si DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1903. . .a a. . The Peoples Greatest Outfitters f OF ATHENA Tickets to Shield's Park J i umi intend buying Roods buv them Iip u:.i. 1 2.oocasl) purchase in our clothing or dry Roods ttincnt, wc .Rive you a ticket to the vaudevi'le J LT E RATION SALE ! Larging our store rooms, tearing out and re- t Ling the interior, hence its barRain time. ;CI A L THIS WEEK 1 SAMS. Tourists Caps and Negligee Shirts ALEXANDER'S DEPARTMENT STORE M I'ltlDEOFniATlUA Ji- - LjoY A GOOD SMOKE ? Try Pendleton Bonur.t mr Drirf. Itilla. Made at Home. A. RHODE. Maker. kfH'WW"!' M1 I"l-M"H"i' -j..A4..H"K- IE GROUSE SEASON NEWS Opens Saturday, August tlie first, and yim will need a new gun and ammuni tion Wc have the finest Hue In the city of double barrel ehotguns nnd repeat ers Call aud examine our line before purchasing, ns wo can save you money MPSON HARDWARE Co. I Main St. Headquarters for fishing supplies J WHEAT HAS GENERALLY YIELDED ABUNDANTLY. Christian Women's Board Make Mrs. Slas a Present Otis Beck Makes a Report on Affairs at Heppner Rev. Mooore May Succeed to Pas torate of the Baptist Church Ser mon by Rev. Brown, of Port Orch ard. Athena, Aug. 19. The Infant son of Berne Banister is very sick with cholera Infantum. Mnso Taylor had a 40-acre field of wheat that made 75 bushels to tho acre. John Mclntyro and w. It. Tnvlor's wheat averaged 30 bushels to tho acre. An SO-acre field of Brown and Hotlgin made a yield of 43 bushels to the acre and another 155-acre field yielded 50 bushels. W. H, rteedcr's homo nlnr-o made 4 btishcl3 to tho acre; A. U Swag-1 gart's field made a yield of 37 bushels to the acre, and George Grace's 375 acre tract made 30 bushels. Duncan Mclntyio's 145-acro field made a yield ot 50 bushels to the acre uuu icsieu ih. pounds to the bushel. At tho meeting ot Christian Wo men's Hoard of Missions held Satur day August S, tho members of that so ciety presented Mrs. Slas, the retiring president, with a beautiful pin In token of tho esteem in which she Is held. Rev. C. H. H. Moore, late of Mt. Vernon, Ore., preached in the nap-, tist church Sunday morning and even-1 Ing and will hold services next Sun day, and It Is possible that ho will i bo retained by tho Baptist congrega-1 Hon at this place for the coming i year. Hev. .Tudson Brown, of Port Or chard, Wash., preached In the Chris tian church both morning and even ing, last Sunday New Six-Room Cottage. V. S. Buel is having a six-room cot tage built. Working on Heppner Sewer. Otis Beck camo up from Heppner last week. Mr. Bed: Is engaged in contract work on Heppner's new sewer system, besides having several private contracts. Investor rom Colorado. Mr, W. S. Averill, who some months ago arrived here from Colorado, has purchased two lots from J. H. Hite man, adjoining the Canton property, and will soon let a contract to build a handsome resldonce. 71 SATURDAY SPECIALS Our now goods are coming in very fast ami we aro wondering wht-ro wc will put thorn. Come f our store Saturday and help us miko riK-tn for a few more gooJs Wo will make prion inducements to please you Notice a Few of the Cots In Summer Stuffs Hoy's and men's summer underwear, per garment, Ilk. MonV 60c shirts, light or dark, for SATURDAY, TO.'. Ladios' sleeveless vests, 10c and 18c lduri, 3 for '25c. Lrdies' laco hoto 30c and UK kind, fir Saturday 25c per pair Children's and ladies' laco hose, 'Joe kind. 19c per pair Ladies waists $2.40 kind now $1 75, $2 now $1 35 $1 To kind now $1. 25, $1 kind now 7oi 7oc and oOc kind now 39c All lawns anJ dimities worth 10c ami less, Saturday only to yard. All lawns woith 25c and less, for Satuiday only toe yard. 20 pairs of ladies' hhoes, odds and ends, small zs 5()c pair. All slippern and oxfo' ds, 25 per cent off of the regular prie. Zephyr ginghams for Saturday only, tf.o yard. THE F K I R The Place to Find Genuine Bargains FW WW WT WiTTTTtTTtTTTTTTTTTTTiTTtTT iases the Taste" for (Md Lesiff Brand of The ownership of the small islands ai i'ii cvtreme southern end of tho StiHi archipelago, will be left to nrbl-' trntlon Great Britain and the United Rtntns linth claim them I f GROWTH ' Once Used ALWAYS USED A R1C0 COFFEE in one pound Packages & MOCHA COFFEE in