East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 11, 1903, Image 6

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Much That Every Woman
Desires to Know
About Sanative Antisep
tic Cleansing
And about the Care of the Skin,
Scalp, Hair and Hands.
Too much stress cannot be placed on
tho great value of Cuttcura Soap, Oint
ment nnd Resolvent lu tho antiseptic
cleansing of tho raucous surfaces and of
tho blood and circulating fluids, thus
affording pnro, sweet and economical
local and constitutional treatment for
wrakentug ulcerations, lullammatloiis,
ltchlngs, Irritations, relaxations, dis
placements, pains and Inegularltles
peculiar to females. Hcnco the Outl
cura remedied have a wonderful liillu
enco In restorlug health, strength and
beanty to weary women, who have
been prematurely aged and Invalided
by these distressing ailments, as well as
such sympathetic aQllctlons as nutcmh,
chlorosis, hysteria, nervousness and
Women from the very first have fully
appreciated the purity and sweetness,
the power to afford Immediate relief,
tho certainty of speedy and permanent
enre, the absoluto safety and great
economy which bavo niailo tho Cutlcura
remedies tho standard skin cures and
humour remedies of the civilized world.
Millions of tho women use Cutlcura
Soap, assisted by Cutlcura Ointment,
for preserving, purlfylnsr and beauti
fying tho sklu, for cleansing the scalp
of crusts, scales and dandruff, and tho
stopping of falling hair, for sof tcning,
whitening and soothing red, rough and
sore hands, for annoying Irritations,
and ulcerative weaknesses, and for
many sanative, antiseptic purposes
Trhlch readily suzgest themselves, as
well as for all the purposes of the toilet,
tath and nursery.
RoVl tirrrajrhoutthe wn-Vl. Cct'.rnr RwofTrrt.W.On
fcrrn or IhoroUl I o 1 I'll;.. 3Sc. Ir ti1 of G. Utnl
neat, Kte-, tfcMP. We. lit potlt loadon. 77 Cbirtf rhMJM
htli, a Km d U I'tizl ltcton, I 1 I'daoibu Arc.
rp., l
tor Wo
Wo keep nothing but pure
natural Ico, frozen from pure,
clear mountain water. It goes
farther nnd lasts longer than
artificial Ico. All wo ask is an
unprejudiced trial of our ico.
Why not order a case of the
celebrated Schlltz, A. B. C. or
Gambrlnus for your Sunday
Phone your ordor to Main
Is a Fraternal Insurance Order
Questions of Revision of Rates and
of Tnklnn Liquor Dealers and Sa
loon Keepers as Risks Arc to Be
Settled Largest Attendance in Its
Dubuque, la., Aug. 11. fifteen
thousnml Is a conservative estimate
oC the number of delegates nnd visit
ors here for the International con
vention of the Catholic Ordor of For
esters. The record-breaking attend
ance Is due In a largo measuro to tho
number of Important questions to bo
disposed of by tho convention.
The principal question to he consid
ered Is tho old one of rates. At the
last International convention, which
was held In Milwaukee two years nao,
i a committee was appointed to tnko
make n thorough Investigation. Thoy
have been engaged upon this task
since and have prepared an exhaust
ive report. Tho report says In sub
stance that tho rates aro inade
quate and that If It Is desired to per
petuato the order an Increase is im
perative. The committee will pro
sent soveral plans for increasing the
rates, one of which doubtless will bo
Saloon Keepers as Risks.
The question of admitting liquor
dealers and saloon keepers also will
be brought up again. The matter was
argued at length two years ago, but
final decision was postponed until
this year. It is thought by some that
this class will bo admitted, but at an
advanced schedule and In a separate
class. Tho Iowa state convention
voted to exclude saloon keepers, hut
It is uncertain how the delegates will
vote, as there are varying views
nmong the states.
The business sessions wero preced
ed this morning by the celebration of
high mass at tho cathedral. This af
ternoon tho delegates assembled In
St. Mary's casino and wero formally
welcomed by Mayor Ucrg. The busi
ness sessions will bo commenced tills j
evening and continued through to
morrow. The election of officers will
take place tomorrow morning. A spir
ited contest is on for the ofllcc of high
treasurer, tho rival condidates being
two Iowans James A. Hayes uf Du
buque, and John A. Llmback, of Ce
dar Rapids.
