East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 15, 1903, Image 3

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    '---,upWtfW-, - -!
The Peoples Greatest Outfitters
feet of a minted yoke,
Tickets to Shield's Park
Im nt id buying Roods buy them here. With
:00 cash purchase in our clothing or dry Koods
mi' 'i l'u rt l'CK io the atidcvi le
jljrgmt; -r store rooms, tearing out and re-
: tin iwtinT, nencc us oargain time.
iAL.E. Tourists Caps and
Negligee Shirts
with cuffs on
Tho skirt Is close-fitting ami flares
i . iiiion' much rounn tho i,r,n.
j " I onc,h sc,an "trapped by a bias
Now Vert a,.- .. . '"e ooillce
has u few
finishing feature nr l. "C "T1"" . 1 8 ' ?w" tIle front am1 ln back.
's their trtanK , ?,l,mmohr hnts B,V'.n,B 'f " tucl5c, " buttoni
iwo-mit ,,,,"ES; am these hve a! up tho back and blouses over a bolt
. ... uai. iiii-v nri nrt. I ill I .ill ('I ft n i ?i
reiy novel. Second, tney foreshnrW
headagearSman ,,ocora,lo utran j
While many 0f the hats
of early
; uw were at once the delight of i combiner,, ,
t m ' i'"' i al "I alu ' , it ha. n in.her oik-ii S.
spreading Onlnsbor-
od .V,r . . nc,r tnmmlnj: consist
ed chlelly of. plumes and wings : the
SD'e,n:l mo,'le,s are oraed wh
nirlL th0 ,lnlost 1,lr(,s Imaginable.
: v" "iivjii me. urims of
iiais and
t a3c,natIl,& model is shown hi
dark blue and rich green mixed straw
The hrim Is faced with the two shades'
or chiffon shirred and finished alone
the edge with a tiny niching or black
lace. The brim of tho hat turns away
sharply at the front and sides, while
blue birds with breasts ami wings
necked with green and yellow cun
ningly peep over the edge.
Some of the summer straws
dniker tones can be almost entirely
transformed by the addition of the
newest trimmings. For Instance n
rolling turban shaped ecru straw hat.
which earlier would have been finish-
e front,
Canvas Cloth and Shirt Waists.
Canvas cloth g a new fnone seek
ing the favor of fnshinn-a .tioii.,
J I As lf nanu' suggests, it is rather a
for while
iifT.-u,. II...
nuiMi is nign mid at n distance looks
quite like ono of the satin-faced
cloths. This made upon lines adopt
ed for voiles, mistral clothh and the
liuo. however.
An effective dress Is twine color
canvas cloth shows a full skirt having
a band of wool, embroidery In Orien
tal tones let In about two Inches nboo
the horn.
Tho bodice has the long shoulder ef
fect, produced In a sort of erepo bre
tolles that come down over the
slightly loot-e full front and cross over
i io sup one end under the bolt at the
left side. The whole is trimmed with
I a narrow band of the embroidery.
Shirt waists of wash mnterlnW will
be worn quite late, and probablv
throughout the .inlor by the woman
who goes to business. New designs,
however, will be used in their con
struction. All the advance models
1ST .A. HP S3
hiiapsnro what we an. looking for thU limeof the ear, ami
we have them In nil lino. Our id Clesr.oice Kile is now going
on ami we are now sh'ltingprloe-i on n't Pimtb1i good Y"it
cangvtun idea of the HtH bargains we nil; r hv coining to our
More mul lnoklng over our bnrgn-n c.untt r. S immer dr. w hi
half prle and less.
Clothing at 20 Per Cent. Reduction
Hosiery, lace euvtallis, ehlhlron' ilrt04 ami mnliv otln-i
lines nre cut tl iw n to bed rook.
A full week of Sl'KCIAI,
CUT l'HR'KS. lie sure
nml gel your share
ailed pin feathers. At the left side
there are grouped f-everal tiny birds
with jeweled eyes.
