DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1903. I'nblWlifd -ery afternoon (except 8untaj) hi tvnilleloii, Oregon, ujr the EAST ORSGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. Thorns Mitln 11. fUUI.KOIUITlOX KATKS Oullv one year by mall Dully, six month by moll llnllv, three niimtlii by mil 1 1 Iiallr, nne month by mail Dally, per iiionth hy carrier Weekly, one year by mall Weekly, six month by mail Weeklr, four niuntht by malt . . . Semi Weekly, one year by mall . . Semi-Weekly. hx month' by mall Semi-Weekly, three month by mall . js.no . i'.nn . 1.2.. . ..10 . .is. . l.Rii '.so otl I.IMI ..".n ' , , The Hunt Oresonlmi I sale at II. It lilch't News stiiiulH t umel I'ortluiui ami Hotel IVrkln,. IMrttanil, Oregon. Member Si-rli-.Mel!ne tlon. Neiri .noela San KrancUco lliireim. -40-. Fourth St. CiTIiuto llureau. will Security llullillns. WiiHhiiiKton. D c liurenn. .101 nth St.. , abide tho renl power to direct the N- w- ! policy of the ofllee. llntere.1 at l-e.i,lleom .mt,,mc- ve..n.J. ! " reported that President ltons el matter. . ovelt Will, in the light of these facts. Out of the night that covert, me. Mack as a pit from pule to jiolo. I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circum stance I hare not winced nor cried aloud; Under the cloudiness of fate My head is bloody but unbow ed. Hoyond this place of wrath and tears Looms up the horror of the shade. And yet the menace ot tho yours Finds and shall llnd me un afraid. It matters not how straight the gate. How charged with punishment the scroll. I am the master of my fate. 1 am the captain of my soul. Emerson. The wheat yield of the Athena dis trict is so satisfactory that it is not In order to mention this as an "off" year. The reports from the harvest 1 field, showing returns of from 35 to j 55 bushels per acre, are not to be classed with short crop rejiorts. Other portions of the county may show a slight shortage in the yield, but In the true wheat belt, where the bulk of the Umatilla county crop always gTows. there is no serious decrease in the usual yield. And what adds to the good condition this year is the fact that tlie price is 2i cents higher than usual. The Spokane Chronicle bids fare well to the gambling fraternity which has been put out of business In the State of Washington, in the follow ing manner, which applies to ever; city in the West: "Take it all in all, Spokane can well afford to say a long farewell to the gambling dens. There's plenty of honest use for the laborer's wages, tho farm hand's sav ings and the clerk's salary plenty of good things for sale in the stores, plenty of ks waiting for little homes to lie built upon them, plenty of room in the banks for more depos its, plenty of chances for safe Invest tmmtti that will help to lift the fel low at the foot of the ladder up to the level of the successful business man." The county seat fight in Union county brings to mind the fact that tho pioneer aspect of the "West Is passing away, and the permanency of well organized and vsell regulated government, suited to the conven ience and needs of the people, is succeeding the first efforts at state building made by the pioneers. As the country settles up and the cen ters of population chaugs from one locality to another. It becomes neces sary to change the boundaries of counties and states to meet the ail-' vanclng needs of civilized society. I Portions of different Eastern Oregon counties have been annexed, added to and taken from the original boun daries, until the entire face of the map has been changed. As new towns and new settlements spring up and new roads and conveniences are established, it becomes u pari of progress to change the seats of ((uni ty government to suit the greatest number of people. It is not all Jeal ousy and selfish Interest that actu ates these changes It is fate, pro gress, or whatever you may call that silent process which transforms the Ince of the earth, ulways for the best. REGULATING A GRAFT. The rocont Inlior troubles In con noctlon with the govornnictit print ing ofllce developed the fact tlmt un like tho heads of other hurenits, the government printer Is responsible only to congress. The Washington eorresirondunt for the Chicago Uerord-Hornld says that the president nor any cabinet ollleur has any direct authority over the public printer and that tho nearest npproach !n the direction of placlnr; him under the supervision of a cabi net otllcer Is the Inw which requires ! him to furnish a bond to the secre- tnrv nf tlm Intiirlnr , It Is pointed out that the secretary