East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 20, 1903, Image 2

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Hoys washable suits to close out 50c suits at 40c,
(15c and 75c suits at 50c.
5i 00 suits at 75c.
51.25 suits at Si 00.
$. 00 men's outing suits at $5,00.
$3 5" men's summer suits at Sto.oo.
S17.50 men.s summer suits at S14 00. X
Balance of straw hats at half prce.
Golf shirts 50c to $2,50. T
Neg igee shers 50c to $2 50, X
Summer underwear 25c, 50c and 75c per garment, J
Just Received Anolhcr Shipment of Belfast Mesh
L-nen Underwear J
BAE R &D A L E Y j
One Trice Clothiers, Furnishers and Ha ters f
A combination of Eastern brewers
Into a trust Is forming. There are
in browerles In llrooklyn.
Kalsor Willielm lias appointed a
college classmate. Baron von Wind
helm, governor of Upper Silesia.
The fifth annual convention of the
Nutlonal Shorthand Reporters' Asso
ciation is In session at CIncinuatl.
A silver dollar of the mintage "f
1794. is worth $500 on account of Its '
rarity and peculiarities of the design.
Sixteen more bodies have been
taken from the Hnnna coal mine, nil
in an advanced stase of decomposi
tion, j
The tuitions .Mason & Hamlin organ
and piano manufactory at Boston. 1
.Mass., has assigned for the benefit of
its creditors.
There are .tUO delegates at Nash
ville, Tenn.. attending the fourth an
nual convention of the National Negro
Business .Men's League.
The students at Stanford Unlver-'
sity must board at houses having a
certificate of sanitary conditions, or
else leave the Institution. 1
The contract for the erection of the
Pennsylvania building at the St. '
Louis World's Fair has been let. The
structure will cost about $70,000. ;
Fort McHonry, Aid., Is to be aban
doned as a post by the government. '
It will probably bo maintained as a
park on account of Its great historic
Joseph Strawers. of Chehalls,
Wash.. Is under arrest for raising a
$5.50 check to $50.50. 1
A warehouse and fanning mill fac
tory was burned at Salem. Wednes
day, loss about $".00O.
The Lincoln school building in Spo-
kane, one of the largest in the city.
was destroyed bv lire Wednpsil.iv
iiBirujiu n nre weunesuaj.
Portland journeymen painters are
now taking rniitr-ict mil irn (.Lic.
now tailing contracts ana are taking
much of the business of the contrac
tors away from them.
The large concentrator plant of the
Iventucky-VornillHon mine, at Ver
million, .Mont., was destroyed by flro
Wednesday, loss about $125,000.
As a result of tho destruction of
the ranges by grasshoppers In the
Hlg Timber district of Montana, stock
are eating the poisonous) loco wood
anil are dying in great numbers.
.Mrs. Elliott Parkhurst, who eloped
with Rlloy, an ex-convict, at Portland
about two weeks ago, hns been locat
ed at the home of her father In Eu
gene. Rlloy has not yet been found.
A fence has Just been completed
around the entire Indian reservation
at Fort Helknap. .Mont., tho total
length being 208 miles, making it the
longest continuous lino of fence In
tne world.
(ieorge F. I.lttlowood, of Thurston .
county, Washington, has the most ,
unique record or any man on the Pa-
rifle Coast He has been married six
times, each wifo being over CO years
of age. Ife Is but 32 and has a weak
ness for old women
Pacific Ironworks
Foundry, Machine
iind Blacksmith Shop
Structural Iron, Cast Columns, Etc.
Carry in stock Steel Beams,
Angles and Channels, Bolls and
Rods. All kinds of
Repair Work Attended to Promptly
Fast End Burnaida St.
Hotel Pendleton.
.1. A. Klrkhnm, Portland.
(5. S. Youngnian, Portland.
K. It. Cation, Portlnnd.
N. Horkloy, Portland.
L. O. Lnkln, Portland.
H. Dlssingor, Portland.
C. E. Roosevelt, city.
E. II. Mall, San Francisco.
P. L. Warden, Portland.
Harry Sheuruiaii, Spokane
H. F. Harbour, ChlcaEo.
A. P. llrandburg, Portland.
E. Slkos, Portland.
W. II. Raymond. Portland.
C. Sollnser. San Francisco.
S. A. I.owo. Portland.
Charles .J. Ferguson anil wife,
Noah R. Clem, Spokane.
