r, f- . .... DAILY EAST opMni.PTON. OREOON. MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1903. FEW OF THE MANY GOOD THINGS YOU CAN FIND AT OUR STORE AT REDUCED PRICES Boys washable suits to close out 30c suits at 40c. 05c and 75c suits at 50c. $1 00 suits at 75c. 1.25 s,,its llt S. 00. $6 00 men's outing suits at S5.o $13 50 men's summer suits at $10 00. 517.50 men.s summer suits at $14 00. Balance of straw hats at half pr'ce. Golf shirts 50c to $2,50. Neg igee slier- 50c to $2 50. Summer underwear 25c, 50c and 75c per garment, last Received Anolhcr Shipment of Belfast Mesh ' -r TT 1 L'ncn unaerwtw BAE R & "DALEY 1 One ' rice Clothiers, Furnishers and Ha ters M-M-.j lllll 1 I I 1 1 I 1 r i m I I ttwwwwwt t t t t t t J t t t BARB id E PHONES UMATILLA COUNTY LEADS THE WEST IN THIS ODDITY. Athena District Has Seven Lines With 105 'Phones In Use Reaches to Every Settlement Will Soon Dc Compelled to Employ an Operator. The hnibwirc telephone linos center lug In Atlioun have assumed such business proportions that It has he roine next to Impossible to handle them without the Installation of u switchboard anil the employment of a special operator, says the Athena Press. There Is at the present time en tering Athena, seven different barb wire telephone lines. They are the .Mountain and Southern line, with 21 'phones, Athena, Weston and .Milton line, with I I 'phones; Pine creek Hue. eight 'phones; Couse ereel; line, 11 nliom.a- .Vilnius line, in 'ii nones: u HIGH-PRICED FRUIT. Union County Man Who Holds Two Worthy Records. John Martin, or Cove, who with his estimable wife camo to Hits valley In tin. early sixties, with the exception nf a team their wordly possesions In cluding actual eiiali on hand whieli ',, $5. was not a hit; load, was an Observer visitor Monday. Mr. Mar tin now owns 200 acres of rich land In the Cove for which $100 per aero would he no Brent temptation to rau?e him to part with It He also owns Pino ueres In II in; valley where In. keeps constantly on hand ahoilt mm head of slock. Mr Martin lias the honor of solium i... ...iiinn nf utrnwhorrles sold in the eltv of l.n Grande, his first customer being the well-known pio neer 1 A Iloskowltz. His load eon slsto'il of 'six gallons and the price received was $1 per gallon. Air. Mar-1 tin also has the distinction ot selling the llrst gallon ot' cherries In linker, Cltv receiving $1 per gallon also for, thorn. -I.u (Iraiido Observer I I AB C Pure, Palo and Sparkling. Bottled Only at the Brewery In St. Loutt. sold nvnuvwiiERB. Follow the Crowd ti.- nMnih Pcnnltv. A little thing sninotlmes results In GENERAL NEWS. Annex U. of the I'nion Stock-yards nt Chicago, was burned yesterday. Loss, ?G0,000. The heaviest proportion of Catho lics in the world is In Ecuador, where , there arc six Humanist chapels or ; churches tl every 1,000 of the Inhab itants. W. P. Dillard. of San Francisco, has been found guilty on four counts of forging Chinese certificates while of ficlnlly connected with the Interior t department. I Tii nnrtnli oxDonscs the syndicate ' owning and controling the cotton manufacturing hu3lnoss In Fall Itlvor, Mass., will next wool; shut down sev eral mills, throwing 5,000 people out of employment. Alen & Lord, of Monmouth. N". T brought suit against a tenant who innvwl nllf of lllln llf tllOir llWellillCS before his contract time had expired, j The tonant won the suit on the) grounds that ho was chased out ot the house by bedbugs. Frnuds and carelessness in the water department have cost New 1 York City $1,000,000. Officials sold t for nominal fees (which they pock eted) almost unlimited water priv ileges to those who had a "stand In" I with them. ' In New York and New England ! are 42,000 postotilces. F. .1. Thrasher, of Hoxbury. Mass., a railway eierk, Is said to have memorised them all and ( to bo able to "short transit" a letter, addressed to any ot them at the rate ' of 33 1-3 letters per minute. He has broken all previous records of the railway mall service. HOTEL ARRIVALS. 