East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 15, 1903, Image 8

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ON T Eld
When you buy n pair of
annus, you cnn't bnvo too ninny
styles to choose from. Every
added kind In nn ndvnntngo,
offering you the widest possible
choice. This Is one thing tlmt
hns mndo our store populnr.
You have such a wide range of
choice. Wo have shoes for
every need or occasion.
ho Bind when It Is all over, for with
his fnnn nnd his public duties ns woll
he hns heon ono of tho busiest mon
In tho county
I Miss l.llllnn Hoswoll, of I.n Orniule.
. Hlnh Averanc Made by Mae Littleton, Ib the guest of tho I'oudletoii
Mr. mill .Mrs. U ll, iravis, in
of Milton.
u . . . , ,... , ,, Professors Nnwlln, Cherry ond VhI
Has Had Trouble With Douglas Belts nmnf;hnm. constituting tho hoard of
and Is Supposed to Be of Unsound examiners of tho county tenchors' ox-
Mind Is Reported to Have Said nmlnntlon, hnvo finished grading the
papers Biiiiiniuoti 10 mum mm me
That He Cannot Be Taken At
tempt to Put Him Under Bonds. !
following applicants for certificates
Dindiager, Wil
son & Company
'Phone, Min iiSi
Word was received In the city to
day that Ernest KnuUor, of Pilot
IlocU. was ogaln on the war path and
had fought off the constable of that
city. Konkor Is n Gorman and of
violent toiniier, and having had trou-
I hie with Douglas Holts, threatened to
Kill mm.
The trouble was over the ranging
of some sheep belonging to Holts, and
tho latter asked thnt tho German be
arrested and put under bonds to koop
the peace. Tho Justice of Pilot Itock
sent the constable after tho man. but
he refused to come and stood tho of
ficer of the law off with a Winches
ter. The constablo naked that a
sheriff be sent to take the desperate
man into the nrms of tho law, and
J. A. Blnklev went after him this
.J. morning, but found that ho was on
uie succp range uuuui :u iiuivs iiuiu
i the Rock, so ho came back and will
got him later.
Konkor was once ueiore up against
n" I the law for threatening to kill some
I young men of Pilot Hock, nnd was
fined $ino and costs. That time lie
not only threatened, but attempted to
earrv out his threat.
Some excitement is folt nt Pilot
Rock over the matter, as the man
wnnted is of Hurly temper nnd Is
thought by some to be Insane. He
has said that no one can take him
and trouble Is expected when the of
ficers try to take him into custody
Senator Miller Turns Attention From
Politics to Education.
SI. A Miller, state senator of Linn
county, has been taking in tho metro
politan sights of Portland for several
days. Mr. Miller is democrat, us
thoroughly dyed In t!u precepts of
the party as any disciple of Jeffer
son, says a Portland paper. Last year; EXCELLENT QUALITY OF WHEAT
ne ueieaieu rcrcy H. Kelly of Albany.
m uio tight for election to the legis-1 a. Zeuske's Wheat Weighs 62 Pounds
,rno,n i Ti8 m 0U,taPo,en and Averaged About 28 Bushels,
protestor against the expanded cur- ,,,,, ,u i i. iv
ricula in :h-- public schools. -Our I . f Ze"f.1 F' of Holi Vs in tho clt?
sAhnnk I,. ,,-,.iA , .Tli today settling some business connect-
r luu ":. .., .l,l, All f fho wliont
ieacn too little." is his sentiment. " V, i i .
Yesterday he gave vent to his opinion on wf ra,nch has Heon threshed ami is
by citing one example. At the re eat "?w in t,he roc.kf aw'altlnK.tue lla
civil service examinations in the Fed- The sra n on S'r;UBk " "T1! hns
eral liullding. one person misspelled ' "
n worus out of 20, and another 10 out
of 20. Mr. Miller believes in getting
back closer to reading, writing, arith
metic and spoiling.
