U1Y EVENING EDITION QA1LY EVENiNBEDlTION IE DAILY will be delivered at your retMaurt Eastern Oregon Weather or Uce of buslneti by carrier at 1 5c A WEEK. Tonight nnd Sunday, partly . t clotnly. l PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OIIEGOX, SATURDAY, Al'(U'ST 22, 15)03. NO. K EXCURSION TRAIN WRECKED rine and Seven Coaches bitched Four Miles South Chehalis. INE BLEW UP AND SIX ARE KNOWN TO BE KILLED. JOINT MANEUVERS. Navy will Attack Portland, Defended by Regulars and Militia. Portland, Me., Aug. 22. Tlio naval war game having concluded and the enemy" vanquished, the stage Is now cleared for the second game of the war drama in this locality. In addi tion to the naval forces which partic ipated In the recent maneuvers the forces of the United States army, re inforced by tho state mb .a of Maine, are now to have a part Beginning today and continuing for a week the fortifications around this city are to he the subject of attack by the bat tleships and cruisers of i.ie North At lantic squadron, under the command of Hear Admiral Albert S. Barker. According to the plans of the two departments these maneuvers are to be even more comprehensive than those of last year, when the fleet mado a mimic attack on the defenses of .Vow York city, In what is teimed uie artillery district of Xew London. DMERCAN I f! El UNCI THE FIRST SPEED Til Champions of Both Boats Claimed it Was Their Kind of a Day Before the Race Began. w Loaded I auacmng neet lias been some-1 , what weakened bv the temnornrv ills, i nown Details Are Meag cial Train and Was Portland Elks and Their i ablement of the Massachusetts, but It Lj. r,. r- nl..l. ' c-M'--i-ls n lain Line Northern Pacific. Portland. Reliance Crossed the Line About Five Minutes Ahead of Her Competitor A Race Without Flaw or Fluke A Great Contest Between Ship builders and Skippers Said to Be the Prettiest Yacht Race In His-tory. pma Aug. zz. An excursion rarrylng Elks from Portland to In was wrecKoo mis morning nlles south of Chehalis. The and seven coaches went into' Ich I Mattress FIRE AT WALLA WALLA. Undertaking Factory and Parlors Burn. Walla Walla, Aug. 22. The Walla Walla Mattress Factory, located on the corner of First uml Abler street a eman arriving at Centralia at , and an undertaking parlor located on I thrown up toys no saw uie nreman cai;en the same block, were destroyed by Cthe cab dead, and 100 passen-; fire this forenoon. The entire block Irc'-hed on the ground, some was threatened. There was no wind Highlands, Aug. 22. Just 52 years tO nn tmlnv 1hn Amnrlftn Innl.- tht I quean's cup in the contest around the ! Isle of Wight. Today visitors refor ! led to tho act and said they would retake the cup on this anniversary. : seeming undaunted by Thursday's showing. I Surprise was shown by the Specta I tors' at the sniallness of the bow wnvo by the challanger this bil a majority of the excursion Ire injured lei f-nln kit Centralia at 11:30 srrne of the wreck. Another rain enrrying nurses una doc- It Taconm at 12. IS, and is due vrerk at 3 o'clock. That Six Were Killed. rreek occurred on the main Ihe Northern Pacific, between i enforce it. and Chehalis. The train becial crowded with members Portland lodge of Elks and ends, bound for Olympia on urn from a picnic. Up to 1 be details are very meagre. phes have just been received uth Tacomn saying tho en- up and that it is known and the department did heroic work. Loss about $15,000. No Gambling in Shoshone County. Wallace, Idaho. Aug, 22 Judge Morgan, of the district court, yester morning when going