'ft" DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1903, MHb-f..l. niHiiitiniinnim ihiwwhhh utt ? A FEW OF THE MANY GOOD THINGS f YOU CAN FIND AT OUR STORE AT REDUCED PRICES Boys washable suits to close out 50c suits at 40c. 65c and 75c suits at 50c. Si 00 suits at 75c St--5 suits at St 00. $h 00 men's outing suits at S5.00. $13 50 men's summer suits at $10.00. $17.50 uien.s summer suits at S14 00. Balance of straw hats at half pr-ce. Golf shirts 50c to $2,50. Neg igee shers 501 to $3 50. Summer underwear :5c, 50c and 75c per garment. Just Received Anoihcr Shipment of Belfast Mesh L ncn Underwear t t & One rice Clothiers. m.. t 1 1 s . I 1. , f fnf. 1T11T1 ifl ? GENERAL NEWS. Immensely rich eold 111, in hav been discovered in Peru. S A Fires in the Shoestring oil fields of Texas have done $1.5iM.inih damage during the pact 10 day. The Los Auseles club of the Paci fic National League of baseball clubs, K.ie reeeired orders to disband. The Federal Mining ft Smelting Company, of Xew York, has Increns- J its capital to $30,000,000. its ori ginal capital was $3,000. All the mills of the American Sheet Steel Company. In-Pennsylvania, are to be unionized. The company luts 164 mills, of which 9S have been non union up to this time. At Winona Luke, near -Warsaw. Ind.. will be built an open air audi torium that will bold SO.OfH). The Wluona Assembly works along lines nearly paralleling the Chautauqua. A negro named Cody, for advertis ing purposes, jumped from the new Kant river bridge, at New York City. 147 feet, into the water. He was picked up unconscious, hut almost un injured Some Japanese sporting men with money to throw away, declare their intention of getting into the interna tional yacht race next year will iirobably slip into the place left va cant by England The nnlnlon is ranidlt- cainine crei- me opinion is rapiuiv gainiug c ret. vuv iwawuj, v.u(., break was with the connivance of the officials of Uie prison, and that the chase afterward was a succession of carefully planned "muffs" and 'foo 7le." NORTHWEST NEWS. Lars Anderson, a pioiur of Ore grin City, died Friday, aged 70 years. William KJeeman. of Portland, was drowned at Newport. Friday, while surf bathing. John Walton, of Salem. ..ed at hie home Friday evening, of heart dis ease, aged 79 years. The 0. It. &. N. steamer. Indravelll, arrived in Portland Friday, with an Oriental cargo of 5.0OO tons. Hay Peters, of Cohurg. near Eu- geno. was sent to the asylum Friday, having gone Insane from reading novels. Frederick Knapp. a prominent , farmer of North Yamhill, was drown- i In a mill dam. near that city. Fri-' day evening. The war department will order coal for use at Vancouver barracks the coming winter, instead of wood. The ! price of wood is almost prohibitive. 1 "JrtJ ed young farmer of Albuny. was kill d Thursday by the arm of a horse power striking him in the stomach. John Hamaker, M. F. Hodrlck and a man named Coburn. were InHtantly killed by the explosion of a logging engine uoner ar tjnenans. wasn. Friday. Henry Wuinhardt. the millionaire brewer of Portland, has begun the construction of a seven-story build Ing at the corner of Fourth and Pino streets, in that el'y Pacific ironworks Foundry, Machine and Blacksmith Shop Structural Iron, Gast Columns, Etc. Carry in stock Steel Beams, Angles and Channels, Bolls and Rods. All kinds of Repair Work Attended to Promptly F-ast End Burnside St. Bridge, Portland. DALEY Furnishers and Ha ters -..H-H..I..;..l.,I.,,,,i.4..l..;..H.4..1..1.4.-f HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. V I. Marshall. Portland. I.. Tassel San Francisco. William Malier. Portland, r M Smith. Portland. E K Harbaush. Seattle. Mrs. Ken Murphy. Seattle. Count Palaski. Chicago. H. H. Tramp. Minneapolis. Charles Blann. Dnlutli. AVllllam Henry. Portland. D. E. Hall, Portland. J. A. Luckel, Portland. William S Wallace, San Francisco Mrs L. n. Traver. Salem. E. llraydan. Portland. R. D. Hall, Portland. W. H. Koach. city. Golden Rule Hotel. W. p. Jinett. Adams. W A. Campbell and wife, Wheeler. W. A. Weller. Wheeler. E. Withertte and family. Milton. G. S. Turner. Snohomish. Mrs. Betzold and family. Minnesota Charles Williams. Walla Walla. W. J. Moore, Spokane. I. Cunningham. Portland S. S Gill. Spokane. Claude