East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 21, 1903, Image 2

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Hoys washable suits to close out 50c suits at 40c.
115c and 75c suits at 50c.
Si 00 suits at 75c
Si 25 suits at Si. 00.
56 00 men's outing suits at $5,00.
513-50 men's summer suits at 10.00.
517.50 msii.s summer suits at S14 00.
Balance of straw hats at half jir ce.
Golf shirts 50c to $2.50.
Neg'igee shers 50c to 52 3.
Summer underwear 25c, 50c and 73c per garment.
Just Received Anoiher Shipment of Belfast Mesh
L-nen Underwear
B 8T V
5 G4&r fed? 5m I
One f rice Clothiers, Furnishers and Ha ters
Range Area Is Diminishing Very Fast
and Stockmen Must ' Prune Down
the Number of Sheep to Insure Sub
stantial Profits.
As n little furin well cnltlviiti'il
will not Its owner 11 hotter prollt than
a largo farm neglected, so will similit
er Hocks of kooiI. well broil sheop,
pay their owners bettor profits than
large flocks mmle up of common, Ill
bred scrub sheop, says Wool Markets
ami Sheep.
The sheepmen of Oregon anil other
overstocked ranges would make inure
money should they cut down their J
flocks and Mulsh off their shcop hot-'
tor before putting them on the '
It Is estimated that there are usii-
ally more than a third more sheep
Differences at Seattle Havo Been
Temporarily Settled.
Seattle. Wash., Aug, 21. There
will bo no streot car strike In Seat
tie for at least three or four weeks,
If th"ii. After numerous i"n!'oroni:os,
the men havo decided to await tho
return of President Turlli o (be Se
attle Klectrlc Company, who loft r
a vacation yoHtorday. Mr. Kurth sent
word to the union men that If there
were differences be would bo willing
10 arbitrate when he returned.
Some of the men thought this wns
only u scheme to delay, hut wiser
bonds pievalled, and the president's
return will he awaited. The mutter
was practically settled to wait, last I
night, but today It was olllclally tie- j
tcrmliied by the executive loiumlt
toe, whlcn has the whole affair in 1
"Kins of oil Bottled Beers."
Brcwod from Bohemian Hops.
On Account of Great Demand for,
Maps, Another Issue Necessary.
The O. It. fc N. lias just received
the rulssuo of the wall map of the
upon the ranges of Oregon than the ' Northwest that bus attracted so much 1
the Crowd
Any of these warm even
ings and you will find
them at
A rei ently orgnnlxed piano manu
facturing linn Is capitalised at $10.
niD.min. A Nebraska oung man. William
Koenig. has married bis step-mother.
His father died a year ago.
The Churchman ( Episcopal) favors
an executive bead for the church,
claiming that it is necessary
Six of the largest flouring mills nt
Minneapolis, Minn., havo shut down
on account of a scarcity of wheaL
The clerk of the St. Charles hotel
at St. I.ouis, took a few shots at u
couple of burglars mortally wound
ing one.
During the coming school year 70.
01IO children in New York City will
either not attend school at all, or
will attend only half time clnssos. !
Colonel C K. Hudson, or Denver,
died very suddenly at a hospital In
New York City from hemorrhage of
iIib stomach. Poison Is suspected. ;
A general strike of all the omployos '
of the shipyards along the Atlantic
.seaboard is exacted in sympathy
with the striking marine machinists.
Sergeant Hreidenbach. of the (ler- '
man army, has been sentenced to
three and a half yenrs imprisonment
for brutality to private soldiers.
There were 1.500 mild and ilflO severe
rases charged against him
1 Hotel Pendleton.
! H. P. Ilrnndos, Portland.
F. D Curtis, San Francisco
Oeiirgp H. Sutherland, Walla Walla
.1. U. I.eppeueott, I.os Angeles.
O. U. Partes. Riverside.
V. It. Glemlouuing, Portlnnd.
E. Slkos, Portland.
E. J. Ilronnlck. Portland.
Nona K. Griffith. Cripple Creek.
