East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 12, 1903, Image 5

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    yf'n mr,- r
Jlrand Wrapper Sale
It Pays to Trade at
But J
Tomorrow morning Tuesday, August 4
replace on sale J 48 wrappers which
must be closed out at once. The fol
lowing prices will surely do it;
?2.oo Wrappers at $i.5o
Such a Proposition Would Result In
a Determined Fight Between Many
meg jJ
owns, with a Probability of a Com
)ice bJ
promise on a Small Town Centrally
Located Matter Rests With the
Next Session of the Grand Circle, at
i-os Angeles.
i 35
' .75
Don't overlook the big shirt waist sale
5c and up.
I leutsch's Big
Corner Main and Alta
I two li
City Brevities
. Sharp for paper banging.
ouse 1
jsb ranch eggs at Kemlor's.
Lkers' supplies at Nouraan's,
b two
L sharp's artistic wall paper.
m going to Lehman Springs?
fcr the best bread, got Itohrman's.
Iockj J
lie Crawford poaches at Oliver's.
laokberrles by the crate at Kcm
hv ' you go to l .oilman
lecelted dally, fresh tomales,
h and .jrawasu at uratzs.
. Preferida, the best cigar made,
foees' cigar store. Court street.
n't let cigars got the best of you
h the best of cigars, Hanlon's.
ft tare fruit Jars and fruit jar
rubber,! rovers, etc. u. Rour-
Charles I.une about your paint-
lad paper hanging; 807 Vincent
Ire juii going camping? U C Ita-
If camp stools, folding tallies and
p snppnuB.
Wist premium, $10 mandolin; sec-
Ijremium, $.. music wrapjicr, given
p; with sheet music. Inland Em-
kfiano House, !)01 Main.
luted To rent u lodging house
I:.' or 1! rooms or a large dwel-
i house which may he used for
I tame purpose. Address Box 4CC,
p Walla, WnHh.
pitors are always welcome at the
Mice & Cold Storage plant. Como
It lee for yourself how the Ice 1b
ie U'e are ulways pleased to show
I? one over the plant and explain
lifting you may not understand.
Dirat be al mi vh link i ml' Mime
? for the rllt time, have a
reliable watch of yourown. No
matter what your taste, your
ndj, your price, wo cau satisfy.
Prices, $1.25 to $ J 50.00
.Vxtdoor to R. Alexander
ne old reliable Log Cabin Soda Fountain U servinj:
the nurest and best of everything
... . . ...... . w.nl the Court Itouw
no 8hih mini Main mr'
i 40
1. 00
Department Store
Fresh fruits at Keruler's.
Fresh fruit dally at Martin's.
Oliver Si Co. have the good melons.
Fresh fish, game and poultry
iiu a.
Hot your clothes cleaned at Joer
gcr s.
Have your shoes ronnlrpil nt
I Teutsch's,
New books arriving daily at Frn
zler's book store.
Buy a fountain pen this week at half
price at Frazler's.
Wanted Machinist and moulder at
Ulgby-CIove Foundry.
Lunch boxes 12c to 33c; six styles
to select from. Xolf's.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candies and fruits
Tents, canip stoves, camp stools,
eic, ai jiauers f urniture store.
Buy sheet music of us and draw a
prize, inland Empire Piano House.
Goods that are right at prices that
are rignt at Iladei-s furniture store,
All kinds of Imported and domestic
luncues and clam chowder at Gratz s.
At and below cost all summer, mil
llnery, especially patterns. Mrs
$.100 will buy a new half hack buggy.
new harness and good span of horses.
Dcspaln & Clark.
Wanted Two furnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Address W. H.
C, care East Oregonlon office.
Estimates given ou short notice on
painting and paper hanging. Charles
Lane, the pioneer painter, S0 Vin
cent street.
Prizes awarded when 150 tickets
are given out. Ticket with every 35c
sale of sheet music. Inland Empire
Piano House.
Good meat lu summer must be
taken care of That's the kind you
get at Houser's. Alta street, opposite
savings Bank.
Wauled An oflice girl who is a
gooil penman and has some knowl
edge of bookkeeping. Apply nt Do
mestic Laundry,
Lost On Main, between Alta street
and French restaurant, one pair of
ladles' nose glasses. Finder leave at
Ibis oillco and receive reward.
Bernard O'Gara will occupy my of
fim diirlne mv absence, and will sup-
1 ply you with wood and coal and re
' ce'lpt you for all money paid In. I. P.