Meyers. Baker City. friAts or Ohio Citt or toieeo i Lrcac Cocsrv. i . icnlor t7tncr of tho firm n( r. J. Cbcner i Co . i rtoloK burtnej In the city of Toledo, county forelrt nd that id Arm will py , lne turn o; ime iiuniirec imimn loreicn ina yeryee of Catarrh tht cannot be cared by "U'i.SHncrlbed in n,r orcnce thl h day of Reccmbor, A ; j,KAL 1 A. W. GLEAPOK. I Notary Public. . If all's Catarrh Cure it taken internally and act" directly on the blood and mucous aurfacet ol the yfiem. Send for testimonial), f r. t. j. unc-tci a cu., ioieao. unio. Sold by drujrRlsW.TSc. flail's Famllr Pills are the best. Health and Pleasure. When one goes to Lehman Springs there is every assurance that not only will one's health bo benefited by the pure, bracing mountain air and bath ing to he enjoyed there, but also while gaining health one can enjoy ! a great variety of pleasure ranging i I from hunting and fishing to bowling .and goli. C. H. Dutton has sustained his reputation as n cnnable host by the manner In which ho is providing f0r the comfort and pleasure of his guests. The Death Penalty. A little thing sometimes results In death. Thus a mere scratch, inslg- mfleant cuts or puny bolls have paid "e d-'ath penalty. It is wise to have 'Hicklin s Arnica Salve ever handy it g the U0Bt Balvo on carth and wI" a"" P threaten. Only SEc at Tallman & Co.'s drug store. an Ru a,)Qut the r(. of manufacturine lee at the Boss Ice Jfc Cold Storage plant. Come and ', ivt g. eold Storage plant. Come and 800 Uow lt is done and you will see that there is no ammonia, alcohol or any other substance whatever added to the distilled water to aid In the freezing Haw our Tei.s -h shoes repaired at SUNDAY AT J THE CHURCHES J First Christian Church Sunday school. 10 a. 111.; preaching, 11 n in nml S p. in nro. Jason Brown, of Washington, will preach. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening nt s o'clock. Christian Endeavor anil choir practice Friday evening. The public cordially Invited N. H. Brook--pastor. ! rhllP,h k" iwiclT ' m,,,r Methodist Episcopal Sunday school nt 10 o'clock; ng nl 11 u 11 r. u. - .u.u League at a p. in.: r. w - . "'"V o I, exports agree that a deposit ot at 7 p. m. No service In the evening ; "J, tnt. rl, farmlnR Church of the Redeemer Divine !"" T Willamette valley, ami In I service tomorrow at hours as fol- lows- Early celebration of the hoi, communion at 7:30 a. m.; morntn, praver and sermon a- 11 o'clock. ! evening prayer and address at 7 :." f"C o ! . . u c rirsi uapim l-Mursii ouiltin.. school at 10 o'clock. Spencer Sim ' mons. who has been absent fur some weeks on account of sickness, will be in his place ns superintendent to I morrow. Preaching at 11 o'clock ! subject. "Witnesses.." Subject of the aniilni. aurntnll "The fruit Without H , ni i..,.i...tn. te f r , "...r... lUUURfl U ! WIIU Hint III! II""' place of worship. R. W. Kins, pas tor. ZIONISTS AT BASLE. Will Consider Colonization (if the Holy Land. Bugle. Aug. 22. Representative Jews of the United Status, Groat Britain. Germany, Prance. Austria and other countries have gatliereri here for the sixth Zionist congress, which la to begin Its sessions touiof row. The congress this yenr prom ices to be the most IniiHirtnnt ever held lu view of the late Klshinuf out rage and the political situation in Bnstern Europe. There seems excel lent reuson for believing that the Zionist leaders are iireimrinc to take full advantage of the situation devel- i puPont. Ga.. "and gnve me up Ev ened through the Macedonian upris-! erybody thought my time had come Ing. I A n last resort I tncj Dr Kinr.'-' One of the principal discussions of New Discovery for Consumption the congress will be the colonization J The benefit 1 received was strlkini; of a province of Wadel-AiiBch In Pal-1 and I was on my feet In a few day estine. It is a protectorate of Great j Now re entirely regained my Uirtain. where it is proposed to settle i health." It conquers all cjughs, WO.iMM) Jews Negotiations have al- colds and throat ai.d lung tioubles. ready lieen opened with the Hritish I government. Missionary Alliance Meeting. Atlanta. Ga.. Aug 22 The fifth an nual Southern convention of the Christian nnd Missionary Alliance, began today nt the Piedmont Park auditorium and will continue for a period of olght days. Nearly every Southern State is represented ut the gathering and the speakers will in clude a number of eminent divines. Besides the sermons and addresses the program is to include musical features of n high class TRIB. Mr F U. Gray, of Portland. Ore., writes of July 10. 