11. .1. I NORTHWEST NEWS. Harry Twoanls. a Tumwater Indi an, was killed at The Dalles. Sunday morning, by an O. It. & N. train. He was sitting on the track and refused to move until too late to escape. The Lewiston city council passed an ordinance, Saturday night, grant ing a franchise to a street car com pany. James Trainer and Fred Du bois are the promoters of the scheme. All cnmlilini! houses have been Hotel Pendleton. Julius Prince. Portland A. Nylander. Portland F h. Prior, Hartford .1 H. ltabb, Portland. C. I j. Huff, Portland. H. U. Price. Portland. Two Friends, Portland A Honnott. Stokes. S. Earl, St. I.oiils. E. Dukehart, Portland. M Harnes Walla Walla H. I). Strong. Walla Walla. Mav and Haby Owens. Nelson It. A. Seeds, Spokane. Gilbert Joyce. Spohnne. S. Ynunsninn. I'ornnmi. It". Canon. Portland. A. Frans, Spokane. I.. .Marshal, Cove. Golden Rule Hotel. Jam 03, linker City. I. nartoti. Walla Walla. Olive Myrlck. Myrlck. H. H. Halley. Portland. E. I.. Chnppello. Portland F. J. Gardner. Portland Sam I.ee, Spokane. W. H. Aubin. city. Doug Cilynn. city. H. J. Eagan. Dtir. Silencer Carter, city. C. M. Whiteland, city. G. Monr.lor, Walla Walla. w u- Ifllov linker Cltv Olia Ames. North Branch. 1) McCarty anil taiuuy It. C. Hoi.er. Spokane, liodln, city. E Thrasher, Summit. I.indlev, Campbell Pros' Show. Grant, Campbell llro.s' Show. C llnrrlnr- nmiVor Etta Snyder niid family. Denver. George Harmon, uenver. H. E. Ilarton. Sacramento. John O'llourke, Sacramento. J Dacres and brother. Walla Walla H. Taylor, Famlngton. S. Gill, Snokane. H. Sherman, Athena. Connel, Umatilla. Octave Piton. Paris. Paul Normand. Paris G E. S. B. I). W kuni A. It. Al A I W J. S. C. H. Dr. Dr W. Ilrailley s line, l-s pnoiies: tionx . uoum. imm ", .,' ,, , line. 10 'phones. Hero we have a to-. nillcant cuts or pun 'oils ha o ml tal of m telephones, the business ot the death penalty. It Is wlso to 1 li ve which Is dally increasing as their , llucklln's Arnica Salvo c r ai l , practical usefulness becomes moio It's the host salve on ei i h mill vv it and more iinpressed upon the owner. ' prevent latallty. when litR. The work of making the proper con-; ulcers and piles threaten um -in j uoctlons and getting the iiorsons at Tnllnian ft Co s ilrug sion i wanted, answering calls, etc., devolves - " on the members of two business , Joseph Dick a rancher of HI. ik- houses In this city, who have boon ' loot. Ulalio. was or ran ... 1 doing the work free of any charge to ! river Sunday near his Home the patrons of the service. The bur-, - -- den of this work has becoino Irksome I . i!j i. and It Is now proposed to follow Mil Often 1116 KlQIlDyS iK ton's example In putting In a switch , , . uf-.i, board at some convenient place ot WGaKCIIGu UJf UY6r-W0FK. business and employing an operator 1 niim.t Milton found It impracticable to get Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Kloud. iiinn.. wltlmiit mi iiiu.riitni- pniirnrnlinr li n-.