one pound packages ; For sale by ull up-to-date grocers. . , Teas, Extracts and Baking Powder ; fit! COFFEE & SPICE Co., So1' 3 m i n mn 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 hi II""" and Ammunition from a man m the gun uusine. n Jomrrr u A V MAIN STRHET . STILLMAN, K. O. Building SiltlSl.lCllOn ouaiamim I Kind Merit Has the larye demand lor Byers' Best Flour p. Only the choicest wheat that R " est Flour. It's perfection in Flour. Made by the LETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. P Water Pi,s Fmined and Repaired at Once Delay will lead to serous breaks. Fust-class worh cuaranteed ! CIC, 'the Reliable PlamUt. Cott street, opposite the Golden Rule Ho' Promoted by Shampoos of Cuticura Soap And Dressings of Cuticura the Great Skin Cure Purest, Sweetest, Most Effective Remedies for Skin, Scalp and Hair. This treatment at once stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales and dan druff, destroys hair parasites, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, loosens the scalp skin, supplies tho roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow upon u sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp when all clso falls. Millions of women now rely on Cuti cura Soap assisted by Cuticura Oint ment, tho great skin cure, for preserving, purifying and beautifying tho skin, for cleansing tho scalp of crusts, scales and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for Boftcnlng, whitening and soothing red, rough aud sore hands, ror baby rashes, itching and dialings, for annoying irritations, or too free or offensive perspiration, for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative, anti septic purposes which readily suggest themselves, as well as for all tho pur poses of tho toilet aud nursery. Cuticura remedies aro tho standard skin cures and humour remedies of the world. IUthotho affected parts with hot watermul t'utlcura Soap, to cleanse tho surface of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without hard rubbing, and apply Cuticura Olut mcnt freely, to allay Itching, irrltatlou and Inflammation, aud sootho and heal, and, lusMv, In tho severer forms, take Cuticura Keolvent, to cool and cleanse the blooJ. A Hiigle set Is often sultl-cli-nt to cure the most torturing, dis figuring skin, sculp and blood humours, from pimples to scrofula, from iufancy to age, when all olsu fulls. FI4 IhrminhoullV wnriri CuHnm lltuiintMx i fin latin 0i unoooiMiP t-tw-u ni. I". v' ' . nnt, Mr , Km- '! . lIKil I Ix.odon . f (PIM HI I I'.H. I. Jll'! Bl'.n. I CoUimUu. Ave. Vwitu- lmfc CViu. Corli , ol Pwp. . jr-StQil Iw !! to Can twf IIuomiu AT SHIELDS' PARK. Largest Crowd of the Season and an Excellent Program Lat Night. Tho largest crowd of the season visltod Shields' Park last night, and the program was good in every par ticular. Tho scene from "The Burglar," presented by Baby Owens, assisted by Messrs. Murray and Nel son, was well dono, and won new lau rels for the young artist, which has been such a favorite since IiIh first appearance in the city "The Furniture Man." presented by Athon, Wilson nnd ClnrU, was ably neted, and merited the applause It ie coived. Zoynrra was seen in n new act, on tho trapeze rings, and while It was good, It was not in favor with the audience, as was IiIh revolving globe act. The program wns rendered with spirit and snap, last night, and the Innti) crowd appreciated It highly. The amatours appearing weie MIbh Maple and Mr. Castle, euch of whom were recalled and responded with ex cellent vocnl selections. Zeno, the contortionist, was well received In his dltllcult feats. The program for tonight and to morrow night promises to bo equally as lntciestlng as last night ami lu addition, the prize drawing will take place In the park tomorrow night. The benutii'ul prizes are on exhibition tit M ltader's. Ticket to the pnrlt Include a free ticket to the drawing and may be purchased at Ilrock & McCoimis' drug store. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Mommxilh, OfrKnn Tiftintut n'fi in I r t"cnrp i-nitr r laiigrit em rel -lly lor tr(n ug toftrlifti 1 r il lirniictii'N ot (tip rtitfcMton o.l up Trent-.! iiiHhCHln litr crttilnl -U UHKr'lHl rorV i m n'-tiui Ul t li-l r-ttHHil Ttin . , .... ..i..... ,., ,i. . trork rnt'K t 111 t'-IHitl til I in r-t IMH1I inn ikiiiifttiil fur of I ti a lelitNtl t.'Mi lift., litr t-xirttl. flit mi pijr Tli ..l.tiii il..i..iim. nl ulil.