Thursday morning the biennial pa
rade will bo held. The visiting dele
gates and their friends will take part,
together with the local courts nnd
many from near-by towns. Thursday
afternoon tho visitors will bo treated
to an excursion on the river. That
ovenlng nnd Friday will be devoted
to business, and it Is hoped to con
clude everything by Saturday.
poaching. It seems that tho nophow
attempted to see bis undo before ho
died, but was forcibly ejected lrom
(ho Vatlcnn, Ho now nvers that no
Intends, together with his lnwyor,
to mako a light for his rights. Ho Is
not going, ho says, to dlo of hunger,
and against the express wlau of tho
late pope, will contest tho will, be
cause he maintains thnt the money
of the deceased belongs not to tho
church, but to the pope's own family.
World's Heavyweight Championship
San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 11. As
tho time approaches for tho contest
between Joffrles and Corhett, who
nro to meet Friday night for tuo
heavyweight championship of tuo
world, popular Interest In tho fight
Is rapidly increasing. Tho ninnoge
niont of the club under whose nus
plcoe tho mill takes place Is In receipt
uf applications for tickets Indicating
a large attendance from out of town.
Chicago, Denver, New Orleans and
even Now York and other cities far
ther Fast will ho represented at tho
ringside. The training quarters of
Corhett wore visited today by many
sporting men desirous of obtaining
u tlrst-hnnd opinion of his condition.
Tho outlook Is for a largo amount of
money to bo wagered on tho result
of the contest. Jeffries will naturally
rule a heavy favorite In tho betting
and the only question is one of odds.
Corhett, however, has n largo number
of dovoted followers nnd udmlrors In
this, his home city, and the Jeffries
money will find ready takers, par
ticularly If tempting odds are offered.
They Can Stop Their Hair Falling
Out With Herpicide.
Ladles who have thin hair and
whose hair Is falling out. can prevent
tho hnlr falling out, and thicken tho
growth with Nowbros "Herpicide."
Ilesides, Hcrplcldo is one of the most
agreeable hair dressings thero is,
Herpicide kills tho dandruff germ
thnt eats the hnlr off at the root.
After tho germ Is destroyed, tho root
will shoot up. nnd the hair grow long
as over. Even a somplo will con
vlnce any lady that Nowbro's Hcrpi
cldo is an Indispensable toilet re
qulsitc. It contains no oil or grease,
it will not stain or dye. Sold by lend
Ing druggists. Send 10 in stamps for
sample to Tho Hcrplcldo Co., De
troit. .Mich. F W. Schmidt &
special agents.
Conrad Platzoeder
All kinds of Fresh
Meats always on J
liand. Fine Bacon,
Hams and Sausage. ?
Prices as low as the lowest
The Columbia
Lodging House
Newly Furnished.
Bar in connecti
Bet. Aha & Wehh Sts.
In Center of Block.
F. X. Schempp
Nephew of Deceased Pontiff After a
Share of His Property.
Rome, Aug. 11. Something of a
sensation has been caused by the at
titude of tho lato pope's nearest rel
ativethe son of his elder brother I 1- ,i0 . nm inr?nr nrI1in mnvnnumt
that was delayed by the extraordinary
amount o fothor freight which had
to he disposed of earlier in the sea
Enormous Crop Shipments Mostly
Responsible for the Shortage.
Chicago, HI., Aug. 11. So great and
constant Is the demand from shippers
for cars, that conditions have (level
oped which seems to Justify tho con
elusion that tho shortage of equip
ment will probably continue lulled-
nltely. An actual car famine has
practically nlrcady begun, nnd unless
thorr Is unexpected Improvement, a
repe.ltlon of last winter's experience,
when the high tide of activity arrives,
appears inevitable, notwithstanding
the number of now rolling stock and
Increased yard facilities acquired
since then by tho various roads. In
a largo measure this early shortago
who declares bis intention to contest
the dead pontiff's will. He calls him
self simply M. Pecci, disregarding his
title of count and declaring that titles
are only fit for vain people. He is In
poor circumstances and earns a liv
ing by selling coals and doing a llttio
The J no. I. Fulton Co. of 6nn
Francisco, First in the World
to Announce the Cure of Drlght'n
Disease and Dlubotcit, present
ing a Dcflnlto Percentage of
Recoveries 87() and Giving
Out Lluts ot the Cured.
