East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 20, 1903, Image 5

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Teutsch's Big Department Store
Has just received by
express 20 of those
beautiful Plaited
Skirts, like cut, in
black and blue, at
$6.50 and $8.50.
We sold only 12
of them yesterday so
you know what you
will have to do if
you want one.
Heavy Roads, Unfinished Harvest and
Dissatisfaction With Prices Ac
count for the Languor Seventy-one
Cents Has Been Paid, But It Was
an Exceptional Price.
Comer Main and Alta
City Brevities
See Sharp for papor hanging.
Krcsh fruit dally at Martin's.
I'rcsh ranch eggs at Komler's.
Arc you going to Lohman Springs?
Tor the host bread, get Rohrman's.
Fresh fish, game and poultry. Cas
tle 'K
Why don't you go to Iehnian
Uuy it fountain pen this weel; at half
price at Frnzior's.
Wanted Machinist and moulder at
Hlgliy-Clovo Foundry.
Received dally, fresh tamales,
crabs and crawfish at Gratz's.
Ml Trflfcrlda, tho host cigar made,
at Hees cigar store. Court street.
Don't let cigars got tho best of you
got tho best of cigars. Haulon's.
Hoods that art- right at prices that
art right ut Hador's Curnlturo store.
All ltluds of Imported and domestic
lunches and clam chowder at Gratz's.
We have fruit jars and fruit Jar
extras rubbers, covers, etc. II. Rohr
tnan Are you going camping? U C Ha
iltTH camp stools, folding tables and
ramp snppllos.
First premium. $10 mandolin; sec
ond premium, ?:i music wrapper, given
away with sheet music. Inland Em
pire Piano Hom:e, HOI Main.
Visitors are always welcome at tho
lloss lee & Cold Storago plant. Como
and see for yourself how tho Ice is
made Wo are always pleased to show
any one ovor the plant and explain
anything you may not understand.
Uout be always asking some
ouo for the right time, have a
reliable wHtuli of yourown. r
matter what your taste, jour
needs, your price, we can wttwy.
Prices, $1.25 to $ J 50.00
1 ME
Next dour lo K ,leal--r
Fresh fruits at Render's,
Dest shoe work at Teutsch's.
See Sharp's artistic wall paper.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's
Ladies' half soles 40c. Teutsch's.
Got your clothes cleaned at Joer
ger's. Hae your shoes repaired at
New boohs arriving dally at Fra
sslor's book store.
5c, 8c and 10c roll for Sanitary
Toilet Paper. Nolf's.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candles and fruits
Tents, camp stoves, camp stools,
etc., at Rader's Furniture store.
ISuy sheet music of us and draw a
prize Inland Empire Piano House.
See Charles 1-ano about your paint
ing and paper hanging; 807 Vincent
At and below cost all summer, mil
linery, especially patterns. Mrs.
Lost A hunch of keys at Shield's
Park. Return to thl olllco and re
ceive reward.
Lost A silk embroidered chatelaine
bug on Main or Jackson street. Please
leave at County Recorder's oillce.
Estimates given on short notice on
painting and paper hanging. Charles
Lane, the pioneer painter, SO" Vin
cent street
Good moat In summer must be
taken care of. That's the kind you
get at Houser's, Alta street, opposite
Savings Hank.
Prizes awarded when 150 tickets
are given out. Ticket with every S5c
sale of sheet music. Inland Empire
Piano House.
Lost A star-shaped pin M!t with
diamond chips, with diamond In cen
ter Lost between Catholic church
and 702 West Webb. A llbcrnl re
ward to Under. Apply East Orogonlan
Changing Smoke Stacks.
Tlir O, It, & N. Co. Is experiment
ing with diamond stacks on their com
pound engines on this division to take
tho placo of the straight stack. A dia
mond stack was placed on compound
No 40U yesterday, and If It proves
a success they will bo placed on all
compounds as fast as they come into
the shops. It Is thought that the use
of diamond stacks will Increase the
steaming capacity of the big engines,
and prevent throwing of lire from the
Will Reopen Their Meat Market.
The Sell war & Greullch Meat C..
will repoen their meat market at tho
old stand on Main stteet near Webb
with a first-class line of fresh meat,
cured meats and sausage of a Unaa.
August 27th. Our meat will he re
frigerated, insuring palatable and
wholesome meat. T''IVlmSru
The wheat market is still a closed
book, and not much of the grain has
found its way into tho warehouses.
