East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 17, 1903, Image 1

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Fi.t tour resMcncs
(5c A wncjcv'
j Ja Eastern OwnWcIttTI
i -----"-- - -
one oil
ad win
ell l
ist w
ise Out
llncrcasing Inter-
Yacht Races and
Leboth SERIES.
r places From Which
nations Necessary to
Ifety of Spectators
lurope Will Be Spec-
Rag, li- mis IB u
r toe president ru-
i of tuo war ma
At sunrise tlio
lith launches, excur-
f sailing craft, to
ay They ranged
background against
the maneuvering
I party hoarded tlio
lia on the Grin last
loard his yacht. Ho
kit this mornlnK.
Itred a inesident's
Irrived and depart-
tiers and the yacht
le attention of all
i tbe eastern coast
r necks, and scores
hports have crosB-
klmess the maneu-
pint fur viewing
s been fllcd upon.
ttt have all been
rentals, and the
nous has been
rre of space tolled
lb; the owners and
uslnable kind of
! nnneuveru arc
ie a? much as
' possible olument
has hecn remov-
popular interest
extent which
rely a nuisance
; begin. The most
l will bo adopted
Icontlguous to the
II pleasure craft.
begin August 20,
Kd on every altor-
Iserles is ended.
h't for Murder of
Mo Begin.
I Aug. 17. Robert
le star witness in
lb Powers in MOO,
ready to tesil-
with. After the
I Us fo. locatluir
lr returning home.
fr 01 tun inouii.
N Frankfort at
bel was assas-
NO. 48UI.
c Mf-
vrlt r
part of
Krai Injured in
I" A Hartford
( a trolley car
MOSSltlc tlllB
liotorman. Kolix
Fed Fifiderlcl;
Injured John
occunnnt k.
Tho car was
The Hairman
lth failure ti.
1 Running Out
iIo'et flm l
&ho City.
ecto?. nc GOV-
r Moruu
IL." 'U8 Lyon,
I, la succos-
Blue stem Reaches 72 Cents and Yet
Farmers Won't Sell.
Walla AVniu a..
day. Seventy-two cents was the I
, , ium even nlclior
prices woro quoted, but relative to
tSrs wl" t K'vo out tho leal?
information. They say they were
paying ,0 cents for club and If that
ILi'iV"80' tllu 1,rlcp of "I stem
cents V t0 1,0 hlgllCr than 72
Even at these high prices many of
tlio fanners still refuse to sell The
advance has, however, loosened up
the market and wheat has started to
Russia Said to Have a Second
Consul at Monastir Assassi
nated Lately.
State Federation Meets Today to Dis
cuss Current TodIcs.
Brldgeton, N. J., Aug. 17. The New i
Jersey btate Federation of Labor is i
holding its twenty-fifth or silver Jubi
lee convention here with a record !
breaking attendance. The gathering
wns formally called to order at 10 '
o'clock this morning in the court'
house, I
In his annual address President
Cornelius Wood reviewed the work of 1
the last year and congratulated tho
members upon tho fact that the or
ganization had progressed steadily,
many wage advances had been ob
tained, hours reduced, recognition se
cured and other benefits obtained.
Tho convention will remain In session '
through tomorrow. Proposed state '
legislation affecting the Interests of
tho working people is the chief subject
to be considered.
Interior Rains Have Sent the
Kaw River on Another Rampage.
! Mistake in Orders Costs Several
Lives and Lesser Injuries. i
Chicago. Aug 17. Two paseuigci' !
i trains on tho Milwaukee & St. Pv.l
I collided near l.ongwnke. Wis., this 1
' morning at full speed. W. Norton, a
mall clerk, was killed, Kxpross Mes-
senger Rlctman, Engineer Case and
i-;iigineor Twlsliel were rutttlly limt,
Sam Kvans, of Chicago, and David
Metkn, of Ko Lake, were seriously
hurt, and a number of others were
slightly Injured. The cause of the
wreck wns a mistake in ird-'is.
Proposed That a Lake Island Near
Berlin Be Converted Into a Fortress
and Made the Emperor's Summer
Berlin, Aug. 17. The Verwaerts
today states that tho reactionary ad
visers of the Kaiser lecommonded
him to purchase the Island of Pichel
Bwordor, In a lake a few miles west
of Berlin, us tbe site for a new Impe
rial residence. The palace, accord
ing to the plans, will be strongly for
tified and special roads be made from
the military barracks to the shores
of the lake, so It will be possible to
concentrate lor the protection of the
kaiser In an emergency.