Miss Gertrude Hortcllffe. Cripple
William L. Rico, l.nnsing. ,
S. V. Knox, Weston.
W. S. Clark, San Francisco.
.Mary L. Pass. Pittsburg.
James Leslie. Seattle.
Marvin Welch, Hoiso.
H. F. Conner, Portland.
H. Pattnn, Spokane.
A. Seeds, Spokane.
C. Uaughman, Portland.
F. Melclior. Starhuck.
S. Mnroy, Spoknne.
Nylander, Portland.
Tauaslch, Walla Walla.
M. Shutt, Hoppnor.
II. Pingham, Portland.
S. Fisher. Washington.
W. K. Maginn. St. I.ouis.
Ida M. Patteo, Spokane,
.lumes H. Paster, Dee Moines
Mrs W. I.. Couk, Omaha.
Fifteen more carriers were added to
the mail delivery systom of Portland '
Thursday. 1
Andrew Craft', a pioneer of Lautou-'
mil. Or., died Thursday of tuberculo-
sis. agci 50.
The Moore Creek country. North-,
ern Idaho. Is being burned ovur by
terrible forest fires. ' !
Salem labor unions are making
great preparations for the celebra
tion or l.nbnr Day, Soptonibor 7.
The North Shore Electric Hallway
between Sausalito and Mill City.
('a! . was formally opened Thursday, j
The Trans-Mississippi Congress, in 1
session at Seattle, passed strong res- j
olutions favoring the Lewis and Clark I
Fair. Thursday 1
The war department bus rejected, bt-iti nr omo citt or Toledo)
all the bids received for the constnic- Lew county. 1
Golden Rule Hotel,
fi. I). Galley, Portland.
Mrs. J. C. Ilrown and family
log ton.
D. Hackott and daughter. Haraboo
.Mrs. H. .T. Murphy. North Yakima.
T. Heed. North Yakima.
W. T. Anderson and wife, Mlsa.
Tonnio I.oine. Mlsa.
Al l.undley. Chicago.
W Lee. Chicago.
15. Carleton, Chicago.
Ed Iioycc. Chioago.
Clyde Parke. Chicago.
A. Garrett, Chicago.
Mrs. P. Smith, Walla Walla.
Miss E Smith. Walla Walla.
Mrs. Peters. Walla Walla
Sam Lee. Spakon.
.1. .More, Helix.
W. P. Jlnette, Adams.
W. A. Campbell and wife, Wheeler.
W. A. Welter, Wheeler.
Edith Witherlts and family, .Milton.
George S. Turner, Snohomish.
ranges are capable of carrying In full
I feed. If this estimate is correct the
J sheepmen there would do the wise
thing the moiiey-iunklng thing to
cut down their holdings one-third.
This would enable them to increase
tnolr prollts at both ends of the sea
son. They would huve a third of their
capital for Investment elsewhere, or
what would be better, for Investment
In better sheop. Thou, with n third
more range they could hotter lit their
sheep for mnrket and get more money
for them.
The coming spring will be a good
time to begin the reduction. When
the Eastern buyers reach the range
in quest of feeders they should be
loaded up as heavily as possible. If
this does not reduce the flocks to
their proper limit, selections of the
poorest niid most scrubby should be
Those should be shipped out of the
country at what they will bring. Per
haps it would be a wise policy to se
lect the most ancient ones of the
poorest breeding and slaughter for
their pelts only. This would save a
heavy freight bill and commission.
With the reduced flocks of selected
ewes put rams of good breeding and
thus Increase the value of tho lamb
crop. Get tin- range sheep business
more compact and there will be more
motley In It.
Another gain that oi$sht to be cov
eted by all fair-minded men would he
the hotter feeling among the small
settlers and the cattlemen toward the
If more money and more pea-v mid
harmony can be hud by reducing the
flocks on the overcrowded ranges,
what good leason can there be for not
reducing- thorn?
attention during the pnst two years.