-il In be consiilcrcil that only which (lie Eagle of last week says uruuirv and bladder troubles, were to be "The now switchboard for the Mil ton Itural Telephone Co. arrived tills wool; anil has been instniiou in v. ii ,tt ...i... ... .. mi... ... I unasuiiii s piiiiriiiiu- . i ue m.ii-iu id trni-iil to the Uiduevs, but now nioilern ieiicc proves that nearly all diseases have their bee,iuuinp, in the disorder of these most iiniortaiit organs. The kidneys filter and purify thebliHKl timt in ttn.tr work ThiTcfiire. when your kidtieysait-weak or out of order, you can understand How ouickl , your entire body is nITeclcd and howevco ornan seems to fail to do its ' 'Ulf you are sick or " feel l.lly." hegin . ii... rl l-iilnev rcuicih. Dr I u., . i?r?i ft now in good working order nnd con neets with all the principal farm houses and Important Inland points, such as Woodward's tollgate. the Hudson's liny district. Fletcher's nnd Ollngor's sawmills, etc. This Is the result of a private enterprise started by the Elam Hardware Co. n couple of years ago. The business grew to such proportions that it could not be handled without ti special oiieratnr at 'central.' hence the removal of that n!!lrt frnm flip romimnv's store to Its present location." Kjim:r's Swamp-Root. lJeeause us wm Several who have 'phonos on linos us vour Uidneys are well they will Help ..fiturin.. Atliitltll wlli.ll MMnWll IllO . .11 . 1... . .11 initio 111 lldlllll. ! fcx... above rendllv iironosod the nlan of Any of these warm even ings anil you will find them at Schmidt's Fountain Alter trying our soda you will ruadily understand why they all come hen: They say our ice cream is the riclust our (,-in ger ale the snappiest our crr drinks just right Foncy drinks well, the mere names will make your mouth water. The reason is simple we use nothing at our fountain hut the very best, and our fountain man has made a life study of the business and knows j tst how lluve vou tried the " lleer that made Pendleton famous"' Cue Root Beer ice cm Just rail - vuuuy St0r 1 Ollr . '"I Quantity ot lCo ""factor, S,0Jr thl weather a, me "Id and i& Villi nr. .1 . U" "ot Try our candle,, nJ fresh every d Bimff till i Is always lecemj place your orderwithl fir, Tamara .-Pinel Why buy poor t can Ret the best I price? Laatz Telephone F. W. Schmidt's Tho Reliable Druggist 1-o.iiiffirc lllncV. I'lionr .Vtnln KM Spo- : nnttliiL' In :i Hwltchbonnl and umnloy iug an operator, u ne cost 01 imiiii talnlng an operator would bo slight when the convenience Is taken Into consideration and would bo light on the individual patrons. One farmer says he would not be without tele phone connection with town and his neighbors for any consideration. He thinks tho proper manner in winch to get the project started is to figure out tho cost pro rata, and then have some one Interview the patrons. LOVERS, NOT ROBBERS. I.uite Baker. North Ilranch. BT1TI or OHIO. CITT or TOLIPO M Lecjis Coonty. I ...... .. , . ... . n.iv, tl,l h U tha -loed In Ontario, Ore. The town had .JJ" oj the firm ot K.J.Cheney & Co , become Infested With toughs, to Such ( doinR DUilne in be eUy ot Toledo, connty an extent that the city authorities y nd .ute a forel. .ndihat -Md flrmj.M pjjt effort to get rid' iTetyceot Ctrrh thut ciinnotbe cured br ItheuSooniHn'.CAUrrhCnre. Sworn 10 ueiore mi: u u . -- had to make somi of them. The I'ortland police prevented Dia voli, the "loop the loop" artist, from carrying a young lady on his shoul ders around the loop. Saturday. Ful ly 20,000 people hail collected to see the perfomance. r-t r fin.;, n l,iiuln..uk mntl llf Pnl- fax. was awakened by burglars In Ills house, saturuay nigiii, aim ipuenj I IK1L 10 ueiore mi: b . pretence thuotn any 01 iiwtmwi. 