The Verwaerts says the scheme Is
the outgrowth of the recent demon
stration of the Increasing strength of
hte socialists. While every socialist
leader has und does protest against j
violent revolutionary measures, and
repudiates all hints toward violence,
the kaiser Is known to bo under a ,
violent tension of feelings, which
some attribute to excitement on ac-
count of tho success of the socialists, j
as he is extremely hitter toward'
them. . . , i '
Others declare that the kulser is
Buffering from development of the
mental mulndy h0 many of his faml-
ly havo been afflicted with. Still
.i i... tiint tin. excitement
coupled with his tendency ton aid
opllopsy. Is undermining the kaisers
Cardinal Ricardi Conducts Them
Over Tunnel Victims.
Paris Aug. 17 An Immense crowd.
Including all the diplomatic corps and
a number of senators and deputies, at
tended the memorial serv ce of the
victims of last week's turn el disaster
at Notre Dame this mor uing. Car
nnl Rlcknrdl pronomice.dabsolullon.
Quotations Furnlshedby Coe Commls
eion Company-B. E. Kennedy, Lo
cal Manager.
Chicago, Aug. 17.-AU ho import
ant stocks closed strong todM I
ports say Amsterdam e0
gained full control of tho CWtato
Great Western and w I I Jter
maintain an Independent ia blHoo
Bullish messages
oa from Dupago county I Hlwrfa. '
regard to the wheat crop. An uupi
cedonted ciop Is l101'.11 f,loso
Moot- Open'1 8C'
bST fc 52
Minneapolis, Aug. 17.-
Scp;,,cat" ... tf M
Dec n si"-
Fifty-Two Battalions of Turkish
Troops Have Been Ordered Out-
Roumanian Government Shows!
Signs of Participating In the Bal
kan Troubles General Unrest In
Eastern Europe.
Belgrade. Aug. 17. A message from
Uskub renorts that the nnsslnn vlro.
consul, Jlandelstram has been shot
near .Monastir. This report the offic
ials are trying to confirm.
Report Is Confirmed.
Belgrade, Aug. 17. The recently
appointed Russian consul at Monas
tir, to succeed the one that was as
sassinated a few weeks ago, started
across country for llonastir from
Uskub a week ago, and was unheard
oi uutil the report reached here to-1
day that he had been assassinated. It j
was regarded as extremely risky for
him to undertake the Journey when I
he did, without a military escort of '
considerable proportions, whereas he 1
had none at all. '
Strong Russian Squadron.
London, Aug. 17.' A St. Petersburg
correspondent of the Central News
' Bureau, wires that the Russian
squadron ordered Into Turkish waters
last week consists of four warships,
five toredo destroyers and six tor
pedo boats, constituting a formidable
Turkish Troops Ordered Out.
Constantinople, Aug. 17. Fifty-two
additional battalions of troops have
been called out In consequence of the
spread of the Macedonian Insurrec
tion. They are reserves of tho first
and second class.
The British ambassador has offic
ially called the attention of the porte
to the seriousness uf the situation in
Roumania Is Preparing.
Bucharest. Aug. 17. The war ofli
ces has ordered the Immediate manu
facture of large quantities of ammu
nition. The order Is significant, as It
indicates Roumania is planning to
participate in the Balkan troubles.
Dynamite a Train.
Constantinople, Aug. 17. A dis
patch from Uskub today reports that
tbe insurgents Saturday night dyna
mited a bridge between Kuprlli and
Seellnco. as a Turkish mimary train
was passing. Ouo was killed and 1
River Red With Blood.
Berlin, Aug. 17. A dispatch to the
Frankfurter Zeitung today upoits a
horrible massacro near Manistlr, Al
bania. Tho river Drln, near Monas
tir nccordliirf to the dispatch, is red
with blood nid i.early choked with
the mutilated xMe of women and
children who have been murdered by
the Babhlbazouks.
Colorado Delegation Brings the Men
Who Elected San Francisco Last
Sail Francisco, Aug. 17.-The Cook
540UBW drum corps, 270 strong, arriv
d with the Colorado and Wyoming
delegation this morning. 'I hey ha ye
attended 14 encampments and last
veur at Washington, walked o er to
the California delegation, helping to
secure the encampment for San
' o'n 'Saurday the veterans will go
w San Jose on a special train.
Favors General Miles,
San Francisco, Aug. 17.-K is esti
mated that 20,000 veterans are here
and probably as many more guests.
All arriving trains are Jammed, rhe
weather is perfect. Governor Bu ke-
has stated that ho favors Miles
for the new commander.
r.....r Crnm the SorlntlS.
Dr Gene Vaughn has roturnod from j
' ' t 1. n n Imon wftfl I
the springs, wnero n w.
his family for the past two weeks en
Voting on outing and a change from
thf . ..nflnenient of tile office.
Tnousands Again Driven From Their
Homes in the Bottoms Epidemics
Have Made Their Appearance and
the Danger from That Source Is
Greater Than In June.