The new map In brought down to dnte
in every particular, and Is one of the :
tltiest ever Issued in this section. It
is attractive In design and very val
uable on account of the large number
01 points of interest shown. Every '
place of any consequence in the ,
stales of Oregon. Washington and ,
Idaho are shown. Railroads and 1
country roads are shown, and nothing '
Is lucking to make it the moat com-,
plete map that can be gotten out.
Newspaper Men of the Pacllic North
west A3ked to Attend Fall Carni
val, President l'rnel. 01 the Multnomah
Amateur Athletic Club, hns extended
11 cordial Invitation to the newspaper
men of the stale to attend the liig
fall carnival in Portland. .September
14 to -li Inclusive, and asking them
to make the eluh their headquarters
wlille in the city. The Multnomah
Club's home is the luiudsoiuest on the
Const, and the organization stands
for pure athletics. It Is safe to say
that the big fall carnival will be the
best ever given in Portland
A tor tr)ing our soda you
will readily understand
why they all come. here.
They say our ice cream
ts the richtst our gin
gcr ale the snappiest
our egg drinks just right.
Fonoy drinks will, the
mere names will make
your mouth water. The
reason is simple- - we use
nothing at our fountain
but the very best, and
cur fountain man has
made a life study of the
business and knows just
Jllaf ....
- factory
1,UrC, COM nA
a n nntn. .
f,n.i. "aiM. tier
trosh every daj '
vou tried the 'Mlcer that
Pendleton famous '"
Quit Root Beep
Mines Bonded in Malheur,
linker city, Aug. 21 -Thomas A
Kelly, ami .lames T l.cunox of Lynn.
Mass.. have pnid $"1,11110 cash bond on
a group ol old claims in tin- Ilumholt
iiasin. near Malheur City The bond
is to run five years, and the purchase
price agreed upon, 'I lue rnp'taksts
buy the property at the end 01 that
period. Is $:!r..0lli).
Notice to the Public.
I wish to announce that I have re
turned ami can be found at my studio
near tho bridge. During my absence
from tho city I visited the principal
galleries of Tacoma. Portland, Seat
tle and Victoria. I have brought back
now material and the newest and
most up-to-date processes In the mak
ing or artistic photographs. I am
also equipped to turn out tho latest
thing in mounts. It is one or tho
newest and most urtistlc mounts ever
seen in Pendleton. Call and see It.
The Photographer
Hon or barracks at Fort Stevens, and
will advertise ror new bids.
A coal and coke company with $t,
ooo.oim, has just been organized in
Spukane. p will iqierate in the Crow's
Nest district, Ilrilisli Columblu.
E. I). Etland was sentenced to :io
years In the penitentiary nt lted
Lodge, .Mont.. Thursday, for killing
Edwnrd Teasdale at Ilrldgor, Mont.,
on June 20.
August Erleson. of Portland, was
fined ?."0 for stamping the name of
his firm In a cement sidewalk,
Thursday The new charter forbids
the practice.
Mayor Williams, of Portland, has
asked the secretary of the nav to
penult the Pacific squadron to come
to Portland during the meeting and
carnival of the Multnomah Athletic
Association on September 14-20
Frank J. Chenor makei oath that he la the
leulor partner ol the Arm ol F.J. Cheney & to .
dolnc builness In the cltjr ot Tolulo, eminty
unrt itale ofnrefalit, and that ald firm will pay
the turn ol One Hundred Dollar! (nr each and
everj-caieot Catarrh that cannotbe cured br
the mo ol Hall'a Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before mc and mibicrlbed In my
nreience intsom uay 01 ixjcemoer, a.
1 11 1KW,.
f t A. iilirtnwi..
Notary I'ubllc.
Hall's Catarrh Cure l taken Internally and
tLcu directly on the blood ami piucou nufacea
ol the iytcm. fend (or teitimonlals. Ire.