O. E. .Mollno, Rock Island,
.lames Cain, Portland.
E. H. Hurke. Portland.
.1. l.uciimnii. city.
F. S. I-nO-rnwe, Athena.
Will .M. Peterson. Athena.
Seedy Itingo, Kalowogo.
J. H. Kloeckner. Ashtabula
Hon C. Hall, Walla Walla
E. M. Shutt. Heppner
T. (5. Halloy. city.
T. Urook White.
H. I). Ilrandon, Portland.
T. D. Curtis, San Francisco
Golden Rule Hotel.
C. E. names, Walla Walla.
W. Hoots, .Monmouth.
H, Hamilton. .Monmouth.
Roy Case, Dale.
E. A. Footo, city.
.Mrs. 11. Moulton, Weston.
T. A. Hunt, Seattle.
(5. E. Kinney. Denver.
II. Richards. Sumptcr.
If. W. Saxton, Sumner
.Mrs. I.. A. Robinson. Monument.
H. Tobin, Lewlston.
Wi"0,Sco5?rrv: T"D! "
Frank J. Cheney m'ukes oth that he Is ihe
aenior partner of tuo firm of K.J. Cheney A. Co .
doinK fcuilneM In ,he cUr 0f Toledo, countj
and ttate aloreaald, ami that aalil firm will pay
we mm 01 tine Hundred Dollar' tor each and
eTeryCi.aot Catarrh that cannot bo cured b?
tnc uee 01 nan's uatarrn i.ure.
8worn to ticfore me and mibicrltwd In my
presence thU 6th day 01 Ueromtxr, A
1 tZXL
N'otarr I'ubllc.
ItaU'a Catarrh l.'u'e In taken Internally and
acts directly on the blood and mucoui mrlacea
of the iytcm. Send for testimonial!, Ire..'.
F. J. CHKNKY A CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by dni?!fltf,75c.
Ilall'i Family Hilt are the, heit.
Lodging House for Sale.
Ttoflt In thn eltvr 5ft cnmnletn fnrn.
iahed rooms. A leaso for eight years
and nine months. It is subject to
mortgage and can bo bought for cash
only. Enquire at this office.
For Rent.
I have remodeled tho upstairs of the
Despain block and have some of tho
nicest oiiico rooms In the city. Call
and see them.
Hay Press for Sale.
R. j. Roddy, the butcher at Athena,
has a No. 1 liav nres3. full circle.
practically new, which ho will trade
for cattle or horses. Address R,
Roddy Athena Oregon,
Bridge, Portland.
Document Will Contain Details of All
Work Done In the West Many Peo
ple Will Be Disappointed When
Final Recommendations Are Made.
The First Annual Report of Hie
Reclamation Service, by F, H. Newell,
chief engineer which will be publish
ed us 11 congressional document (II.
Doc. No. 79. r.7th Cong., 2d sess.). Is
about to be Issued by the United
States geological survey.
In his letter of trausmlltal the
director of tho survey notes that the
reclamation law of June 17. 1902,
which is (plated In full, Is so general
In Its terms that its success or iall
uie may be said to rest almost whol
ly upon Its administration, liinutueru
hie details not being touched upon In
the law
The work of examination and sits
vey is described by states. In most
Instances the field work Is still In
progress, ami In nearly every locality
there are alternative nit Hunts of
reaching the desired end, the relative
merits of which can not be determin
ed until careful estimates have been
made. Iu brief, It may bo stated that
work has been carried on In the fol
lowing localities: On Salt ami (Ilia
rivers, in Arizona; 011 Colorado river
In California; 011 North Platte, Gun
nison and Oram! rlvern In Colorado:
on Snnke river In Idaho; on the deep
well problems of Western Kansas;
on .Milk river In Montana; on the ar
tesian well probabilities of Western
Nebraska; on Carson and Truckee
rivers in Nevada; on tho artesian
probabilities of Central Oregon; 011
Hear river In Utah; on VuUlnia river
in Washington: nrouuil Lake l)e
Smet and also on Sweetwater river
In Wyoming.
At each of the places wheie sys
tematic work has been carried on,
preliminary temporary withdrawals
of public lands have been made, but
the areas which may he reclaimed are
indicated only 111 a general way 'hv
these temporary sogregatk ,is. The
llnal dc termination of tlx- lechtimnhlo
area rests t'pou a Humiliation of all
the facts of feasibility and co-t. m
that It can be stated only us the last
of a sorioH of estimates.
