East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 20, 1903, Image 8

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ntlior man nnd lort for parts un-'
Known. It Ir good iiowh to hoar tlmt
tlio olllcor has rotnrneil unharmed
from so grout n danger ns existed In
tlio minds of Homo of thoso who woro ,
solicitous ns to his welfare, niul It Is
(Unilily gratifying to know tlint ho I
was swcotly sleeping wmio u was in-
When you liny a pair of
shoos you can't have too many
styles to choose from. Every
added hind Is an advantage,
offering you tlio widest posslblo
choice. This Is one thine that
corpse on tlio lonely mountain Bldo.
Also. It Ib too bad unit mo "inouorn
Tracy" hail loft tlio country so soon
In tho week.
Only Cause That Could Be Divined
Was a Severe Attack of Nostalfjla
Made No Intimation Whatever of
Her Intentions, and the Act Was a
Great Surprise to Her Friends and
Coroner W. G. Colo roturned last
evening from Milton, whoro ho was
called In tho morning to hold an in-
25 has made our storo popular. . i quest over tho romnlns of Miss Edna
4 -v.,,. ,.,,!. .i,i ,. nr Itollcy.
You have such a wldo ran go of
choice. Wo havo shoos for
every need or occasion.
t Dindmge, Wil-
son & Company
Phone, Mun i is i
Kit I
.-4... .1... 4...
Kerr-Glfford Company Suffer Loss of
Building at Thorn Hollow.
The Kerr-Olfford Company's ware-
I house at Thorn Hollow was burned
down this afternoon about 1 o'clock.
F. S. Curl, local mannger for tho
Tho Jury found that tho deceased
was IS years of age, nnd that her
home was In Pari; City, Utah. Sho
was living at tho homo of Mrs, Olllls,
about three miles from Milton. Tho
day of tho tragedy they had put out
a washing, and at tho dinner table
had read a paper from the nomo of the city yesterday on a short business
1110 gin, niier wnicn auo wont 10 nor trip.
S. V. Knox, tho prominent Weston
attorney, Is In tlio city today,
Mrs. Ij, A. Itobinson, of Monmouth,
Is In the' city the guest of friends.
C. K. Unrnos, of Walla Walla, Is In
the city for a short tlmo on business.
Miss Anna Colllton is visiting
friends In Spokane for a week or
F. S. I.eGrow, of Athonn, was In
room to take a nap, looking the door
ns she wont In, It had been the cus
tom of the girl to lock the door when
in the room, for tho reason that tho
little children of the household dis
turbed her when sho tried to sleep, so
Mrs. Oillls thought nothing of It at
the tlmo.
When It cninc tlmo to got supper
one of the children was sent to wake
the girl, and could get no answer. A
son, Malla, put a ladder to tho win
dow and climbed In, finding the girl
Tho coroner found strychnine crys
tals on the arms of the girl, and on
the bed, and in her trunk was an
empty bottlo. In accordance with
tho evidence tho jury found that the
girl had como to her death from
poison administered by her own hand
Mrs. H. Moulton, of Weston, Is tho
guest of Pendleton friends for a few
J. N. Oulllford left this morning for
Prliievllle. whore ho goes on a three
weeks' business trip.
Will M. Peterson, Athena's busy at
company, in mis cuy ion. inorn hoi- aml that tho llced wns cmlseil
iow im lorenoon auoui iu o ciocK. . homesickness and despondency.
una arriving nere ni i:au learneu Worit wns rccelvcu fronl tho pa
by -phono that the wnrehouso had j r0nt8 ot tll0 gIrl tnnt tllcy wlshe(1
.caught nro and nnd been destroyed . tho bolly t0 be 8hIpl,cll to tno Ilonl0
yrhl o he was coming to this city. at Park clty where lt wouM ll0 burie(1
There was no wheat in tho build- in Ule famIIy rouml
ing, but as harvest Is on hi that vlcln-
ity, hauling will soon begin and
j within two weeks would have been
nneti to overtiowmg.