1&02. and vurlfius his statemuut of February 11. 1!)03. read them both: this is very convinc ing evidence that Trib is the one true cure for the liquor and tobacco habits. July 10. 1002, Mr Gray writes: "I believe your treatment. Trib, a good one. I tool; the Keeley cure at a cost of $130. 1 think Trib is honestly the best treatment of the two. lt has, I believe cured me." February- 11. 1902, Mr. Gray writes again: "Since I took Trib last June I nevef felt in better health In my life. It has made another man of me. I have recommended It to many people and have heard of no one taking It that It has not cured." Price jier treatment. $12.u. For sale by all druggists. Permanent Pastor. The Baptist church of Athena in to have a permanent pastor in the fu ture. Bev. C. H. H. Moore has beer, retained for the coming year and will enter upon his year's work next Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Moore are well pleased with Athena nml surrounding country and this week purchase C. A. Fischer cottage, with the tion of residing hem permanently Athena Press. Fighting the Thistle. In Athena and adjacent country the advance of the scourge of the soil, the Busulun thistle. Is being hold In check by the use of the sharp blnded hoe S. C. Stanton has been engag ed lor boiiie time in locating the punt nnd seeing that Is is properly exter minated. Atheun Press. Sick Headache absolutely and per manently cured by using Mokl Tea. A tileasant herb ilrlnlt Huron PmiHtl. patlon and Indigestion, makes you j eat, sleep, work and happy. Satlsfac-! tlou guaranteed or money back, cts and SO cts. Write to W. H. Hook er Sc. Co.. Buffalo, M. Y., for a freo sample. F. W. Schmidt & Co., drug gists. For Rent. I have remodeled the upstairs of the Deapaln block and have some of tho nicest onice rooms lu the city. Cnll and see them. C C. BEItKELEY. Best shoe work at Teutsch's. 8 Famous the World SOLD EVERVWtR6. CTll.1EIWnilllUUIXriJMtLLMlUIMJlt.CMTMMMM OIL DORING HAS STOPPED. ( 0f Capital Has Temporarily Quelched a Boom. a nronilnent prospector "f linker City Is authority (or the statement I that taring for nil has been temper !) "8IH.'i"lel I" Oregon not through luck of Indications of the , . . , fc of cafnal "'' ., ' " 11 "t ,1 ,.,,.. frn. i omprntive y short . 1st,, cos fro ,1 .ur fnc 'but ' " J"r J t been over $r..imn spent in nnj one ' bw.R hp ,u.lll8 ,.ParllU(t tt depth of U(H feet, with excellent In- .in iitious when the money gave out ----- , ., Mnnmmllh Ullll lf II VIHUIV 11...-. nil was actually Btruck at l.oiio reel, when the stockholders concluded to shut down for a while. lu Lincoln county the drills had not reached a depth of Son feet when operations were suspended, and nt 1 Vale, in Utistorn uregon. 11 ' .hought a few feet mote v,o,.ld and 1 ...... ,..,. iif.lon.il ine 1111. wiwu iur iuvu ....v.... to drop their tools for the time lie mg Drillers are now nt work on the hank of the Willamette river below St. Johns, with good prospects, and it is probable the work will be pros ecuted until the contention of the oil experts has been vorlfiud. Were capital to llow Into Oregon fur the purpose of drilling wells, as it has into Kentucky and Texas. It i- likely that more thai, one oil well would be spouting long ere tins. The ovyerts who have looked over the field aver that the I'lunlity of Oregon oil is superior to that of the South End of Bitter Fight. 'Two iihyslclaus hud a long and stubborn dght with an abscess on my right tuna " writes J. F. Hughes of Guaranteed by Tallman Co.'s drug I, 50c and Jl Trial Ixit ties, free STOCKMEN IN A FIGHT. Murderous Assault With Six-Shooters In Malheur Mountains. Ontario, Or.. Aug. 22. In an niter cation at the Seaweard ranch. In the Stein mountains, on the Mulhuur Harney county line on Tuesday, .Ike Fra&ier was seriously hin t b In i. y. struck on the lie. d with i re oh or in the hands of 1m Dawson A warrant was issued for the arrest of the lu'ter and Sheriff Allen now has liawt-oti in tin- i-ounty jail at nurne Why Springs Hi Lehman HOT WEATHER GOODS We Have Them One needs appetizing aud Iain' wands this hot weather. Where will you find anything daintier or that vou can relish more than our Queen Olives, Heinz h Jnms, Russian Caviar, Sliced and Canned Meats What do you drink? If you like u hot drink for breakfast try our celebrated "M. J. 11." Mocha and Java coffee. Some coui drink for lunch? li-ul a if an old standby hot weuliii r drink Wt have some splendid bran...