East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 18, 1903, Image 4

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I'ublUtml 1-vev.v afternoon (excent Hmulay)
mi lViiilliftou. Oregon, by the
M'hoiic. -Mnlu tl.
HLmscnnTioN katks.
Dallv one year by mull ........
Dally, six months by mall
Dally, three months by mall ......
Dally, one month by mall
Dally, per month by carrier
Weekly, one year by mnll
Weekly, six months by mall
Weekly, four months by mall ...
Nenil Weekly, one year by mall . .
Semi-Weekly, six months by mall
Semi-Weekly, three months by mail
The Kast Oresonlan 1 on sale at 11. It.
Mich's News Stands at Hotel l'ortlaml ami
Hotel l'erklus, Portland, Oregon,
Member Scrlpps-Meltae News Association.
San Francisco Ilnreau, 405 Fourth St.
Chicago llnrean, !MI Security ltulldlns.
Washington, 1). C. Iturcau, 301 1 Ith St.,
X. W.
Kntcrei at 1'endletoii pnstoOlro a3 seccond
class matter.
tho tusk well tlone. It would make
thoso who toll reel that tlio city ap
preciated tholr presence In the com
munity. It would j?lvo them greater
Interest In tho welfare ot tho city, to
know that tho day sot itsldo for the
recognition of Labor's nobility, wuh
made a general holiday and festival
What, Indeed, Is true civiliza
tion? Uy Its fruit you shall
know It. It Is not dominion,
wealth, material luxury nay,
not oven a great literature and
education widespread. good
though these things be. Civili
zation is not a vaneer; ft must
penetrate to tho very heart and
core of societies of men. Its
true signs are thought for tho
poor and suffering, chivalrous
regard and respect for women,
the frank recognition of human
brotherhood irrespective of
race or color or nation or relig
ion; the narrowing of the do
main of mere force as a gov
erning factor in the world, the
lovo of ordered freedom, abhor
rence of what is mean and cruel
anil vile, ceaseless devotion to
the claims of justice. Civilization
in that, its true, its highest
sense, must make for Peace.
Lord Russell of Kllloweu.
000 francs, or ? 1,000,000. With this
amount ho could havo equipped nn
army, If tho defense of the Vatican
demanded It. Resides this fund he
was tho owner of some of tho rarest
Jewels In tho world.
Pendleton should Join heartily In
the coming celebration of Labor Day,
on September 7. The workingmen
are giving time and money to the ar
rangement of the program, and by the
generous aid being received from the
business men, they will make an ex
cellent showing.
It Is a day which cau be celebrated
with good grace In tho city of Pendle
ton this year. Perhaps no season in
the history of tho city has found as
many busy people as this year. Every
man who has been able to work, has
been hard at It. The trades are all
nourishing and wages aic good. The
workingmen are becoming more and
more permanent fixtures in the city.
They are buying and beautifying
homes year by year. They are taking
part in public affairs more than ever,
and by tneir contented and progres
sive spirit, they are adding a refresh
ing touch to the life of the city.
Nothing else Induces tho establish
ment of new industries as much as the
class of workingmen to be found In a
If they are settled In homos, con
tented with their surroundings, cap
ital does not hesitate to invest and de
pend upon such a class of people for
help. If they are prosperous and havo
their earnings Invested in tho com
munity, it places the Industrial life of
the city upon a Arm basis.
This condition Is to bo found in Pen
dleton. Perhaps In no other town of
the same population In Oregon, are
there so many homo-owning working
men. The wages paid to employes
Ueg) is Invested largely In property,
and tho Institutions employing any
number of men greatly prefer this
class of laborers. They can be de
pended upon. Tho employer knows
that lilh industry is safe In the hands
of tho home-building, contented men.
Tho citizens of Pendleton can do no
moro worthy deed than to encourage
thoso men, in celebrating tho one
seclal day in tho year, set aside for
their especial benefit and enjoyment.
It will give the employe a new hopo
for tho future and an Invigorating
zeal In his work, thereafter. He will
feel that tho community expects him
to take charge of tho day, and con
vert It Into the best possible use.
Tho Fourth of July celebration was
abandoned out of respect for a strick
en sister. Since that time, a busy
season, a good harvest and a fortu-l
nato period of prosperity for al trades
and callings has passed. No moro
fitting close for tho summer could bo
coneolved, than a hearty celebration
of Labor Day.
It Is symbolical of the reward for
Most of tlie nowspapor men doing
duty In tho ordinary country and
small city dally and weekly offices,
"Ju.-U dropped Into the business."
Nino nut of ion of them accepted
a newspaper position ns a last resort.
