Miss Quay, daughter of Unit
ed States Senator Quay, broke a bot
tle of American champagne on the
cruiser's bow. and said: "I christen
three Pennsylvania."
On the christening stand was a dis
tinguished party, the conspicuous fig
ures Including Governor Pennypnck
or. Senator Quay and a number of
other eminent representative of the
state from which the big cruiser take
its name Secretary of the Navy
Moody and a delegation of naval offi
cers "from Washington, nnd many
other invited guests. It was a fete
clay at Kensington, as all such occa
sions are Grouped about the wharves
nnd dotting the Delaware for milos
around -were craft of every descrip
tion, from local excursion boats to
foreign steamers
Th launchinc was accomplished
without a hitch. It was a half hour
pas' noon when the last shores were
knofk'd fmm the ways and the colos
sal vessel Itecsn her brief journey
preparatory to taking her maiden
plunge into the deep As the marine
monster glided gracefully down the
greased cradle, after the proverbial
ixiiue of wine had crashed against h.'r
bow the enthusiasm found vent The
crow us in tlie yard roared ana
mti ;.tii! thi art.v on the christen
ing stand waved hats and cheered,
anil mi 1'iMts- in- ttif -r added their
whi-itlts -, :hr genera! din. At the
conclusioi. .; ' - t - 'P :i--on
was so"
ami a
s ei hes were
No meal m a clay has such an effect
cn coe's raxd as tmkliii A wtsy-
1: acids a nccneu ta t'm food
tiit ccthsr eise can. ' a t&e
test part ecw- ra-ic ie..
jour erocer y&a war ra seal
rcur busoanl to tu-.'!3 w- a
Fxa crsii-asr era yc-- rtta
Eccnenj Erarxl Be sur- rcu
see the asm cad iasel ce
tera ycu Cuy
made, among the speakers being Qov
ornOr Pennypackor and Secrotnrj'
First-Class Armored Cruiser.
The Pennsylvania is regarded by j
naval experts as a marvel In the art
of marine architecture. She Is class
ed as a first-class armored cruiser. She
hnu been likened to n battleshlll. pos
sessing a protection of armor only a .
. llttlo under the weight ot mat tie-
signed for the huge ships of the Geor-1
gla class, while she is superior to nil
battleships In point or speed. The
Pennsylvania Is to develop a speed of
22 knots, which is a fractiou of a knot
more than the best jierfonnnnco ot
, the fnst llylng Brooklyn.
The new cruiser will have an un
usually powerful battery, made up of
a great number of S nnd C-lnch guns.
. She was designed with th idea of
producing a ship of great speed
equipped with a battery of a kind that
! did Buch execution at Manila nnd nt r
Santiago, that is, ot guns or medium
' slie caliber.
The Pennsylvania will prove one
of the most comfortable ships of the
navy for living purposes, the depart
mont's plans for her construction call
ing for a number of improvements re
garding the ventilating, henting and
cooling apparatus Electricity has
been installed as a motive power in
place of steam in a number of the
parts of the ship. esecinlly In the
, sleeping quarters, which will have the
i effect of making the vessel much
i cooler In the summer thnn are mos
The Pennsylvania started or its
career under the namo of the Nebras
ka. the appellation Pennsylvania hiv
, ing first been bestowud on a bvM
ship now under construction, ai Scr
, tie. Wash. The department was vr
sunded to swap the nam.; of fie T.-i
vessels, the Washington people -'
iiuc the name of some Western sta-.
for the ship building at Seattle, whll
the Pentwylvaniaus wam-M their o i
state honored by having the Cramj'
, vessel christened the Penii'iyhaiu.i
The Pennsylvania hut a leng'.n
, the load water lln. .if 602 fee' i n
her extreme breadth at load w.i
line is about 7" feet. Her mean if a
is about I-l feet 6 Inches, but !,'
she is loaded to her fullest caj ;
and the bunkers are ftV"i with i .'-.
she draws 26 foet aid 6 luclus o.
ter The total coal bunke- avi
s 2.IW0 tons. The . -ms.! w II hv i
n-lled by twin screw, four rv'.in !
- -1 j - i. expansion engines of 23 '' n
''I'-ated horse power.
Th- Pennsylvania will have a su
-.niament. composed prlni :ia!'
gun? of medium sie that art
-:ntei'. ,m to do great execution un
'f iu management. There w.i.
. '.:r s-inch guns. In pairs, in twu
aliy-controlied. elliptical 'na!
u turrets, having Inclined port
f - On the upper deck at the
irners of the superstructure four C
,"i v.'in will be mounted on simn
-or. each having an arc of fire
.' ;Jm degrees. On the main oi
Stir, deck there will be 10 6-inch guns
r .'uaiiside. Eighteen 14-pouuder
breech loading rillos, IS 3-pounders.
w.i machine guns, and aix automat,
guns of smaller caliber, together wit
f . i v automatic pounders In the mili
ar', lops and two 3-Inch field gun.i
i iinstitute the battery of siiia!'
T:i. ship will be protected by ar.
..rv r belt at the water line se-jn
ffe six inches wide, extendi the
ntire length of the vetwel for a d.s-an-1-
of about 900 feet abreast of th'-
r.gint and hollers.
If you are troubled with impure
m mil indicated by sores, pimples
Vada'be. etc., we would recommend
Acker's Blood Elixir, which we sell
:r, !er a positive guarantee. It will
a w n; s cure scrofulous or syphilitic
jisans and all blood diseases. 50
am! $1.0 F W. Schmidt & Co.
dni qgists
n;.- camp stoves, camp stools,
a Itader's Furniture store.
H you want your houses rented or
your property sold.
J. C. pooNEMORfc. 220 E. Court
Examined and Repaid at Ota '
Farmers Custom Mill Have Yoor Watcr PiPes
Fred Walters. Proprietor F,V-'t'cTa wurk
Capacity 150 barrels a iluy T-TT-T . . r8-ii'U PUftlfcet.
riour exenangeu inr wiieut DCLift., tng ciia-vit-
Crnrt '.ttt-et. opposite the GoiJn Rule Hotel
st-nu; tTeak";
juranteed t
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped K
alwnVM oi lmnit.
i-(t el-
We have Secured lot Next Week Some
T'-iiigS.t the r.;.-' will be drawn, come and bring jour ticketH. If you
cant cuinc shihi your ti-ketn as the prized will be givt-n to tickets that are in
the Park a' 'h'- t!m- if tlie drawing
We will have one oi the strongest programs we have yet had for next week
STANLEY & SCANLON the Musical Sketch Artists Head the List.
These People axe Top Liners and will Give You More than Your Mon
eys Worth of Amusement;
fm y V-
THE BRONSONS will Appear in a Clever Comedy Sketch.
SIMS THE CARTOONIST With His Clever Sketches of Local People
Always Produces Lots of Fun.
MR. WILL MURRY Will Sing for the Illustrated Songs.
New Pictures on the Polyscope.
f a ' 4 i i T n. I . . i I - i 3 . l I r - k . m t 4 1 4 4 , . t-r rr -1 lux "
?- I'l'ir.iii rjr.f nui-jUAV will uc tiinn.i.i.LH iiif iil o.uu auuic tALtiitu 1. r aiji ik ; ifni v11 rt? ntrnfttrnr rim . it -T
mk . E wife and the little folks and enjoy Two Solid Hours of Good, Clean, Wholesome Ftm. 3