DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 15. 1903. I FEW OF THE MANY GOOD THINGS YOU CAN FIND AT OUR STORE t AT REDUCED PRICES f Boys washable suits to close out 50c suits at 40c. 65c and 75c su-.ts at 50c. , T Ji 00 suits at 75c. Si-25 suits at St 00. 1 56 00 men's outing suits at S5-oo. T $13 50 men's summer suits at f 10 00. 17. 50 men.s summer suits at $14 oo- Balance of straw hats at half pr.ee. Golf shirts 50c to $2,50. Negligee shers 501- to 2 50. 4 Summer underwear 251 . 50c and 75c per garment. t Just Received Anoiher Shipment of Belfast Mesh Lncn Underwear WHEAT YIELD GOOD ATHENA DISTRICT MAKES EXCELLENT SHOWING. TRIB NOTICE TRIB. BAE R & DALEY One ' rice Clothiers, Furnishers and Ha lers !,....., ..... ....... r'l1 4 '1 1 I i n II I H I 1 I I 1 I IT Crops Averaging From 30 to 55 Bush els Per Acre Harvesting Half Over Yield Pp to That of Other Years. The AtliPtin Press reports tlio fol lowing excellent wheat yields from that vicinity. Harvesting Is probably one-half done now and the crop prom ises to he as good as in other years: "W. H. Boeder's homo place aver aged 47 bushels per acre. Mose Taylor had in a small acre age or barley only -10 acres hut each and every acre produced 75 bushels. "Prom 22" acres. John Mclntyre has an average of 30 bushels. W. It Taylor's yield Is Sf bushels to the acre. "A. 1.. Swnggart's field north of town netted him 37 bushols to the The Oeorge Gross place of 376 The people of Pendleton alo respect uillv asked to Investigate Tilb, the world's greatest cure for the Minor and tobacco habits, and to anyone in need of a cure we say truthfully, T1II1 Is an honest, posltlvo euro. You do not use Trlh In your eoITce. you can't give in that way: but bo sen sible and take It for either or these habits the same as you would a rem edy lor any other disease Hero is 1 reference from a man well Known In Pendleton. Rend It We have mnnv mnrn J W. Daughorly writes oi) Mrv 24 11W3. "To whom It may concern- Ii wish to say thai I completed n cure! with Trlb 111 February, am' i.nvc had no desire to drink since II will also 1 line the tobacco habit. 1 had n I arder time to loavn to mol;e after taking Trlb than when I firi learned ( ie smoke I am quite well Known In linker City. l.a Grande. Summer. Pen dleton and nnyone wishing to stop using elthoi liquor or tobacco I would recommend them to tnke Trlb. Price per treatment. 12 For sale by :.ll druggists GENERAL NEWS. The Typographical I'nion appro priated $2.rni. to be expended In or ganisation in Philadelphia. In Massachusetts the birth rate has fallen in 50 years from 2S to 25 per 1.000. and marrlanes from 23 to 17 ler l.oon Much opposition to calling the ex tra session of congress for October , is developing on account of the cam paign then in progress for n large number of members. j The Colombian congress will dis cuss nine proposed amendments to the canal treaty. By a vote of 17 to S In the senate it was decided to de- ' bate In open session. ! A grievance committee of the en gineers and firemen of the Great ' Northern. Is in session at St. Paul. It ' is expected that they will frame a ' demand for higher wages. ! Edward Yockers, a Brooklyn switchman, became entangled in a 1 broken trolley wire which held him f fast for Ave minutes The voltage ' was havy. hut he will recover. ; The I'nioD Veterans national en campment at Rochester. X Y.. yes-1 lerday assd resolutions strongly , indorsing General .Miles and com- mending his acts of administration. i Investigation rfisclobes that F. J. 1 Kohler. the missing treasurer of the I City Trust & Hanking Company, of i Baltimore. loaned to himself $154,000 1 of the company's funds. The firm ' was wrecked. ' 1 HOTEL ARRIVALS. NORTHWEST NEWS. A lii-tim Ice plant and cold storage warehouse will be built at Oregon City this season. C. Hatrington, a farmer of Trent. Wash., was worked for $2,300 by bunco men, Friday. Howard Kressley. a bank clerk of Spokane, was arrested for forgery at Great Falls, Mont.. Friday. Hotel Pendleton. W .1. Johnson, St. Paul. I.. Sweatland. Portland. John Andrews. Portland. D W Cade. St. Joe H. J Egan. Spokane. Jett Catlin. Spokane. J. C Ijio. Portland. J. G. Conrad, Chicago. William