-1.; DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLET5N, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1903. ,4. 4- I t I t t ; it : si . ! T r Guaranteed Pure. None So SOLD EVERYWHERE, 'BEERS Good. i GREAT SPECIAL Reman 0 I. . l SUNDAY AT I THE CHURCHES J M. E. Church, South Sunday Horvlops as follows: 10 n. ni., Sunday school. I. K. Karl, superintendent; 11 i. m.. nri'iicliliic by pastor: 7 p. in.. 1 RmviirHi I on cno. lottdor. 1. E. Earl. Subjoct. 'Lessons From Pmil: How- to Use Taet in Dealing with Men"; S p ni preaehlns: by pastor. Prayer meeting on Thursday night. Every body Invited. E. H. .lones. pastor. o Connregntional church Sunday school uud morning service nt tho usual time Preaching by the pastor. opposed on questions of llio location or tho historic battle. Vermont lum In u measure a long lead on Now York state for the Green Mountnln state has n notable battle monument, cost ing Into the hundreds of thousands or dollars for erection. The nuoor feature of this memorial, according to the Hoosick Fall historians. Ih that Is stands on a prominent point near Ilontilnctoii. about eight miles from tho battlefield, which is noted hv marker,., near Wiilloouisack Uidue. this sltl. of the Vermont Mm The content Inn or the New Yorker 1. strengthened by the fact tin,' tin nro riiiipo'i bulls in the urn" n.iise tim found on the Held with crtM'-d statements or tinders attesting their location when tound. First Christian Church Sunday ' I VENEZUELAN ARBITRATION. Commencing Wednesday, August 12 and ending Tuesdaj Night, August 18 Wo have tables londod with accumulations of Remnants, consisting of Lawns. Gingham", ('he voits. Linen, Mus ins, Oil Cloth, Ribbons, Em broideries, Outings, Ticking, Crash and many other iroods we cant mention here. ALSO BIG CUT PRICES ON Wrappers Wrappers, worth Si 75. sale price . . . , Si 30 1 50, " 1 10 " ' 1.25. " 89 1 00, -' 70 90, ' 65 , I school 10 a. m.. W. H. Hawley. super- The Hague Tribunal Will De In Scs Intendent. Preaching, 11 a. m. una b p. m. On Wednesday evening nro. J O. WestbrooU. of Tacoma, will speak on "Slum Work in Our Cities." Christian Endeavor and choir prac tice on Friday ovunlttK. Tho nubile cordially invited toall these i.orvlrrs. N II ilrooks, pastor. In fact we hit and to give a Big Reduction all through our store, in all departments during this sale. On Saturday and Monday we will give each customer 20 pounds of granu lated sugar for $1.00 St. Joe Store t i t I ' First Baptist Church Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching nt 11. Subject. "Abba, or the Fatherhood of Clod"; S p. m.. preaching. Those who have no regular place of worship and those whose churches are closed arc most cordially Invited to attend all these services. II. V. King, pas tor. o Church of the Redeemer Divine service will bo held tomorrow nt 11 a. m. There will be a celebration of the holy communion preceded by a sermon. The evening service will be omitted. WINONA BIBLE CONFERENCE. Famous School for the Study of the Scriptures. Warsaw, lnd.. Aug. ID. Dr. J. Wil bur Chapman, us director of the ia tlonal Wlllona Bible Conference, has rnmnlotod all arrangements for the ninth annual session of the I sion In a Short Time. Washington. D. C. Aug. 1T. JmU" William I.. Penlleld. solicitor for the state department, leaves today fo'' The Hague, where be will take . Imrge Of the American Interests li the urH trntlon proceedings before Tin Hague tribunal. He will also ropitMcni M- x ' leo nnd Venezuela. Ills nbjei t U to see thnt England. German., nt It 0 do not set the best of the sltuni.in Undur the terms or the setrb'temit of the late Venezuelan Imbroglio ISO per cent of the customs nt I.n Ouayra nnd Porto Cabeilo are to be placed In the English bank to pay the claims which I foreign countries have, nunlnst thv government of Venezuela. The amount of the claims are to be fixed l the arbitration court. bn with this phase of the proceedings J ml Re Penlleld will have nothing to do. He 1b concerned with the claim of England. Germany nnd Italy to be ing preferred creditors. eiiezuoln, Mexico and the United States claim thnt this Is not so and that all should share alike. The other two republics joined Ibsuc with the United States und Judge Penlleld will represent this contention. The best of barley, hops and yeast, selected by one of our partners. Pure water, from six wells driven down to rock. Pure air, which has first passed through an airfilter. Every drop of Schlitz Beer filtered by nunn ery through masses of white wood pulp v bottle sterilized, so that it contains no germs Thus we double the necessary cost of our bre, ing tc make purity ccrtain-to make Schlitz Beer healthful. ccr Will you diink common beer, and pay ;.. iiiui.ii iui ii, wucii online necr can be had for the asking. Ask for the Brewery Sottlinir. Phone 51 Main, H. Kopittke, 507 Main St Pendleton '' 1 !W ATFR IfF MORE MONEY NEEDED. encc, wnicn opunB tomorrow, aho session this year will last 11 days, one day longer than heretofore. Among the distinguished BjcakerH on the program are Rev. George Johns ton A. nose, of Cambridge. England: Itev Dr. James Orr, Glasgow; Uev. V. D. Keed, Montreal; Rev. Robort Johnston. London. Ont.; Dr. V. G. Moorehead, president of the Presby terian theological seminary. Xonla. O.; Rev Dr. James Gray, Iioston: Rev. John H Elliot. New York; Dr. Mnrcus A. Hrownson, Philadelphia; Rev. Dr. Cornelius Woelfkin. Brooklyn; John Willis Daer, New York, nnd Rev. Dr. John Pott. Canada. More than 1.500 ministers besides many lay visitors are expected to attend tho conference. TO SET HISTORY ARIGHT. confer-! One-Fourth Kishlnef Relief Funds ;ave Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once Delay will lead to serious breaks First-class work guaranteed by BECK, the Reliable Plumber. Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel EGAL BLANKS Write the East Ore onian for a free cat pgue of them. A fall supply always kept in stock. Where Was the Battle of Bc-.nington Fought? Hoosick Falls, N. Y.. Aug. 15. In order to emphasize their contention thnt tho battle of Bennington, Vt.. su iilb'd, was as n matter of fact fnueht at Walloomsack, this county, and that the historians of the revolu tion grievously cred in giving the Green Mountain stat the location and tV" honor of the battle, tho Hooiicl; , Historical Society today held nppro ' priate memorial exercises on the bat If. v .i nt Wallocusn'i;. The bat ' tleground was impounded with Hags ! - i an address anoroprlnte o tho occasion was delivered by County 1 Jttdgo Tlerney. I The difference of opinion rognrt'lnR j the location of the battle has beon I threshed out occasionally in past years by historians of -reator or less degree, and has now assumed tho pro portions of a vast controversy which is embittered by the fact that the peo- Came From America. New York. Aug. 14. The American Kishlnef relief committee has receiv ed from the committee at Kishlnof. which has charge of the distribution, a statement of receipts and expendi tures and an appeal for further aid. Of the JlKO.dOn contributed. Amer icans sent more than one-quarter Russia gave more than one-half Eng land sent 21.1HW roubles, about half as much us Germany. The committee asks for further assistance to the amount or $ino.00ii HUCKLEBERRIES ON TREES. New Variety Discovered by Principal Ryan at Big Meadows. Since Principal J C. Ryan, or the Lincoln school, returned from his trip to the Hlg Meadows, where he went with a party of pedagogues to pick huckleberries, fish und hunt, the story has been persistent that Mr. Ryan found a new variety of huckle berry, says the Walla Walla Union, it is said thnt he returned to camp with the information that he bad found a number of trees literally load ed with huckleberries. Persons who tell this story on Mr. Ryan take the view thnt Mr. Ryan never picked huckleberries before, nnd therefore didn't know n huckleberry bush t jl I , 1 The New York Times Ins the Fol lowing to say in Regard to Ice Probahlv n bacteriological fact is better established than that much of the ice of commerce is dnnpetously nn pure. The assumption that water purifies itse f in free? ing was long apo shown to have but a limited basis in truth. The individual crystals are likely to be purer than the mother liquid from which they are formed, but ice is a mass of crystals in which may be untangled all kinds of impurities." The germs are not only killed in the process of man tincturing the ice, but the condensed wat r passes through two cke. two charcoal and one sponge filter leaving it absolutely purt to ro into tht cans COME AND SEE Visitors Always Welcome ROSS ICE and GOLD STORAGE Co, Phone MAIN 1781 r -4 - 514 Main Street f..t....-t.-f---r- Uncle Reuben sayH. "I:' w could go back an' lib our lives olier again none of us would make de mistakes we hov. We'd simply make others Jest as bad. Fact Is. untur. calkcrlat oil on a mnn plckiu' up u bumblebee by do wrong end now and den "- De troit Free Press. There is a great dearth of farm hands In some parts of New Vork to ' j pie of New York and Vermont stand take care of the present harvest On Its Metit Has the large demand for Byers' Best Flour Been num up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enters in to Byers Best Flour. It's perfection in Flour. Made by tne PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. "annnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm SHIELD'S PHRK We have cc red for Next Week Some PLEMPCP n a an in uimc aa For the coming weefcwehavethefollowlngexceptionallv stronglist o '.sts: ATHON, WILSON & CLARK CO., Sketch Ar tists in a one act Farce AZYORRA, In nis Marvelous Revolving GIob- MAY AND BABY OWENS Have Proved so popular we have retained tnemfor the coming week They will appear in their beautiful little sketch entitled "The Honeymoon" There will be a new scene of moving pictures and a new singer for the Illustrated Songs Remember Thursday will be Atrateur Night anc ome excellent Home Talent will be brought out. Bring your 2 wife and the little folks and enjo o Solid Hours of Good, Clean, Wholesome Fun. 3 ..... i ; (R- olio', I5JF. is. v.