It is not known how tho firo start
ed at the present time.
Tho plans of tho company as to re
building have not yet been learned.
Sample Rooms Will
Tomorrow Work
The now sample rooms that are bo
torney. spent last night In the city,
returning homo this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Motile left this
morning for McKay crook, where
they will visit for a week with friends.
I -Mrs. .1. II. Despaln and children
left this morning for Uklnh, whore
they will be the guests of friends for
a week.
II. N. French, n promlnonl dairy
man of Uklah, was In the. city today
on a business trip connected with his
dairy interests,
j George II. Deniott, the proprietor
of the Dcmott grocery, has gono to
the springs nnd tho mountains for a
month's vncntlon.
, W. Hoots nnd H. Hamilton, of Mnn
. mouth, are In the city visiting the
! country and investigating tlio Eastern
1 Oregon wheat crop.
! Mrs. Klla V. Hilton, accompanied by
Completed Miss flood, returned this morning
the Third from an extended visit in Portland
j and other valley points.
.1. .vi. Hontiey. accompanied by ills
H. W. Stewart, formerly of
Dr. Cole In La Grande.
iJ T"v r-t , r
jA-KS? v.010 camo uvur irum
I3iPendleton last evening for tho pur-
'.&.ipose of assisting Dr. Blggors In an
Tixonerntlon for nnnmnllrltla nn thn 19.
iAtyear-oId daughter of Mrs. Schearer.
4? ' Hi.-wuo ruaiues uu i,urin rir siruui. jnur , ior tno Ulsn lav or tlio coods. and as
S'. H',e:calnlnlnB the patient and holding a tho light comes in from a skylight, Morning Tribune, has accepted a no-! ,, l
ft ...frfconsultatiou the doctors decided that i even- room is cnually lighted. ,' sltlnn nt thn Fnlr stnrn nnd will nrnl,. , egation
'M:it W0U.Id not be sont to Perform an The basement of tho house lias not ably remain permanently In this city. j"?8.?. '
juiiiiun uo luu ujiiiu jo vuij aiL-n. neon niieu wiin pnrtiiions ami win
land stands a better chanco without bo used as a storo room and general
ian operation than It would were tho . wareroom. In one corner a room has
' J -('.operation performed, although at best been partitioned off for the use of the
: t. fcilhe chances aro not in its favor. La porters at tho hotel, and has boon fur-
Will Probably Addrcso Woolgrowcrs'
Meeting on Proposed Co-operative
Packing Plants Idaho Stockmen
Expected to Be Present,
J. H. Owlnn, secretary of the Ore
gon Woulgrowors' Association, Ih In
receipt of a letter from Chnrles P.
Martin, secretary of tho National
Livestock Association, in which ho
Bays he will mako every effort to bo
present at tho coming mooting nt the
Oregon association at linker City, on
September M.
Sir. Martin Is now busily ongnged
preparing tlio details of tho plan to
organize the Stockmon's Co-oporatlvo
Packing Association, at Kansas City,
on September 1. and It may be possi
ble that his duties will forbid his at
tendance at the linker City meeting,
but It Is his Intention to como if pos
sible. Mr. Martin wishes to Introduco the
plan to the stockmen nt every point
in tlio West, and It will bo to their
mutual advantnge thnt ho bo present.
Ho Is the moving spirit In tho pro
posed plan, and while tho last meet
ing nf tile Natlonnl Association auth
orized the formation of this co-operative
concern, it is largely duo to Mr.
.Martin's zeal and activity that it bus
gained the headway that It has in so
short a time.
The Kansas City meeting is for tlio
purpose or formally organizing the
stockmen into n company, there being
no restriction upon tho membership,
other than that It must bo composed
of members of tlio Nntlonnl Associa
tion nnd bona tide livestock growers
of tho United States. Tho lirst con
dition of the organization will bo that
51 per rout of the stock of tho com
pany shall always bo hold by mem
bers of the Nntlonnl Association, in
order to shut out the beef trust from
tho controlling power.
