East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 11, 1903, Image 5

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firand Wrapper Sale
It Pays to Trade at
Tomorrow morning Tuesday, Acgost 4
we place m sale H8 wrappers which
mast be closed out at once. The fol
lowing: prices will surely do it :
$2.00 Wrappers at $1.50
1 35
1. 00
1 40
1. 00
Don't overlook the big shirt waist sale
1 5c and tip.
feutsch's Big Department Store
Corner Main and Alta
City Brevities
ni.nr.. fnr nnnnr hancine.
. n.mnllaa nt Mniimnti'B
.. ,.ntofli nroli nn nor
to Lehman SnrinKS?
iir luu uwoi o--
- ,.m. mKhI nt Mia llnrnAHrtn
Atmrrrn ffir tnhltlfltnr rilt
HliLCi UU lit -"'
r,a mm uivunu uv utut a.
I Prefcrida, tho best cigar made,
Kfea ClUUt tilUlU. OUUH ouuut.
-J 1 ! O.- iri..nA..
..1 t .i ,.11 .
oremlum. music wranpor, given
ii or ji ruuniH or u ituu uiyui
nouse wnicn muy uu useu iui
Bamo purpose. AddroHs Hox 4C(J,
a wniin wnn 1
spa fur vntiVHnlf linw tho Inn in
t Wn am nlwava nleaswl to show
one over the nlant and explain
Dun l he 11I
IODf f(ir Mitt flirlir tltw. liuru 11
reliable wutchof youroivti. Js'o
"r wuat your taste, your
'Wis, your price, we euu satisfy.
fflcs($J.25 to $t 50.00
Next door to R. Alexander
Fresh fruits at Kemler's,
Fresh fruit dally at Martin's.
Fresh fish, game nnd poultry. Cas-
Got yotir clothes cleaned at Joer
gcr's. Have your shoes repaired at
New hooks arriving dally at Fra-
zicr s nook store.
Huy a fountain pen this week at half
price at Frazter's.
Wunted Machinist and moulder at
rtlgby-Clove Foundry.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candles and fruits.
Iilhlos, testaments, prayer hooks,
McKlnlpy 10c music, Nolf's.
Tents, camp stoves, camp stools;
etc., at Ilader's Furniture store.
Huy sheet music of us and draw a
prize. Inland Empire Piano House.
Goods that are right at prices that
are right at Rarter's furniture store.
All kinds of Imported and domestic
lunches and clam chowder at Gratz's.
Don't let cigars get tho best of you
get the host of cigars. Hanlon's.
At and helow cost all summer, rall
lluery, especially patterns. Mrs.
Are you going camping? U C Ila
der's camp stools, loldlng tables and
camp supplies.
$300 will buy a new half hack buggy,
new harness and good span of horses.
Despalu & Clark.
Wanted Two furnished rooms lor
light housekeeping. Address W. II,
C care East Oregonlon office.
Estimates given on short notice on
painting and paper hanging. Charles
Lane, the pioneer painter, 807 Vin
cent street.
1'rW.nn awarded when 15U tickets
I are given out. Ticket with every 35c
I snle of sheet music Inland Empire
Piano House.
' Good meat in buumier must he
1 taken care of. That's the kind you
' get at Houser's. Alta street, opposite
Savings Hank.
Wanted An office girl who is a!
I good penman and hns some knowl-
edge of bookkeeping. Appiy hi
nestle Laundry.
Bernard O'Gaia will occupy my of-
I flee during my absence, and will sup
ply you with wood and coal and re
ceipt you for all money paid in. P. P.
Collier & Co.
There are no secrets about tho pro
cess of manufacturing Ice at the Ross
! Ice & Cold Storage plant. Come and
see how It is done and you will see
that there Is no ammonia, alcohol or
any other substance whatever added
I to the distilled water to aid In tne
! freezing. 1
' Stuttering children are mimeroiis .
.. .i i, normnnv. and it is
'thought the VUuO sch.
At present there are 80,000 scnooi
t children In that country whoso speech
is thus affected.
Successor to Ex-Councilman Frailer
Is to Be Appointed The Work of
Overhauling and Completing Re
pairs on the Main Street Bridge
Will Be Looked After.