-, Engli ,h Breakfast, Gun nnwuer Spmer I.r-p Young Hy-.-jii S'k.' i.r and other brands fiheiJHAWLEY Bios. inten jg A NEW UNION, How to Join and Get Quick Results at Small Cost. Why not Join our union of piano purchasers and have a hundred dol lars? You can do it and we can help you. This U how lt Is done: Wc can well afford to sell ton or moro pianos cheaper than one, so have organized a union of ten members. You Join and pay $10.00 down and 1 10.00 a mouth, tho piano Is yours. Now horo Is the best part of lt. Every tlmo n new member joins the price of your instrument depreciates In price $10; in otnor worus, when tho union Is filled overy mombor gets his Instru ment 10,i less than regular price, for example, a regular $300.00 Instru ment can bo had for $200.00 by joining tho union. Don't delay Ink ing advantage of this great opportu nity, as it will only lost a few weeks of the dull season. This, combined with our easy payment plan and ex change contract makes It possible for everyone m have an Instrument. Thorkolson's Piano Houso, 31C 13. Court street. Everything musical. 'C 'BEERS Over Fully Matured. Follow the Crowd Any of these warm even ings and you wi;i find them at Schmidt's Fountain A ter trying our soda you will readily understand why they all come here. They say our ice cream is the richest- our gjn ger ale the snappiest our egg drinks just right Foncy drinks well, the mere names will make your mouth water. The reason is simple we use nothing at our fountain but the very best, and our fountain man has made a life study of the business and knows just how Have you tried the '' liter that made Pendleton famous' Our Root Beer f. w. Schmidt's 1 Laatz The Reliable Drnggisi 1 i oitjilicc Pluck I'lioiic Mam 8m TclcpBoilE Hill I Military Academy t Dr J W. Hill, Principal. I J4t, & Marshall Sts., Portland. Oregon. J A PRIVATE BOARDING f AND DAY SCHOOL FOR J BOYS AND YOUNG I MEN. . 1 New mlldings, modern and t I complete. Manual training. uiil.tary T discipline. f Hoys successfully fitted for I 4 all colleges or for business life. T T Principal of 21". years' expert- I ? encc in Portland. . Boys or nny age admitted at f tany time. 1 , Write for catalogue t Fall term opens September J 1C' I' t t i 'M I I I I I 1 I I H"H"Hfr Oregon Portland Saint Helen's Hall Home and Day School for girls of all ages Academic and College Preparatory courses ns well as thorough Primary instruction. Ideal Hltuatlou on the outskirts of city of Port land. Basket ball. tennis, horseback riding. Year book sent on application. ELEANOR TEBBETTS, Prin. Ueiore deciding where to go to ; si-hool. examine a Pendleton Academy .nir.t.in.... fi.t- fim ..Mtninf vL-ar New building and uiiuipment New man agement, and a faculty of experienc ed teachers. Special arrangement .... tkn pftrt for music students ana iui fill oversight of all students from ou ; of town. All grades ol puuu. ----work thoroughly done. Our college preparatory work Is nccoptcd by "r best colleges East and West. Morai nnd oiinlnl ndvnntaKes the ory i Term lMgiiis Soptomber 14, 1003, REV. W. H. BLEAKNEY, PRINCIPAL STATE NORMAL SCHOOL WESTON, - - OREGON TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 16th lata - llih I! Jtiot jaunty of 1 - 'l aoa ' ere, PTC cold "U ut iv try our m.ji.. .. l. r"?" Fir T'imnr.l! ..I r! -l - iiiwii j i Win- K. . rn n nn. .L . L . . h1-' IC UCSl lot price? .Dlttt I I.J Any Time B A V Bi A UUUU ft . . ic Ina 11. Cm. hIm pvprv enm new usr lb SIB OUKU '"" I " vvnoie nouse nrw f 111 Court Srf I WW MM IV. . . vd CAREtf , driving is J riagc accident w nmrbech ine repairs. ' 8 is fin W wj-, possible, by J1, hands telM jgk 110 ,i litsI ThlsmacWW",,; ... thfl bWi- - .4 Sra 1 - -m BBBBSSSJBSSSSSSSSSSSK. . V.vtMMaH'