At the coming stnto meeting the
matter will bo thoroughly discussed,
every effort will bo made to Interest
Oregon stockmen In the scheme, ns
It promises the quickest relief from J
the curse of the meat monopoly and :
the mnrket juggling of the commls- J
slim men. j
Mr. Owlnn has written Secretary ,
.Martin an urgent request to attend
the meeting in person, as his wide ex- !
perloueo and close touch with tlio !
stock Industry In tho United States 1
Enraged Animal Attacks a Boy Who
Was Petting Her Young.
Stockton, Cnl Aug. 20. Clinton 1
Curtis, 11 12-year-old boy, wait fatally
Injured by nn onrnged sow at bi
fathor'B placo enrly last night. Tlio '
sow had young pigs nnd tho boy tried
to pot thoin, Sho flow nt him nnd cut 1
him with her tusks. Whllo tho lad I vvm.
Vina iiiiimiiiiuii, inu nuw uiu 1110 Cll-. tv-flur. . . ' ""im Wnrtt. .
tiro scalp from tho top and back or I holder frl ""' we will civ. J
his head. Tho hoy's father had a! tZ . KTtllrooj
denporato light with tho animal ho- cnRt-lron rn , r Ucr 15 cl?. ,
mm I... miM nwmin I. la an,, ., 1 lr0" ""itrlvnnr.,. .1... 'ttt foil
,. , ........ i u,i with ,
"r.v.r: . "'..:.r.. l,,u. "n.st h, (i, r-cw-
wuumiH. 1 1 m jm dying now. I lwl,l0r ,! ""lOtn-the w '
Injunction Suit Being Argued, !
Union, Aug. 20. Tho Injunction I
suit rostrnlnlng County Clerk Mini-1
nniigh rrom publishing notices of n 1 si I :
special uloctlon on tlio roniovnl of tho ls " oriel's r(,ir
county sent, Ih being argued today.
Paper Suspends.
Los AngoIoH, Oil., Aug. 20. Tho
livening Mexlcnn, Past H. Illadcs
mamiger and owner, ccnBcd publica
tion today. ,
big gut mmt
II Mki m IhlllWii llll IN I III I j. MJlWBBHBWlJlJLiyi;i;iAt
In nil dopnrtmontB of our big storo.
As horotoforo, you will ilnd our prices
much loss on rcllablo merchandise
than olsowhoro. Our largely increas
ed snles ovor rormor Beasons BntisP.es
us tlio people aro learning this fact
We shall coiitlnuo to do nil wo can to
merit the good will and patronage of
tho many customers wo now have and
hopo nlso to add many new ones Any
goods bought nt our store "not satis
factory," roturned In good condition
tho money will he promptly returned
nt all times.
BHIMVory Truly YoursjEssscg
iGrande Observer
i,J9ri Recent election returns from Iiolse
MaP'ty, show that tho population of the
fpity Is over 12,000.
f T I I It I
Who is lt that does not ap
preciate a sweet, delicate odor,
especially of the dainty, last
ing kind? We have tho largest
lino of Imported and domestic
perfumes in Eastern Oregon.
A few of our leading imported
odorB are:
Azurea, La Trefle,
i" Peau d' Espagne,
!;!; Violette de Parme,
ft, Indian Hay.
w And many more of the same
i,t quuiuy in uuik as wen as in
lancy pacKages.
Injr hllll In- RMrm Unrvonn fnr tlm "ailgnior. .MISS .MHDOI, 1011 UIIS mom-
use ot the traveling men who stop i,1K for A(1,nm?' wllir J,r- "ent''
at his house, will be finished tomor- K00S on a Imalness trip.
row night and ready for occupancy. I Jess Alloway. of Portland, has ac-
'Tlirt,..-. n. oU. I.. ,1... 1... 1 1 .1 1 .. ' f'l.lltllfl n l,wl t llltl 111 t llf T'mitllf.U
all large and well lighted and heated. 1 Warehouse, and arrived in the city renders him one of the most I tcrcst.