Tho matter of the appointment of
a new councilman to fill the place left
vacant by the resignation of Alder
man Frazler has been under tho no
tice of tho other members of the coun
cil for the last week, and this even
ing at the regular meeting of tho
council tho name of W. J. Sewell, tho
manager of the Gray's Harbor Lum
ber Company, will be presented by
the mayor.
Mr, Sewell Is too well known to
need an introduction to tho people of
the city, and It is assured that his
nomination by the mayor will be met
with tho sanction of tho rest of tne
members of the council. Out of sever
al men In the ward Mr. Sewell was
tho choice of tho remaining alder
men. Another thing that will bo a subject
for discussion this evening will be tho
repairing of the Main street bridge.
It Is a matter that has been worrying
the street commissioner for some
time, as the work should ho done be
fore tho heavy wheat hauling com
mences. It Is the intention of tho
COmmlsslnnnr rn inln iinrintcalnn In
re-deck the structure and put It in
good snape for all of the work of the
coming fall. Not long ago all of tne
braces and rods were tightened ut
and the framework made as safe and
In as good condition ns possible, but
the floor is badly worn anil it is a
question as to whether or not it would
stand the strain of tho coming month
without an accident If no repairs were
New Program Brings Out An Immense
Last night the entire seating ca
pacity of Shields' Park was in use by
the largo audience which came to en
joy the Interesting program.
The new numbers all made a decid
ed hit. Wise nnd Milton, tho colored
sketch team, did some clever wotk,
They are fun-makers that have a re
freshing joke for every one. J. J.
Welch won the applause of tho largo
audience In the rendition of his songs
and his. invigorating stories. Frank
Howman, as an illusionist, is a high
class artist. His disappearance from
the cage was a most clever and
well executed piece of art.
The Illustrated songs, by Ronald
Uradbtiry, were well rendered and
Mr. Bradbury made a hit which will
be a drawing card during the week.
Baby Owlngs, the G-year-old star
attraction of ,the week, although han
dicapped by tho absence of costumes
and paraphernalia, owing to a delay
of baggage trunks, at once captured
the audience,
New pictures on the polyscopo and
views of a more or less local nature,
some of them being taken from scenes
during Roosevelt's visit to Portland,
made a fitting close to the excellent
A strong list of amateur pioduc
tlous Is being made up for Thursday
night. In order to accommodate tho
public, tickets to the park have been
placed on sale at Brock & McComas
drug store.
T'e old reliable Log Cabin Soda Fountain is nerving
tho purest and best of ovor.ytbi.ig
nr. hUmis. from Main Ntreet towiini mi.
Notice to Stone Contractors.
Pendleton, Or., August 11, 1803.
Scaled proposals will bo received at
the office of tho undersigned, room 7,
over the Boston Store, until 3 p. m.,
on Thursdny, August 13, for the erec
tion and completion of a stone base
ment ,to bo situated on tho corner of
Main and Railroad streets, Pendleton,
Oregon, lor Purl Bowman. Bids to be
made for furnishing tho lime, sand,
and stone by the cubic foot, same to
be measured in the wall, after comple
tion. Tho owner reserves the right
to reject any or all bids.' Plans and
specifications may bo seen at the of
fice of the undorslgned.
C. K, TROUTMAN, Architect.
Boys Locked Up.
La Grande, Aug. 11. Two young
tourists, hoboos, were arrested about
four miles and a half from La Grande
yesterday evening, by Deputy Sheriff
Tom Johnson. They had started from
Union with u horse and cart which it
was presumed they had stolen, rno
boys who were about 17 years old,
claimed the rig belonged to their
father, but it was found that no such
person resided In Union, and they
were taken back and locked up.
Card of Thanks.
We the relatives of W. W. Semple,
deceased, deslro to publicly express
our sinceie thanks to the friends and
neighbors who so kindly gave assist
ance In a tlmo of sorrow and trouble.
Gets Three Days.