They have tried other occupations,
with varying success. They caught
tho fascination, and are now trying
to catch the salary. They entered the
business In a largo number of cases,
without special training for tho duties.
They looked upon editing n paper as
a sort of diversion, with no great re
sponsibility and many pleasant licen
This being tho case, as It undoubt
edly is. It Is no wonder so many fail
ed, and Hooded the country with pro
fessional centaurs men who have the
semblance of a Journalist without the
natural ability or the ptopor training.
There Is no object in society more
pitiable, than tills class of "newspa
per men," who are not able to keep
up with the progtoss of an occupation
they have half followed, and are yet
too old to enter n now vocation. They
aro as helpless as children. They
are drifting from place to place, liud-
Ing at every turn that younger men,
with moro training, later and more
progressive views and changed ac
complishments, aro in the positions
so lung held by the unprofessional
The newspaper business Is an un
folding process. In no other protes-1
sion Is the developing tendency of so
ciety fco quickly felt. It responds to
tho hunger of the masses for changed
Ideals and now facts. It yields moro
readily to the pressure of progress,
than any other calling, for It is tho
mirror ot public sentiment.
In endowing a department of jour
nalism in Columbia University, for
the education of newspaper men, in
the practical and technical details of
the profession, Joseph Pulitzer, of the
New York World, says:
"In every other pursuit, where men
are under an equal mural responsi
bility to the public for tho proper
discharge of their duties, they aro
prepared for Ihoso duties by years of
careful and conscientious study, but
the newspaper men, who are In many
directions tho Informers and teachers
of the people, the exponents, and to
a degree, the makers of the public
opinion which rules communities ami
governs states and the nation, have
hitherto received no special prepara
tion for thoir delicate and important i
"At the time of the last census
there were in tho United States 141,
30U lawyers and 30,988 persons class
ed as journalists. Tho legal profes-;
sion was provided with trained re
cruits by 100 law schools with 1.10G
professors. For a fair proportion,
there should havo been at least 20
colleges of Journalists, with facul
ties 291 strong. There Is not one.
Not a single one of tho 30,938 news
paper men and women In tho country
bad enjoyed what a lawyer would call
a systematic professional training." j
'rM., ,1. ...... In t-..tl. I.. ,1... ..1.1 ,.o., '
iimi iiiviu iD Html III lilt' iiu cij-
Hig that "It's an 111 wind that blows
nobody good," has been proved con
clusively again, by a Hutter Creok
man. Tho swarms of grasshoppers
which devastated his garden and
fields, havo been converted Into
chicken feed, with astonishing re
sults. This way of utilizing a curse
Is only applicable In a versatile conn- (
try lino uregon, nowovor, ror usually
where grasshoppers nourish, chlcl
ens aro not to be found.
It Is amazing what horrors can bo
perpetrated, oven In this twentieth
century and In tho center ot clvllza
tlon, In tho name of religion or re
form, Vnst Indignation was created
In Franco some tlmo ago by the expos
ure of tho shocking nud abominable
cruelties practiced In tho House of
the Rood Shepherd, nn Industrial con
vent at Nnucy. Now Investigation
has brought to light nn oven moro ter
rible and disgusting condition of af
fairs In a branch establishment of the
same Institution at Tours. Some ot
tho details contained In the court pro
ceedings cannot he hinted at, lot
alone printed.
It appears that the wretched In
mates had to work for 10 hours out
of HI except In busy times, when
work was continued Indefinitely. If
tho girls exhibited symptoms of col
lapse they were put in atrnlght jack
ets and doused. On becoming rebel
lious, as not a few of them did, they
were shut up In a damp cellar until
they were tamed. Two stout lay sis
ters administered castlgatlon with
knotted whipcord, when stronger
measures were deemed advisable.
One form of punishment compelled
the offender to crawl on her knees
around tho main hall and make the
sign of tho doss with her tongue on
tho dirty floor nt tho feet of each of
her assembled companions. Other
penalties aro quite indescribable. Tho
particular case under Investigation
was that of a wretched girl who was
so misused tliat she contracted hip
disease, which was neglected until
It bi'famo Incuiable. The sister who
presided over the Inferno was known
as Mother Salute Rose. An associa
tions law of some sort Is evidently
needed New York Kven'ng Post.
trebled, and the average value had
fallen to 4,
lnst year tho actual Inorenso In
Ihu paper currency wub $70,000,000.
Tho number of coins Btruck nt tho
mint was 191.000,000, ot tho vnluo of
$95,000,000, of which $02,000,000 wore
gold. lloyeo'H Weekly.