1). , 1SK. A. VV. OI.EASON. V.' ...... l'.,V.Hn iuiri CaUrrh Cure l Uke'n internalty 'and Young Portland Couple Subjected to Rude Rude Surveillance. Many funny tilings occur In police circles, os!cially when a city is in tho throes of an epidemic of crime. snys the Oregon Dally journal. Sinco the outbreak of holu-ups or recent date the police have had a thousand worthless clues offered and hundreds of timid persons have been "seeing suspicious characters." More than one unsuspecting citizen has been stopped and nui'stioned regard ing his business when out after dark". ,v lniiiuii-miK Inch toil occurred a ,.11'iln. utlier oieiiti.- t" lu-altli. will convince anyone. If vou ure sick ou can inane ni. -. . ' 1... n..i .t..,.i..riuir vmir kltllievs. The mild and the cstraorilinary effect or Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon reali.ed. 11 Maims iiiu iiiKiiv-i . . , . nf the most distressing eases, and it."Ul tin its merits bv all .1. iui ut and oiie-dollaf sie EEgc-jH bv mail free, also a patniihlet telling you how to find out if vou have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Huitf liamtim, N. Y. Mi i't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Koot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, llitighaiiitim, N Y., on every bottle. you! c TRANS TRUCE ' STORi crowm TeleiihoiK I A . II 1 1- Are inviieo iu : take tea with os j on August zutn A deinoii-.tr.itor for the celebrated "M J II." coffee and tea will serve light refreshments at our store on that date. Come and enjoy a delicious cup of coffee or tea j Standard Grocery MiiuopliM. (Ji-ooi.r J Court Mph'I llall'i Catarrh Cure l taken internaiij-ami ' - - act 'dlrMtlyon the bloo.1 and mncoin intlacea i night or two ago. It hud been report niihniTitem. sud tor tetlmoiiUli,tre!. , ,i.,.. IU,rKI)nK ,,r uumilclous aiiiienr Hold byFdru".,i'y "-"D'- ut.ee wc.;,. In the hnl.lt of gatht.rlng in llall'i Family fllU are thb?t. thti neighborhood of Nlnoteontli and " 1 Flanders streets. The officer on the I mlfilnn House for Sale. I i,... .,,u ii,ui,ii,.t..,i in Invi.HllL'nto ,..,iii,,' .mi ,,r i,.,ii lu m.iilii u ilasli a . ii.ot in tin. nllv- "0 comnlcto flirn- mm... ,...u,.. .,,, i.r.i i,i,,,u,iir nml iliii-. them, capturing one nnd scaring the jgne(i rooms. A lease for eight years , M(? ,.v,,n! n loving couple np nthfr nwav He hold the one ho had j and nine months. It is subject to ! .Ifi.,rt,, n tender tonus they spoke uleil him in the city Jan. mortgage anil can bo iiougni ior .un . ,() ()t,,. aH tm,y NI,t ,, tiH. only. Knmiirc at tins omce. I green seiiced anil landed him in the c-lty jail Deputy Sheriff John McCIollanil. nt nivmnin linn liooii discharged for in, .Mm- ii ivnman of ill-fame in the . Tin coll with Charles Clark, under sen- dock tence for murder. It is thought there was some attempt being made to res cue Clark from the Jail by friends on the outside. m-oon swnrd of a vacant lot upon questioning Tbe nil them. 1 servant " ! trnlmati !.i.t if.r rill m.1111. iiuii.i i .. . ...... t ....... .'.....