I ouisine and peau do sole will
probably be among the fashionable
materials for hats during the coining
seas Both nre elegant and can be
ohta red In Inexpensive as well as ex
pensive qualities. A stylish hat In
golden brown loulslne is n nerfeetlv
H-'l'lllI'"H--"I-'I'l-l-H-WiW-jHH....;,;i flat turban, trimmed at regular filter
ed with majestic plume trailing across ! show th
conventional tnllorml
It Is far more satisfactory to pur
chase these waists already made, for
unless cut and titled by a first-class
V(,!;. l .... ,
.11 sinp ot oie-1 '"K uuwii over me slioulder:
Mi luni K lace an around it bordered i snowing the
on euner edge with a niching of
leathers, so tlnv that thev mlnli I,..
Ij0y A GOOD SMOKE ? Try Pendleton Boquet and Pride
iilia. mnaz dv nuoic. a, RHODE. Maker.
Monmouth, OrrtEon
lintnlij nil nl t, r tch. . ir. t
mi' Ki ll tufrl illy lor tmlti'ni! IrK'hi'til r
hI li'Miu hen ot tit rtotoMlon Moat up
t'tov,. 1 ln. lli.i.1, (or grxlnl nl Ullc-iitrO
ik lie ir'.l in KciiMl.ll ft, t tci.ool. The
ili'inaiiil f. r urmlumr-i ot ihi chool
Ii-h. h.-ra. Inr .tnih tl inil'r rbo
Irnotinq ilepKrlnif til which von. it ot ft
mop tM.lr t iiblic choolot uhuut ..'o .u lh
well ri fi tu all bii irm'liF Iticlit.l
"lilt I i .l Mull,., l'riwmi! nil I I hT'iml
' i tug I tit? Nrm.il cour. th t..i nml
.ii , I im i ixint irrtlllrutr full l.rm
.(u"i Si'ptoiohi'r For rm 'o no m n.
(ot'.mllon ".lillusi" i: i Ui.lrr ln
i)r X llu i.t.
Opens Saturday, August the first, and
rou will need a new gun and ammuni
tion We have the finest line iu the city
of double barrel shotguns and repeat
ers Call and examine our line before
purrhas ng, as we can save you
dresmal,cr they are sure to bag about
the arm-holes and present an all but
appearance In general. All things
considered, they are just as cheap.
The smart materials range from 50
cents to a dollar and a ...,.i a yard.
Two and a half yards at least are re
quired, and the stores sell the waists
at only a slight advance over the cost
als with brown birds, with pale yel-' "f tho material; thn there Is
i St. Headquarters for fishing supplies
"TTT r r r V r 1'1'TTTl I'TI
J..t.J t m .
)ases the Taste"
w (SdDlldl LeaiT Brand of
Once Used
IEIC0 COFFEE in one pound Packages
i ffluuii& (JUrFEE In one ponna pacKages
For sale by all up-to-date grocers.
Teas, Extracts and Baking Powder
H i IHH f I I HH I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I -H-H-
Is better uro nated than er before to supply high
tream and r.u.u. i,.,v toured the services
I". Mall of San Kraneiscn. an extiert candy maker
ream man and we are turning out a B'ad0 01 lc-
' Can not bo nirpollol 1hn nltv.
It to Bay a few words about our nodu fountain. We
.""s puro spring water from Fanning oprun,. "
1 ta m our cold drinks we nee ice ,rul"
fo water
&H kinds if ,..i.i .ii.i.iL-u itu- hidlnv Phosphates
pshed fruit preparations and I'laln Sodas.
The fashionable hat must be either
quite dark or very light; there is no
compromise rtich deep browns,
lilitos. ereens. purnle3 and reds or
ultra-smart or white, pale grays,
cream-ecrus and the almond greens.
Bonnet Revival Coming.
The bonnet revival which has been
threatened for some time is llkelv to
bo fully developed by Thanksgiving.
"$ Some of the r.ew straws and summer
X Mts show the design with effective
j variations of the abbreviated brim
T i adapting It to different faces. There
ills little difference between tho bon
T net for .vounc women and elderlv ma
trons, and this little Is shown ln the
brim which Is slightly wider for the
Nothing could be more effective
than a large pearl gay plateau hat de
signed to accompany an afternoon
toilette In tne same shade of crepe
de chine Tne crown Is a tiny bell
like affair trimmed entirely with a
wreath of marabout feathers and tin-!
dcrncath the brim at the back there I
are dainty pom poms of the feathers !
combined with rows of shaded gray
j velvet ribbon.