at a good gait. Reliance rode as easy, but apparent ly no enaler than her rival. Tno breeze at sea is very even, with but few soft spots. Getting Ready for Second Race. As In previous races, the revenue day issued an order eloslnir all cames ' 'inters preceded In a big fleet the ox- in Shoshone county, Idaho, structed Sheriff Mauley to 'S PIPE and In-1 curslon boats to the starting line. strictly Almost as many craft are witnessing I as before. i Captain (iresliam held all back tin- she was not doing as well In the wind ward as Reliance. The ehnngo ap parently benefited, as Shamrock worked a llttlo higher thnn before. At 12:05 llellanco began establish, lug an overlap. The fight was the prettiest In racing history, both skip pers getting nil possible out of their tioats. At 12:0S llellance overlapped Shamrock and took lead, forcing a weather passage. At 12:1-1 llellance tacked to port and King plucked to nvold a back I wind, and a mlnuto later put Sham- ( nick on a port tack. Wind nine knots i ami holding well. At 12:20:5 the yachts in good time1 turned to the weather, both n lather of foam. Shamrock Is doing surpris ingly good In view of Thursday's per-1 froniance. llellanco had the lead at the end of tho llrst halt hour, but for a few seconds. The race has dovel-i oped Into a hot fight. Until yachts ' were heading to Seabrlght at 12:30.. both sulllng under small sails. I At 12:43 llellance tnckod to atnr- ISSUE OF SOCIALISTS. Entitled to Name One of Vice-Presidents of Reichstag, But May Not Accept. Berlin. Aug 22, The socialists tiro entitled to have appointed from their part one of the three vice-presidents of the relchstng. on account of their Increased repiesentation and other parties appear willing to concede this. Tho socialist leaders, however, dif fer us to whether they ought to ac cept the offer, as it would limit their complete freedom of obstruction and opposition. Uerr Hebel takes this low. but llorr Bernstein favors ac cepting. The socialists of Munich rejected the Idea hy a majority of IS yester day, while Stuttgart voted for It. WORK WILL ADVANCE. Great Northern Not Affected by the Wall Street Flurry. Uwiolt. Wash., Aug. 22. -Lewis Hill, son of .1 .1 lllll. denied, while In this fits. Hint Iho (Irrat Northern was nboiii to undergo i iftrenrhmonl policy owing In present business con ditions. .Mr. Hill proclaimed general prosperity, niul said the Croat North em would continue ;lenslvn opera tions lu (he West. He also said that Wall struct was only skeptical for n lew days leaiiiiUng Western social tics, and that no hnrm was done .Mr. lllll further said tho action of the courts would not nnd could not keep the Croat Northern from Its work of Rilxnncement DEFRAUDED IHE LORD SALISBURY DEAD. Great Pasted BOOK CONCERN Charges Against Jno. D, Ham mond, Manager of Branch Methodist Publishing Co. PROPOSES TO POLICE THE BALKANS WITH AMERICANS ople were Killed, including The taan Believes it Would Settle southeast of the lightship. , til he drew alongside the navigator , board and approached Shamrock on to learn th.. startlim line. At 10:20 opposite incK. ino ilirreronoi tile regatta committee announced the wind was too much to westward to carry out the original Intentions, so set the new stnrting line to n point English Statesman Away This Morning London, Aug. 22.