- .11111111 Ullll lllf Kill Willi im- . to hi- Installed on the stue oi , ((, ft ..,!,., fnmy the nelgh- lilll north of the agrii-nuiiim imu.. , jm.i,00(i wll,. .r ,..ipanlon was at the Worlds Fair. St. I-0I''H- waB ' Iior "best young man" Report to Jet recentlj to the Plant Seed Umi- , Mh );rr((,t wu)) mn(1(, ,( 1)(lj(.0 pan of Ht I.oiils. quarters, and the matter was tlroprx-d. DESPAIN & CLARK' CONSUMERS WHOLE SALE GROCERY AND WHOLESALE COMMIS SION MERCHANTS 514-514 MAIN STREET Phone Main 1741 Oregon I'ortland Saint Helen's Hall Homo and Day School for girls of all agos Academic and College I'repnratory courses as well us thorough Primary Instruction. Ideal situation on the outskirts ot city of Port land Ilasket ball. tennis, horseback riding. Year hook sent on application. ELEANOR TEBBETTS, Prin, AtlY TiH Is k Goo Now l the wj have your home M oered. A little H there will help fully, Some meu uall naner will W to any room. OiJ paper was neve. pattern In every one new W color design. B(W i- ,,m chnur thfnl I you what It wi'J whole noun u. E. J. M 111 Court T Pacific Ironworks Foundry, Machine and Blacksmith Shop Structural Iron, Cast Columns, Etc. Carry in stock Steel Beams, Angles and Channels, Bolls and Rods. All kinds of Repair Work Attended to Promptly Fast End BurnBlde St. Bridge, Portland. End of Bitter Fight. '"I wo physicians had a lon and stubborn Unlit with an abscess on my riBl.t IniiK," writes .1. K. Hushes, nt niil'ont. (in,, "and khvo mo up. Ev erybody thoiiKht my time had conio. As a last resort I trie I lir Kinu's New Discovery for Consumption. The benellt I recolvod was striking and I was on my foot in a few days. Now I've entirely reKiilncd my health." It conquers all coimhs, colds and throat and lung tioublos. Guiiranleed by Tallman & Co.'s drug Htoro Price Mr and $1. Trial bot tles free. to ito to A NEW UNION. Northern Minnesota Exhibition, niiintli m Inn . A hi' 17. A larco and IntorestliiK oxhlblt of nKrlcultiirul and mechanical products of Northern Min nesota opened hero today and will continue tliroiii;h tno romninuor oi the week. A larno attendance of vis itors from iielKliborlnn counties Is expected. Havo your TeutschB, shoos repaired at How to Join and Get Quick Results at Small Cost. Why not Join our union nf pluno purchasers ami have a hundred dol lars? You enn do It and we enn help you. This Is how It Is dnnu: Wo cuu well afford to sell ten or moro pianos cheaper than one, so havo ornai.l7.eil a union of ten members. You Join and pay $10.00 down and $10.00 a mouth, the piano Is yours. Now bon is the best part of It. Kvory time a now member Joins the price of yuur Instrument depreciates In price $10: In other words, when tho union Is filled every member pets his Instru ment $10j loss than regular price. nil examine, a lOKUiur .iuu.uu iiisiru- mum can bo had for $200.00 by joining the union. Don't delay talc-; lug iidvanlaKo of this great opportn-1 nlty, as it will only last a few weeks I of the dull season. This, combined j Willi lllll vnay jmyiiiuui jiitiu uuu ul.nnge contract makes It possible for evoryouo ',o havo an instrument, Tl.orkelson's Pluno House, 31D K. Court street. Kvcrythltig musical. Iliifnrc deciding where school, oxamlne a Pendleton Academy catalogue for the coining yeur. New building und equipment. ,w ngoniom. and a faculty of ex c irlow od teachers. Special rraneJ-"1 for music students and for tho cart fill oversight of an siuoe.. . , of town. All grades of I' 'Xgc work thoroughly done. Our colie i.roimrntnrv -ivork is accepted r..v. 1 wst. " post couegus jiiwi '""., : , ..... ...i ...nnu iin ver ami soeiui iiiivuiiib" - ,nni Term begins September 34, U"-'. REV. W. H. BLEAKNEY, PRINCIPAL best STATE NORMAL SCHOOL WESTON, - - OREGON TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 10t CAREtf never w "' 7U "'K lw, ill US IS Il"'",ifJ posslMe M f hnmli bet e tbM KflfMIIlll- " .Li u. heating "P i -piils niachiw 'j ernniei"? y- j count oi "'. i price s 1 are M