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Wnl'era, Proprietor
Capacity 150 I'arri'lnit day
Flour piteliitiiwil for wliniit
Flour, Mill -Veil. Chopped Feed, et
always o i hand.
Ueta re onw ot tho Sn Frnelco recor
tries, and all cf them declared bj pbjalclanj
to be Incurable: N. W Bpuutding, I'resldent
Epauldlag Saw Co.; Adolph Weske, founder
Oil. Cracker Co.; Carl D. Zitle, plonr dm.
gist; Chas. Eazelko, editor Ban Franclico
Journal; It. M. Wood, editor fiplrlt Harlow;
Edward Short, cf the Call; C. A Newton,
jardmmtcr S. P, Co. (Sacramento); Jno. A.
rnlp5, Hotel Impeller; Mn. M. Empej, 100
Utclner St.; Mr. S. li. Cllne, 1737 Broadway;
Mm. I'. Oojnenelx, 928 FUmore HI. (tapped 33
times); It. a Pell, Manazer Pacific Coau
Iilacntt Co.: F, J. Ilachelder, Paclflo Coast Attt.
Beth Thomas Clock Co.; E. D. Cutler, Attorne,
SUPInoSt.: Vm. Hale, Ileal Estate, 315 San
irnie; Mr. C. O. Matthowaon, Proprietor Hotel
union; Tnoi. Ilaikena, Merchant (l'otaluma);
Col. Wm. HanSiln, U, 8. Quartermaster's De
partment! Chaa. P. Wacker, Merchant, 1S1 tlU
St.; Mrs Thos. Chrlitol, u nth St.; and nun
dreds ot others. Some were at death's door
when put on the compounds, but many such
recoverul That rnaay wero In extremis tnuj
bo laaraof from this: Soma rocorcred who bad
been taprwd doaoasof rtmeij others were al
rea-ly In iho trltchlns of oracmlo poltonlau;
cuny lud Jro-n tour to six physicians confirm
the fatal diair-sotM; several left standard
hospitals In mtremla; ssroral had rolatlvrs
called In for Uu lnierrlews, and ufew recoy
crod who wero Inn itatoof absoluto coma.
lnawoplnb.ut.87iotall eases of Ilrlithfa
Disease 'iud U.nootes, heretofore positively In.
curable, a-e cow curablo u. dcr the new Fulton
Jra,.'; l0"' ''Compound for Hrlnhf
f..lK,,',nt7 1,1 'lsfor Diabetes, tl.W.
,u ni?ilel ,rw,i. "1 h',vo lu,t "itabllsbcd a
depot In ynur rltr where you wlllnua too Com
lk,undduiiU iHUushUti.yii
F. W. Schmidt's Pharmacy.
Women Temperance Advocates
Session in Maine.
Old Orchard, Mo., Aug. 11. Tho
conference of tho Women's Christian
Tempernnco Union which opened
here today has attracted a ho3t of
leaders of tho movement from varl
ous parts of tho country. Mrs. L. M
N. Stevens, National W. C. T. U,
president, and AIIsh Anna Gordon,
national secretary, aro amoug tho
participants. Tho program provides
for the forenoons to ho devoted to In
stltuto work nnd tho afternoons to
platform addresses by clergymen and
other prominent speakers. CongrosR
man Charles E. Uttlofleld, Rov. Dr.
Smith Uaker and Rov. J. W. Mngru
der aro among those expected to de
liver addresses.
Firemen 3,000 Strong.