--Lord Salisbury suffered a reverse nbout 3 this morn ing, and is slowly dying. Later. Lord Salisbury died this morning, 1 nr,.M 1.,1.. i i....... .i... , unvi uxjiiik miniuw louti IllllllfSl lllt'li,,, . i nan PORTLAND LINEN YET OUT eer and fireman. of Dead and Wounded. , Aug 22 So far as re names of the killed are: Freeman the oldest Elk in the Present Crisis and Lead to Per manent Peace Beautiful Scheme. i I'otwoen the boats was shown when Shamrock was forced about to port. , Five minutes later Ibllnnce wnH squarely on Shamrock's weather i quarter. Boats wero so close they i could hold conversation If so ills- claimed That Break at San Jose Will lioseu. NO PRESENT PROSPECTS FOR ANY AGREEMENT. hurt- Miss Comstock. of a sister of Dr. Cornelius, and; Mrs, Campbell, arms st sockets, Dr Cornelius and brnellus, his niece; Dr. Mor- porter Daniels, of the arms broken. : Miss Tiille Cornelius will Kelly and wlfo; Dr. Brown wife will die; Gus Krltz, a leper, Max Schiller, a cigar Ind secretary of Portland harles Haar and Mosher Per- Littlefleld, face and hands. five tramps riding on the am was killed. and worked out seaward. Up to the Starting Line. Home. Aug. 22. Illccicio Garibaldi, son of the famous patriot, proposes the establishment of an American gendarmerie In the disturbed dis- trlcts of the Balkans. As such a 1 lorco would no w inout prejuu ce ami i BtartillK Mm.. A BInart eight-knot impartial, he believes it would also , wm nn( 8fa (lH gmooth as atl inallii be self-sacrific as. He believes It I i.mi,. i.,,. . ui,. Ore-' would definitely settle the present r0(,k ,jrol;p ou, , lieadgaiB anil jpf, iiniKan crisis unti obiuuiisii priinu lu the meantime Captain King had ! At the end of the flisi 1 r'H mill sent alort the largest club topsail, In-, ng llellanco had gained 25 seconds dlcating that the challenger will be on tl)c adversary and hold him firm driven to the utmost In today's race. ; on the leeward quarter, ondo.-norlng Reliance stood by the llghtBhlp to kIvo him windward. At 1:10 Itellance Increased her lend many seconds and at 1:22, King, At S:50 llellance takes tow for the uie onuio e.ieiio- ui lon kaM shamrock will show eluding tho cost of recruiting in the ! (h, , ,0(, ,s(,)hl on United States, be paid by the powers , , , Sm,)Cam, ,,fiuai mosi iiiieiesiuu. hii-iuuihk u i'v'" ' pleubed. but says ace by the Turkish government. The '..,.,,r author would, if possible, give the j Americans wide latitude as to ills- finding himself hackwludcd. sought to bluff Hair by taking Ills boat under the stern. Ilarr craftily threw llell anco over, designing to follow the next tack of lllng, who, finding he could not get Ilarr to tack agulu cil can. llellance then seemed to take a Have No Local Effect Terms Ask ed of Company by the Strikers. Portland. Aug 22- Although it Is admitted hy momliors of the Lines men's Union that the striking line men at Sim Jose liiivii lotiirned to MADE A DIG GRAFT OF THE CHURCH AFFAIRS. Most Sensational Episode In History of the Methodist Church for Many Yearo Claimed That the San Fran Cisco Depository Lost $72,000 In the Last Four Years. San Francisco, Aug. 22. Soven Methodist clergymen have li. niiahl charges against lt v .lulin I), Ham mond, local miumgcr for II eurs of the .Milhodlst (took Concern, tho largest and richest publishing house In tile world. Tin- neeusiitions are of misiminagiv inenl, doubtful deals In collect Inn of ncroiiiils, nnd c'iiuhIiis certain onipn iile' tiooks to tie destroyed He Is also culled to give an nccouiitliiK for n largo amount of endowment fund held by htm for tho University of the Pacific and for $111,000 per year allot ted him by the missionary hoard as . PIchIiIIiir elder In the Chinese dis trict. Hi whs xiipiHiscil to have opened mi Anglo Chinese college here. Ho two classes of nine pupils curb f uml one of three. He received a large salary and had on nnnUtanl for both classes. Hammond was ictuoved from tho mniiiigerslilp In I'jou, but was loliilu ed to uiiilvO collections. The Kan Francisco depository lias lost 173,000 In the last four years, ' ASK FOR INTERVENTION. Balkan Troubles Have Developed Some New Phases, Holla. Aug. 22.