Collier & Co.
There are no seciels about the pro
cess of manufacturing ice at the Rosa
Ice & Cold Storage plant. Como and
see how it is done and you will see
that there is no ammonia, alcohol or
any other substance whatever added
to the distilled water to aid In the
For Rent.
I have remodeled the upstairs of the
Despaln block and have some of the
nicest omce rooms In the city. Call
and see them.
J. L. Wright, grand clerk of the
Women of Woodcraft, and J. O.
Helmberger, president of the Lend
vllle Publishing and Printing Compa
ny, arc in Pendleton today, visiting
at the office of Grand Uuardlan Van
Orsdall, en route to Leadvllle. The
Grand Clerk attended the meeting of
uuara oi granu managers hold In
lortiand on the 5th. Considerable
business of Importance was transact
en for the order, and plans were en
dorsed for the campaign work In the
organization department for the win
At the adjournment of tho session
me members of tho hoard of grand
managers and the crand hanker.
-Mary F. Hurley, of Portland, went to
nuauie, lacomn ami Spokane to visit
uie local circles in these places. Mr.
Wright and Mr. Helmberger leave
mis evening on No. 2 for homo, stop
ping at Boise for a day or two. Grand
Clerk Wright will later attend the
fraternal congress as a ronrosentatlvo
of the Women of Woodcraft. He will
be accompanied by Grand Physician
KiiyKciuinll of Eugene. Orecon. nnd
Grand Physician Griffith, of Leadvllle
As to Moving Grand Clerk's Office.
When asked by an East Oregonlnn
reporter as to the rumor that the
grand clerk's office was to he moved
trom Leadvllle, Mr. Wright said that
It was only a rumor. "No organized
movement has been mado along that
lino, and none will be attempted. The
question of changing the headquar
ters Is one that can only be acted
upon by the Grand Circle session,
which will not meet until April, 1005.
There Is n strong sentiment In the
Jurisdiction that the grand guardian
and the grand clerk's offices should
be In the same town for tho conveni
ence and efficiency In carrying on the
business of the order, which has
grown to such enormous proportions
In the last two years. I think it very
probable that this sentiment will crys
talize at the Los Angeles session,
nnd that steps may be taken for such
change; but whether the grand clerk's
office will be moved to the coast, or
tlie grand guardian's office will he
moved to Colorado, Is something that
no one can pass creditable Judgment
upon at this date."
Will Be a Fight If Attempted,
But whenever the change Is at
tempted It will cause a fight, not only
from the office nt Leadvllle, but by
all the cities that would like to have
the location. Seattle, Portland and
Oakland, Cal., all would like to have
the clerk and will fight for il, for
Its location would be a big thing for
any place. The stamp bill for the
grand clerk's office alone amounts to
$2,000 each month; the telegraph hill
Is $75, and the other expenses bring
the total up to a large figure.
Again, if tho office was to be moved
and the clerk nnd the grand guardian
placed In the same town, it would bo
necessary to construct a building for
the uso of the offices exclusively. The
grand clerk has 14 clerks under him,
and the volume of business thai tney
handle would make It obligatory on
tho order to provide a large and con
venient place for them.
When the fight does come up, it
will In nil probability lesult In a com
promise, and some smaller lown cen
trally located will get the offices In
fact, when the matter comes up for
final decision it will he greatly influ
enced by tho wishes of the grand
clerk and the grand guardian, and If
they see fit to choose a smaller place,
or one to their minds better adapted
to the requirements of the service
than those in tho fight, it Is probable
that they can swing the choice to any
placo that they will. Whether or not
Pendleton will have a chance In the
fiirht ileiieiids largely on the support:
the r-ltv elves the older here. It has I
the advantage of having the oillco of
the grand guardian now located here,
but unless the support the local order
has Is loyal and hearty, the prize will
slip uwny to somo other place.
Engineer In Government Employ
Stops Over en Route From South
ern Oregon to Nebraska.
A. F. .Mason, u civil engineer who
has been employed by the government
In surveying and luylng out wugon
loads and bridges from tho foot of the
Cascade .Mountains to Crater Lake,
stopped over In the city last night
en route to his home In Nebraska.
Mr Mason litis spent the summer at
the lake, and In tho vicinity, and says
it is destined to be one of the great
est resorts In the world. Tho gov
ernment appropriation of $2,000 for
the improvement or the roads to the
lake and construction of wugon
bridges, has been exhausted, and the
work Is not yet completed.