Uitrobo, Pa., Aug. 11. I-atrohe Is
In gala attire in honor of tho mem
bers of the Western Pennsylvania
Firemen's Association, whoso nnntial
convontlon and tournament Is In prog
ress hero. Moro than 500 delegates
aro present, and In tho big paratle,
which will bo held tomorrow, thero
will bo nearly -1,000 men In line, In
cluding 3,000 firemen. areensburg.
Johnstown, .lennotte and Irwin nro
among tho oltlos well represented.
New York O. U. A. M.
Syracuse, N. Y Aug, U. Tho thirty-third
annunl session of tho stnto
council of tho Ordor of United Amer
ican Mechanics began hero today with
a good attendance. The proceedings
opened nt 10 o'clock this morning
with npproprlato oxorclsos under the
niispleea of tho local council, follow
ed by tho conforrlng of degrees. This
ovenlng there will bo a reception lu
honor of tho vlaltoin and tomorrow
the niinunl parade will tako place.
The Flllon Saw and Shingle Mills
Company, of Port Angeles, Wash., lost
their entire plant by fire Monday, toss
about ?20,000.
First Appearance of These Old Games
on American Continent Over $70,
000 In Prizes.
For the first tlmo In the history
or any imposition, physical culture or
athletics will ho recognized olllelally
at the World's Fair at fat. l.ouls In
mni. With a largo appropriation,
$70,000 of which Is to ho awarded In
prizes, an excellent program of events
Is assured. Tho gymnasium, to ho
n permanent one, Ih now being erect
ed, as Is also a stadium with a seat
Ing capacity of 3D,000. Here will be
held during the season all known
sports. The feature of the program
will he the Olympic games.
It will ho the first tlmo that these
games, which are n revival of the fa
mous Olympic games of Orecco, were
over held 011 Anicrlcnn soil. They
will last 0110 week and will consist
of running, jumping, hurdling, boxing,
wrostllUR, throwing the discus and
hammer, etc.
This feature will attract to St.
l.ouls the followers of the entire
world and the world's greatest ath
letes will ho hero to tako part In these
Two days during tho ROiiHnn will be
dovoted to tho Amateur Athletic
Union of the United States, to decide
tho national championship. A cross
country championship will he given.
Uleycllng will hnvo three days. Two
days will ho given the National In
terscholastle chnniplonshlp. In which
all tho preparatory schools and high
schools throughout tho country will
tako part.
The national swimming champion
ship ot Amerlcn will Include plung
ing, short nnd long-dlstnnco racing,
diving and water polo, as well as col
lege aquatic chomplonshlps, will tako
place, l.awn tennis will bo well
tnken enro of and tho tournaments
will last two weeks. Many crack
foreign teams will compoto In the
latter contests.
Mr. J. H. Sullivan, secretary of tho
American Athletic Union, has boon
appointed chief ot physical culture
for the World's Fair. Ho has been
connected with American athletics
for over 25 years, and was for many
years an actlvo athloto himself. Ho
Is connected with many nthletlc as
sociations and lias been the manager
of more athletic meeting thnn nny
other man In America.
Mr. Sullivan was Amorlcn's assist
ant director of sports for tho Paris
Exposition and director of nthlctlcs
for tho Pan-American Exposition at
jchlitz Means
The best raatorlals-tho best that money can b
A brewery as clean as your kltchr-n. ti, Uy'
Fast Through Train Service Detween
Portland and All Beach Points on
and After Monday, July 6th In Con
nection With Cheap Excursion
Commencing Monday, July fith, the
Astoria & Columbia Itlvcr ItallroaU
Company will resume Its Summer
Speclnl Seaside Schedule, and train
leaving Union dopot Portland at 8
a. m. dally, will run through direct
without transfer at Astoria to nil
Clatsop Ueach points, arriving nt As
toria 11:30 a. m., Ooarhart Park 12:20
p. m nnd Scasldo 12:30 p. m., making
direct connection nt Warrenton for
Deglnnlng Saturday, July 11th, and
ovory Saturday thereafter tho popu
lar Portiand-Scnsldo Flyer will leave
Union dopot at 2:30 p. m., arriving
at Astoria 5:50 p. m Ooarhart Park
G:-10 p. m., and Scasldo 0:u. m.,
making direct connection nt Wa:ron
ton for Flavel.