--SuMiral Turkish of ficial Inivo been ruptured at Ailrlnn opule and taken nemos the frontier Into llulgiirln, where they wore Irl'-d by the locnl authorities nnd limit!- i anu esiauiisn peima- f startn muleI. , san. nent peace. The plan proposes mat, Vac,ht8mn a,e enthusiastic Lip-':", "'" the enure expense oi me sjsiem, .-1 .ai(1 si,anlroL.; will show some- board lly well it is llellance weather. At 9:25 the committee boat. Navi gator, passed the Hook bound for the spray flying from beneath her boom us she tore along further to wind ward and pointing higher than the chulleuger. work at the company's terms. It Is oned. claimed this will lu no way Inlloi'iice Dlspatchtis this morning "lulo that the local strikers the Mai edonlans Intend In 'end it There is as yel no indication or nil , ilt-logaHim headed by n bishop, nuking ligmeniont being piobalile between the powers lo Intervene tile striking telepliono lliiumeu at HepoitH are of s-veiii lighting and Poitlaud and Ihelr employers, the a iiiiitliiiious buttle iicmr Geogllo. i'aclllc Ktates Teleplioue Company, . II h heay Iimsos nil botli Hides. It although two months have elapsoil ; Is also stated that the Macudiinliin since the men quit work. There are , lnsiirg"nts. nflnr a let rule fight, cap- said to lie about a dozen non union men ul work for the company, lint the strlkeiH say they have been nble to win those non-union men over to lured and burned lliislllkii, lu Iho Adrlnimpolc district, and later Mill bullied 12 nolgllhoiillK vllliiKiw- eretlon. At 1:27 Ilellnnco had siifilelont lead , Uiolr side n rapidly as the company Ither Banks Involved. i Igton, Aug. 22. The comp- GRAIN MARKETS. Gibbons In Switzerland, Moutreiix. Hwllcerlnnd, Aug - mhiy. WHEAT 8ITUATION TODAY, lightship, at the same time llellance I , ,,., n, ,i,,, ii,., lean hire olhers This loaves the 'dropped tow and started around tho J At ,33 ,,,, ynt.illg nr within two ! number of employes about thu same Cardinal (llbbons arrived Iuti Hook tor tno siarung nne. uiniei ,,,us or tj,0 ut,,r llark llellanco ul ""'os. i;iguiy men went out I ,nlnD,,ll ClllTIMIL- rUlAfri till . .. IL'ltlltt 111., ulill.-,. I mi M.II.V ,,t lIl.lLJI tho currency this morning I Quotations Furnished by Coe Commls- hlBl,' hnost with the committee fi." il,-.. "rJ. ,.L' S;.?...' Imv.. obtained wink in somethliiir id that tho closing of the' -i r.nmnanv B. E. Kennedy. Lo- i,nnt I 1...1.1. i.. 1. ....... else Dallv meetliius are held bv the Bank of Groesback, Texas,' , ,, ,., I .. . 1 A( o. m n, . ,i,i iu .in,i .i, ,i 1 (ommltlee of Ihe sir kers and pro tlie failure of the Beaumont 1 . . . " . . .a ... tin. khIIh nr i.ih v.iel.t n i,f.llvlnLr gross Is imported rhram Auc. 22. uauies were , th. rnmin ttee a d a new Ktarting r - - ,,. ,. , higher. The market opened about , Ilt. lollr u,iiui to tho southeast of tho the same as yesterday closed, but oI(j oov The cour.se Is southwest by CARS FOR LEWISTON. Franchise Granted Capital ists by Idaho Town. fe I'ence, who is Interested Btor Fred T. Dubois nnd an extensive Irrigation car Lewlston, was Informed Dday that the city of Lewis- I granted them a tranchlse an electric street car lino sic principal streets, says Tribune quite Important, as their ir- ilans included the building lhan lino through their Irrl- fur u distance of 15 or 20 lewlston, By having a line town its operation will be a"! seasons of the year. P'taii bns diverted liumor- so that thev will cimntv IValia The lake will have I -I" oot nnd has an area Tm altitude or the lake 1 wn n that of Lewlston feet The mirvov elves I 'aUs 'ii 400 feet each, be- JGr 'ta' hes a point wliore ii iripn i..itri,tirni nnr. 