"Spare me." said he when a..ked
why LJnn county had gone republr ui
in the last election. "I'm out of poll
tics, entirely out. I jusc cante to
Portland on a small matter of busi
ness. When I come down next time
I may have something for n newspa.
per Item. Please excuse me today "
or S uusliels to
the acre, and has weighed C2 pounds
to the bushel, so that the owner Is
happy in the thought of the high
prices and the Quality of the grain, if
not in the thought of the quantity
The wheat in the neighborhood of
Helix Is all of good quality and heavy
In the sack. There is no blemish on
the grain, nnd it will nil ho graded
at the top of the list when it is
brought into the mills and the ware
houses. With the yield as It Is and
the prices as they are now and bid
fair to be later In the season, the
Helix country should not suffer for
the necessities of life before the next
harvest time.
Mr. Zeuske will move his family
Grant County Very Dry.
S. S. Chapman, who has just re
turned from a tour through Grant
county, reports the range very dry
nnd tho nnv prrm short ami cj.ro
many of the stock of that county must Into, town th,e, m1m,n? of Ul cmlnB
be sold or driven out this fall, as i and nw,n 11IVC,1" a new ho"Ise
there Is not enough feed to keep ho has lmllt on Jackson street. The
them. family are coming Into the city in
' order to take advantage of the edu
cational advantages of the city
schools, and will make this place their
future home.
j Toilet
i Daintiness I
Who is it thnt does not ap
preciate a aweet, delicate odor,
especially of the dainty, last
ing kind? We have the largest
lino of imported and domestic
perfumes in Eastern Oregon.
A few of our leading imported
odors arc:
Azurea, La Trefle,
Peau d' Espagne,
Vlolette de Parme,
Indian Hay.
And many more of the same
quality in bulk as well as in
fancy packages.
Lending DrulstK 1 1
hnvp passed.
First grade Phillip W. Hess. Walla
Walla; John Hrown, Pendleton; Ethel
G. Hold, Hoppnor; Luln Keller, Pen
dleton; Mne Littleton, Milton; Lucy
Mossle. Ukinli.
Second grade Theressa Porter.
Third grade Juanltn Rngdnhl, Pen
dleton; ICItty Sharp, Athena; Enn E.
i Uren, Pendleton: Edna Wdor, Athe
na, nml Iona Marsh, Weston.
The pnpors wore, as a rule, good,
though tho oxatnlnntlon was conduct
ed with thoroughness and strict at
tention was given to tho grading.
The papers handed In by Miss Mne
Littleton, of Milton, wore especially
good and are tho highest In average
written In this county for a long
time nnd it Is probnblo that they arc
the hichcHt. Her nvnrngo was t'i
plus, which lacks only three per cont
ot being perfect. This average, con
slilnrlng the nature of the questions
asked, is vory good.
The applicants for Btnto papers
will finish their examinations tills
afternoon nnd tho papers will he for
worded to the state hoard, who will
pass upon them and return them in
about three weeks.
Is at a New Resort.
Frank Mncy, one of tho clerks of
the Uostou Store, who is away on his
annual vacation, writes from Collins
Hot Springs of tlie pleasures to he
found at that resort. The springs
are on the Washington bank of the
Columbia, near Tho Dalles, and at
this time there nre over 300 people at
the place, though it is only the sec
ond season that the springs havo been
open to tho public. The wnter Is
charged with mineral, and Is a good
remedy for rheumatism. Between
the bathing nnd the fishing, Mr. Mucy
Is getting fat. for which purpose he
went away.
Fine Stock of Buggies.
A. Kiinkle has recolved n large con
signment of buggies for the trade of
this section. All of the buggies in tho
recent shipment nre fitted with rubber
tires and nre the latest nnd the best
models in tho market. Tho firm hns,
in all, over 100 buggies and hacks in
stock at this time and by virtue of
that figure, carry the largest stock of
buggies in the stato outside of the
city of Portland. With the exception
of some of tho wholesale houses of
the metropolis Mr. Kunkle carries the
largest stock in tho state.
