DAILY EA8T 0REG0N7AN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 22. 190J. lUgust Bargain Days SAL BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT THE LAST JO DAYS OF AUGUST hirt Waists, Wrappers, Skirts losiery and 1000 other things rgains Everywhere Dont ml s it TEUTSCH'S BIG (EPARTMENT STORE Comer Main and Alta VAST IMPROVEMEN T fity Brevities milt dully at Martin's. ranch eggs at Keinlcr's, Lie best broad, got Itohrman's. nah Rnmo and poultry. Cas- leu Miicninisi ami muiuuui ui Clove Foundry (veil dally, fresh tauiaies, Cud rawfish at Gratz's. rcffilda, the bust cigar made, gar store, Court sireei. i, t i icnrs not the best of you aic best of cigars. Hanlon's. ,i,nf mi- rieht at nrlces that Bit a Itador's fuinltuio store. IIiuIj of Imported and domestic l and clam ciiowuer at unuz b. have fruit lars and fruit jar rubbers covers, etc. H. 'Itohr- Bha'-les Lane about your paint-! paper hanging, 80 Vincent i u noliih camping? U C Ita-1 Inn ..'..01 roiuiug minus uuu lll IK'B ! ...ii in summer must be ' .if Tiint K tho kind you ' Houser'.., Alta street, opposite 1 Hank ! Mifiitnliim $ II) mandolin: sec- tmium, $3 music wrapper, given ' run Mieol music, luinud i-in- kuio House, nni Main. br are always welcome at tho & Cold Storage plant. Come fill- Vlllll'Kolf how tho Ico Is E arc nlwnvs nloused to show Be over tho plant and explain ng you may not uuuersiunu. Diuit be always u-.kiiiK hiiiiu le for the riiflit time, have a liable watch of yourowii. No litter what your taste, your eil, your price, we can huiiiiY. Ices, $i.25 to $t 50.00 UNZIKER THE EWELER and OPTICIAN Next door to K Alexnmh r Fresh fruits at Kcmler's. See Sharp for paper hanging See Sharp's artistic wall paper. Smokers' supplies at Neumau's Are you going to Lehman Springs? Get your clothes cleaned at Jocr ger's. New books arriving daily at Frn zler's book store. Iluy a fountain pen this week at half price at Frazier's. Try the Palm, 221 Court street, for nuts, candles and fruits. New York, Chicago and Spokane dally and Sunday papers. Nolfs. Buy sheet music of us and draw a prize. Inland Umpire Piano House. At and below cost all summer, mil iluery, especially patterns. Mrs. Campbell. If you want a good bath, go to Krasslg & Sharp's new shop, 015 -Main street. Lost A bunch of keys at Shield's Paik. Upturn to this office aud re ceive reward. For Kent A furnished house. En quire of Mrs. Guernsey. Olllce In Despain building. For llent Good room, corner Mnln i and Alta. Apply Krasslg & Sharp's, new barber shop, 045 Main. New throughout; a good, clean,! smooth Bhavo by competent barbers, I at Krasslg H Sharp's, 045 Main. I Lost A silk embroidered chatelaine ' bag on Mnln or Jackson street. Please leave at County Recorder's office. 1 Estimates given on short notice on j painting nud paper hanging. Charles Lane, the pioneer painter, S07 Vin cent street. ! Prizes awarded when 150 tickets ( arc given out. Ticket with every S5c sale of sheet music Inland Empire Piano House. i Lost On Main or Court streets, a gold locket with a diamond set. Find-1 er will be liberally rewarded by re- tinning to 101 Court street. Lost A star-shaped pin set with diamond chips, with diamond in cen-j te i- Lost between Catholic cuurcn and 702 West Webb. A liberal re ward to finder. Apply Kast Orcgonlnn ollice Farm at Foster Sold. S Itothchlld. as trustee lor Walter W and Johanna Itothchlld, has sold to C II. Wade lor $l,3m the north half of the southwest quarter, and the north half of the southeast quarts- or section 32, in township 4 north or range 30. containing 150 ncres more or less, adjacent to the town or Foster Returned From Lehman Springs. S It. Thompson and family return- j cl home this morning from an outing . at Lehman Springs. There Ib still a large crowd of guests at Lehman and wnlle the nights are beginning to get cool everyone Is having an enjoyable ( (Inn m this popular resort TASTE Olr J I ICJC CHIC AM ASJJ ORMNAJtY ICJC CHIC AM IS NO LONGJCH JCJC CJUCAM WE USE MANNINGS Sl'KING WATER AT OUR FOUNTAIN llie old reliable Log Cabin Soda Fountain is Eervinj.' the purest and bst ot owrvimug KOEPPEN'S DRUG STORE OS 8top Iron. Mnln Street ..,.! Co," t """"" WATER SYSTEM WILL BE LEFT FIRST-CLASS. When the Present Repairs Are Com pleted and the Reservoir Scoured and Repaired the Water Will Be as Fine as Any In the State, an Greatly Increased In Volume. G. N. Miller, the city engineer, Is about done with the enlargement of the water system, and In a few days will have his men nt work cleaning up the reservoir on top of the hill southeast of tho city. Tho new intako plpo Is