V. 1. CIIFKKV A CO., Toledo. Ohio,
Fold by dniTRl't'. 7Sc.
Ilall'i Family Plll are th Iwit.
Health and Pleasure.
When ono goes to Lehman Springs
thore Is every assurance that not only
will one's health lie benefited by the
puro, bracing mountain air and bath
ing to bo enjoyed there, but also
while gaining health ono can enjoy
a great variety of pleasure ranging
rrom hunting nnd fishing to howling
and gon. C. It. Duttun hns sustained
his reputation as a capable host by
the manner In which he Is providing
for the comfort and pleasure of his
flHay Prtss for Sale.
It. .1 Hoddy. tho butcher at Athena,
has a No. 1 hay press, full circle,
practically new, winch ho will trado
for cattle or hogs. Address It.
Hoddy Athena, Oregon
Ha- voiu
shoes repaired
Pacific Ironworks
Foundry, Machine
and Blacksmith Shop
Structural Iron, Gast Columns, Etc.
Carry in stock Steel Beams,
Angles and Channels. Bolts and
Rods. All kinds of
Repair Work Attended to Promptly
Fast End Ournsido St. Qridge, Portland.
, The Death penalty.
I A little thing sometimes results in
death. Thus a mere scratch, Inslg-
t nlflr-ftiit .la .... l.nltu 1. ...... 1.1
.......Mi... vu.a u ;ihi,i nulla lltlli; IIU
the death penalty. It is wise to havo
Hut-kiln's Arnica Salve ever handy.
j ! It's the best salve on earth mid will
1 prevent niiuiiiy, wnen minis, sores,
j ulcer ,! ,0s threaten. Only 2Sc
nt at Tallmali & Co 's drug store
j Farms for Sale,
r j We now huvo listed for sale some
oi tno nest wheat tarnis and stock
ranches in the county. Tho stock
ranches can be sold either with or
without tho stock. All tho places nro
well Improved and woll supplied with
water Also some vory desirable city
property. Including new modem resi
dence on north side of river. Call
anil get prices.
The American minister to Colom
hla has notllloil the Ilogota govern
ment that all elnims of American
citizens against Colombia must be
settled l diplomatic Interceiition ami
not in the Colombian courts.
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is with-,
out an equal. It will not gripe nor!
shock the system, and make you feel
sick all over like most cathartics do,
hut has a firm and gentle effect 011 tho
constipated bowels, stimulating and
assisting them lu the proper perform
ance of their functions. Then an oc
casional dose Is all that Is needed to
keep the bowels regular and tho
stomach strong. A trial will convince
you of Its value
F. W. Schmidt's
Tho Iteliablo Druggisi
l ostnirH'- lllock. I'lionr MnlitS.M
We Have Them
One needs appetizing and
Utility viands this hot wenthor.
Where will you Hud anything
daintier or tlint you can relish
more than our Queen Olives,
Hclnz's Jams, Itussinn Caviar,
Sliced and Canned Meats,
What do you drink? If you
like a hot drink for breakfast
try our colohrated "M. J. 11."
Mocha and Java coffee.
Some cool drink for lunch?
Iced ten Is nn old standby hot
wenther drink.
We hnvu nomo splendid
brands: English llreukfast, Gun
powder, Spider Leg, Young Hy
son, Schilling's nnd other
o aiways receivcJ
yuUT OfflPr .L -
1 "i. lainaracji
WllV bllV nnnr
can L'Ct the Iwc, r.
1 price-
II n4 D.
Any Time
. n t
IND1GES i ION St.' Helen's Hall
now is tne accepted
perea. a little piinl
there will help Its I
wall paper will lend 1
paper was never ,w
pattern in enaiesi
every one new ana
color deslon. Better
let ub snow tnem n m
vou wliai it win con
wtioie House or one rm
K. I Mm
, ,
111 Court Stmt
1 ' li 1 ir'vim
Teloplionp Mln I
Sick Headache absolutely and per
manently cured by using Mokl Tea.
