1 1 n 1 1 m n n i ii 1 1 n A FEW OF THE MANY QOOD THINGS YOU CAN FIND AT OUR STORE AT REDUCED PRICES Boys washable suits to close out 50c suits at 40c. 65c and 75c suits at 50c. Si 00 suits at 75c. 4,1.35 suits at St-00- f6 00 men's outing suits at $5.00. 5'3 5 men's summer suits at ?io oo- $17.50 men.s summer suits at $14 00. Malance of straw hats at half price. Golf shirts 50c to S2.50. Negligee sher 501 to $2 50. Slimmer underwear 25c, 50c and 75c per garment. Just Received Anoihcr Shipment of Belfast Mesh L'ncn Underwear X I X X ! X BAE R & DALEY I One Price Clothiers. Furnishers and Ha ters 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I M-i-H-l Mm " GENERAL NEWS. .lanit-s .7 Hill's ivrsonn! propel t assessment at S Paul has been rais ed from J13S.000 to $200,000 Reginald Vanderbilt recentb paid JS.0OO In customs duties ou the con tents of 40 minks from Europe. A recent ruling of the classification board greatly reduces the duty on Bowie knives and horse pistols. Planch Walsh, the actress, has se cured a divorce from Alfred Hick man. They were wedded in 1S9C. The $2i"i0.000 mansion at Trenton. X. J., built by Frank A. Magowan. will be sold at auction by creditors. Magowan Is broke. The Mexican government will 1h officially represented at the Xutional Irrigation Congress at Ogden. t'tah, Ty Colonel Don Ignatio. An ancient boundary dispute be tween Brazil and Bolivia has been settled, by which Brazil sociiren ter ritory hut pays a round price for It. The Ave largest refrigerator car lines iu the United States have merg ed under the name of the National Car Line, with a capital of $1,000,000. As the result of a recent uprising of natives In the interior of Sumatra. 300 were killed In battle by the Dutch soldiery. Sumatra belongs to Holland. NORTHWEST NEWS. The Portland police force has just been Increased by the addition of 10 men. Forty miles of cement walks have been laid in Portland In the iast seven months. 1 John Ktrkpatriuk. of Blaekfoot. , Idaho, was found dead In a hayfield Wednesday, whore he had expired In an epileptic fit. Fred J. Xorton. who has tended bar , in Astoria for the past 25 years, com-1 mitted suicide Wednesday, by taking an overdose of morphine. j Guy Rogers, a noted Xortliwest j Jockey, of Seattle, was killed at that' place Wednesday, by his horse fall ing upon him. In the five furlong race. A misunderstanding In regard to . io cuiiuuut, win lui-njaiji it-ouii. ij Moran Brothors. of Seattle, refusing to build the Portland fireboat 1 1 Wl! probably go to San Frane.Hco J The 35 bridges of Portland are all In need of extensive repairs, and the) lty authorities are making efforts to ( put tbem In good condition for the increased traflic of the summer lsu- Jam laidlaw & Company, of, Portland, have inren awarded the contract of transporting S.finn.fifMi feet f lumlr from Portland to Manila) for the government, at $S.9r. per) .i... Wall" gang of rol)hcrs. confined In the Idaho insane asylum, escaped 1 ?nl ta MI1 lit ! Meoks was In the Boise penitentiary 1 and became insane, and was transfer-, red to the asylum recently. It Is now 1 thought his ruse was to play Insan- j ity for the purpose of making his e&- cape. Pacific Ironworks Foundry, Machine Blacksmith Shop and Structural Iron, Cast Columns, Etc. Carry in stock Steel Beams, Angles and Channels, Bolts and Rods. All kinds of Repair Work Attended to Promptly Fast End Purnsidis St. Bridge, Portland. tinnniiini 1 I 1 1 M I 1 I 1 It rM Hill I I H- I l- HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. Sternberg,. San Francisco R. Harris. Chicago. S. Youngman, Portland. B. Canon, Portland. .1 G. E. George R. Ferrold. Boston. C. J. Ferguson, city. C. T. J. Lockett and wife, Caldwell. Lee Teutsch. city. 5. Murchmnn. Seattle. E. E. Warren and daughter, Port land. C. E. Dickey. Portland. E. B. Xorton, San Francisco B. G. West, Chicago. A. S. Coterell. Salt Lake R. A. Seeds. Spokane. .1. F. Nylandor. Portland. E. H Burke, Portland. F. M. Bell, Spokane. George Stophens. Spokane. M. S. Montleth. Spokane. ' Golden Rule Hotel. A. Cameron, Calgary. Mrs. J. T. Byers. Pilot Rock. W. H. Quinett, Chicago. R. W. Beemer. Chicago. F. C. Redfield. Chicago. W E Brown. Chicago. J. C. Whittemeyer. Chlcnpo. Dan