Kansas City, Aug. 17. Tho James
street wagon and car bridge went out
this morning, making three that have
been swept away by tho present
flood. Tim new gas mains and tele
phone cables went with tlio structure,
All tho other bridges aro greatly en
dangered, and the only means of
communication between the two
cities Is by boat.
The Kaw lt(cr is still rising nt
the, rate of an inch and a half per
hour. All the flats and the west bot
toms are under water, and nt least
4,000 people have been driven out of
the homes which they havo only re
cently been able to make habitable,
following the Hood of last May.
Incipient typhoid has made Its ap
pearance, and medical authorities aro
agreed that the Imminence of various
epidemics resulting from Hood pollu
tion is much greater than at any time
during June and July. The uld that
was subscribed during and following
the May ,llood is practically exhaust
ed, and the fleeing people from tho
low grounds are already a great bur
den upon the hospitable denizens of
the higher grounds. Tho utter de
struction of so many cottage and
cabin homes during May resulted in
thousands of the poorer jieople being
quartered in barns, stables, attics and
snare rooms ever since, and those
who are being driven from their
homes now ate added to what was
ulieady a congested condition of all
habitable structures.
Rains in the Interior or Kansas
continue without cessation almost.
The greatest danger now confronting
the district is tho Inevitable rise re
sulting from the excessive rains along
the upper Blue and Republican rivers
in Southern Nebraska Saturduy and
yesterday. This Hood water cannot
leach here before Weduesdny, and
the Kaw mouth Is lis only exit.
Situation at Topeka.
Topeka, Kan.. Aug. 17. The Kaw
river rose six Inches last night and
the danger of a break through the
old chaunel into North Topokn Is In
creasing hourly.
Salt Lake Walter Cuts the Throat of
His Divorced Wife.
Salt Lake, Aug. 17. Andy Adams,
a waiter, this morning cut the throat
of Mrs, Gerrald, his divorced wife.
He is a Butte, Mont., restaurant man.
He was chased Into the house by by
standers, slashed his own throat and
threw himself out of a second-story
window. Both will die.
Wants Moral Support.
Birmingham. Aug. 17. Tho Post
savs King Peter of Servla, has ap
pealed to America and Great Britain
to sent ministers to Belgrade, where
neither country has been represent
ed slnte tho assusslnallon of Alexan
der. Lord Salisbury Worse.
London, Aug. 17. Ixml Salisbury
experienced a bad night.
Will Be Readv for Occupancy About
the First of October,
The new hospital Is fast Hearing
completion and will be ready for pa
tients about the first of October.
When it Is done and furnished it w. .
have room for 50 patients, and will
bo ono of the best equipped places In
the state. , ,
The temporary hospital Is now
overcrowded, there not being enough
room lo conveniently handle the
cases that are coming In for treat
ment all of tho time. There are gov
ern! serious cases at tho hospital at
the present time, but they aro an do
lug well, and the condition of the In
stitution' In general Is good.
Sad Fate of Young Man Who Would
Have Inherited Estate Today,
Gloversvllle, N Y., Aug. I. The
body of George Uvans. who was
drowned In Canada Lake, a week ngo
was recovered today This would
have been h!s 21m birthday, on which
ho would have Inherited $100,000 In
cash left by his father.
Dave Ingram Is Preparing to Have
a Splendid Drove of Hogs.
Dave Ingram has bought tho blood
ed Poland China sow "Athena," from
Walter Adams, who Is selling his
herd of fine swine. Intending to go
out of tho hog business. This sow
is one of the finest In the state, nnd Is
from somu of the Swnggart stock.
Altogether. Mr. Ingram now has IS
bend of pedigreed stock on Ills farm
near the city, nnd Is continually add
ing new blood to It, until In a short
timo ho expects to have one of the
best herds in the state
Great Extension Russian Merchant
Marine Vessels of Volunteer
Squadron Bound for Far East Or
dered to Proceed to America.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 17. Russia Is
about to Inaugurate a trans-Paclllc
passenger service to American ports.
Tile Asiatic terminals will be the
ports on the Coreun Gulf, now con
irolled by Russia, and from VIuiIIbvo
stock during tho mid-summer season.
It Is not understood that this un
dertaking Is a government enterprise
further than that It has tho govern
ment's sanction, and will do much of
the government's transport business,
what little may bo required.
The primary purpose of the llnu
will bo to give control of tho enor
mous transportation business from
the United States to Siberia and Man
churia, and to support with adequate
shipping facilities all tendencies of
Siberian and Manchuriun products to
seek a trans-l'uclllc market.
The minister of mailue bus Issued
un order that hereafter all ships of
the Russian volunteer squadroi
which sail from Russia to the far
Kast prolong their voyages lo Amer
ican Pacific coast points,
The first vessel to sail under the
new ordeiH will be the Smolensk
Some Just Completed, While More
Wilt Be, On Webb Stret,
The O. R. & N. has hiul u forro of
men nt work on tbe sidewalk In front
of their property on Main street for
the last two or three dnys and this
morning they finished the Job, and
ifow u person is able to go to the
show without danger of falling either
through tho walk or over the edge,
for a railing has been put on tno In
side, thus protecting tbe passengers
from falling Into the low place ulong
which the walk extends.