cannot say whom the public printer , ' ' shall employ, how many hours a day I n,g cmpIovc8 slm work wlint ho I shull pay or how he shall manage ! them. In consress alone rests this 1 authority and In the committees on j printing In the senate and house recommend enactment of a law that j will place the printing ofllee directly , under the supervision of the secre-1 tnry of commerce nnd labor, but it Is , pointed out that Senator Piatt, of i ', New York, is chairman of the senate , j committee on printing and that he Is 1 not likely to surrender without a j struggle tlie opportunity placed in ' his hands by this chairmanship to ox- j j ercise much influence in the manage-, , ' incut of an Institution that employs , j many hundreds of men and women j I who. In a greater or less degree, rep- j I resent votes In the districts from which they are appointed. j As there has been no occasion to j regulate the manner of employing the ; printers In the government ofl'ce. be- i ' j fore, it has not dawned upon the poll-1 1 j ticians that this one graft Is beyond 1 ' j their control. j j I Now, thnt tlie fact Is brought out. the president. It is alleged, will have J the law changed. This is in keeping with the spoils I system. Whatever is, belongs to the j power in office, anil no congress lias 1 a right to interfere. This policy has j despoiled the nostofllce department. I the war and navy departments, and I w) despoil tlie entire government service if not chacked. Congtess is the only natural etisto- j dian of the public printing office. It ' should not be made a plaything of a . cabinet officer, nor the president of tne United Stntes. It should lie kept j aloof trom political traffic, and all Its ! t tl Ml (Tfirtinti ultmtlil lin I'liatml Iti 4 li n iiiuuuiitvui oiiuuiti iiv iun u in in. chosen representatives of the people. The president has enough to do, and there are now enough grafts at the disposal of the heads of depart ments. There should be no new op portunities for corruption. nianufac- tured by congress. If congress does anything with the matter, it should . strengthen its own supervision of the ! public printing office. The depart-1 meni of labor and commerce is now the abject tool of the money iKiwer, and its reports, statistics and find-i lugs are manufactured by corKirate ' interests. When the last congress abolished ' the department of labor statistics, j its only object wns to get rid of Car- j roll D. Wright, and place the matter j of labor statistics in the hands of a , man who could not be prevailed upon i to hide the truth. By merging this important depart ment in the department of commerce it made the subject of labor statis tics a secondary matter and placed their collection in the hands of hired "experts," who oscillate between the management of some corporation and a chief position in the United States government. The public printing office should not be prostituted to the interests of grafters. It is one of the most vital departments In the government, and should be free fro intrade, traffic or political use. The announcement that the Harrl man Hues of railroad will spend $50, l.Oo advertising the Lewis nnd Clark fair, is In keeping with tlie progros. sive business methods of the compa ny, lly doing this, the Harrlmau people are setting a pace that it will pay every business man lu the state to follow. I impending this amount in advertising the transportation fa cilities of the roads included In the Harriiunu lines, they will sell enough tickets uud carry enough traffic to put to shame this Insignificant Hum of $'0,000. it Is the only way to get business. It Is the only way to in troduce the special features of your establishment to the public This Is the ago of advertising. It Is the ago or trade hunting. It Is the age of competition, mid the man or Institu tion that would Bitcceed, must get be fore tho public us often nnd In the most attractive niannor possible. The Harrlmati people are laying the foun dation for the greatest campaign (if travel and tratllc In the history of the West, and they nre doing It through the agency of printer's Ink. It Is the j first weapon of every successful man. In spite of the murdorous feudists. j tlie courts of Kentucky have done 1 their duty toward Jett and White, and some somblance of Justice has been mated out to them. In n life sentence to each. If the money Hint lias been spent prosecuting feudists in tills 1 grand old state had been spent In public Improvements, she would lie , twenty years in advance of her pres-1 cut condition COLLEGE