The government leserve, Including
the park and the lake, contains 219
square miles, the lake being In the
center of the reserve.
It is 5 miles from Ashland, llic
nearest railroad point to the lake, and
The Peoples' Warehouse
August Bargains
35c and 40c Wash Goods
20c Lawns and Dimities
$1.25 all Silk Black Poi do Soi
per yard . . . 7fc
$1.50 Silk Crepe de Sheene in
all colors per yard . !8c
These goods are so good in quality
that it will pay you to buy for
Outfitters for Women
the wagon roads are in bad condition
on account of the spring freshets, and
the government is now building per
manent roads and bridges and will
Improve the park In other wtiys.
When Mr. .Mason left the lake, on
Sunday morning, there were over "00
people camped theio. and as he came
out to Ashland, ho met fully 300 more
goiiif, In. The trout planted In Hie
lake some years ago uro doing very
well, and seem to be multiplying
great numbers.
The dimensions of Hie lake are
seven bv eight miles, and tho known
depth is 2.000 feet, while at some
points no bottom bus ycl noen ins-
A small island containing u dead
cralei. Is situated about two miles
liom the east shoro of the lake. The
walls surrounding the lake are al
most Deriicndlculur and only one pro-
cipltlous path down a rugged gorge
has yet been found by which tourists
can i each the water's edge.
Pendleton Citizen Recites Some
the Evidences of Thrift.
J. It. Dickson, owner of large prop
erty interests In Pendleton, today
told n story or prosperity In his home
town, says the Oiegon Dully Journal.
He Is a guest at the Imperial and Is
en route to tho sen coast.
"I am satisfied," said ho, "that
Pendleton now numbers not less than
0,500 Inhabitants, which shows a gain
of 2 000 since the last census was
taken. Tho town Is growing rapidly
and buildings ar going up on every
hand, Ixilli business and residence
"Pendleton Is putting In a new sew
er system to cost 50,000. Tho city
sold $30,000 of 5 per cent 20-year
bonds to tho Women of Woodcraft,
receiving from them a piemluin of
$3.no) nnd lu the city treasury was
already $17,000 available for that pur
pose "There Is not In Pendleton an
i... l,,,.ik..u nr dwellings,
eiiiiiij uuiin ......... ...
and all now being constructed will
be occupied as soon as completed
"Wo believe thai Pendleton icsts
.i ...u,i i.-iuiu nr ull Ore-
upon uii' iiiubi -- -- -- ,
..,.,1 mwnx milside of Portland. Our i
varied icsonrces Insure regulailly of
per yard 19c
per yard 7c
Extra Special Silk Sale
85e Guaranteed Taffeta Silks all
colors pur yard
production and sternly volume of bus
iness all the year around.
"Ono of tho elements of prosperity
for Pendleton Is tho nverngo produc
tion In Umatilla county, of which It
Is the county seal, of 5,000,000 bush
els of wheal. One of our local mill
owners, V. S, Byers, bought wheat
the other day for 70 cents n bushel,
which menus wide margins of piolltB
for the producers. Damage done to
tho ciops by unfavorable weather Is
more than made up lu Die high price
paid for wheat. looked at fiom any
I t I , I I I n
HI a II 1 1 ) in , I'enuieioii nun uiimuiiu
county are highly piosperous mm
ceilnlu to sustain It permanently."
Get Your
at the
Shoe Parlor
Hind Saw
25c on Children's Shoe
25o on Hoy's SIioch
50c on Ladies' Shoe
50c on Men's Slioi-s
8c Percales in dark or light colors
per yard ... oe
$1.75 3(5 in. black Guaranteed
Taffota per yard . . $1.25
and so low in price
future needs
and Men
Another large shipment of
V now and stylish tablets.
Prices range from toe to 30c. a
h Sizes, note, packet anil Inter,
$ 45 J PfR1' each.
I A Partial List
f, Koyat English IJond.
& Old Holland Linen
f. New Flax.
Cobweli Fihrc
?. Lancaster Linen
Currency Bond.
; Crushed Uond,
Hj Imperial China Silk.
Koyal Mail
India Gau.e
u Sovereign Uond
Kmpress of India, etc
The Very Latest Tabfeta
Full Llue of School Books and
School Supplies
One Single Seated Top Huggy
One Double Set of Harness
One Set Steel Vgan Wheels
One 11 Shoe Grain Drill
Alto Five Voting Cattle
CjII 011 or Aildrc
H, W. Potter
Cuk'4 Addition
rendition, Ore,