J 5 Wrapper Sale Tomorrow morning Tuesday, Attest 4 we pigeon sale J48 wrappers wS most be closed out at once? ThT fo lowing prices will sorely do it : te.oo Wrappers at ,i.r0 '75 " , i.5o '35 1.25 1. 00 .75 1.30 1.05 1. 00 .80 55 Don't overlook the big shirt waist sale 1 5c and up. Teutsch's Big Department Store Corner Main and Alta DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1903. FATHERS IN ISRAEL i NOTES ON A FEW OF THE OLD MEN OF PENDLETON. "Grandpa" Blair Tells Why His Son Is a Republican Unusual Record of This City for Old People Below 's Only a Partial Enumeration of the Aged. City Brevities See Sharp for paper banging. K'-eHh fruit ilnlly at Martin's. Fresh runch orbs at Kemlor's. Ilst bIioo work at Teutsch's. A-e you going to Lehman Springs? For the liest bread, get Itohrman's. HSncKboiTlcs by the elate at Kern ier'h Why don't you go to Lehman Eininpt; liny u fountuln pen this week at half price nt Frnnlor'H. Heceived dally, fresh tamales, crabs and crawfish at Gratz's. Mi Prcforida, tho best cigar made, Hi olgnr store. Court street. Han't lot cigars got tho best of you gpt the best of cigars. Hanlon's. Roods that arc right at prices that an' right nt Hndor's furniture store. All kinds of Imported and domestic lunches and clam chowder at Gratz's. We have fruit Jars ami fruit jar extras rubbers, covers, etc, It. Robr man An you going cuniping? U C na iler's camp Htools. folding tables and (amp supplies. Come nnd see us the first day. Open August SO, Hilly Krasslg's old htand. Sullivan & Ilond. First premium, $10 mandolin; sec ond premium, $?, music wrnpimr. given away with Hlieot music Inland Em Pin. I'lnno House, HOI .Main. Visitors uro nlwnys welcome at the Hosb Ice & Cold Storage plant. Come and seo for yourself how tho Ice is made Wo are always pleased to show any one over the plant and explain anything you may not understand. -A bell boy at Hotel Pen- Fra- limit be always n-kiiig come one for the right time, haven reliable watch of yourtm n. No mutter what your taste, your needs, your price, we can withfy. Prices, $1.25 to $t 50.00 HUNZIKER THE JEWELER and OPTICIAN Next iIiHir tn K Alciiiliil' Fresh fruits at Kemler's. See Sharp's artistic wall paper. Smokers' supplies at Neuman's. Ladles' half soles 40c. Teutsch's. tleT"8'' nSl'' Eam n'Ul ,ouItry- Cas' Oct your clothes cleaned at Joer-ger's. Wanted dleton. New books arriving dally at i-.iuis iiook store. Wanted Machinist and moulder at nigby-Clove Foundry. Try the Palm, 221 Court street, for nuts, candles and fruits. Tents, camp stoves, camp stools, etc., at Rador's Furniture store. 100 nice visiting cards, neatly printed, -19c. Try them. Nolf's. lluy sheet music of us and draw a prize. Inland Empire Piano House. See Charles Lane about your nalnt- Ing and paper hanging; SO" Vincent street, At and below cost all summer, mil linery, especially patterns. Mrs, Campbell. Will open August 20, with complete lino oi men's turulslilng goods. Sul livan & Ilond, Wanted Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Address W. H C, care EaBt Oregonion office. Will be open August 20. Complete lino of men's furnishings, near Joe llasler's furniture store. Sullivan & Bond. Estimates given on short notice on painting and paper hanging. Charles Lane, the pioneer painter, S07 Vin cent street. Good meat in summer must he j taken care of. That's tho kind you get at Houser's, Alta street, opposite J Savings Bank. Prizes awarded when 150 tickets are given out. Ticket with every 35c sale of sheet music. Inland Empire I Piano House. There are no secrets about the pro cess of manufacturing ice at the Hoss Ice & Cold Storage plant. Come and see how It Is done and you will see that thcie Is no ammonia, alcohol or any other substance whatever added to the distilled water to aid in the freezing. Pendleton is a place of good sani tary conditions nnd of pure air, and in the city the people live to ages as tonishing to other localities where the chief thought of the Inhabitants