'ira power sites win ' " pte electricity to r' line and for ail Tf eiai jnirposes. It at power In the is only an Inci-1 n ion scheme, and I r a ready market l) 'he mining ami -r by 1 In Line for the Start. At 11:20 llellance comes up in the wind, takes in a small topsail and sets a larger one. A dense haze off out At 2:17 the wind shows signs of flattening out. Shamrock Is making the better showing and seems to have tho most breeze. At 2:25 Iteliunce Is again morn than holding her own. Barring nee I dent or fluke, she Is certain of win ruled easier the first part of the ses-1 wehl 15 Wueg ana roturn, slon the market being relatively weaker than Chicago. Our Septem ber sold down to SP.fc. aiound ....s price. There was some profit taking by the shorts and buying by the pit. There was a considerable amount of December wheat on tap and not very much demand, the tavorable weather reported from the spring belt and easier cables are the depressing in flm.nm The market turned weak i imvnrrls the close, closing about " , .; " rock at l:G7:t3 the low prices of today. Trade light g, ,ck 8lart(Hi at 11:15:21. Itoll-1 , Kellnnce has now deinoi.strated and the market very weaK. North- J , ,46 flat. her superiority to the Kngllshman, WUSl rtM-ciiUB, ihvi.i...0i - " lQ.lrraVlllie ftl SlUrl HUH lilt uuuuoi , . - Minneapolis and Dulutl. were 314 cars 1 ?or juion ever made In a cup, owing 10 ""'' ",""'1 , against 4SC a year ago. , , u1ter the ,)reuaratory slunal tlmo ullowanco at 1:67. lei ance hail Com opened firm and little higher. . 1 S(.uarey oll 32 swonds to go on at the outer The local seetetaiy of the Line men's Union miiIiI today that tho men who had been out ul San Jose, Cnl., had returned lo work 'it tho old rates, but that this action would have no effect on the unions of other cities. Ho censures the officers of the Han Mill Men Claim Prices Are Liable to Decline Growers Hold for Raise, Wheat has fallen one cent lu the export market, so Iho exporleis ciiy. A duy or two ugn wheut was quoted at 711 i'i'iii mid some of II was sold for thill llguin to the eXMirl men. but thuy eon Id not stmiil to pay thai prlr tin the outside market, nnd the com modity lias fallen down 11 emit Tie O . .. . .. ' ..I ,1... A .1 I.n ,1,11.,.. shoie and the starting lne is practi-1 "'K j nuns.. im- nuihii, rally obscured. At 11 :30 the propata-1 down. llellance now loads by more tory gun was fired. Both bouts on a lan four minutes, starboard tack, Jockylng for the start. Around the Turn. And Now They're Off. llellance lounded tho outer mark ...leu .i. .1,1.. ...in iihk at 1:55:31. on a long reach. Sham- Theie was not much corn offered lor , g: ; k., weather quarter. The , mark. Pandemonium rages on uie sale. Tho continued bad crop reports XSr tftorts filled to stand cun.lon fleet which had rushed for . 1 ,, vaiirnskft resuiuHi m 1 - , ..r..i leteiicu 1. -in ",-; ,, ,,. 1 nil warning w si" ' I snons covering nuu ' lf,r II Ing. although the weather ot the crop are good. Wheat Opening. Sepi S6I I)e' Sl Coin s.-i 1 M liniioapolis. Aug. S8.