In fact, the warehouse men say that
there is less grain In the houses this
year than has been for years past.
At this time In the season in former
years It has been common for nearly
all of the wheat to bo In the houses
by this time, hut this year the floor
space is not as yet full. This con
dition is due to several causes. One
Is that tho roads are so dusty that
the teams cannot haul a full load, and
therefore are waiting for a rain to
settle the roads. Another is that tho
harvest is not yet ovor, and many of
the teams are busy, nnd tho farmers
have not the extra horses to move
the grain, And the last, and perhaps
the chief reason Is that tho growers
are not satisfied with tho prices that
are quoted by the mills and the ex
port men.
Wheat has gone as high as 71 cents,
but this was a special prlco made by
the mill for a special lot of wheat,
and does not hold in all of the mar
kct. In fact, tho mills placo the aver
age price that they want to pay at
09 and COM. cents. Of course, if they
have to pay more to got the wheat
that they want, they will pay a llttln
more, but they claim that the price
Is at this time as quoted above.
The export price is quoted lit fiii'i
cents, but there Is little that will
come In at that figure, nnd the mar
ket Is hanging dead as a result.
The harvest If this part of the
county Is about over, and If the
weather holds lair as It is now. ail
of the wheat will bo In the sack by
the last of the week. When the com
bines are put In the sheds and tho
teams are without so much lo do, then
the market may loosen up and the
stream will begin to pour Into the
city and the places along the roads
where the grain Is held for sale, or
Sept 7
Union County Yield Geod.
La Grande, Aug. 20 The wheat
yield on tho Sand Ridge, the best
wheat belt In the county. Is good, so
far as harvest has progressed. Tho
lowest average yet reported Is 1!
bushels and the highest 4.1. Several
of the largest tanns have yielded 37
Forty-One Bushels Per Acre.
Slg Pennington yesterday finished
thiesliing and found that from a Held
of 10-fold wheat containing 107 ncres
he had an average of II bushels.
This is a gain of IlV-i bushels per acre
on tho same field over lust year.
La Grande Obsenor.
Gypsy Exodus.
The gypsies who have been making
tbemsehes such a nuisance around
tho town moved on tills morning, by
the invitation of the marshal. They
packed their wagon and pulled out for
Portland this morning. Whetner or
not they get to the city Is a problem,
hut that Is their deslnutlon.
Music, 2 Balloon Ascensions, Races
EVERY DAY is labor day now with our ontiro forco receiving now goods
in overv department and getting ready to placo before our patrons and tho trade
the BIGGEST and most complete stock of high class merchandise wo have
ever had.
We arc now showing heavy Mercerized Marseilles guaranteed to wash, 33
Inches wide at 37 J -2c to $J.OO per yard
The Celebrated Boulevard Velvets in Aletallx Dots and Per
sian Effects at 75c to $1.00 per yard
New Designs fn Flannelettes for Kimonas and Wrapper, this week J2 J -2c
In tho MIT DEPARTMENT we havo Silk Down Pillows for cushions, all
sizes, new designs in tlieni, dt itched Diulios and Centre Pieces and soft Pillow
Daily Arrivals of New Fall Waistings
It Pays to Trade at
Outfitters for Women and Men.
lead and Ik within live miles of ilio
outer mark and hauling westward.
Tho ha.e has shut In thick south
ward, making It Impossible to see
the yaehts Horn the highlands. When
last seen Hellance had a comfortable
lead. Only fight It now has to make
Is against the time limit. The wind
suddenly sprlnging'up, headed Slium
lock on" tho course, giving Hellance a
still gi eater lead. Hellance Is but
two miles Horn the outer mark
At 2:25 tho yachts are again visible
on the starboard tack, making little
headway and continually slatting, the
wind being out of their hails and In
the pilch of the sea. Hellance Is milk
ing bebt headway In the doldrums.
At the conditions were the same.
At 3 Hellance went about one tack,
lioth havo taken In their baby Jib
topsails and are now carrying small
balloon topsails to got tho southwest
1 breeze. Hellance Is a mile and a nan
in the lead with an uour aim u uu
ilnlsh the race, and the outer mark
not turned. Seems there is little like
lihood of a finish within the time
Called Off.