all laid and Is (lowing full of wntcr. There Is 1.100 feet of tho new pipe, and it yields 1,500,000 gallons of water in each 24 hours. It joins the old pipe several hundred feet nhovo tho well, and together they pour over 2,000,000 gallons into the well each day. For several days the fire englno has lieon at work pumping wnter out or the well In order to keep tho men from being flooded out of tho trenches ns they worked on the pipes. When all the work Is done on tho plio lino and the water Is allowed to accumu late in the well, there will be from 10 to 14 feet of water therein nil of the time. Mr. Miller has iiersonally superin tended tho laying of tho line, nnd all ot the work has been done with the purpose In view of getting the best nnd the most water that was possible. The entire cost of the Improvement will bo $2,000, which ill comparison with similar work done In other jlates is remarknbly cheap. The water as It comes Into the pipes is filtered through over six feet of solid, clean gravel, and Is ns clear and sparkling as the water from a mountain spring. The supply now obtained is more than Is needed by tlie city, and will bu sufficient for some years to come. At the Juncture of tho two pipe lines the engineer has built a brick well or manhole, which will give the management of the company access to the lines at all times. At this place there aro also the gates for the pipes with which to regulate the supply. As soon as the pipe lines have been finished and all of the construction work has been done, which time will be by the middle of the week, the management of tho water company will clean the reservoir and make auy repairs that are needed for the year to come. The inside of the big lake on the hill will be gone over' thoroughly, and when the men are I finished with their work It will be as clean and bright as a new plate At the same time all cracks In the ma son worl; will be filled, and eery ( thing put In ship-shape order. At the same time the machinery and all the paraphernalia at the pumping station will be overhauled and cleaned, and the wells will be cleared out so that the system, from the headgates of the Intake to the faucets In the homes of the consumers, will be in as good shape us care and work can make It All or the work will be done before the rains set In. and ready lor the long pull of this winter and the coin-, lug summer. Visiting Editor. , George A. Scihlrd, one of the edl- j tors and proprietors of the Union in (I,.. .Inv I,, till. Ml VI looking over the business prospects. He is well pleased wun ine uppeai- nnce of Pendleton, ami goes nure " his home town with a still better opinion of the matchless resources and wealth of Oregon. Mr. SHI Is a late arrival from Colorado, and with Mr. Glover purchased the Union Republican some three months ago They have niado many substantial ..,.,.n.,tu In the miner since tak- 1111(11 V, ,-,..W.VW .-- . lug charge. He leturned home on the i evening train. Opera House Improvements. I The workmen have finished the j lining or the Interior or tho opera f house, and are now nt worl: on the hallways and outside rooms. lhe whole Interior has been tinted old , rose on tho ceilings uiul u deeper red on the walls, making a w) feet when me lights are on. The scenery Is buing painted and wi. all be in the city and in place by the time the opera house will be needed for the first piay. , Consecration of Bishop. i Invitations have been sent to the which will take place at Portland on August 25. Hlshop O'lle l will bo located permanently at linker C j. ...in lmve chaw of the new bishopric of Eastern Oiegon . . n n..i.f.ll,Hi Car. The private car of John O. llocku feller Is expected to bo on O H. r. rain No.' 1, at 8:15 tomorrow morn ng He Is on a tour of pleasure and business, to Include all the Pacific Coast cities. Outing at Meaeharn. Kev Robert Warner and fainll). now enjoying an outing at Meeham. are expected home about the middle of next week. Marriage License. A marriage license was Issued this morning to Miss Catherine h. Hock and Charles 11. Nelson. Iloth of the parties are residents of Athena. Big Celebration Sept 7 Music, 2 Balloon Ascensions, Races EVERY DAY is labor day now with our entire force rec-iving new goods in every doiartnu'iU and U 'tttn; ready to placo before our patrons and the trade the BIGGEST and most complete stock of high class merchandise we have ever bad. T ; 4-4- t LABOR DAY September? Big Celebration We arc now showing heavy Mercerized Marseilles guaranteed to inches wide at 37 I -2c to $1.00 per yard wash, 33 The Celebrated Boulevard Velvets in A.etall'c Dots and Per sian Effects at 75c to $1.00 per yard New Designs In Flannelettes for Kimonas and Wrappers, this week 2 I -2c In the VRT DKI'AKTMENT we have Silk Down Tillows for cushions, all size?, new designs in them, stitched Doilies and ('outre Pieces ami eoft Pillow covers. Daily Arrivals of New Fall Waistings It Pa s to Trade at t The Peoples' Warehouse I Outfitters for Women and Men. ............ AT SHIELDS' PARK. Grand Drawing Will Take Place After the Program Tonight. The Brand drnliiB will take placu at Shields' I'ark tonltihl. following the proKiuiu. The past week has been unusually InteivstliiK nnd a larccr number of tickets have been nlven i out than last week. Manager Nolson announce the, lollowliiK numlMirs for lieyt week'g pi (ki am: Stanley and Scanlon. numlcal hlietch ai lists. The HronsoiiH, comedy nketcli nr Mr. Sliimis. cartoonist and ready sketch artist. Will Murray will sIhk the lllus tialed bonus. .Vow pictures on tho polyscope The comedy and musical artists and tho cartoonist come highly doihcil from the Walla Walla park Mr Sliiims. the cartoonist, or ready sketch maker Is especially worthy of mention and has been a drawlni! card wherever be has appeared out of three rails for a side bet nnd winner take all the Rate receipts If Mr. Lowls so desires. IMense limeil this In your paper and obllue Yours respectfully. aims i'kiison Estray Notice. Thoro Is now at my place on Mead ow creek. Union rounly one hup orrl work horse, In or 12 years old White fclrlpe In race, wllh collar ami saddl arks. Owner will pleuse come and net him anil pay the bill A II St'NDKIl.M AN I'llol Itnck Ol Ladies' half soles 10c. Tcutsch's. FRAZIER SELLS TICKETS. Contest for Privilege Ended Last Evening. What dcwilo)oil Into one of the most Interesting coupon contests ever stnrtod In this city, ended last night when U (5. Krazler was declared to have won the privilege of selling tickets ror 1'raz.er's oiern house ror the coining year The contest was opened Monday evening" aud ended at " o'clock last night Mr Krazler was found to hnv the largest number of voles 1.S2S. and was given the privilege of haudl lug the tickets. The patrons of he opera house will therefore remember the place. The season opens on Sep tember 1 with the pi escalation of Hall Cable's masterpiece The bns tlan " LEWIS IS CHALLENGED. Montana Man Would Wrestle the Second "Terrible Turk." Kallspel. Mont.. Aug 20. - -(To Hie Editor) I herewith challenge Pro fessor V. S. Lewis for a catch-as catch-can wrestling match best two WHAT MADE IT SO? Many people are coming In with the iciHirt that the wheat I- letter than they thought, large, plump and tine Many people nr lug In wl'h the report that the shoes sold ut the big lloston Store are heifer than others and they want some of them They are large plump and line. It Is a fac t we do pay the manufacturer more ror a shoe to sell at a given prbe than oilier no. and Ihus we eciire gieuier iilue We sell shoes at a b-ss expense per dollar's worth than any other concern In "ie city, and therefore, wo lan afford i.. ii., ..,.i uufli linen ns tho Doug las for men, (llorla for women, and Red School House for children. Douglas is the largent maniiw liner of welt shoo to sell nt $3. $S.',o and il In the world, and we certainly have a representative Hue one that win asionisu you. The flloila 3M shoo for women Is the best shoo ut this price soni the American public today Wo llml each seuson an Increase of trade why Is It? Merit that con (Inns buying opinion flood car .oinblned wl'h good look- an'1 lomfort Oh yes. wi must not overlook the Ited H H h.M'S. They lit the school hoys und girls Vi Have kinds ror eac h I Mlcve you had bitter get the not pair at 'lie i hi; iiosroN siohi:. min Rnnl I1FPARTMFNT 1 uunuuun uli himi iliii x I Is a Leading Feature ? of Our Store Nationul lincjclopcdia 1.65 : Larco Edition Hldnath's Ulg- I i tory of tut) United Status 1.05 j; : J0SEPHUS Corupletn Work : Nlut) Edition $1.45 5! : LarRO Size, Wobster'a School J : and Oltluu Dlotlopry, 76c ! Wild Animals I Have Mot, by Seymoui'dleautlful Edition 1,1'J 2 . x President Koosevelts Hooks 50o each j The Ladles' Nuw Medical (Julde $1.25 ; Schoul'eld Legal Forms and Compendium of Laws, Sheep SKln muuinK, i.'Ja i THE NOLF STORE j ; Full Line or School Books aud School Supplies $ THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Hear this In mind when you need (siultry und stock supplies nnd nl for the International I'miiny and Stock Food Vt Kow K'ire for your cow trou Me C. I:. Golesworthy 127.U9 Hast Alia St Ageut lor Lee's Lice Killer i' 1 ..