Mahor. Portland. C. M. Smith. Portland. C. P. Bryant, Los Angeles. A. S. Cotteroll. city. George W. Swartz, Portlnad. H. H. Collins and wife, Taconia Mrs. Skilos and daughter. cay. Ed Rlackburn, Raker. George E. K. Fltshnor. Pot land. P. C. Baiiglunan. Portland. P. M. Kevins. Seattle. W. K. Shepherd. Spokane J. H. Kloekner Diamond. J I). Miller, Starhuck. J. Fred Fisher. Spokane. H. L. Marey. Spokane. C. F. Overbaugh. Portland. R. X. Jaokson. Falrhault. D. I. Phelps. Falrhault. L. B. Rlumenthnl. Chicago. Lillian Boswell, La Grande Lucy Dickson and children ton. John Curdau. Dayton. Frank Pheliie, Spoltane. Golden Rule Hotel. D Hackett and daughter. Rarabno. C. A. Heed or. Athena. D. Warehon, Fonda. S. Hlckson and wife, Stockton. S. T. Hall. La Grande. Mrs. Kate Murray. Ia Grande. G .L. Coleman and wife, Wasco. T H. HIteman aud family. Athena. L. II. Davis and wife. Alba. W A. Rullson, Athena. L. Cunningham. Portland E. E. Taylor. Pullman. Oeorge Fleming. St. Louis Miss Eastman, Walla Walla. J. La Blauc, Portland. T O. Yates and faniuy. city. L. A Robinson. Monmouth. Farms for Sale. V twin Imvit iuti.il t'nr sale some . acres, is reported to be good for 3 I of , b(,st whtat f(ir18 nIld stock nusneis 10 me acre, uu wns puice u ,.(. tlf. POuntv The stock, 12-foot header averaged 32 acres per rBI)(.lK.s ,.,, ue 80,i either with or !' ., , , i without the Mock All the places are 1 From fin acres. T. J. Kirk threshed , .p ln,nmVed nnd well supplied with ' 1.4S0 sacks, averaging 53 bushels to wntor A)(J0 omo vprv jpgimble city the acre. From another Ml, 1.1SS property, im-lurtlng new modern resl sacks wore threshed, or 35 bushels north s(0 f r!Ver Call por acre. an,i RPt prCOs. "Brown & Hodgen. from Ml acres. RENTi.EY & HARTMAX produced 1.461 sacks, being 43 bush-; " ' , els per acre. Another field of 155 j Krt. losses In the I'nitod States ami acres netted the firm 3.2H3 sacks, be- CR1:ada were over $3.o00.uod for the Ing an average of 50 bushels. flrl ,ml, f VMC t)lan ,iurlK u,,. ,.r "Duncan Mclntyre got 3.112 sacks 1 ,.,.s,oaamg period of 1',mi irom uti acres, uic average oeuig . Follow the Crowd Any of these warm even ings and you will find them at Schmidt's Fountain A'lcr trying our soda you will readily understand why they .ill come here They say our ice cream is the rich st our gin ger ale the snappiest our egg drinks just right. Foncy drinks well, the mere names will make your mouth water. The reason is simple we use nothing at our fountain but the very best, and our fountain man has made a life study of the business and knows just how Have you tried the ' Ilccr that made Pendleton fatuous ' ' Our Root Beer wily .ine ..11 What dc8s,.H 8atEfflM.. """Hi this hm ...ra and ! "r M nUri Ml ' uw t tr-, : iiumm Trv nt,r .. .. C4"6r , uanale!,tlie,, bushels )r acre anil IMiunds to the bushel testing C4L F. W. Schmidt's The Reliable Druggist loM office Hlock. I'liunc Main &ti SECURING EXHIBITS. Day- E. A. Mc-Pherson. who has been ' first warden at the Salem penitentiary I for a number of yean, has resigned ' the position. I State or Onio. cjtt or toltdo ( Lcca Cocstt. " Frank J. Chener makes oath that heli tbe enior partner of the firm ol F.J. Cheney it Co . doing builnesi In the city of Toledo, county Edward Swanson. a car repairer fP? !1!?" of Livingston. Mont., was instantly every case of Catarrh that cannotbe cured br L-llt.,1 r.l.ln.. 1... 1 ..1 , . , r ih nu nf Tl.ll. r'.i.wl. Pit njufTu fiiutt.. ii) uviiii; cui 111 twain I j , f j ny a moving train Dr. Le Roy Finds Baker County Peo ple Ready to Respond to the Call for Advertising Matter. Dr. A. Le Roy. repiesenting tin Or egou Information Bureau, is now in the Sumpter mining district, and frotr all reports from that section is mei lug with great success in gathr-r 11 1. exhibits for the bureau. At Baker City he was given .. hearty reception by the cit.v count 1 and Commercial Association of th' town, anu was well rewarded for In visit to Eastern Oregon b the exec lent agricultural nnd miniim xlublts collected there. The Sumpter mines people lire pre paring an elaborate exhibit which will be sent down later, which eclliises , ' nm-thln . l-lt,,! I.. 1 1, Llnln A!' I