Elvin Hawks was before the city
court this afternoon charged with
drunkenness and was fined $5 by the
judge, but not having the price ho
was sent to tho city hotel where, lie
will be a boarder for the next three
The Peoples' Warehouse
August Bargains
3uc and -10c Wash Goods per yard 19c
20c Lawns and Dimities per yard 7c
8e Percales in dark or light colors
per yard
Extra Special Silk Sale
$1.25 all Silk Black Poi de Soi
per yard . . . 75c
$1.50 Silk Crepe do Sheono in
all colors per yaid . S)Sc
S5c Guaranteed Taffeta Silks all
colors per yard . . GDo
$1.75 3(5 in. black Guaranteed
Taffeta per yard . . $1,25
These goods are so good in quality and so low in
that it will pay you to buy for future needs
The Peoples' Warehouse
Outfitters for Women and Men.
Selection of Teachers Ratified
Plumbing Contract to Thompson
Messrs.J. W. Scriber, of La Grande,
r i Bnvtrin rr rinlii.r Pltv President
French, of Weston, and W. M. Blak-1
lnv (. Kastland. were In tho city to-,
,nv in ii n i, ml f, miintliiir of the execu
tive committee of the board of regents
of the Weston Normal tscnooi. ,
Tho meeting was called to order by
Dm .linlrmnn nf tint mmmtttCO 111 till! ,
rooms ol the Commercial Association
this morning, and the uusinesB was
finished about noon. There was noth-
I,,,. nf Iniivirtniirin ilnnn PXPfnt tilO
ratification of the choice made I))' the
president of tho teachers lor tne com
ing year. The teachers had all been
appointed some time ago, but there
was some question as to whether or
not some of them would como on tho
salary that was offered, and it was
left to the president to make all ar
rangements. The meeting today sim
ply ratified tho appointments ho had
'rim r-iiiiirninii of the meeting was
given authority to award a small con
tract for plumbing to j nompfcou
Brothers, of this city, and u few bills
for tho past year that had not been
presented at the time of tho last meet
ing were ordered paid.
In tho estimation of the mombers of
the boaid tho school Is In a bettor
condition now than It has been for
some time, nnd tho attendants bids
fair to bo greater in tho coming year
than it ever has been before. Tho new
building will bo ready for tho use of
the school by tho time the sessions
opens, and with tho added room and
tho increabod facilities for the handl
ing of tho pupils the management Is
well pleabod with tho outlook. Tho
school will open thn first of tho
coming month.
Extensive Shipments of Beeves to the
Sound Markets.
J C. I-onergan bought 11 carloads
of fat rattle of Henry Blackwell tho
last of tho week Just closed, and sh p
ped them for Seattle from Ontario.
When tho train was In tne vicinity
of Huron last Saturday, one nf thn
wheels of ono of tho cars broke and
tho car was brought to tills city and
tho cattlo unloaded here. They uru
still In tho city und will lie shipped
out over tho W. & C. It, this evening,
Mr. Lonerguu left this morning for
the Camas Prairie country and tho In
terior, where ho will got together an
other largo shipment for tho Seattle
company. If the cattlo can bo gotten
closu enough to this city they will lie
shipped out from here
Minnesota Ih devoting her energies
to pieborvlng a suction or her mag
nificent lake and forest region for u
national park.
Get Your
at the
Shoe Parlor
Rmid Saw
25c on Children's Shoes
25c on Boy's Shoes
50c on Udies' Shoe
5(Jc on Men's Shoes
ft Another large shipment oi
$ new and stylish tablets.
I'ricus range from ioc to 30c,
Sies.note, iackt and letter,
5 to 90 pago each.
A Partial List
Royal linglish llontl.
Old Holland Linen
Now Flax.
Cnliwel) Fibre
Lancaster Linen,
Currency Hand,
Crushed liond,
Imperial China bilk.
Royal Mail.
India Gauze
CiMfiirni it 11 ft n nil
kmpress of India, etc
The Very Latest Tablet
g ,
Full Line of School Booki and
S School Supplies
One Single heated Top liuggy
One Double Set of Harries
One Set Steel Wagon Wheels
6nf 12 Shoe Grain Drill
Also Five Young Cattle
t all on or Aillrt-f
H. W. Potter
Cole's Addition
IVudletoii, Ore,