Jenks. Chicago. George Rhodes, Chicago. Joe Herefort. Chicago. T. J. Sullivan. Chicago. E. Protlltt. Chicago. Lew Smith, Chicago. H. Drake. Chicago. Mlua Cummins, Touchot. Vinnle Cummins, Touchet. A. M. Cummins. Touchet. W. R. McRoberts. Spokane. F. S. Cass. Montreal. I. Long. city. Mrs. K. Murry and son. Cornucopia Mrs. C. J. Oland, Morro. Mrs. Mcintosh. Pocatello. Miss Palmer. Pocatello. Miss .Mcintosh, Pocatello. C. Olds and wife, Washington. L. Looald. Washington. J. B. Hendricks and daughter, Washington. G. D. Galley. Portland. Thomas Williams and wife am. Jleach- State or Ohio. Citt or Toledo I L.CCA8 UOUHTl i Frank J. Cheney mAku oit n that he ! tht fnior partner of the arm oi r.j.i-nenej & i nolns buiinew in the citr ol Toledo.eonnty IUII I . i i . . 1 1 ..... t nwi rw.llan Inr iirh tnn ' S. ..u?th fhMnoibecnSu br 1 th"ti; b!lur'e rae ami .uUeribed In my prence this th day ot December, A j,, i- A . GLEA80K. ' Notary Public. oi the lyntem. Peniltnr testimonials, tre. . r i. oiievev co..T0..do. Ohio. . .f,..rF.mi!?VllU are the t.t. ; I LodgiB House for Sale. , IJest In the city; 2( complete lurn- i., a iM for .irht vpnrs 1 mortgage and can be bought for cash , only, hnqmre ai 11ns umuc - A stowaway in the hold of the At- lantlc liner Cedrfe. aubslated five days on a flask of rum and four onions, When discovered. U took 24 hours lor the ship s surgeon to get him on 111s , fi'e' NEWS OF ATHENA HAND LACERATED BY BURSTING OF A GUN. John King's Hand Badly Torn on a Ragged Saddle Horn Crops Good In Crook County Wheat Is All No. 1 and .Yielding From Thirty to Fifty Bushels Huckleberry Crop Being Gathered. Athena. Auk. 12. George " Clinrles Gerkln, while returning home from Pendleton, round a team attach ed to a hack with a pony tied behind. George took them home with hint ami cared for them until the next day. No Shirt, an Indian, earns to hunt them and tracked them to Mr. Her kin's place, whore he found his team. Ed Potts' wheat Is making 25 bush els per acre, and Hugh Wnlk"fs 57 ncre field made an average of 30 mishels to the acre. , Mrs Muggins returned home Iron. ; Walla Walla Thursday where she had '" ""' '""'shin nf her lit- tie grandchild, who was very 111. l 1 Is out or danger now. un ur. mi- gins- return home she found her son 1 ! sick but he Is improving now. 1 H. C. Curtis has returned from his I luimo In Crook county, where he has been for some time. He reports the crops down there to be as good as any wheat he ever saw anywhere, tie said the wheat on Mr. Slas' place was as line a wheat as ho ever saw. Mr. Sias and Mr. Curtis' homesteads Join. Professor and Mrs. Henery. of Athena, are being visited by their son, from Downs. Wnsh. He Is a music teacher Daniel Mai 'or-.) of masons wi.o are rapidly pur.'lng the waiU of Mil ler's new brlek building up. are al most doue. The yhave the contract to build the walls of the now M h. church, of which the stone work Is al most done. John Mclntyre, of Gerkiui, flat. It hauling his wheat to tli. warehuuso. Mrs. Sam Booher and son came home from the Bingham Springs and returned Saturday afternoon. They will remain at the spring until tin first of September. Many of the people are eng-ii-en ir. the mountains gathering luifklfbr rles at present. The Cougar Got Away John Parks, of Gilliam ciiinty. while visiting relatives at Weston! n'......nn l...t,tlt, ,.11 Mt. ..111! one afternoon, was 'uniting on the old ri ... .t ..1 ..... . ... I . i. .. . . . 1 1 t 1 . 1 1 1 i 1 1 . shot gun. one barrel containing a ! f1..il.li r1inifi Mr lnrl.-r amt- n cougar at which he took a shot which was more serious to himself than to the scared animal, which escaped un injured. The gun burst In fragments ; arrf the entire man nf Mr. ParkB hand was torn off. The wound ex tended to the wrist. He also lost the twr. mi.iiiio fititrnr ami nnp.hnlf of the Index linger, which leaves hut little hope of his saving his hand. Hand Torn on Saddle Horn. John King, while riding a bucking horse Sunday, got the whole palm of his hand nlinost cut out by tearing It on an Iron horn on the snddle. He had to have 13 stitches taken In his hand. Case of Cholera Infantum. I The Infant son of Kurne Banister IS very ill ai present Willi i-uuit-ru ju- . . . .. . . m. - . . i thi w,,.. ern(,(, ,,r from ;m to over f.0 ImshelK to u(,r(? Mmo niaklfi ,0 ,, BoraP. making over 50. and ull belii clabse t N- , wneat Sf. fnr n(. m, to 35 IhihIh-Is to the acre in Hjs CharI..H o.