The gown is trimmed with lace and
chenille embroidery. The skirts fit
without fulness over the hips, with
Infinitesimal tucks running down to
where a deep, full flounce finishes the
bottom. This flounce Is headed by
a band of embroidered lace Insertion
and falls very full and long over the
feet, with a demltrain at the back.
The bodice is composed of a series
of tucks, alternated with stripes of
lace, with the opening arranged at the
back. The front Is full enough to re
tain the graceful outline, but there Is
an absence of the pronounced bloused 1
effect. A sash of pale grey chiffon!
confines tho waist and is tied in a '
knot at the back and allowed to fall
to the floor In sweeping ends. i
The neck Is finished with a stock ,
of embroidered insertion with a chou
of chiffon tied at the back. The)
sleeves fit close to the elbow and are (
composed of the tucked crepe do,
chine and embroidered lace.
Straw Sailors That are Pretty. ,
The straw sailor has not been in
great demand this year, principally ,
because at the Beginning of the sea-1
son a rather flashy design was Intro-;
diued that was bo quickly adopted by
satisfaction of wenrlnc soniethlnc
that can stand tho scrutinizing eye
of critical womankind.
New gowns In thin materials are
not displayed In gieat numbers now,
except for evening wear; the designs
that remain, however, aro full of
glory and altogether lovely. The wo
man who buys now secures her treas
ures at tempting bargains and has
yet ample lime to show them to ad
Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures
chronic Ulood Poisoning and all Scrof
ulus affections. At all times a match
less system tonic and purifier. Money
refunded If you aro dissatisfied. Fif
ty cents and $1.00. F. V. Schmidt &
Co.. druggists.
We Have Them
One needs appetl' ng and
lalnty viands this hot weather
Where will you flint anything
daintier or that you can rtllsh
more than our Quem Olives,
llehu's Jams, Husslan fnvlnr
Sliced and Canned Meati
What do you drink' If you
like a hot drink for breakfast
try our lolebrnted "M ,1 11
Mocha and Jnva coffee
Some cool drink for lunch
Iced tea Is an old standby hot
weather drink.
We have some splendid
brands Kngllsh ltrenkfast, (inn
powder. Spider Leg, Young lly
son, Schilling's and olbir
The membership of the Presbyter
Inn church In the United States was
975.S77 In 1S9S. and is now 1.0(I7.-I77
The French
He-4. 25 cent Mcnl in the City
Private Dining Parlors
Elegant Fitrnisliud Roohih in
fU Main Sire
Every ivorlsln girl who Is not
well is cordially Invltert to write
to Mrs. I'liiWhuiii, Iynn, Mass.,
for ailvleo ; it is freely given, ami
has restored thousands to health.
Hiss Paine's Experience.
"I want to thank you for what you
have dono for me, and recommend
Lydla K. I'lnliliuni'H Veifetalile
Compound to all girls whose work
'vi.ons them (.lanolin? on uieir icui iu
the many as to make It uni esirauie ,hegtorc- Tilt) d(x.tor said I must
for the bookers of novelty. There are , w(Jrk ,JQ not fJ:cm to rcaiij.c
tn be found some very natty shapes I ,t,, it n!lnn,,4 ntrnni to sion work
apptoprlate for street and semi-dress
hat a girl
Yoi Wait Ice
teaii for
U and Vc Will Bring it Rtgn UP
' i iry.. Mo I.K.U- nchf.l. mv nnnetito was
wear, however, carneu uui in poor, I could not Bleep, anu menstrua-
linen braids and various nai- tion W!ls scanty and very painful, uno
1 tv cloths. The plainer designs may iav when BuiTcrlnir I commenced to
" r n (,.., 1 . r ....- l.f..l.t.......u A'.wr..-
i in. smartened un y means oi a "i tana lviidi j riiuuiuin n iw
I of soft ribbon or foulard knotted tnto tahlo CoinpoiiiKl, and lounu tuai
la large bow while a still dressier cf it helped me. 1 continued Its use, nu J
r,., ik niitainable by the addition of ! joon found that my meiibtruul ) Hod.,
It' were free from pain anil n.ituralj
i u In tr nr (lock of small birds.