wak- s mi sleeping is how to exist. The other day Dr Smith n mil to attend J. E. Scales tor some lit- J temporary ailment, and lu talk- "B wim mo old mnn found that the UlOck UDOll Which Ihn nl,1 tmi, ll., s the home or several people who have lived the allotted three score and ten and are still halo and hearty. Mr. Scales Is 7G years of ngc, while his wife Is young nt 74. iirs. wsliop, their next door neigh ""'I ID Oil Y I'M IK Mill mill CUM .iti. Joying tho life that has been spared for so long, while rigiu nack of the Scales' house lives "Grandpa" Blair, who holds the record Willi !t.r years to his credit. -ir. inair is still hale and heart v and gets as much enjoyment out or life as he did In the years gone by. when ne mis a noy. no is an ardent dem ocrat and In the days that are past was one of the democratic war horses oi mo county nnd the state, being nt one time n member of tho leelslninre All his life long he lias supported the ueniocraiio party and lias served it wen, inn lie has a son now past 70 years, who Is as strong In the Ideas of tho republicans ns his father is on me otner side. Not long ago some one was asking the elder man how It happened that he was so staunch a democrat, while his soon stood so (irmly to tN prin ciples of the other party. The old man looked sorrowful for a minute and shook bis head. "Well," he said at last, "you know 1 tried to teach that boy better; but you never could tell him anything, and 1 could do nothing with him; but he Is young yet and when he grows older he will see that he Is making a mistake and change over These young men will have their fling." Grandpa Is per haps the oldest mnn In the county and among the oldest In the state WILL OPEN THURSDAY, It Pays to Trade at 1 Estray Notice, i One large bay horse, branded "W" t on left shoulder; shod In front; S or I lu years old. One bay horse branded connected "J H" on tight shoulder, ! star In forehoad, white hind feei shod In front, S or 10 years old, large ' bill on the owner. Owner can find I these horses nt I It. It. COLONS, Knmela. Oregon. Wanted to Rent. A poitablo steam engine, in good condition, ready to run, fixed to hum coal. Apply at onco to American Hare Packing & Cold Storage Co., Echo, Oregon. New Gents' Furnishing House Nearly Ready for Business. Charles Ilond and W. J. Sullivan are busy today fitting up their new store in the room formerly occupied by the Krabslg barber bhop. The shelving will be in place In a day or so, and the proprietors will begin to put In their stock. They expect to open by the 20th of tho month. While the room Is small In which the new store Is being started, the stock will be as complete as any In the city, nnd In some particulars will be more so. They will sell everything from socks and overalls for farmers, to the highest grade of shirts to ne found In the wholesale houses, and all of the goods will be laid down nt a figure that is reasonable nnd will please the public. Mr. Ilond has a line of silk shirts ami neckties that bus never been seen In the city. In fact, the whole stock is one that tho larger stores may well envy, and one that will bring to the new place all of thoso who want the best for the least money. The stock will be In position nnd the store open on the 20th, and from that time on tho public will be able to Judge for themselves the completeness and the desirability of the goods theie sold. ; t The Peoples' Warehouse 4-f f f For Days Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ALL SILK GRENADINES 44 inch wide $1.50 values Only 85C per yard Remember: This Price is for 3 Days Only The Peoples' Warehouse Outfitters for Women and Men. .. .... .4 j HISTORICAL QUARTERLY. uregon Pioneer Association Issues July Number of Its Publication. The Quarterly or the Oiegon Histor ical Society for June, 11103. lias been lecelved. As usual every article It 1 essary number of American hate, and (he cannery promises to start out with a good trade Orders have been received for