East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 15, 1903, Image 5

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iGrand Wrapper Sale
It Pays to Trade at
Tomorrow morning Tuesday, August 4
we place on sale J48 wrappers which
mtfst be closed out at once. The fol
lowing prices will surely do it :
$2.00 Wrappers at J!:.5o
i'i. i
Homes I
1 75
low. n,i
I 40
1. 00
1. 25
1. 00
from jo
10 Wet
1 Heal J
in . .
Don't overlook the big shirt waist sale
5c and up.
Teutsch's Big Department Store
Corner Main and Alta
City Brevities
Fresh fruits at Kcmler's.
See Sharp's artistic wali paper.
Fresh fish, game and poultry. Cas
tle s.
Oct your clothes cleaned at Joer
1 ser's.
Wanted A bell hoy nt Hotel Pen
1 dlcton.
5ee Sharp for paper hanging.
Fresh fruit dally at Martin's.
Fiesh rapcli eggs at Kemler's.
smokers supplies at Neuman's.
Are you going to Lehman Springs?
For .uc ..est ireuu, P N(w ar
BlaiKheriies by the crate at Kcm-, zler's hook store.
Wanted MnrhlnUi nnnib. .
VL' diuit you go to Lehman i filghy-Clove Foundry.
ftm ,, . Russian Face Massage brush. The
Buy a lountnin pen this week at half j best grade 45c. Xolf's.
rn- at Fra-.lor,K Try the Palm. 221 'court streM
Straw haw at halt price at
IjWItles Warehouse.
Received dally, fresh tamales,
I crabs and eiawfish at Gratz's.
tlie!(or nuts, candles 'and fruits.
lents, camp stoves, camp stools,
etc., at Uader's Furniture store.
Call at the Peoples Warehouse and I of Hip management.
Keep the Place Very Neat and Clean
and Are a Well Behaved Lot All
Have Been Well Raised and Nearly
All Have Local Connections Find
Much Diversion In Singing.
,tT.h"e "re 10 prisoners In the coun
i Jail at the present time, and the
crimes for which the men are held
rnn? the way from simple larcenv
to highway robbery and horse steal
ing. All of the prisoners in tho jail are
men who have boon well raised and
who are well connected in tills conn
jy and in other parts of this and ad
,?.nt s!,a,es' Several of tho relatives
or the different men in tho Jail have
called on their kinsmen during the
past week, and all or them, while
sorry that the boys have dolled the
law, are yet willing to allow the
courts to decide the cases and will
let the men take the punishment met
ed out to them, without opposition, if
the men, after the example and with
the knowledge they have, cannot re
main honest the relatives will make
no effort to divert the course or justice.
i mi men, on tiie other hand, are in
the best or spirits and are having as
good a time as Is ponsluIe with the
accommodations that are given them
In the county hotel. They have prac
ticed together until they sing quite
well, and are at it nt all times or the
day. They seem to know all of the
old songs and most of the new ones,
and pass from one to the other with!
out pause or thought of connection.
Among the men are two or three good
vulces, and the music that they put
out Is some of It of good quality and
well rendered.
The boys in the jail are all of them
cleanly and take pride among them
selves In keeping their quarters as
clean as possible. The 'cement Hoor
and the steel cages are as clean as
good care will make them, and the
whole place Is as neat as ir there was
an experienced housewife at the head
Panama huts are selling for half , see the bargains in straw hats
If rice at the Peoples Warehouse.
Mi Prefer! da, the best cigar made,
lii liees ' (car store, uourt street.
lion1' irt cigars got the best of you
-jet the best of cigars. Hanlon'e.
All Kinds of Imported and domestic
hit 'lies and clam chowder at Gratz's.
We have fruit jars and fruit jar ,
him? fibbers, covers, etc. It. Hour-
laic 1
Art von going camping? U C Ha-
Ikr't i amp stools, folding tables and
lump supplies.
First piemluin. $10 mandolin: sue-'
miy sneei music or us and draw a
prize. Inland Empire Piano House.
Goods that are right at prices that
are right at Bailers furniture store.
See Charles Lane about your paint
Ing and paper hanging; 807 Vincent
At and below cot all summer, mil'
linery, especially patterns. Mrs.