Each room is provided with shelves yesterday to begin his worn. " !- ",',,,
I lu ..W ..Kil,nld,. tlw.t Infer. 1 ,Lil.
1L in lllllll' II11JII1LII1I' HULL U 1111 1.U lllil"
of Idaho stockmen will bo ,
ns many of tho subjects to
be discussed are of mutual interest
L. E. Thorkelsen and 0. W. Swartz 1 to both states. The subjects of !
returned yesterday from n trip In tho transportation and cheaper stock sail :
Cnmas Prairie country, where they i aro especially vital In eacli state and ,
went on business connected with the ' tho best results nro to bo obtained i
piano house. 1 through united effort.
nished nicely
Men aro busy at work today finish
Mrs. W. S. Perry and daughter,
ins the wireing and cleaning up, and .Miss liorthn Gross, loft this morning
by night tomorrow the building will for Athena, where thoy will bo tho
be completed and turned ovor to the guests of relatives and friends for a
proprietor, J week or two.
The Added Story. Mra 1Iar,)ater and her brother,
Tho scaffolding lias been put Thomas Anderson, who havo been tho
around the hotel, and the men aro at guests of their sister, Mrs. Wes Mat
work tearing down tho cornices and lock, returned to their home in Pros
the coping around the top of tho build- no. Cul., this morning.
Ing. As soon as tho old work that , . , ,, ,,, ,, ,
Is In the way has been removed, the1,"' c; n' of ,W? ,a Wa'la, was In
m.m win hniin tn nut nn n,n hir,i tllt! t'ly looking after tho in-
1 1 ' -. i -1 1 M . 1 f I,,., l,ilnl..n.x. T t 1.
If will ttiL-o thorn mnntlt n '"--" uuo.in.-ao. iiu a mo
Of tho total membership of tho I
stnte association, Mr, Owlnn expects
fully fin per cent to he present, as ,
the meeting is to bo ono of great i
Interest. Tho principal membership 1
is confined to tlio counties of linker, j
Union, Wnllnwn, Umatilla. Morrow, I
Crook and Sherman, nnd most of I
these counties will send about the
full quota of delegates, It Is thought.
month to got the work done.
Uneventful Trip, Mr. Conkers Having
Disappeared Some Days Ago.
T. 0. Taylor has returned from his
man-hunt In tho mountains ot Pilot
agent for tho Hold Combined Hnrves-
! tor In this part of tho state.
Ernest .Morgan, a well known loco-
inotivo engineer, who has been work
ing for tho O. It, & N. for the past two
I years at Ijj Orande, has resigned his
i position nnd will go to Los Angeles
nock. Ho got Into tho city last ovo-
Amateur Night
ninir on the ataco. and aftnr a hath' "enicnwer mat lonignt is aninteur
anil n shnvn wont hnmo nn,1 i ho,l "'Kht at Shields' Park. Somo good
to rPHt nft..r fhn r-nmrniltrn nf thn ln 1' ''ent has been SCCUrOU. "TllO
two days. In tho meantime his ll,'rKar" will be presented by May
whereabouts woro discussed nnd his ""'J Vab' Owens, assisted by Messrs.
dancer macnlfled bv thn news pathnr. .uurry.
Lciulinp DruLjlNth
ers who work In tho small hours of .
the morning. While thoy wondered
and told of the chase after tho vicious I
outlaw, tho sheriff slept In his llttlo(
bed In the corporate limits of tho '
Conkers, the man with tho gun, has
vanished and has been out of tho
country over slnco last Friday, hav-1
lng I'"1 his sheop in the hands of an-
They Lead the Procession
Ringleader in Robbery and Murder
Tells Whole 8tory.
San Francisco, Aug. 20. Juck
Davis, tho fourth of tho quartette who
were concerned In tho robbery nnd
assault of Mrs. Matthews last March,
mado a completo confession In court
this morning. Ho said Docla was not
In tho affair, and that ho wns ring
leader, that Miko Nolan, Uernard
Whltciaw and himself woro all guilty.