The impossibility of stating in ad
vance what lauds will ultimately be
recommended for reclamation will re
sult in great disappointment to many
persons. The fact that lands have
been temporarily set aside Is, in the
eyes of many, an indication that these
lands will be reclaimed; and although
every attempt has been made to
warn Individuals of the futility of fil
ing upon these lands under tho home
stead law, they persist In taking up
tin? land on the bare possibility that
the surveys ami examinations will ul
timately show it to be reclnimnhle. It
is an unfortunate condition, which
apparently ran not be corrected at
Obstructions Between Lewlston and
Riparia Proceeding Rapidly,
Assistant United States Engineer
I). 11. Ogden has returned to Portland
from a tour of observation along tin.
Snake river, and says the work of
deepening the chnnuel between Ripa
ria and Lewlston Is progressing stead
ily. The distance between these two
points Is TO miles, and many suags
have been removed, while numerous
shelvlni: places have been deepened
by blasting, the gravel bottom with
giant powder.
Abovo Lewlston a heavy drag Is
being used In lieu of a dredger. Tills
works on the principle of n harrow,
and Is dragged over tho shoals, cut
ting ami deepening a channel through
tho various rapids. Tho work will bo
prosecuted as long the river re
mains at a low stage, which will prob
ably bo for two mouths yet,
Hnako River, above Lewlston. .Mr.
Ogden says. Is the only outlet for n
large and very Important mining re
gion, ami the deepening of the chan
nel to permit of regular steamboat
traflle will enable that section to ob
tain supplies much cheaper than here
tofore. Along the Hnako above Lew
lston large quantities of wheat tiro
produced, and an open river is needed
to carry tho cereal to tho nearest
foint on the O, R. & N. for shipment
to Portland. Work of deepening the
channel extends as tar up as Hurckn.
a town GO miles above Lewlston.
End of Bitter Fight.
"'1 wo iihyslclnns had a long and
stubborn light with nn nbseoss on my
right lung," wrllns J, F. Hughes, of
DuPont, On,, "and gnvo mo up, Ev
erybody thought my time had como.
As a last rosort I tried I)r King's
Now Discovery for Consumption.
Tho benefit I received was striking
and I was on my feet in n fow ditya.
Now I've entirely regained my
health." It compters nil coughs,
colds and throat ai.d lung tioublos.
auarnnteed by Tallinnn & Co.'s drug
store. Price GOc and $1. Trial bot
tles freo.
An unidentified man rodu into Ht.
Louis from Chicago and was taken to
a hospital sick. There ho died with
symptoms of strychnine poisoning.
On Ills porson woro found six kinds of
Walla Walla Paper Rejoices at Scarc
ity of Crime,
For the 11 rut time In years not it
single Instance of crime uniting har
vest hands lue l.eeu reported to tho
olllcers of U'alla Walla county, says
the Walla Walla Union. The polleo
of tho city are at n loss to nccoiint for
It except in one way that all bad
characters usually found mining liar
vest hands did not come through
Will In Walla this season, hut went to
fluids they thought would yield better
Even In this city which lust yonr
was tho niecca of all the harvesters
In Southeastern Washington has been
very orderly, no real oases of violence
or rollhory have come before tho po
lice. It has been exported dally that
n hold-up of some kind would hap
pen, hut contrary to all precedent tho
harvest hand bus been allowed to
come to the city with all his money.
When tho gang of thugs anil high
waymen was broken up lnv Portland
anil the desperadoes scattered II was
surely thought Wallu Walla would re
ceive' bur share of them. Hut they
seemed lo have disappeared from the
earth, tho only city reported to have
suffeled any depredations being Se
attle. According lo the police It is a
strange condition of affairs but they
are congratulating themselves that
the county and city have been kept
free of the usual bud characters who
heretofore have not failed to let the
Garden City know they had been
September Century.
Ernest I.. Illumensehelii. whoso pie
tine of "The Day of the Run" are an
nounced 11s a feature of the Septum-1
her Century, was destined for 11 vio
linist by his father, who gave him I
every possible musical advantage.
while discouraging the lad's talent for
drawing For years the struggle went
on. the father uglng the claims of mil
sic. the son practising faithlully, lint ,
finding his delight in drawing. Senlj
te Cincinnati for violin study under,
Cnmpanaii. the youth hail his llrst j
taste of tine pictures, and was soon
at work in the Cincinnati Art School.