sample shipments from every orlltm of tho country The cannery people have oKrated a meat , wagon In the .Echo district for the i past three months, und have made a Attention Knights, A regular meeting of Damon lodge, K. or P., will be held In Castle hall, Monday, August 17. All are especial ly lequested to be present. MAHK MOOHIIOUSE. K. of It. and S. C. C. SHAItP. C. C. L. A Paper at Echo. Esteb will begin the publlca- luwuiK '"" "'" Ur or itideuteclncHH, imving "Oregon und Its Share in the Civil u tH ,,itcriul. labor mid o War," by Itobort T. Plan; '"I he dreat tll.tlMH wllh HK.K 1IM(1 contains is of vita lmciesi in i'tn lliW success or the venture The student oi uiegon msiory. as me iui-; ,.mill,.ry wM Hllir, 01l tt, ,i lowing table of contents inuicaies: ,ur (), i,,,utt,,jm.HH. imving paid for other ox nellhi.it Willi Hlri'l. mill llle llirnnm West and the Two Lasts. ly Mcnr fm, ,., ... WMK0I1 E. Heed; 'Social and Economic His-' lory of Astoria," by Alfred A. Cleve land, "A Pioneer Captain of Indus try In Oregon." by Prof. James It. Itobertson. In addition a number of documents relating to Dr. Marcus Whitman, the emigration or 1842-3, and tho earlier conditions of the Ore gon country. Copies of the quarterly may be secured by applying at the Society rooms. City Hall. Portland Oregon. Lewiston Fruit Crop. The Lewiston Tilbuno says the TASTE OV It IVJS CUBA M ANJJ OJtDTNAJiV JCE CUE AM TS XO LONG EH WE CUE AM' WE USE FANNINGS SPUING WAT 15 R AT OUR FOUNTAIN The old reliable Log Cabin Soda Fountain is tho purest and best ot vi-r) KOEPPEN'S DRUG STORE 0 Htep IVo... Mali. Mreet townrd the Coi.l t ... erving tlon of the Weekly Echo, at Echo, on fnt (.ro of 1L gnaUe River district September 11. The plant has been , wj )(, ,,.!, larger this Far than ordered fiom Tncoma and Is expected ' ov,,r M;for,. , Wl aggregate 215 to arrive every day. It will U' a (.u,oaaK. jtore sp-el(lcally. It Is es-four-page folio lo be Issued every tmate, ti,at the shipments will be Friday. j,ooo boxes of cherries, y.nou crates of apricots, 25.000 crates of plums 19 Visiting at C. P. Strain's. Hon cratos of prunes. 12.00U boxes of 3 .1 . .. i.... i ,nn ir n..,i Mrs a li,., -Mel or Knwln. nears. 7.000 nones oi uiim.-b, !, Kan., nro visiting at tho homo of As sessor (V P. Strain, in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Dechtel are Mrs. Stain's pa rents and will remain In the West until October boxes of grapes and 105,(MiO boxes of peaches. The largest orchardlbt is William Latollelle. of Wawawal, who will ship about 75 cars or fruit of his own growing. i Seven deaths have resulted fiom 1 the shooting Into u crowd by "Crazy" Twlgg, at Wlnllold, Kan. K THENOLFSTORfi Another large shipment oj I new anil stylish tablets y Prices ranco from toe to u Sizes, note, packet anilletle 45 lo (jo page each. I IK UK IS A Partial Lis For Rent. i Cannery Will Start. I have remodeled the upstairs of the The painters are Just tlnlHliIng up Despain block and have some of tho on the Echo cannery building a d nicest oinco rooms In the city. Call the whistle will blow for a trial run. and see them. about September 10 The people of C. C BEIIKELEY. Echo are preparing to supply the ui Fraer's Opera Hotise Coupon. I vote for l sell tickets for Frazer's Opera House for the coming year. This coupon must be voted at the East Oregonlan by 7 o'clock Friday evening, August 21. Get Vour Shoes n the BIG Boston STORE ihoe ParlO' 'Joe on Children' Shoes 'lw on Roy's Shoes 50c on l-itdieri' Shoes 50c on Men's, Shot's Koyal liiik'libli lioml. Old Holland I. men New Flax. Cobweb Fihtc Lancaster Linen. Currency Ilond. Crushed liond, Imperial China bilk. Royal Mail India Ciaur 4.- Sovereign Ilond. Kmprcss of liulu, etc I The Very Latest Tablet Full blue of School Bookianj Sobool Supplies FOR SAL! One Single Sealed Top Hun One Double Set of Harness I One Set Steel Wjon Wheui One 22 Shoe Grain Drill Also Five Young Cattle l nil on or Addroa H. W. Potter; Cole's Addition rcudlttou, '