-rklng while working .,T, V. '" !,,,,, r., n J bine lIlIuf'0"ln " the bone. Mr. Gorl.lng i: getting be WfXl Health and Pleasure. When one goes to Lehman Springs there is every assurance that not only will one's health be benefited by the pure, bracing mountain air aud bath ing to be enjoyed there, but also while rnlnlntr health one can enlov a great variety of pleasure ranging from hunting nnu Ashing to howling and goli. C. It. Dutton has sustained lus reputation as a capable boat by the manner in which ho Is providing for the comfort and pleasure of his guests. Put an End to It All. A grievous wall ofttlme comes as a result of unbearable pain from over taxed organs. Dizziness, backache, liver complaint and constipation. Hut thanks to Dr. King's New Life Pills, they put an end to It all. They are gentle, but thorough. Try them. Only 25c. Guaranteed by Tallmnn &. Co.'h drug store. Kentucky distillers will soon ship 20,000 barrels of whiskey to Germany to lie ' aged " From theru it will all be sent to California for Western states' consumption. Storage charu- I es are much less In Gurninny. and the I freight is less by water from Ureinen to San Francisco via Capo Horn than from Louisville to San Francisco by rail. Best shoe work at Teutscu's. NAMED FOR EXPLORERS. Eugene Man Records Fact That His parents Made a Happy Selection. Portland, Aug, 13. I. N. Flolschner. chairman of the press and publicity committee or the Lewis and Clark Ex position Company, has received a let ter from a -Willamette valley man, who, while not contending that ho la entitled to be entered In the list of -Lewis-Clark" babies, nevertheless wishes It to be known that a long time ago Ins parents thought enough of the explorers of the Oregon eoun trv to christen him In honor of the two captains. Here Is what he says Eugene. Ore., Aug. 10. I. N. Flolsch ner Portland. Ore.- Pear Sir 1 see that George Jlctzgor. of Greshnm. has n son named Lewis Clark Motzger, I wish to state that l. also, was nnmed for those explorers but received my name 11 good many years ago. I was horn Jillv 10, 1S30. consequently have passed my 53d birthday Yours re spectfully, "LEWIS CLAHK GAYI.OHD. COLD KILLS THE GERM. " .D-u ' Lieu. Perry Says There Are No Bold Heads In the Arctic Region, The people who come hack from KtotulIIiv testify to the fact that no! ,mtlvo bald heads are there The; V,icnL.e S tnat the cold cllmntr kills tm? gormB tluU eat the hair oft at the root Lieut. Perry, who went to the nri - tir melons elves the same ev dence. Xewbro's Herpichle hns in- same effect as the cold climate It 1 kills tho germ that eats the hair off at the roots, and the hair grows 1 again Herplcide Is the first halr remedy built upon the principle of destroying the germ thnt eats the 1 hair off. Its phenomenal sale demon stmtes the correctness of the scalp , germ theory. Sold by leading drug gists Send 10c in stamps for sam 1 pie 10 The Herplcide Co.. Petrol' .Mich. F. W. Schmidt & Co.. special agents. Farms for Sale. We now have listed for sale some of the best wheat farms and stock ranches in the county. Tho stock ranches can be sold either with or without the stock. All the places are well improved and well supplied with water. Also some very desirable city property. Including new modem resi dence on north shle of river. Call and cPt prices. BEXTLEV & HAUTMAN Wokl Tea positively cures Sick ' Heailarhe. Indtpestlon and Constlpa-1 4 In.. t rln1ll.r..t .1eliL- Trv. ,... nII ., r lf -,.n tiro- " v -- ' duclng a perfect complexion or money refunded. 25c and 50c. Write to us for free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo. N. V. F. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists. New House for Sale, New eight-room house and one lot for sale, reasonable. Stone foundn- tlon and good woodshed. Buy from the owner and save commission. Corner Thompson and Tustln street. Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures chronic Blood Poisoulnir nnd all Scrof-1 ulus affections. At all times a match j ! less system tonic and purifier. Money J refunded If you are dissatisfied. Fif ty cents and $1.00. F. VT. Schmidt & 1 Co., druggists. DESPAIN & CLARK CONSUMERS WHOLE SALE GROCERY AND WHOLESALE COMMIS SION MERCHANTS 514-514 MAIN STREET Phone Main 1741 A NEW UNION. How to Join and Get Quick Results at Small Cost. Why not join "our union of piano purchasers aud have a hundred dol lars? Vou can do It and wo can help you. This Is how It Is dono: We can well afford to sell ten or moro pianos cheaper than one, so have organized a union or ten memliers. You join and pay $10.00 down and $10.00 a month, the piano Is yours. Now hore Is the best part of it. Bvery tlmo a new member Joins the price of your Instrument depreciates In prlco $10; hi other words, when tho union Is filled every member gets his Instru ment $10j less than regular prlco. for example, a regular $HOO.0O Instru ment can be had for $200.00 by joining the union. Don't delay tak ing advantage of this great opportu nity, as It will only last a few weoks of the dull senson. This, combined with our easy payment plan nnd ex change contract makes It posslblo for ovoryoue ' have an Instrument. Therkelbon's Piano House, 315 13. Court street, ttverythlug musical. Follow the Crowd Any of these warm even ings and you will find them at Schmidt's Fountain A:tcr trjing our soda you will readily understand why they all come here. They say our ice cream is the richtst our gin ger ale th'e snappiest our egg drinks just right. Foncy drinks well, the mere names will make your mouth water. 'J he reason is simple we use nothing at our fountain but the very best, and our fountain man has made a life study of the business and knows just how Have vou tried the ''llcerthal made I'ciidlctou famous Our Root Beer F. W. Schmidt's The Reliable Druggist Iwoflice HlocV. i'lioue Main Sji ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS cure dyspepsia and all disorders aris ing from Indigestion. Endorsed by ihyalclans everywhere. Sold by all druggists. No cure, no pay. 23 cents. 1 Trial package free by writing to W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. T. F. W. Schmlilt & Co. ) "I"! 'I1!1! Hill Military Academy J. W. Hill. Principal. ZUU & Murshall Sts.. Portland, Oregon. A PRIVATE BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND YOUNG MEN. New 'mildings. modern and complete. Manual training. military discipline. Boys successfully fitted for .. - . . 11.. all colleges or tor uusmcas inc. Principal or "!i years- experi ence In Portland. Boys of any ago admitted at any time. Write for catulogue Fall term opens September I 1C. ni 4 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 OREGON. PORTLAND. St. Helen's Hall Hits a Notniul Kindergarten Training Class in connection with Its Acatle-i mic Department. Separate residence. Two-year courst-. Model Klndergar tun. Provides practice work. For details address ELEANOR TEBBETTS, Prin. llefore deciding where to go to school, examine a Pendleton A cademy catalogue Tor the coming year. Now ' building and equipment. New man I ngement. and a faculty of cxperienc led teachers. Special arrangement i for music students and for the care I ful oversight of all students rem out or town, ah gruutiB oi .""- ., ' work thoroughly done. Our college , preparatory work Is accepted by I best colleges Kast and WesL Moral land social advantages the very M Term begins September U, I REV. W. H. BLEAKNEY, PRINCIPAL STATE NORMAL SCHOOL WESTON. - - OREGON j t 2 Or TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 10th ICE CRj , J.U8tca" PuJ ton's p... "H I - ".sun Quantity of Ic. . IW hot weather , and ic are aown ton( 'our tat Try our vlt.rJ, Mr Is always recmJ place your ordericM Fir, Tamar ..Pine Why buy poor j can get the best I ' price? Laatzi 1 Telephone I TRANS TRU( ST0R CRO Ttleplio I AnY Til 1 ils A Gl Ma ie the have your hou I it IIHI. CXl there wilt help ftl a. .11.. esM rictl lUIIJt WVIHfc TJ wall paper win 11 am room. & nanr wai never j Dattern in triim every one new J u ehnufthCffll you what It miBJ wnoie nou Sell z9 CAR&E .... i, the C IH-Vll , l l niauuiw- - m sri way Set tJ This Benia untS on r .xnttltlUOi . price- vo fcCl arc "c " A5J