Funeral of William Carter.
Tho funeral of William H. Cnrtor,
who died yesterday under such
strange circumstances, was held this
afternoon from the undertaking par
lors of Baker & Folsom. The servi'
ces were hold at 2 o'clock, and wore
conducted by Rev. W. E. Potwlne. of
the Church of the Redeemer. Tho
body was laid to rest in Olney cemetery.
District Attorney Has Been Busy With
His Own and His dents' -ands.
T. G. Huilcy roturned from his farm
in tho country east of tho city this
morning, having been busy for the
past couple of weeks overseeing the
harvest ot his crops. Mr. Haiiey is
well pleased with the yield that his
land has given him. He has land that
ranges from tho top to tho bottom in
the matter of productiveness, as some
of his acres lioro eight hushols, and
some of them went as high as 35.
Tho only thing that worries Mr. Hai
iey is tho fact that the land that pro
duced tho most grain was that tract
recently bought by him on the reser
vation, and the crop was tho property
of the lessee.
Both hay nnd grain has grown well
on the Huilcy ranch this year In spito
of the drouth, and with tho prices that
are prevailing will make a good re
turn for the money In the Investment.
Mr. Haiiey expects to have all of his
wheat in the warehouse this evening,
as he has had several teams at work
for sevoial days. While the harvest
has been profitable, Mr. Halloy will
Got Three Days.
Levy Brothers, an old furmor liv
ing some distance down the river,
came Into tho city today and as usual,
started to drain tho city of all its sur
plus booze, with the result thnt he
landed In tho city Jail at an early
hour this morning. Ho was taken bo
lero the city court and fined $5 for
tno privilege, but not having tho price
he will visit with the city thrco dayB,
spending his time in the city jail.
Will Return From Lehman Springs.
Mrs. C. C. Phillips and children,
of Lowlston, Idaho, will reach tho city
this evening from lelunan Springs,
wnere thoy have been camped for
tho last two weeks. After a short
visit hero witli frionds thoy will pro
ced to Lowlston, their home, to which
place Dr. Phillips returned sovoral
days ago after a visit with A. Kun
kle of this city.
nre the guests of Pondloton frleiiils.
V A. Ittillson, of Athena, was In
Pendleton on a business trip yestor
dny. Mrs. Kale Murray, of La Grande,
was In the city yostnrdny, the guest
of friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Coloninn, of
Wasco, were tho guests of Pondloton
frionds Thursday.
I.nn Proobstel. of Weston, was In
the city today on route to Lehman
Springs for an outing.
Mrs Lucy Dickson and children, of
Dayton, tiro at tho Pendleton for a
short visit In tho city.
Mr. ami Mrs. T. H. Hltenian, of
Athena, with their family, spout the
dny in tho city yesterday.
John Gelss loft last night for Bing
ham Springs, whore he goes to Join
his family now cnmplng there.
Miss Eva Belts has returned to hor
home at Pilot Hock after a visit In
this city with relatives and friends.
Miss Hlnuch Gulltford will lonve
tills evening for .Milton, where she
will he the guest ot friends for a short
W. F. .Matlock loft this morning for
Portland, from whence ho will go on
. . r. ..1 t 4 1....I. n .. ..
to auuiue iiuu iviuuiut m u i.ua-
lliess trip.
Mr. and .Mrs. G. A. Bobbins will re
turn to their home in this city to
night, after an extended visit nt Leh
man Springs.
Mrs. Charles Mallory and children
leit tills morning for Hoppimr, whuro
they will visit nt the homo of rein
tlves for n time.
Miss Grace Crockett roturned to
her home in Wnlln Walla this morn
ing, after a visit in tills city with her
Bister nnd friends.
Miss Nellie Puul will return from
Wnlla Wnlla this evening, nfler hnv
ing spent u vacntlon In that place at
the home of rolntlves.