Street Commissioner .Means lins n
force of men at work on tho south
side of Webb street, on tho walk lo
be constructed there, and I he work
will be pushed us fast as possible.
Action Grows Out of Cayuse Fire of
Last March.
Through hla attorneys. Ilalley &
Ixiwell, 1-ouls Anderson has filed suit
against the O. R. & N. company for
$1,773.22 dumuges alleged In have
been caused by fire set by the com
pany. The complaint alleges that the
plaintiff was ou Maich 80 tbe owner
of 2.861 bushels of wheat worth 82 Mi
cents a bushel, and he also hud 203
bushels of fanned wheat wolth 05
cents a bushel, all stored In a ware
house at Cayuse BUtlon. Owing to
the carelessness and negligence of
(he d.'fewUnw the wai house was ol
on fire and the plaintiff lost all of his
property He inoroium uk
sum named above, together with the
costs anil disbursements of the action.
Pulitzer Gives Two Million
Dollars to Found Ono at
Columbia University.
The Great Journalist Issues an Ad
dress Setting Forth the Practical
and Pressing Need of Such an In
stitution His Bequest Provides
Richly for Buildings and Income.
New York. Aug. 17.- Joseph Pullt
Itzer has provided the sum of $2,000..
001) to establish n school of Journal
ism nt Colombia I'nUerslty, this city.
A new building will he erected on
Morulugsldc Heights at a cost of
$500,000 for the school, which will
hold toward the university a relation
similar to that of the other profession
u) schools, the law school, the school
of medicine and the school of mines,
and like them, will lie national In
Seven members of an ndvlsory
hoard have already been named, and,
with others to be selected, will bo
nominated by the trustees of Colum
bia University at their meeting In Oc
tober. They are Nicholas Murray
Butler, president of Columbia Unl-
orally, exolllclo; Whltelnw Held,
John Hay, secretary of state; St.
Clair McKelway. Amliow 1), Wmlo.
Victor F. I.awson, of Chicago; CIiiih.
II. Taylor, of Boston, Chas, W. Hllot,
president of Harvard University.
Minister at Bogota Cables Canal
Tre.it Wa tieatcn,
Washington. Aug. 17. Information
reaches tlr) stato departnu i.i by ca
blegram from Minister llenupre that
tho Colombian senate rejected the
Panama canal treaty August 12.
Treaty Wat Defeated.
Washington, Aug. 17. Henor Her
ran, Colombian charge d'affnlrK re
ceived u telegram announcing that
Hie Panama canal treaty had been re
jected, thus fully confirming tho statu
department's advices.
Sad Memorial of the Desecrated Tern
pie of Thora.
Berlin. Aug. 17. A Tngobhilt Ht.
Petersburg dlHpulch today says the
sacred Jowlhb idles of tho Templo of
Thora, which was desecrated dm lug
the Klsblnef riot, weie burled in the
Jewish cemetery at Klsblnef. Tho
occasion was one of gieot idlglous
ceiemouy, 20,000 Jews singing mourn
ful chants as the procession follow,
ed the rdlcs. The I lies were per
foniicd under a largo police protec
tion. Langtey Will Try Again.
Wldewutir, Va., Aug. 17. A scien
tific meinb. i of the Uiuluy iiiishlp
expedition, returned today from
Washington. Ilverythlng l In readi
ness foi launi blng anot...i model of
an alisblp at the Hist fnwiniblo
Annual Convention of State Aocla
tlon to Be Held In Baker City Next
J II Gwlnn, secretary of the Htnto
Woiilgiower' Aswiulnllon, In now
working on the program for tho coin.
Ing stale convention to h" held In
linker City, on September 14-15.
He expects to sneiiie seme gpakm
of ability und pructleul oKperluncn,
aside from having a sluing local rep
roseiitullon from tho different organ
izotlons In Hamern Oregon. Many
Important and vital subj.ui. will
come heroin tho convention, and U is
tho desire of thcwoolrowers tomttko
the coming meeting ' " "h" "l"8;
memorable In the lilntoo or the or
gunlzatlon. ,
There are eight woolgt ewers organ
isations I" Oregon, und the delegates
lire apportioned on the basis or one
to each 110,000 head of sheep owned
by the membership or the local rheio
... . imii alu'i'i) lii the ter-
rTwry leprese'nted by the olah; orgun
lasalloiis, the total nmnbor of d
gales entllleil io , ""
lt5V-,L.i, .-3.,' -3S- -hi .IM'. .!..'
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