the priuciiial ore producers will bi 1 re))rsented in the collection, and i when placed on exhibition in thei Pnion Depot nt Portland, will fully ' represent the mineral wealth of that . great district. I Dr. I.o Roy expects to stop olf at : Pendleton on his return to Portland If possible, to receive any collection of exhibits thut may be brought to the city, while he Is absent In Baker 1 county. The Freewater fruit exhibit will be collected as the fruit season ' progresses and will not be ready tc 1 be placed in the rooms of the bureau liefoie the first of October It will include every variety grown in l"ma tllla county, and will be a luscious advertisement to present to the hun gry homeseokers. mmmm n m i 1 1 i i l i iM' i i' i' i 1 1 The dead body of an unknown man was found in the Columbia river. I near Clifton. Friday. Xo clue to his ' identity has yet been found. William D. English, one of the fore most democrats of California, died J Friday at Oakland, as the result of an operation for appendicitis. j Although rilliirenf Ri.nrpli Imu liui.tt j Bvrorn to before me and nubMrtbed in my jirenenre thli Ctb day of December, A. ( A, W. OLEABOX. - jtoiary ruDiic. Hall'i Catarrh Cure In uken Internally and acta directly on tbe blood and mucoua aurface ot tbe ayitem. Send tor teatlmonlaU. Usm, r.J. CHENKY & CO., Toledo. Ohio. Bold by dniirelit,75c. llall'l f ainlljr Pllia are th beu. I BavafBMaBaMHBBSLagLSaiBaaiBal Dd veu erer r-t 3 the d '(e-ence retweri country jr. . fi 1 'y m.iK? nave you 3 f'ier, I- just i r ab dil! erei.ee tJtv.te Economy Brand Evaporated Cream and all the other brands When you buy Evaporated cream, looic lor the above cap label That label Is our cuarantee and every can is ol unitorm richness and absolutely Pure You will see no unsifhtly cuts in Economy Brana. It llows smoothly Irom the can and is plaasinf to the eye. Ask your dealer lor the ncnt Kina. HELVETIA MILK CONDENSING CO. Ibfhland, m. Hill Military Academy ! t t i - ts always received , ,iaci: your order with t ; Fir. Tamarac ..Pine;, Why buy poor coil can get the best price ' Laatz B Telephone Mafl Dr J W. Hill. Principal. .4Mi & Marshall Sib., Portland. Oregon. A PRIVATE BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND YOUNG MEN. V a ulldlugs, modern and . 'irpb (c- Manual training, military discipline Roys successfully fitted for 1 all colleges or for business life. I Principal of 23 years' expert- t ince In Portland. T Boys of any age admitted at 4. any time Write for catalogue T Fall term opens September ! ic- M 1 l H rttHti nilHIIHt TRANSFI TRUCKI STORAfi CROWNERl Telephone .Va CHILD'S JAW BROKEN. Lodging House for Sale. Best In the city; 20 complete furn- made, no trace or Mrs. Parkhurst and ! Islied rooms. A lease for eight years ex-convict Rllev. who elojied from ' and nIne months. It is subject to Portland, has yot been found mortgage and can be bought for cash The African Methodist church, of ' n,y- Enqulrc at thls ot"ce the Pacific Coast, which will hold an! .... ,. ,., T , , annual conference in Spokane on' IMo,kl,Tea, PElt've,y c,ur" ick 4ucust 19 will i.usK Ktmiio ! Headache. Indigestion and Constlpa- lions against ,ob ?m ! tIon' A delightful herb drink. Re- tions against mob law mjjveg a)J erupUona of the Bkln ro. holomon Bakr. an Inmate of St. duclng a perfect complexion or money A Incent m hospital. Portland. trieI to refunded. 25c and GOc. Write to us commit suicide Friday by slashing for free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co., his tluciat with a penknife on the ' Buffalo, N Y. F W Schmidt & Co., "' drusElats. Athena Boy Meets With Serious Ac cident While at Play. A young son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sheard has met with a serious nnd painful accident, says the Athena Press. He was Indulging in the fasci nating sport of holding to rings and sliding down a rope, tied at an angle or about 30 degrees. The scene of the performance was In the Sheard barn, and a jiost to which one end of the rope was tied served as the stopping place in the descent Finally the boy missed the post with his feet and shot on out and down for a distance of 15 feet He landed with his chin against wagon