.Miss Edith Crockett, of the grand
guardian's nillce. left this morning
for Colfnx and Spokane, whoro she
will spend her vacation.
G. W. Hunt, of Fostor, is in tho
city transacting business. Mr. Hunt
wus the founder of the "Hunt line,"
now known as the V. C. It.
J. J. Halleray hns been cnlled from
the pleasures of the springs, to nt
tend to legnl himincss ut Milton, nnd
from there will return to this city.
Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. J. Sinter will leave
In tho morning for La Grande and
the mountains for an Indefinite period
to he spout in hunting and fishing.
G. Monzles, conductor on tho mixed
O. It. & K. branch train, Is confined
to his home nt Walla Walla with
what threatens to he typhoid fever.
Mrs. Shelly Jones lias returned
from Walla Walla, where she Iihb
been ntlcudlng her mother, .Mrs. W.
W. Hlgsby, who Is hi the liospitnl at
that place.
Mrs. Jonathan Edwnrds and son
Coruett Knocked Out In a Hard-'
Fought Ten-Round Fight nt San '
Francisco Last Night.
Jnnios Jeffries dofoatml James j 1
Cornet t nt Snn Francisco, In a 10-1
round light Inst night. Tho Pnvllllon
wns Jammed to ovurilowlng with lov
ers of tho art. and thousands nt ,ini.
I...... 1,n..n.wl l.n.i.ln .1.- .. ' It....
nun ..iiouhv.t iminio iii UIU resilll. VH DVprv I, I
The fight begun nt 0:12 p. ,. and , & U un. hJ
lumen -iu iiiiiuues, uuii wnB hard ' r lreo. "we a
fought. In tho main, although Cnrhett ! r,h, "room hohin. ,
was weak from the start. 'ast-iron cunV cl,
tin;, wail with n7..'
The rounds wore n succession of
bar punches, vicious clinches and
left and right swings, resulting In
great punishment to both mon.
Corhutt did his hnrd lighting n tho
ninth round, nnd wnB nn easy victim
for the heavy blows of his advorsary
going down In the beginning of the
tenth, sick, dizzy and unalilo to re
Hpond to tho call of "time,
Before lonvlng tho ring Corbott
shook hniiils with Jeffries nnd ac
knowledged him to be the master.
A white man nnd a negro were
hung nt Hartsllold, On,, by n mob, for 1
nssniiit on n white woman. i
riiw... u."
Ui I ...... ... .
Cm n.l.li "U
I r j.
We lnvu received an advance shipment oi men's
fine clothing and overcoats. Thcst wt havt placed on
our tables lor exhibition and await your pleasure Call
when you have timr nnd inspixt the b-st mrn s suils
that is offered in this part of the country sella
TAILOR MADE SUIT at a hand nit down pnc.
Just think of it, a fine suit of c'othes at from .oo
to S30.C0 and overcoats to 40 00.
loft this morning for a two-weeks'
islt at .Moscow, Idaho. They will
probably visit Spokane before re
turning home.
W. H. Bleaknoy, the president of
the Pendleton Academy, loft this
morning for his home at Elgin. He
will return In a short tlmo to this
city to reside.
Mrs. C. A. Despnin and children,
of Uklah, wero tho guests of frionds
in Pendleton yestorday, en route to
their home from an extended trip to
Washington cities.
D. E. Hall, tho claim ugent of the
0. H. & N., with headquarters at
Portland, returned to his homo this
morning after a visit in tho city in
the interests of his com puny.
Ih Boston Store
Biggest Clothing Store
in Eastern Oregon
They Lead the Procession
The popularity of Swift's products among all classes Is very
largely due to the absolutely clean and hygi'-nic conditions un
der which each carcass is dressed, and the meat nnd tho food pro
ducts prepared and Inspectod. This is particularly truo of Swift's
Premium Ham and Bacon. From the sleek, corn-fed hogs in tho
pens, tho carefully selected hams and baron in the Bmolteliouso,
tho final expert Inspection by the U. S government, and, lastly,
tho dainty wrapping In parchment paprr curb step n tho evolu
tion of those nutritious and appetizing products is n guarantee
that they will always pliase.