-h mM.l.t. nf .....I.. . ..1.1 .. I. ....I ..f ..tu..o en d. Ila 1 l'llU'i. it 111 Hll l' lifllt'tie lllKltlil- l.iont Mutlr. Prtnlnic mul I'liitlcul uliilnir Th rmitl t'o ii ll.ti l i mul ii It iln.rtiMii i .'fllll. t.i KaII t.rm ...a. U.., . P. I'.i.ln. liri .1- In ftirinntimi -ililrrn 1. i' Hr.-lrr I'tM Or J. N IMIicr.N nine IK i inuke a )eclalty of solos mid duelists nnd similar siieclul numbers, ami In order to do this will secure some of the best players In the country Will Reopen Their Meat Market. Tho Schwuiy. & Hreiillch Meat I', will rcpoen their meat market nt the old stand on Main street near Webb, with a first-class line of fresh meat. ' cured meats and sausnge of all kinds, 1 on August ilitli. Our meat will bo re frigerated, Insuring palatable and , wholesome meat. Thono Main 181. SCHWAliy. & OHHUUCH. LET US FILL YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER EARTH IS HOLLOW. Well Drill Dropped Out of Reach Near Eugene. On the Coleman ranch a few miles west of Uugclie the residents have ex perienced an unusual condition of af fairs, says the Eugene fJunrd. They are sinking a well on the place and when through the- hnrupnn which they encountered the drill, sinker aud all disappeared from the end of the cable as If dropped Into u cavern In tho iinilorwnrld. Tho circumstance was somewhat similar to the one experi enced nt the university a low months uko wh"ii a hole about W feet In , depth was found while drilling for j : water. Some of tho water was brought toi the surface aud used for cooking on the ranch. The first meal eaten when the new water was used made all the r.,.iii. uii.i.- nmi ft una feared that they had been poisoned. Tiki lady of the house next attempted to use tho water for scrubbing and found that It loomed up like soap suds when scrubbed about on tho floor A bottle was brought In liugeni and Druggist Vincent will analyze It and find Its constituent parts. It Is bolloved that the underground river which supplies the numerous mineral springs about the country has been tapped THE SPOKANE FAIR. ( Best Musical Program Ever Rndeerd In Washington Now Secured, H (i Stlinmol. manager of the Spo ininruiiitii Fair, has rloscd a ; contract with Fred 13. lioppe In fur nish music throughout the 10 days' IcxpoMtlou from October fi to 13. The 1 fair agrees to pay for this one item of entertainment the sum of $1,734. iMr lloppe agreun to furnish n band' I of 2.1 skilled nnd' haridsomel) unl- formed musicians, which he will con-, din t In person ! Under tho contract he can be called 'upon each day for a parade of one hour and for aix houis of music nt Hi. fair grounds. He proposes to iDESPAIN & CLARK i CONSUMERS WHOLE SALE GROCERY AND 'WHOLESALE COMMIS SION MERCHANT Si :614-514 MAIN STREET Phone Main 1741 Wc can supply you with , Huililini; Material of ull descriptions and sit v t you money DOORS WINDOWS Huililini: paper Tuiif cement luick and (And. Wood Kiittcis ot bams uid dwelling a specialty Oregon Lumber yard Alta St., Opp. Court House MALTHOIE KOOFEVG Made in California where materials are produced The lowest priced roofing made, Lasts longer than all others. It is weather arid water-prpof and fire resisting. for U.1UI. 1 The Parafdne Paint Co. tin f'rindico, Stilt'e, Portlind. U Aniclti tun uowir, uiiwiao, 11 T.Vi LoK, We Can Mend It We hav purchased tho Witboo HlcycJu and Itopalr tittup uml aro prepared to make quick r pairs and guarantee our work. Wo repair bicycles, sewing ma. chines and other light machin ery do brailng and other re pairing. Wo ore agents for three makes ot wheels that lmv met th test and proven their worth. They are THE RACVCLE, THE HILLCMMBEIJ, . and THE CRAWFORD, If you aro going to buy wheel, eomo urouMil and look nl our whfcXdu befoio lyou pur ' chase your wheel. Gordan & Cdmistcn 311 EAST CpURT 8TREET. j) L. On and alter Aprl i, fate over the 1'end'reion UkUh Staut' Line will Imj) ' " r.nsiu.o tt. rfah.ii nyri tW ' m- 11 i itu'i ftp, I' 'l Piuinuu i" Wiet tk.O,;uii4 np,V 0(fUc at, OWp, KMle ttvlel 1 m i m r. i I