BOYS AT WORK. Tlie harvest leveled all social bar riers, nnd at the same time raised tlie standard of living In the eoiintr The sturdy college man whose mighty muscles won him glory on tlie fool-' bnll field worked with the country lnd whose distinction lay in the fact thnt he had shocked 211 acres of wheal lu n day. and rubbed elbows witli the .Mississippi levee hand temporarily turned harvester, slept at night lu the cool of the open beside some laborer with only a wagon overhead as shel ter from the dew. nnd felt better for it. And all of these, the college man. the levee hand, the country lad. and tlie laborer demanded that their em plover set a table that would shame. , in ubundnnce and quality, the fare of many n house that attracts the sum mer boarder Harvest bauds in companies of lull nnd 200. were sent out from employ ment agencies in the states adjacent to Kansas to various points in the wheat belt. Just before the harvest some farmers found themselves need ing more help. Then the fnrmer used all the guile and promises nt his command to induce men to stop with I him Instead of journeying to the pulnt to which they were ticketed. Harvest hands who ventured on to the pint 1 form of some railway station while tlie engine took water have actually been kidnaped by the farmers, who used force to hold them until the train had gone. One farmer who raises hundreds of acres of wheat always secures Ills full qtiotu of harvest hands from colleges. He prefers the collegians, and says they make the most intelligent and , trustworthy help, nnd he selects tliem lu preference to some other classes of men able to do more work each day. From "This Year's Hlg Wheat Harvest In Kansas," by Philip East-, man. In the American .Monthly He view of Iteviews for August. , "That drug clerk is a chump. I kept winking my eye for a 'stick' in the soda." "Did he give i to you!" "No. He said there niM. be some thing the matter with my eyet and directed me to the optical il ipur'. ment." Chicago Dally News. Church They say thai I; .s no use for a person to try am! signal a street ; car in Newark, J. J., with his Iiiuil'h. I Gotham No: I suppose the conductor would think that he was only brush ing mosquitos away Yonken States man. Time seems most untimely when he brings a woman to the turn of life. Life ta or ' should be at its ripest and best for her, and she ap nroaches this change with a dread of its effect born of her knowledge of the sufferings of other women at thin season. There is not the slightest cause for fear or anxiety ut this period if Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is used. It gives health of bodv and cheerful ness of mind, and by its aid the liains and , pangs of this "critical eriou arc pre vented or cured. Dr. l'ierce's I'avome Prescription is woman's medicine with a wonderful record of cures of womanly discuses. Diseases that all other medicines had failed to cure, have been perfectly- and permanently cured by the use of "Fa vorite Prescription." "I feel It my duty to write vou as I have received to much benefit from the ut of vour uociliciue."sa Mr I.lzile A. Umvnun. of S'cw Malamoras, Wailiingtoii Co., Ohio. "1 bate Uken four bottle- of favorite Prcicription for female weakveM and cIuiikc of life. IKfore I began taking 11 1 could not ilnanylliiui; I lull Mich pains in my heailauil in the buck of my neck inai iiiioiixui i would ioe niyiiiinu. rnivi can work every day. 1 recommend Favorite I're cription' loan female Mifcriug in the period of cliaiiKr of life. H l the belt medicine 1 have found " " Favorite Prescription " has the testi mony of thousands of women to its complete cure of womanly diseases. Do not accept an unknown and un proved substitute in its place. Keep the liowels healthy by the timely use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. m. I . - ' 'Ml 1 A TRUE STORY. How a Young Wife Regained Her Health and Beauty. W. K. Tlrch, Afton.Va., tm extensive fruit grower of that place, writes tho following letter to tho Pertina Medicine Co., ot Columbus, Ohio, Wo print tho letter in full: Af ton, Vn., Juno -I, lftOO. Tho I'cruna Medieino Co., Columbus, O.: Gentlemen "The country is ho Jlooded with patent modlclneR of every kind that are worthless and a humbug, that I for one, am plud to lie ublo to say I have found one that is everything and more than Is claimed for it. "My wife was Tery much run down mul out of sorts in every way. Mio had k jielvlc disorder which left her very weak, nervous and no appetito at all. "One day I happened to ho at my father's