rack. The force wus such that his Jaws were dislocated and one side fractured. It is a painful injury, but the little fellow, who is but ii yenrs of ago. is getting on as well as possi ble under the circumstances DESPAIN & CLARK CONSUMERS WHOLE SALE GROCERY AND WHOLESALE COMMIS SION MERCHANTS H514-514 MAIN STREET ft ! r"V a pnone Alain 1741 Pacific Ironworks Foundry, Machine and Blacksmith Shop Structural Iron, Cast Columns, Etc. Carry in stock Steel Beams, Angles and Channels. Bolts and Rods. All kinds of Repair Work Attended to Promptly Fqot End Eurnslde St. Bridge, Portland. j Suicide Prevented. ) The startling announcement that a preventative of illicitly had been 'discovered vl'! 'nMr-st -.liiy. run J down system, or despondency Invarl I ably precede suicide and something 1 hns been found that will prevent that condition which makes suicide likely. At the first thought of self-destruction take Klectrlc Bitters. It being n great tonic and nervine will strength en the nerves nnd build up the sys tem It's also a great stomach, llvor and kidney regulator. Only 60c. Bi'tlsfactlon guaranteed by Tallman & Co., druggists. Put an End to It All. A grievous wall ofttlmo conies as a result of unbearable pain from over taxed organs. Dizziness, backacho, liver complaint and constipation. But thanks to Dr King's New Life Pills, they put an end to It all. They are gontle, but thorough. Try them. Only 2Gc. Guaranteed by Tallman & Co.'s clrttir store. Oiegon Portland. Saint Helen's Hall Home and Day School for girls of all ages Academic and College Preparatory courses as well us thorough Primary instruction. Ideal situation on the outskirts or city of Port land. Basket ball, tennis, horseback- riding, Yenr book sent on application. ELEANOR TEBBETTS, Prln. Before deciding where to go to school, examine a Pendleton Academy Any Time lis a Good Now is the aeeeptril have your home paica cered. A little painting i there will helo iti local fully. Some nice, brigfl wall caper will lend a I to any room. Our itH caper was never .nortt pattern In endlesi l every one new and pj color design. Better cum let us show them to ynl you what It will co whole house or one rOT E. J. flM 111 Court Stred I catalogue for the coming year. New building and equipment. New man-1 t ageme nt. nnd a faculty of experlcnc-1 od teachers. Special arraugemcut j ' for music students and for the caro 1 lul oversight of nil students from out uBu, f ,, 7T, , . "f 'wn. All grades ot public bchool How to Join and Get Quick Results work thoroughly done. Our college I amail lost. i nrelmrntlin- wnrl.- In nr-cmitncl bV the , Moral best A NEW UNION. ...ire ; ?, r "" "" ?f ,"l!,no h coe KMt and AVest. M i. nl '.' a hundred dol- Und social advantages the very b v!,n' i i? '"'.I'.'"" ve Ciln Term lglns September 14, 1903. ou. I his U how it is done: We can well afford to sell ten or moio pianos REV. W. H. BLEAKNEY, PRINCIPAL cheaper than one. so havo organized a union of ten members, you Join and pay $10.00 down and 1 10.00 n I C T A T 17 NHPM A I month, the piano Is yours. Now here 1 1 A 1 t NUKMAL Is the best part of It. Kvery timo a Q C H O O I 1 new member Joins the m-Ire nf vnm- v !r otb"r word'r wOi'on thel'unonUls i WESTON, - - OREGON menl Z"' than'tgu.ar Trice" 1 TERM 0PENS SEPTEMBERJGtll for example, a regular $300.00 lnstrii-! ccif'fmwr.WPr ment can be had for $200.00 bykk bPOONMUKU Joining the union. Don't delay tnk-' THE HUSTLER lug advantage of this great opportu nity, as it will only last a few weeks' H you want your houses rented or of the dun season. This, combined I your property sold, with our easy iiavnicni nlim nmi . ' ' J change contract makes it nnu.rJ - L- SsI'OOVkmoki., 220 li. uouri for everyone .0 have an Instrument. Have your Teutscirs. bIiocs tepaired at CARELESSNE inR repairs. All J K .rel' 'n tbe H I'"1 rinmirtm i lm," Hmn new , nanus ucn- . ca .... l.otiflnir UI) le lt 1W K"3 nsrs s Fs. methods, rratam Wfi Bffc ' mm rtil...i...t. .. a . .. iiiuii.i-im.-iih 1'iano ilouse. -SIC K Court street. Kverythlng musical. Babbit Metal, best In the world, In bar. Price, $1 per bar, at the East Orejjonlan Office. price, a set, Winona wagon, backs host, we 111 V 'v