The largest assortment of straw
and Panama hats at hair price, at tbe
peoples Warehouse.
Wanted Two furnished rooms for
load premium, $3 music wrapjier, given i light housekeeping. Addiess W
aay with sheet music. Inland Em- (.'.. care East Oregonlon office,
oire Piano House, 901 .Main. ; Estimates given on short notice on
Visitors an; always welcome at the ' painting and paper hanging. Charles
Koss e & Cold Storage plant. Come ' Lane, the pioneer painter, SO" VIn-
1 Mil set for yourself how the Ice is
mailt We are always pleased to show
mv um over the plant and explain
anything you may not understand.
Omit be iUuuy a-kinc t-oine
'lie for the right time, have a
"liable watch of yourow n No
mutter what your taste, your
needs, your price, we euti sutUfy.
Prices, $t.25 to $J 50.00
Next door tu k AlcaftiicU"'
cent street.
Good meat In summer must be
taken care of. That's the kind you
get at Houser's. Alta street, opposite
Savings Bauk.
Prizes awarded when 150 tickets
are given out. Ticket with every 35c
sale of sheet music. Inland Empire
Piano House.
There are no secrets about the pro
cess of manufacturing ice at the Uoss
lee & Cold Storage plant. Come and
see how It Is done and you will see
that theie Is no ammonia, alcohol or
miv other substance whatever added
to the distilled water to aid In tho
Blooded Rams Have Arrived.
The eaiload of 85 blooded rams re
cently bought by Charles Cunning
ham In San Francisco, has reached
the city, and tho sheep aie In the
corral at the 0. it. & N. stock yurds.
The bucks are all big. line fellows,
and the best to be found on the coast.
Alter a rest of several days here the
(lock will he taken to the ranch at
Pilot Hock, where they will be turn
ed in with the rest of the sheep on
the range.
Inspection Tour.
E. S Benson, the general auditor
or the O. U. & N. was In the city
jesterday and lelt this morning oyer
the Spokane branch for an Inspection
of that part of the line.
The old reliable Log Cabin Soda Fountain is Forvinp
the purest and best of everything
the jail boasts or a barber shop,
and as there are one or two men
among the inmates who are handy
with a razor and the shears, all or
the men are well shaven and shorn
all or the time. The shop is situat
ed on the landing or the stairway that
leads to the second tier or cells, and
consists of a chair and a razor and a
pall of water; hut the results that are
accomplished are as satisfactory as
If they had all of the luxuries of a
first-class shop.
Jlie kitchen of the jail is In the
lower tier or cells, and the prisoners
eat oft a sheir that runs around the
wall. Tho food is provided ready
cooked by the county, and Is brought
each time from one of the lunch
counters by a trusty who makes tho
trip thiee times a day. The dishes
are the property of the Jail and are
taken care of by one of the men, who
washes them, scours the knives and
forks and keeps all In excellent order.
rrom the outside the men seem to
be enjoying themselves, and their
talk and laughter echo through the
corridors of the Jail from day to day.
llut there are times when the Inmates
forget themselves and think or the
time that ib coming when they will
have to answer for the sups they have
made, and then there Is no laughter,
und the faces are clouded over with
care and pain, llut these clouds never
come when they are watched by
either their comrades, or by one out
side the walls. The face they present
to the world Is one of perpetual
smiles. It is In the dark, or In care
less moments that tho true face of
care shows itself to the world.
Umatilla County Honey,
Noah Anspauch, formerly a wheat
raiser near Helix, now located in the
Hudson Bay country near the state
line, was In town Tuesday with a
load of honey, says the Adams Ad
vance. He says that he only has 38
swarms of bees, but that he will get
from 800 to 900 pounds of honey this
year, or an aveiage of over 20 pounds
to the hive. He does not halt his
bees at all. but they have the neigh
boring allalfa fields to work on, or
which there Is nearly 500 acres In his
Immediate vicinity. This acreage
will be greatly increased as soon as
the Irrigation ditch now in course of
construction, is completed
The Peoples' Warehouse
For Saturday Only
25 and 20 cent
6 to 8 Inches Wide
10 Cents a Yard
Outfitters for Women and Men
Rainville Regains Sight.