store, S. A. Ulrch, Coresvllle, Alb county, Va., and noticed your raedl ctno ho had there for Mile. "1 thought it might help my wife, so I brought a tottlo of it homo and within a week sho commenced to eat and now the is hungry all the time and not half tho medicine has been taken. We bath ngreo that it boats any medicine to bring on nil appetite and to put the nervei. in pood shape tlmt wo have ever had ony thing to do with, 7'o hnd onr family doctor to giro hoi medicine, and ho did til ho could, but sho did not improve tho ('ft your gun-- .mil Xmimuiitiiiii from a man in the gun biistncsiv A full stock carried bx H. J. STILLMAN, I. O. liun.iu.NT. Ref.ui'Mig of all Kind-. Satisfaction Guaranteed ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber. -CM .MAY INI'KNll ltl'IMHNG ,. or lin t It iiiM'...iii-yto UKi'l.rt C'K A Wolt.N-OL T HOOtr" ELATERITE ROOFING Takes tin place of shingles, tin, iron, tur and gravel, nnd all prepared roofings, for Hat nnt Btnep surfaces, gutters, valleys, etc. Easy to lay Tempore for nil climates, Reasonable In cost. Sold on merit. Ouaran teed. It will pay to ask for pricesand Information, THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO. Worcester Building. Portland. COE COMMISSION CO. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, S300, 000.00 Chicago. New York mid Minneapolis quotations received direct at the Pendleton ollice over the liest extciiMvc private wire (.v-teni in the world RtllRINCIl 73 VtioiMl and Stp Bonis lacludinq IVmllfloti Sdvinqt Bank B. E. KENNEDY, Mgj. rpo..'n HorrAr Uldf O lldl UUr Commercial Co. We Don't Keen Everything But we do keep a good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic and Finish, in all grades. Also all kinds of Dimension Lumber, In cluding Lath and Dhingles. Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes Is complete, and any one In need of Lumbtr will not be wrong In placing their order with the : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. Wi & C. R. Depot least. Sho lias con sumption lu Iter fam ily and sho was in such had shape; so run down, nervous, weal;, and could not eat, that I liud begun to got very uneasy, but yonr medlch-o made nn entirely new woman uf iPr. j lielleve she eats and fuels better uow than she lias for years. have not the slightest doubt but that your medicine has saved her from a long spell of sickness, it nothing more. All my family had begun to get uneasy, but, of course, she did not know It and I have only Just told her of It since she has Improved so much. I had no Idea It would do half what It has and don't think there Is another medicine made that will begin to cam pare with lt."V. B. Ulrch, Fruit Grower, Afton, Alb county, Va. If ynn do not derlre' prompt and sttl fartory result from tlie use of Peruut, write ntonco to Ir. Hsrtman, glTing a full statement of yonr o;ue and ho w!U lx-pleaded to giro you hU valuable xi vlco gratis. Addres Ir. llartman, Fmddont of The llartmuu SuulUrluin. Columbtu, O. Oil Id I 10 fowl Slrwt ' H HUM I I I I I I H'f i Conrad Platzoeder ; All kinds o( Fresh I 'it Meats always on j. It hand. Fine Bacon, Ti I? Hams and Sausage. I J Prices as low as the lowest ' HIHI HtI HIH WI 1 I ! I 'Farmers Custom Mill Fred Walter, Proprietor Capacity 160 barrels a day It'tfiilr .Vf.liniifr.wl fur U'llRUt Flour. Mill I'ted. Choniied Kt-cd, el dways oa bund. t on ham: at tiu: east onnaoSMN ollice. Iare bundles of nownparM-". " lalnlne over ltio big papers can M talntd for 25 cinli a bundle. FOR We have the in Ke-1 Fs!,lei 8nine -iee hotae6 bo 80ld' Cho L018. Alfnlf.t -"a i. acre lo 160. trat-ts M I I9nnn DlLm P P I I I I I I I I II Hi 1 1 I I II III II III 1 Roo "I 10 (Utt it . LOOK AT Pendleton Real j, i I'....,...... .1....... ' rui anil 2 nt. (-room dwelling aid i fully shaded Ian ?2,S00. J 1-rooin linnnlln. i- centrally located-!- (i-rooni dwelling vtiis null t,Z0U, A llllmlior nf In.. ... ?! to $150 each 1 Int mi flat A... ,t CllCll, .....w.i umel ierj iy I or sale All Come anil buy To find just whit rlglit price, see i ii iini'ii in U. U. UU I u. f I Tt. I.. I A All. JVL I T f l tl. i.. r Tl nHI rtlll J In I A Cool To Hnlilnann 8 Al i .i-'tW 1UI C uuuv. " Just the iilacew leisure time .IllU '""" . . . ..t.nAtlnff ti MI1II BUUVtll'B " nera ice ien cigars. . ---tt-T-I TC K i ID j Will - He will be here come in any time mcture van--. , cn V 25 cem-- vnrietv of har.es . i ' nflndia" Dig Hliw inet photos only - nnM 'rim oil v-"- . Insurance .41 of insurant -.' CIRC OREUUI" ' . nrIAT QIC AKCtit for v- . . . iCR. elll'-,"'" . . . Dally E" : only 15 cent!