At 3 37:35 Hellance rounded the
outer mark and at 3:45 tho race was
called off. there buing no wind, and
the time limit being readied
Uriggs What do ou .onsldor
among tno greuiosi iinui'""""
Sprlggs A lone nun ueioiiei--on um
brella. Ualtlmore American.
Final Balances Will Be Stiuck as
Soon as the Treasurer of lite Fund
I. Ahl to Do Business Twelve
Hundred Dollars In Round Numbers
Was Spent for Labor and Pro
visions. Tin. ...mini in.',, who have charge of
Hie relief fund lalsed by the pooplo of
the city lor Heppner sunoreis uu'
not made their final report, hut will.
as soon as all of tho business Is
wound up and the members of iue
committee are garnering logoim-i
11 tni.on k,. lmiir owing to iue
fact that tho members wero so busy
that they had not the limo to none
un Hie books, and now the troasnier,
i. u ii with the fever
and nothing will be done until he re
ti ,,,,,,,,111.... snent III I mind
numbers. l,20t for work and provis
ions. The work was wnai was
by the men from here when they went
there In answer to the call for help
: .i .n.. -mil the nro-
in cleaning up im- v..,, - .
visions ai' those sent over b) i the.
firms of this town at the first there
was J2.350 sent from the direct sub
scription list to the help of tho city.
Thoro is now between 150 anil 7u. i
rash in the hands of the treasurer,
and from that thoro remain a bout . i 0
bills to nay Ah soon as Mr Marshall
?" from his sickness the com-1
mlttoe will audit all of the accounts
nnd make a general reort. ,
An Expert Fireman.
Fred Waggoner returned lo Port
land this morning, after having an
pel Intended tho laying of the tllos
I In the operating room at tho now
hospital Mr. Waggoner Is u mem
ber of the roillanil lire department,
and Is one of the best men In tho
service He holds the record for
climbing the 70-foot ladder, having
I gone up ami over and down In 32i
i u.iitiilu llinr,. I iv liti'Rliluir tho record
' by a little over four seconds. He was
I also tho llrat man lo the top of the
! building I" '' Dokilm hulldliig fire.
Fiber's Opera House Coupon.
t i imt for
Opera House for the coming year,
the East oregonian uy i
to sell tickets for Frazer's
Thi rnunon must be voted at
Friday evening, August 21.
Many people are coining In with
Hie report that the wheat Is bolter
than they thought, large, plump
and fine Many people are coming
In with Iho reKirt that the shoos
sold at the big Huston Store am
iMitler than others and thoy want
koine of them. They are large,
plump and lino. It Is a fai t we do
pay tho manufacturer more fur a
hoe lo sell at a given prlco than
others do, and thus wo seciiro
grealer value. Wo soil shoes at
a less expense per dollar's worth
than any other eoiuorn In tho
city, and therefore wo can afford
lo lianulo such line at tho Doug
las for men, fllorla for women, &nu
JU'il School Ilouso for children.
Douglas is tho largest mauuiue
Hirer of wolt shoos to sell at $3,
i:i r.n mid S4 lu the world, and wo
certainly havo a roprosonlallvo
line, ouo that will osionisu juu.
-ri... ni, i ii rit kluiii for women
is the best shoo at this prlco sold
the American public lo.iay vu
II ml each season an Inrroaso of
trade -why Is It? Merit that con
firms bulng opinion flood wear
combined with goo'l ''oh am
comfoit. Oh os. wo niusi nu
oveilool. "o Hod 8. II. "hoes,
m Hi n... uhool hoy and girls.
We have klndH for each. 1 Is.llevo
you had better get the nxt pair
at the
un-: uoston sioki..
Another large shipment!
new .mtl stylish tablet
I'nces range from ioc to 3j
Si.us,nole, packet ami left
.(5 to o p:'K' sacli
A Partial Li
Koal Knglish lioiul.
Old Holland I. men
New I'lax
Cobweb Fibtf
Lancaster Linrn
Currency Bond
Crushed Hond,
Imperial China hilk.
Koyal Mail.
India Gauze.
Scvereicn Hond.
Kmpress o( India, etc
Z Full Liueof School Hookil
School SupplleH
Dear thl In wind whe.'J
need poultry ami iwiii
nnd aU for tho Internaj
Poultry ami HtocK rooa.ji
Kow Kuro for your rowii
C. F. Goleswon
137.129 liast Alia Si
Ageut for Lee u wee