In view of tho fact of confession,
.ludgo Cook only gavo him 20 years
at San Qiicntin. Tho balanco of tho
gang wero sentenced last wee);,
The popularity of Swift's
largely duo to tho absolutel
der which each carcass is d
ducts prepared and Inspecto
Premium Ham and Dar-on.
pens, the carefully selected
tho final expert inspection b
the dainty wrapping in pare
tinn of thoso nutritious nnd
that thoy will always please.
products nmong all classes Is very
clean and hygienic conditions un-
le.iseil, and the meat and the food nro-
d. This is particularly truo of Swift's
From the sluok, corn-fed hogs in tho
nams and bacon In the smokehouse.
y tho U. S. government, and, lastly,
hment paper, each stop in tho ovolu-
appetizing products Is a guarantee
Claimed That They 8toned
I Unionists This Morning.
' McKecsport, Pa.. Aug. 20. Striking
tinplntc mill workers stoned noil
unionists this morning, Frank Itnf
ferty, a non-unlotilst, hold tho crowd
nt bay until tho police arrived nnd
made several nrrostH. None woro
seriously Injured.
F Sc
rci'.l ', w m mamnmign-..Tn,i,iriroii..ft
G, A. R. In Session.
San Francisco, Aug. 20. Tho 0. A.
It. sosslon opened at 9, In tho Grand
Opora House. It will bo In continu
um) session until 1, Pickets aro sta
tioned, and the countersign Is neces
sary to gain ndmlssion.
Visiting In Willamette Valley.
.Mrs. Joo Tusee, accompanied by hor
daughter, Miss Nolllo Hold, left this
morning for Portland, where they will
visit another dniightcr, Mrs. C. J.
Van Avery, for a week, after which
thoy will go to Salem to remain until
niter tne present Harvest is ovor.
Sirs. Tusee has nn onornioim crop of
prunes on her land near Salem, and
will remain to market them.
Death of a Babe.
Frankie, the 1-yenr-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Coble, died at tho
family homo yesterday afternoon nt
.1 o'clock. Tho funornl was held this
morning at 10 o'clock tho services be
ing conducted by Itov. N. H. Ilrooks,
of tho Christian church. Tlio father
Is tho blacksmith In charge- of tho
work being done for the now sower.
Has a Prune Orchard In the Valley.
Mrs, Josephine Fusee, accompanied
by her daughter, Miss Nolllo, loft this
morning for Portland and Salem,
where thoy will visit relatives and
triends for a couple of months. Mrs.
Fusoo has a prune orchard In tho
valley, und goes down to look after
tho harvesting ot the crop,
Returned From Wallowa.
John T. Whistler, tho government
engineer, roturned Inst night from
Wallowa county, whoro ho has boon
conducting Investigations for tho gov
ernment. Ho left this morning for
tho lowor end of tho county, to con
tlniio his work.
To Vlalt Germany,
Joseph Slovors, tho well-known pio
neer wheat farmer ot Fulton will visit
his old homo in Gorniany this fall.
Ho will lcavo In a fow days, accom
panied by his wifo and expects to bo
gono until next May.
For this Week Only
Shirt Waist Suits!
WORTH FROM $2.00 to S4.O0
Shirt Waists That
are Left at Half
The Big Boston
Elijah Lowis. a nrlvato In thn "oi
battery, vas shot and killed yoster
day nt Provo, Utah. Whothor It wn
a murder or the result of nccldenta
shooting, is not known,
The Best
Oil Cooking Stove
Ever Made
Ib the automatic blue flame oil
cooker. It is a boon to the i bous
koopor in hot weather, and
boll, bake or roast Ilfco c
It burns only a eallo. of ol"
three days, and is
simplest, cleanest and most eco
noniicnl atovc ever mmie
Prices Reduced to Close Out
W T TTAPirn JSr r ,n Court Street