Then lie went to New York and ,
studied In the Art Students' I.eugue.
and later to Paris and the Academic '
.lulien. returning to take up magazine ,
Illustration in America In 1S1IG.
The Death Penalty.
A little thing sometimes results In
death Thus a more scratch, Inslg
ulllcnut cuts or puny bolls have paid
the death penalty. It. is wise to have
ilurlilln'.s Arnica Snlvi- ever bandy.
It's the best salve on earth and will
preent totality, when burns, sores,
ulcers and plies threaten. Only ar,c
ut Tallnian & Co.'s drug stun
Phone Main 1741
to Piovont Pneumonia and Consump
tion is to cure your cold when It
llrst nppears. Acker's English Rem
edy will stop tho cough In a night,
ind drive the cold out of your system.
Always a quick and sure euro for
Asthma, Hrtmehitls. and nil throat
ind lung troubles, if a does not snt-1
Isfy you the druggist will rotund your ,
money. Write to iik for freo sample. I
W. H. Hooker & Co., riuffalo, N. Y. I
r. w. Mcnmnit .fc Co., druggists,
How to Join and Get Quick Results
at Small Cost. '
Why not Join our union or piano
purehasors nnd havo n hundred dol
lars? ion can do It and wo can help
you. This Is how It is done: Wo can
well afford to sell ton or nioro pianos
cheaper than ono, so havo organized
a union of ten memlsirs. You Join
nnd pay ? 10.00 down and $10.00 a
mouth, the piano is yours. Now hero
Is tho best part of It. Evory tlmo u
now member Joins tho prlco of your
Instrument depreciates In price $10;
In other words, when tho union is
llllod overy monibor gets his instru
ment tlOo less than regular jirlco.
for example, a regular $:00.00 Instru
ment can bo had for $200.00 by
Joining the union. Don't ilolay tak
ing advantage of this great opportu
nity, nS it Will link' lliul n f..... ...,
, . ..... tf ,, wnni
of tllO dull season. Tills, eomhlnrwl I
with our easy paymont plan and ex
change contract makes It possible
for ovoryono i.o hnvo nn Instrument.
Tharliolson's Wnno House, S1G K
Court street. Everything musical,
John Wilson nock, tho oldont nin
eor in tho North Yakima vailol fe
nt North Yakima city Wn i&. , 4
ngod 72 years. Ho built tKftS'
gallon cnnnl In tho Ynklma valley'
( urnmiiy will mnko a complolo mo,i
leal exhibit tt tho St. Louis wVr 1
Fair, Including appliances Inn 1
mollis, dlngrams, utc,, used In nip i
nil lectures. U1"
the Crowd
Any of these warm even
iiiRB and you will find
tliuni at
AMer trying our soda you
will readily understand
why they all come here.
They say our ice cream
is the rich-st our jjin
gcr ale the snappiest
our egg drinks just right.
Foncy drinks well, the
mere names will make
your mouth water. The
reason is simple- we use
nothing at our fountain
hut the very hest, and
our fountain man lias
made a life study of the
business and knows just
'Have you tried the "llcci'that
imule Pendleton fauioiw '
Our Root Beer
F. W. Schmidt's
Tito Roliable Druggist
l'cut office Mock. I'houc Main 851
V Mill Prlncliinl. I
21th & Marshall Sts Portland,
Oregon. J
Now 'mlldiugu, modern mid T
Manual training, military
Hoys successfully titled tor
all colleges or for business life.
Principal of 26 years' experi
ence In Portland,
lioytt of any nge admitted at
liny time.
Write for catalogue.
Kail torm opens September
! St. Helen's Hall;
Has a Normal ICIiidorgtirton Training ,
Class In connection with Its Acado-
mlc Department, Sopnrnlo residence, i
Two-year course. Model Klndergiir-1
ten. Provides prnetlco work. For'
di'litlls address
1 llefore deciding whore
to 1,0
I school, examine a
catalogue for tho coming year. Now
building anil equlpmont. Now wan
iiKonmnt, and a faculty of experienc
ed tonchors. Special arrangement
for muslo Htudenta nnd for tho care
fill ovorsiglit of all studouts from out
of town. All grndos of public school
work thoroughly done. Our college
proparutory work is accepted by the
best colleges East and West. Moral
and social advnntngos tho vory best.
Term begins September 14, 1903.
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