Guy McDonald Dead.
Guy McDonald, who is well known
here, where ho was formerly employ
ed In tho St. Georgo restaurant, died
on tho 13th of this month at Lowls
ton, Idaho, nt 11 o'clock In tho morn
ing. McDonald was well known and
liked here, and was also employed In
fcevernl of the barber shops of tin
town when he lived hero.
Twelve. Cars Fat Cattle.
J. ('- Lnnamnri will shin 12 rnru nf
fat cattle from this city on Wednes
day next for the Seattle market. Tli
I cattlo aro bought of parties in tl
I Camas and Stnrkoy countries, 1111
I nro all In good condition and first
; Class.
j Child Lost.
Two daughters of Postmaster Glth
nn. ot Athena, wero In tho city yes
terday looking for a smnll brothor,
whom thoy said had been lost circus
i'v ami not ot found --Wnlla Wnlln
Jim Bollard "shot up" Lander, Wy.,
yostorday, killing Frank Bryant and
Boss Sprlngor. Dollnrd Is In custody.
Grand Drawing Will Take Place
Entire Change of Program on Mon
day Night.
Owing to tho great popularity of
Baby Owens, tho management has
concluded to keep this young artist
over for another week. They will
appear In the "Honeymoon" on Mon
day night.
Tho now program for next week, in
addition to May and Baby Owens, will
iio ns follows:
Athou, Wilson and Clark, comedy
sketch artists.
Zoyarra, in his marvelous revolving
lobo act.
Now singer for tho Illustrated
Entirely now views on tho polyscope.
Zoyurra hns spent two weeks at
1 ho Walla Wnlla park, nt the snoelal
i-otpiest of tho patrons, and promises
io 110 nn entertaining niimhor,
Tho grand drawing will tnko place
at 1110 pane tonight. Tho only pro
vision or the drawing is thnt tho win
ning number must 1,0 In tho pnrk nt
tho tlmo tho tlckots aro drawn from
tho box.
Tlckots to the park nro on sale at
Brock & MeComas' drug atoro.
Outing at Blnghom Springs.
Dr. F. W. Viucont and Mr. und Mrs.
Fred Juild expect to leavo this even
ing for Bingham Springs whuro thoy
will sponil a row days minting and
fishing. Tho chief aim of tho party
wilt bo to got a taoto of grouso.
The Best
Oil Cooking Stove
Ever Made
Is the
nutoaiutlc blue Dame oil
It Is a boon to tie tow
in tin t weather, and
boll, bako or roast like
It burns only a gallon oi ol
tl.nwi ilnvc nnil IS the UKll.
simplest, cleanest and most w
mimical stove ever made
Prices Reduced to Close Oal
S W. I. CLARKE & Co. an Court Street
w T ri....,-.. . . - - ... ,..,i...u Tl.l'DV.UIUYi: ."
a, i luinuii, s, a. iNOwnorry, iy, vv. muw"""' A,,n,,,.v
Co., Younger & Son, Miss Shook. Umntiliu Indian 1 VJS1.
Toutsch, East Orogonlan Pub. Co., M. 13. Shut' um Tnc ony
HLE Typewriter that has nil tho good lentiif- " ' ' Dar, t
ami nono of tho bnd ones, it nlso hns a tnuuutor wm' u -
tho mnchlno.
Call and see mnchlno. I can ponvlnco you tlia'
that nro supurlor to other makes.
,1 lin1-
1" I
741 Muiu Street
mil '
mSi-' . n 1 m nn mi ti i m 1 r 11 miinniiMiiiMMiiiiiiPMiw iriini TrirfnKtmrmnrnai''''''''-
SfcMi Mini 1