-7-! jt OpmJb- M ,, iV !)e, .. 7". Hank cloarani Hs lotia.v . $1 ' 1 h;. coudiiions Close. 79 81 51 Close. MM 7R", jli(,-'i- t rind to foren ach on the and defender, i'I, loans $'J.5U!I B'Hi Chicago Wheat. ..yi Auk Wkett. loht i! T'T Reliance Exnected to Win. I bui owiug 10 Ban s quickness ai . o the presumjitlon that tlie yachts 1 11:53 Reliance crossed the sturuouru auMl wU)l tbe Mrae reatiVe dls j tack and had the weather, but was Un(v ag u U(JW itween them, and behind as they stood along the bar ... .,...,,, ,,,u niinne will be the held so high in the wind so at times w,nner by at Mgt flve minutes. The Rliann''s sails trembled. 8lowly. offlf.)a tarlnK time Is announced as but evidently she began to cut down - ,r shamrock, llellance four tbe challenger's b-ad. Reliance M (.,)nll al(.,. a few of the ex ursioo seemed not only a point higher, bo' a oaM a(, u(,afj,1 for home, seeing foot faster. Helianie U almost a sure winner. Tie (,r.-i 10 lninmes bhowed Roll- The ra,.e wm probacy be flnlshed ume i homing the wind belter and v,,i!m 2d uiinutnH. Linking out 11101 1 lo in winu At 11:58 Klne, findlnz he could not .nln! u'Hi Kd'auie uok In the jib Jose union who mo! nnd udoplod u ! fuel of tlie matter is nun me iieui losolntlon lo resume work without sold lo Ilium at Iho high figure consulting the rank mid file of the 'was perhaps liirnoil In for Hie mills, organization There wore 25 men nt Hym l limiting 7o ami In snmo work at Han Jose. , places 71 cents for groin, but he Tho men wunt 3.D0 pur day lor claims thai It Is higher thun the mar those classed us Journeymen. Tho ; km will slmul and Hint the price will wiigim when limy quit wero 2.6u mid ' lull U'fore the season Is over Ho $3 for eight hours' work Tho quus-1 Imuglu some i-stiM gra'le ''' Hon of hours Is not lu dispute, Iiik the middle of tho wek fur 72 , eiils, but It whs limaime lie anted COSTLY VALISE. thai purtloiiliit wlieal ntnl not because . I the uistkei ili-iiiamled Him piiiy Uml Baker City Man Sues O. R. & N. and , ho M the llgiire Collects 40 Cents Damages. Kvmi yet Uie grslu i siHI in tl The Hcholl cumi iigaliisl Ihe () II fields slid has nol Imk"" ' gel '''" M I4IHIIIIIIIV rnr 1 h entliiii of u.l lie tMiruuoilst-s nun wn- mm" ' gn.il 1 tenl All of lhl 'r IBe lly r,.' mill liu, IioiikIiI bill UlO.UIlO lniiii I,, wlui li Is one ii nib o( what ihe will urn In tin esi run Th rui no 1 " nil to In 1I1 tei mini d to valise wus finally settled yesterday when Mr. II. I' Connor, stloim y lor the Navigation company phIO into court tl5, the mnounl of the Jil'lg mem roeoi-red by achell agulnst iln f) R N.. says the Haker rity Deiuoi rai The Jiidgnient wos thu' uiiiouni and mi touts The costs in ihe esse taxid M Ihe plslnliif Hehell amounted in 114 Wi. losvlns 40 cents I msrsiti for attorney's fees, In addl-' Th- ' -'" ' 1 I iin in this the O. It & N. iDiiinsnv 1'enqsylviiiila, r moru hu' lllgll'-r flgUle lliull ill UK' PH'S- 1 el Hiiio offered snd rioin ilie In 'It I 4II..I.-, tin lii H" 'i '" 1 il"l" in th K.amc Reliance Wins the Race. Reliance wll.h, llllOffleial time f the I hlsl dpi II loufesslon that ending of tbe race beimj i.U:V. 'oik if t tor 110,- ban pos-ssloii of Ihe vsllse snd its OvO.QOO, and Mr.il.wuie i-W' - contents, which It is slaU?l will In have been bom 1. m Vi 1 e.i K-ur- ' ,.ui ui ,,.,l.lle Hilelklli Thu O. It. is 1 rilUle hlil.ile.'l I 1 v eomi.aiiv ulso no J a tunginein 1 i iiiii. - 1154 '!li auaiust Mr SohelL wblr b U "he wfcll bjt th Vm in process or ooisscuwi. - 'Ymff, llK iBwrrnBaayel A- '.lililW.'.MV.' .,..1