Ily a now process It Is claimed thai
leather can bo tanned by X-rays. Tho
hides will bo soaked nbout four dayH
In lime to separate the fibres and lo
movo tho hair, as Is now done. Thou
they will bo soaked for nbout two
hours In a solution of cortnlu chemi
cals, a part of thu Invention. Then
tliev will bo placud on n highly pol
ished Btcol plate. There for 20 min
utes their untlre surface will bo ex
posed to tho X-rays diffused from
three tubes. Then tho hides will bo
ready for the finishing Into ennmul,
patent leather or other desired arti
cle. What lias always been accom
plished in not less than four months
by soaking tho hides In chemical solu
tions can, It Ib claimed, lie accom
plished lu 20 minutes by exposure to
the X-rays. Tho cost ot tanning will
be thereby greatly reduced.
'O. clear-eyed daughter of the gods,
thy nnme?"
Ciravely she answered; "I am called
'The house, tho lineage whence thy
beauty came?"
"Falluro my she; my mother,
Church What an awful odd-looking
hat Flatbush wears now! Don't
you remember how natty ho usud to
look? (Jotham Oh, didn't you hear
about It? Ho'h come Into a lot of
money. Yonkers Stntosman.
A MAN CAN'T ?r,,,l,,U8lwck,-
M ITIrt l Vrlll It Isn't n question
of his wlnnlni; a race, bufrn question of
being nble only to keep afloat. The man
who is Buffering- from malnutrition Is like
the fettered swimmer. His stomach, and
us nineu organs oi
digestion anil nutri
tion are diseased.
It Is not a question
with him of winning
in the race for busi
ness but of simply
keeping up under
any circumstances.
whenever disease
affects the stomach
It is affecting also
the blood and the
health of every or
gan of the body.
1'or blood is only
food converted into
nutrition and nutri
tion is the life of
the body nud every
organ of it.
Doctor Pierce's
Golden Medical
Discovery cures diseases of the stomach
and other organs of digestion and mitrl
tiou. It purifies the blood and ambles
the perfect nutrition of the body which
means perfect health.
tl'or six lonj years t mfrereil with Inillpes
tiou anil my liver and Lidueya, which luMeil lite
bct tloctors in our country," writes li. l Uau.
sell. Iiq., of Woolsey, l'rlnce William Co., Va,
' I suffered with mv stomach and bad: for a lone
time, and alter lalcltiK n 'catt-toail' of medicine
Irani three doctors I grew so bad 1 could baldly
do a day's work. Would have death-like pains
lu the side, mid blind spells. I bctran taklnp
Dr. Pierce's (iolilen Medical Dlwovery ami
Pleasant Pellets.' llefore I had taken half of
the second bottle t began to feel relieved. I got
six more bottles nud ucd them, und am happy
to say I owe my life to Dr. Pierce."
Accept no substitute for Golden Sled
icnl Discovery." There ia nothing "just
as good" for diseases of the stomach,
blood and lungs.
The Common Suuse Medical Adviser,
1008 large pages, in paper covers, Is sent
free an receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to
tay expense of mailing only. Address
Dr. R. V. Pierce. Ituffalo. N. Y.
Wo have
in Real Eate. wl
H' nice h01Bes si
, . " "mid
Lots-Alfalfa Land frot
aero to 1G0. wL, ,
trct8 from i60 J
r' 10 over W
Hardware Store.
PentUoton Real Estate fj
There is no cramp colic In Joseph
W. Folk's face. There Is no pseudo
solemnity in his countenance. There
Is no need of a theatrical severity in
ills manner to atone for a lack of
honest purpose and sincerity. He
does not Mud It expedient to resort to
the cheap tricks of a thlid-rate elocu
tionist to make himself Impressive.
There Is about him none of the airs
of a peanut tragedian.
The Jefferson Ilrick style of oratory
is quite lacking in the famous St.
Louis prosecutor. Ho doesn't carry
his sentences and bis apostrophes up
to a nasal nuavcr and then cut them
short with a strident snarl. None of
these execrable though fashionable
affectations are practiced by .Mr.
Folk and none of them would suit
him, since they are nil thoroughly
sophistical and meretricious. There Is
enough good, manly llbro In Prosecu
tor Folk to enable him to prevail with
the public without any of tho detesta
ble veneer with which certain so
called orators In .Missouri plaster
themselves, nnd with which more's
tho pity they have succeeded In tool
ing the people.
Let Joseph Folk be thanked not
less for the introduction of a natural,
convincing and straightforward stylo
of public speaking, in contrast to tho
miserable Imitations of eloquence
which he has made odious, than for
his work in clearing out tho boodlers
in Missouri. Kansas City Star.