Joseph Halnvllle. who for years has
been afflicted with falling eyesight,
recently submitted to an operation In
Walla Walla. Since leceiving treat
ment Mr. Jlalnville'8 right optic has
imnroved so that the vision Is prac
tically as good as ever. He will have
the left eye operated on shortly.
Athena Press.
Attention Knights.
A legular meeting of Damon lodge.
K. of P., will be held In Castle hall,
Monday, August 17. All are especial
ly lequested to bo present.
K. of It. and S.
Peter Mortensen, of Salt luikc. has
been refused a now trial and will be
shot on September 4. for the murder
of James Hay.
Purchasers of Indian Land 'instructed
in Regard to Payments.
The land olilce olilcialH at li
Claude have Ibsueil a letter of Instruc
tion to the purchasers of Umatilla
Indian lands, as ToIIowh:
m Grande, Oregon, Aug. II, 1903.
To Purchasers of Umatilla Indian
Wo desire to call your attention as
purchasers or Indian lauds to the
fact that second Installments of the
purchaso money are duo one year
rrom the duto or entry or or payment
or first Installment, and should lie
paid promptly on that date. Also In
addition fo the second Installment,
purchasers are icqiilred to pay at the
same time not only Interest for one
year at 5 per cent on said second In
stallment, but also Interest for one
year nt 5 per cent on the third In
stallment left unpaid. By following
these Instructions purchasera will
avoid much trouble for themselves.
flie amount due Is second Installment
and one year's Interest on both second
and third installment.
Very respectfully.
U. W BAItTI.KTT. Register
A li. THOMSON. Id elver.
Camping Party,
Mr and Mrs. .1. II. Ferguson. Miss
itenii Ferguson and Miss Nellie Mc
Miilllu, ull of Pendleton, left Tuesday
morning for "Sallng's Camp," In the
Blue mountains, whore they expect
to revel In huckleberries for the next
row weeks. Adams Advance
For Rent.
I have leiuodeled the upstairs (if the
Despaiu block and have some of the
nicest einco rooms In tho city. Call
and see llutin.
v. o. iu:itKi:i,i:v.
Flemming Was Bound Over.
The case or the State vs. John
Flemming was called yesterday after
noon at I o'clock, and several little
boys were examined as to tho actions
of tho defendant. By their testimony
Flemming stood guilty In the eyes of
the court, and he was held for the
next session of the circuit court in
the sum of 250. which he could not
furnish, und wus taken to the county
Jail to await his trial. Fleiimilug
was accused of Indecent uctlons with
several little boys near the O. It. &
N. railroad bridge, and was arrested
on tho complaint of the father of onn
of the boys.
Hunters' Licenses Utued,
Walla. Walla county has Issued 53 t
hunteis licenses so far this year. The,
open season for featheied game be- j
gins theie today Among the licenses
Issued yesterday was one to l-evl W.
Ankeny. United States senator.
Ladles' half soles 10c. Toutsch'a.
Aiioincr laigc shipment oi it
new iinu siyiisn luuicis.
Prices rannu from loc tu loc, '
Mies, note, packet ami letter, i
,5 to (jo page each.
A Partial List
Get Your
at the
Shoe Parlor
2w on (Iliildien'H .Sliuun
25c on Hov'h Slioen
.r0c on Ladies' Shoe
fiOc on Men'u Shoes
Koyal liiitjlisli Iiond.
Old Holland Linen
New Flax
Cobweb Fibre
Lancaster Linen.
Currency Iiond.
Crushed Bond,
Imperial China Silk.
Koyal Mail.
India Gauze
Sovereign Horn!
Kmprcss of India, etc
The Very Latest Tablets
if, Full Line of School Booki and
i.' n-1 I M .... 1 1 i
, ounuui ouppuoo
One Single Sealed Top HubJ
One Double Set ol Harness
One Set Steel Wagon Wheels )
Oik 7i Shoe Oram Drill
Alo Five Young Cattle
Call on or Aihlrt'M
H. W. Potter
Coh' Addition IViulIeton, OrP