A pleasant herb drink. Cures Consti
pation and Indigestion, makes you
eat, slcop, work and happy. Satisfac
tion guaranteed or mnnoy bnck. 25
cts and 50 cts. Wrlto to W. II. Hook
er & Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. for a free
sample. F W Schmidt & Co., druggists.
There aro no secrets about the pro
cess of Manufacturing ice at tho ltoss
Ico & Culd Htorago plant. Como nnd
see how It Is tlono and you will boo
that there Is no nmuiouln, alcohol or
any othor substance whntovor milled
to the distilled water to aid In tho
is the cause of more discomfort than
any other aliment. If yon eat the
things that you want and that are
ood for you. you arc distressed. Ack
er's Dyspepsia Tablets will make
your digestion perfect and prevent
Dyspepsia mid Its attendant disagree
able symptoms. You can safely eat
anything, nt any time, ir you take one
01 these tablets afterward. Sold by
an iiniggisis unuei a positive guar
antee. 2.". cts. .Money refunded If '
you are not satisfied. Send to us for !
a iron snmple. W II Hooker & Co., '
Huffalo, N". Y.
How to Join and Get Quick Results
at Small Cost.
Why not join our union of piano
purchasers and have a hundred dol
lars? You can do it and we can help 1
Vftit reiiiu lu 1...... f t.. .1 ......
' ..." ,i.. it in iiiiiiii: ive ,'iin
lias a Normal Kindurgurtou Training
Class in connection with Its Acade
mic Department. Separate residence.
Two-year course. Model Kindergar
ten. 1'rovldes practice work. For
details address
lltffore ducidlng where to go to j
school, examine n j
Pendleton i
Academy j
cataloguo Tor the coming year. Nuw
won ,.rr r7i V LV11 . , L,u ! eataloguu ror the com ug year. iNuw 1 ,,,v tig is 'u ".Ji-
cl it er ti ,.n . ' B0,,rr 1110,0 ! Imildlug and onulpmontr Now man- . lR( acci.lcnts. but cae
cheaper than one, so have organized ,f,n,ri ,,,,.1 ,. fn..i r ,.,irinnn I .... eimrced against
a iniuin fir ti.i. .... 1. ..( .j , 1 iiv -.1. n
" V 1 "J tn'-i"i"Jin. Hill JO l m U.....1.,.ro a,wlrtll nrmncnmnn I All
. . . ..i.irtin nneu
lopalicil vumu.
iiaiuls honor
mm iu.iiii uowii ami jjd.du a
month, the iiluuo Is yours. Now bon
is tho best part or It. Nvory tlino a I
now member Joins the price or your
Instrument depreciates in ,,rc0 ji0; :
In other words, when the union is I
filled ovory inoinhnr gets his Instru-i
launt $10,i less than regular price,
for example, a regular $300.00 Instru
ment cuu ho Imd for $200,00 by
Joining the union. Don't dolay tak
ing advantngo of this great opportu-.
nlty, as It will only last a fow weeks
of tho dull season. This, combined I
with our easy payment plan and ox-1
cuiiiigo contract makes it posslblo
for ovoryono :o havo an Instrument.
Thorkelson's Viano House, Sin U
Court streot. Kvorythiiig musical.
oil touchers. Special arrangement
for music students and for tho euro
rul oversight or all studonts from out
or town. All grndos of public school
work thoroughly done. Our college
preparatory work is accepted by the
host colleges East and West. Moral
nnd social advantages tlio vory best.
Tonn begins September 1-J, 1001!.
;. ot on our
"ui,r'r,;0t tun.
mac line "--,.,,
. ....1.,.. mi tno ic"v-
I11K HUH?-. ' Slla
' L'nt I tlLMIl .
..rnnmntS on Onilivw
price - - -
nr" l"W ' NEA0LE BROS-