B ' should be romemberod with icgard to
illincrv that i
th.- bows do not flop; tho loops an?
finely pllsse to give them stiffness and
ery few have ends that Is, visible
ends. Hands will not be do rigour on
hntu- in their stead will be
ft! Midlines and twists with buckles of
ft t i t .Ili'nr nr tot.
Eiamlne It Is announced, will bo
I ab ipular'for early fall as it has been
I during the summer. This s duo to
1 the glad fact that, though highly fa
vored It did not become common.
Cheap etamine Is intolerable, being
I heavy and saggy and women buying
i etamine frocks as a rulo have select
' d only the fine qualities.
simple yet charming design -n
ti'w labile is made with only a deep
.,oii'ted white collar of Itussian lace
,'om:ng tound the front of tho bodice
. umI round to the back, having tha of-
evervono Is surprised at the clr n 'e In
tne, and I am well, and cannot bo too
'ratcful for whit vou have ilone for
me." Miss Jasct l'AI.S'K, f.VI UVht
121th St., New York City, jsoflo
crljlnalof about Mttr pwliig atnuirfimt can-
Tako no siihstltute. for it Is
Lydla 12. rinlcliani' Ycgctabla
Coii1,),""1 tliat cures.
cure dyspepsia and all disorders aris
ing from Indigestion. Endorsed by
ibyslcians everywhere. Sold by all
druggists. No cure, no pay. 23 cents.
Trial package free by writing to W.
H Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y, F.
W. Schmidt & Co.
Wi can supply jou with
Ktiililmg Material of all
It si iiptions ami sa .
1 en money
Made of felt, tlior
otifihly saturated with
H compound. Not
impaired by varying
temperatures. Docs
not evaporate, crack,
expand or contract.
A low priced roofing that can
not he equaled, i.ii i.i Uokltt-
The Paraffinc Paint Co.
J San Franclico, S.ittle,
Porlland, Lot Angclti
and Denver, Lulorado,
1; i, i Idin paper lime
cement hnck and sand.
Wood gutters lor hams
ill. I 'lwclline,s a .specialty
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., Opp. Court House
1 C TAVLOK, Ay t.t
Rigby-Clove Mfg.;
Manufacturers of the
Kigby-CIow 'I-omiDtaeoti
Repairs for all kinds ofj
Fai-m Machinery;
Fonudry Work a Specialty j
Cas'i paid for old raKtings ,
It .lf,.4,.. A.,,....,
I'CIIIIICIUII, - vyt-;uii.
Wc Can Mend It
We have piircliaHed the Wither
llnjilc anil Kepalr Shop and
nr. pi i. pin imI to muki) (pilck re
palM and guarantee our work.
W. r. pitl: bicycles, sewing inn.
i liln.iM ami other light machin
ery, do brazing mid other re
pairing Wo are agents for
tliri e makes of wheels that
have met the (est mid proved
tlteli worth They are
K you ura going to buy a
wheel, coino a round and look
hi mil' wheel before you pur
i li...v your wheel.
Hear this !n ti.lnd wln'ii you
need piii.ltr and stork supplies
and ak fur tli International
Toullry and Hto.k Kood. Use
Kins Kure fot your cow trou
bles. C. :. Colesworlhy
127-129 Iiast Alta St
Agent for Leo's Lice Killer
Gordon & lidmislcii
Schedule of Fares
(Jn and alter April I, late over
the I'endleion A Ukiah Stagi Line
will he.
I ondlelun tu I'kUk.tS, fMiad lrli. fu
tu..,n kiiui I ' 7.',. munil trlli. tl FlullelUD
2 to Hlris. U, luuul UIP, ISII): Pndltnu IB
i ! fu i ' muud trip, li.w; I'tndietnii to n lot
nom, ... i"wiij
nillfm nl niililfM IJutr Hold
ii Offl at Qoldcn Kule Hold J