The government runs a great print
ing oflico, sovon assay ofllces, and
five mints In supplying tho country
witli money. In Washington 11,000
people aro employed making paper
money, postage stamps, and Internal
revenue stamps. Tho bureau of on
graving nnd printing turns out dally
llfti.OOO sheets of silver and gold cer
tificates and United States notes, 25,
000 to 50,000 sheets of national banit
r urroney, 215,000 to 230,000 sheets of
internal rovenno stumps, and 15,000,
000 to 20,000,000 postage stamps.
In 1902 there were 100,700,000
pieces of new paper monoy Issued, of
a total value of $400,800,000, or one
fifth of tho entire national circulation.
The demand Is for notes of small de
nominations. In 1S90 there were 37,
000,000 pieces of government paper
Issued, of tho average value of $0.01.
1-ast year the quantity had been
Oregon will furnish the longest Hag
pole in tho world, for tho St. Louis
Exposition. It will bo 150 feet in
height, and will be sawed In four
pieces to enable tho railroads to haul
It to tho fair. Oregon should knock
tho persimmon, with this one.
Stuyvesant Fish, president of tho
Illinois Central railroad, says that the
merging ot the railroads will con
tinue. In spite of tho opposition of
agitators, Tho courts uro with tho
railroads, hence the blulf.
Pope Leo's preloaded povntt h is
proved to bo a sham. Instead of Lo
lug a pauper, his private fimdii Jual
Itemized by his ndmlnlstialors huvo
been found to amount to over 20,000,-
Absolute Purity, fmesf Flavor,
Greate r Stench. fte&$orc,bl Prices.
Shields' Park
Provides an evening of rare enjoyment
Good, clean, wholesome fun. Not a
dull minute.
Near O. R. & N. Depot
I Admission, 20c Children, 10c
li-room dwelling, stable
rnl and 3 intci
u-ioi n .welling and two loj
fU V Hlllll,,,! I-,,,- ,'ou.
2,500. ''""e'?
ii-room Hoarding Jiousc and J
tuiiumiy located 2 MO
Groom dwelling with two
A number of lota somewhat
I lot on flat, f)vc blockt Is
street, ?500. Other lots
each. :
Much other very deslrii
ly tor sale. All sold und
lomo and buy.
To find Ju&t what you i
ngiu price, see
C. I). BOYD, llltal
The Colombia
Lodging House
Newly FurnisWJ
liar in ca
Bet. Alta & Wettl
In Centerdl
F. X. Schempp
ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber.
YOC .MAY IN IT..V) llt'Il.niNC.
oi-lln l It iiecehHiu-y to UKIM-A (JK A WOKN-OL'T UOOK 1
Takes tlu place of Bhlugles, tin, Iron, tar nnd gravel, nnd nil prepared 1
roofings. For flat and stoop surfacoR, gutters, valleys, otc. Easy to lay.
Temperc for all cllmntos. Ileasonahlc In cost. Sold on morlt. Ouaran ,
teed. It will pay to ask for prlccsnnd Information,
Worcester Building. Portland. ,
Chicago, New York and Minneapolis quotations, received direct at the
l'cndfcton office over the Iwst extensive private wire system in the world.
KlUKIMII 73 NdlioiMl and Sidle Udiiks
Includini) tVndlrlon Sdvlnqt Udak
20 Court Mrwt
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
Wc Don't Keep Everything
ut we do keep a good bio
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Rustle and Finish,
In all grades. Also all kinds
of Dimension Lumber, In
cluding Lath and Shingles.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxes Is complete, and any
one In need of Lumbtr will
not be wrong In placing
their order with the ' : ;
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. W: C. K. Depot
Conrad Platzoeder
I All kinds of luchli
t Meats always on
hand. Fine Bacon,
Hams and Sausage.
Prices as low as the lowest
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Walters, Proprietor
Capacity 150 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, fit
iIwii.vh on hand.
olllcc, large bumllos of newspapers, con
tnltilnR over 100 big papers can do oi
talon (or 23 suits a bundle.
A Cool
Tc llnhlnanii'R AmtlSeB
lors, unilerftheWiiCJ
.hint tho place to wbM
, .i iimo Tim-i
howling alley; sp!e
and bllliaru "'"
....... ..i...n,i uNery. i
perauco refreshment
u Miminal Enterta
Every Evening!
Ho will be he iM
,n nnv tune anil
oc rents a doD.
Inc lie ol inuur-:-i
Snot photos onlyJ
Insurance it.
0f insurance .
iih"' - 1
j, p. WALKER, cWl
.. . oreflon'1"!
only io