In connection with this Improved
service, round trip season excursion
tickets between Portland and all Clnt
eop nnd North ilench points aro sold
at 4.00 for round trip, and Saturday
special round trip tickets between
samo points, good for roturn pnssago
Sunday, ut ?2.00 for tho round trip,
Speclnl season commutation tickets,
good for fivo round trips from Port
land to all CIntsop and North Reach
points, sold for $15.00. Reach oxcur
slon tickets Issued by O, U. & N. Co,
and Vancouver Transportation Co.,
win no honored jy trnlns of this com
pany In either direction botweon
Portland and Astoria.
Additional information will bo glad
ly furnished upon application to J,
C. Mr ... G, F. & P. A.. Astoria. Oro..
of E. ... howls, commercial agent, 218
Aiucr Mrect, I'orunnu. ore.
Wrl ! for tho novel nnd catchy sea-
sldo ; amplilet just Issued, tclllne all
about . iimmor girls, sea serpents and
nunsetP at Scasldo.
New House for Sale.
Now eight-room houso and one lot
for r 'o. reasonable Stono founda-
Hon ;,.d good woodshed. Ruv from
(ho .tier and Bavo commission.
Coriur Thompson and Tustln streot.
Ladles' half solos 40c. Toutsch's.
tho most dreaded and dcndlv of all
diseases, ns well as pneumonia, nnd
oil Lung Troubles nro rnllovpd at
onco nnd cured by Acker's English
Itomedy "tho king of nil Couch Ciires.1'
Cures coughs nnd colds In n day. 25
cents. Your monoy hack If dlssatls-
led. Wrlto for freo sample. W. II.
iookor & Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. F. W.
ichmldt & Co.
! your kitchen! i,n '
The cooling done in filtered air, In n plate tlean.'
m, , r ., ... " ' ' uum.
inc ucur ngcu lor raonins, until thorout-hlv
It will not cnuso biliousness. y ,erm"ted, w
Tho beer filtered, then storlllzed In the bottle
You're always welcomo to the brewerv fnr tt.1
proud of It. "Wnere
' Phono 51 Main
And tho sire of It proves that H. Koplttkc
people know the worth of 507 SInla St., PcndletoD
The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous
The New York Times h's Ihe Fol
lowing to say in Regard to Ice
"Probably no baetoriolofjiciil fact h better established
than that much of the ice of commerce is dangerously im
pure. The assumption that water purifies itse f 111 freez
ing was long ao shown to have but a limited basis in
truth. The individual crystals are likely to he purer than
the mother liquid from which they are formed, but ice is
a mass of crystals in which may be entangled all lnnilscf
impurities "
The germs are not only killed in the process of man
ufacturing the' ice, but the condensed wata passes
through two coke, two charcoal and one sponge filter,
leaving it absolutely pure to go into the cans
Visitors Always Welcome
Phone MAIN 1781
514 Main Street
o u a o n o vc7
To San Francisco and Return $3J.05
All rail tickest on sale August 12, 13 and 14 Goodtt
turning fo days. For further particulars call on
F. F. WAMSLEY, Agent
On Its Nlettt
Has the large demand for
Byets' Best Flow
Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enteis in
to Byers Uest Flour. It's perfection in Flour. Made hjf
W. S. Bvcrs, Proprietor.
Cor. West Alta nnd Lllllth StB.
1 n
ti.. tho hire insula""-
i u
lunula - r- , . , ,
companies stana n' -world.
. ... ..iw4 I Xl.!!""'
II.. r. fnr' Hi TP JIIMHIW" w-'ilW0.
AlliHiH-pAiimneeto... -
I .....I,.., AT I.HIIl'UntlM" AKtl
I,... ....... , ,V"P
IiiHiiriiiM't' 1 11
V-rlll Ill-It " I S WV" ,(!.
, V . ,.l t(lf
r. ."1 T ..... r.m't C.O.
(Oyill III"
nn i it n II ML'
X. illiii"